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Conference Session
BME Courses and Learning Activities
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge E. Bohorquez, University of Miami; Ozcan Ozdamar, University of Miami; Jonathon Anthony Toft-Nielsen, University of Miami
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give immediate feedback to the students. Allobservations are collected and logged in a lab report after each session. In later labs, focus shifts to the microcontroller, specifically the 8051 modelmicrocontroller. Lab work shifts from building physical circuits to writing segments of code.Many students find programming portions of the course to be less immediately rewarding if theyare only manipulating digital values internal to the chip. In order to help ease the shift, as welland give students immediate physical feedback, the instructors for the class built a speciallydesigned test board. Each board was fitted with a port where the AT89C8051 microcontrollercould be plugged into after programming. Included on the board were a number of
Conference Session
Novel BME Courses and Course Adaptations
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Conrad Zapanta, Pennsylvania State University; Keefe Manning, Pennsylvania State University
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reliability and device testing. Special emphasis was placed on reviewingFDA protocols and applications for prosthetic heart valves and artificial hearts. A series oflectures were also presented on the artificial organ (medical device) industry. These lecturesincluded topics on careers in artificial organs in academia and industry, grant writing, andfunding streams.The remaining lecture portion of the course described different examples of artificial organs,drawing heavily on the concepts introduced previously. These artificial organs includedcirculatory support devices, drug delivery systems, artificial lungs and oxygenators, artificialkidney, pacemakers, neural prostheses, prosthetic heart valves, orthopedic implants, bioartificialorgans (tissue
Conference Session
Hands-on Learning in BME
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric G Meyer, Lawrence Technological University; Brent L Ulrey , Western New England University
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for all freshmen in the College of Engineering at LTU. This committee is currently designing a new sophomore-level Engineering Entrepreneurship Studio that will also be required for all students as a continuation of the ”Foundations Studio.” He has published 33 peer-reviewed journal and conference proceeding articles. At LTU, Meyer offers a number of outreach programs for high school students and advises many projects for undergraduate students.Dr. Brent L Ulrey , Western New England University Brent Ulrey has worked as an engineer in the medical device and heavy industries. He holds a PhD in Biological Systems Engineering and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineer- ing from the University of
Conference Session
Instructional Methods and Tools in BME
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mia Markey, University of Texas at Austin; Kathy Schmidt, University of Texas at Austin
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access the staff information of the course 25 Website. 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Staff Information: Number of AccessesIn addition to BlackBoard® usage data, we analyzed student survey data regarding issuesassociated instructional technologies such as frequency of use, comfort in use, communicationwith instructors, communication with peers, knowledge of course deadlines and requirements,review of course materials
Conference Session
Pedagogical Developments in BME
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Vargis, Vanderbilt University; Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Vanderbilt University
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examples).One homework assignment was given during the module, looking at different Raman signaturesfor molecules and student's ability at disseminating information from research papers. One take-home test was given at the end of the module. See appendix for more information.Go PublicIn pairs, students designed a 1-2 page study guide on a different technique than the onesdescribed in class. Their peers used this study guide on their take-home exam. See appendix for Page 15.680.6the rubric used in grading the study guide.Assessing Legacy CycleThe success of adding a LC module to the class was assessed using three methods. The first wasby having 3
Conference Session
BME Course and Curriculum Development
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Aston, East Tennessee State University; William H. Blanton, East Tennessee State University
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Reseachers Figure 9. small, especially for advancedcourses, and so self-publishing seems appropriate. For 50 years or more teachers haveself-published text material. In one of the author’s experience in 1960 one of his professors didan entire undergraduate service course in engineering on “dittos”, with hand writing, typing andhand sketches. The advent of the Xerox machine in the 60’s made it possible to incorporate partsof printed text material, especially figures, graphs and tables, and university reproduction centerscould use offset printing to provide alternative text material. Now Modern computer-generateddocuments using a word