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Conference Session
Project-Based Experiences in Architectural Engineering
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sinead MacNamara, Syracuse University; Larry D Bowne II, Syracuse University
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and high-school children) had a contractual right to use the Field Houseand adjacent play areas. In addition to the these formal relations, students had to treat thelarger network of local residents, businesses and institutions as part of their user group(s),if not their actual client(s).The Berg: Coursework and CurriculumThe authors set up two related courses: a six-unit section of the Comprehensive DesignStudio, open to fourth-year undergraduates in SU’s professional program, and a three-credit hour professional elective, open to students in architecture and engineering.Students enrolled in these two courses were joined by a student in Industrial Design fromthe school of Visual and Performing Arts and the aforementioned pair of
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Negar Heidari Matin, Eastern Michigan University; Ali Eydgahi, Eastern Michigan University; Shinming Shyu, Eastern Michigan University
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, electro-mechanical technology, passive technology, information technology and advanced materialtechnology. This categorization is based on the types of actuating technologies used in responsive 4Fig.1: Sensing, actuating and control technologies used in responsive facade systems 5facade systems. Also, a system with integrated technology is proposed by integrating passive andactive systems, which utilizes the advantages of both systems.Mechanical Technology and Responsive FacadesThe previously discussed factors triggered the need for transition from traditional static facades toautomated facades. The common architectural slogan in the 1960’s was “make a
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rachel D. Mosier, Oklahoma State University
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, students had difficultyidentifying a new or creative way to present the solution to the assignment. Video results, asshown in Figures 1 through 5, illustrate students performing the assignment. Although there wasnot a significant increase in the overall grades, video assignments will continue to be used in thiscourse.References:1. sciencemusicvideos. (2015) Margulis, E.H. (2014) On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind. New York, NY: OxfordUniversity Press.3. Robinson, J. S. (2006). Graduates' and employers' perceptions of entry-level employabilityskills needed by agriculture, food and natural resources graduates.4. Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: Aframework for teacher knowledge
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheena Nastasia Marston, The Ohio State University; Fabian Hadipriono Tan P.E., The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA; Michael Parke, The Ohio State University; Olga Maria Stavridis, Ohio State University; Lisa Elanna Burris, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
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modelled and analyzed individually without changing the nature of the remainder of thematerials. When combined with an in-depth understanding of the structure, the creation processbecomes more precise. Furthermore, this program is currently the industry standard, much likeAutoCAD was when it arose in the 1980’s; it has become the design standard and a larger part ofthe Building Information Modeling (BIM) movement within the construction industry and so ifany adjustments had to be made to the actual building, multiple firms could use the files toinform the changes. This also allows for the opportunity to test certain conditions, such as anychanges to be made and determine their impacts within the software prior to construction.Finally, Revit
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carisa H. Ramming, Oklahoma State University; Steven E. O'Hara, Oklahoma State University
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., Osborne, J., Dillon, J., Willis, B. and Wong, B. (2010), “Doing” scienceversus “being” a scientist: Examining 10/11-year-old schoolchildren’s constructions of sciencethrough the lens of identity. Sci. Ed., 94: 617 – 639. Doi:10.1002/sce.20399Gottfredson, Linda S. (1981). Circumscription and compromise: A developmental theory ofoccupational aspirations. Journal of Counseling Psychology, Vol 28(6), 545 – 579.Hooley, T. (2017, February 01). Explainer: when should children start to think about theircareers? Retrieved February 11, 2017, from, V., Flouri, E., Joshi, H., & Sullivan, A. (2014). Fantasy, unrealistic and uncertainaspirations and
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Beth Huffman, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Kelsey Lee Reker; Mary Ann Frank, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
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tocompletion is a concept that resonates throughout various content areas.BibliographyArutchelvi, J., et. al. eds. (2008) “Biodegradation of polyethylene and polypropylene” in IndianJournal of Biotechnology,Vol. 7, January 2008, 9-22.Barnes, B., et al. (2006) Sustainable Characteristics of Earthbag Housing, Housing and SocietyJournal, Vol. 33, No. 2, 21-32.Galford, G., Hawkins, S., & Hertweck, M. (2015). Problem-Based Learning as a Model for theInterior Design Classroom: Bridging the Skills Divide Between Academia and Practice.Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 9(2).Hunter, Kaki, and Donald Kiffmeyer. Earthbag Building: The Tools, Tricks and Techniques.Gabriola Island, BC: New Society, 2004. Print.Mayo, J. A. (2004). Using Case