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science and engineering (S&E).” [1] The lack of representation and diversityin the science and engineering fields may negatively impact innovation and productivity. [2] Inaddition, the demand for skilled STEM workers is projected to increase. Although many effortshave been taken to increase STEM interest and STEM career pursuit, shortages in the STEMfield continue to exist. STEM fields do not attract and retain enough workers from youngergenerations.[3],[4],[5] As a result, the current and estimated supply to the STEM workforce doesnot meet the growing demand. [6],[7] Additionally, there is a need to address the disparateimpact of race/ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status on students’ access to andengagement with STEM opportunities
did not experience changes during their internships during the summerof 2020. Although from an economic perspective, PPE might appear to be non-consequential, forconstruction, the additional PPE is an additional cost. More importantly, the difficulty in findingwork that was identified is quite essential. This finding indicates that internships during times ofeconomic change, whether sudden or due to an ongoing recession, affect students. Additionalresearch is required to determine if all recessions affect internships, as they are often required aspart of graduation requirements.References[1] Barr, A., Turner, S.E. and Danziger, S.(2013). "Expanding Enrollments and Contracting State Budgets: The Effect of the Great Recession on Higher
tosupport improved collaborative approaches.AcknowledgementThe presented work in this paper has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation(NSF) under award 1504898. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressedin this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the NSF.References[1] F. Mantovani, "12 VR Learning: Potential and Challenges for the Use of 3D Environments in Education and Training." Towards cyberpsychology: mind, cognition, and society in the Internet age 207-224, P. 208, 2001.[2] S. Bryson, Steve. "Approaches to the successful design and implementation of VR applications." Virtual Reality Applications 3-15, p. 3, 1995.[3] L. Jarmon, et al. "Virtual world teaching
Paper ID #32440Gender Differences in Construction Management Students’ Sense of Belong-ingDr. Luciana Debs, Purdue University Programs Luciana Debs, is an Assistant Professor of Construction Management in the School Construction Man- agement Technology at Purdue University. She received her PhD from Purdue University Main Campus, her MS from the Technical Research Institute of Sao Paulo (IPT-SP), and BArch from the University of S˜ao Paulo (USP), in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Prior to her current position she worked in design coordination in construction and real estate development companies in Brazil. Her research is mainly
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they actually wantedmore time. Fig. 9. Students’ opinion on the duration of the virtual visitsThese last two results show the necessity presented by the students for activities such as thevirtual construction site visits, that not only encourage them to learn and achieve their academicgoals but to be an emotional support in these difficult times.V. Discussion and conclusionsThe capability of students to attend construction sites in contingency situations, is fundamentalfor the completion of the academic goals of the Civil Engineering curricula. It´s important thatthe students recognize this and the importance of the opportunity of experiencing these activitiesin challenging times. From the previous results we can state
will be replaced by interfaces yet to be imagined, much like the mouse Environment and keyboard were being invented at Xerox Park in the 70’s. As designers of three-dimensional environments, architects will play a decisive role in defining this virtual world, contrarily to graphic designers who dominated the visual characterization of a 2-Dimensional web. VR and AR may also in the future fundamentally disrupt the way that we design and conceptualize architecture.”[8]Cornell University
time recognizing that the purpose of a universitydegree is to build a strong foundation on which employers should expect they will have to dosome work with young coop students and graduates to add task-specific training.4.0 Assessment of Teamwork and Creative Problem Solving SkillsIn the following section, an example of a first effort to qualitatively assess the impact(s) ofunique elements of the Arch E curriculum delivery is described. In order to facilitate this effort, aqualitative comparison was conducted of the Arch E student performance and the performance ofstudents in other engineering programs in completing a similar task. One of the first yearmechanics courses common to all programs was used for this comparison. The same
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-2017). She is also a judge for the Reimagine Education Awards (2016 – present). In May 2017 she won the ”Inspiring Professor Award” at Tec de Monterrey. She has organized successful Summer Programs in UK, Japan, China and Thailand. She has presented her Research and work at dif- ferent international forums: ASME, Pittsburgh, U.S. 2018 / The Festival of Teaching at Birmingham City University, 2017 / Hayashi Genjuro Art Gallery, Kurashiki, Japan 2016Dr. Gibr´an Sayeg-S´anchez, Tecnol´ogico de Monterrey American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Paper ID #33318Dr
norms, from internal compassion for to community time, talent authority, or motivations community (i.e., no engagement or resources expectations (i.e., personal expectation of to ways that of others (e.g., experience, reward or make a parents, values and recognition; not difference in instructor, beliefs, about personal the advisor, clubs, and/or self- accomplishment[s]) community. religious identified
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2 1.8 Parent(s) Counselor Teacher Friend Sibling Famous Mentor Grandparent person Influencing Individuals Figure 8: Average Score of Individual Impacting Students’ PerceptionIn the last section, participants were asked to rate likelihood of attending the camp again. Table 2 showsthe percentage of each level. Table 2: Percentage of Each Likelihood Level
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