imaging in stroke and brain trauma.Larry Fennigkoh, Milwaukee School of EngineeringNE Schlick, Milwaukee School of EngineeringCharles S. Tritt, Ph.D., Milwaukee School of Engineering Dr. Tritt is an Associate Professor and the director of the Biomedical Engineering program at the Mil- waukee School of Engineering. His professional interests include biomedical applications of mass, heat and momentum transfer; biomaterials, medical device and process modeling; medical device design; the FDA Quality System (also known as the current GMP) regulation (particularly design controls); and en- trepreneurship.Ron Gerrits, Milwaukee School of Engineering
AC 2011-2054: SIGNIFICANT FACTORS IN SUCCESSFULLY MATCH-ING STUDENTS TO BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH LABO-RATORIESJonathan Sanghoon Lee, University of Virginia Jonathan S. Lee is currently an undergraduate in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Virginia.Mr. Shing Wai YamWilliam H Guilford, University of Virginia Will Guilford is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Virginia, and the current Undergraduate Program Director. He received his B.S. in Biology and Chemistry from St. Francis College in Ft. Wayne, Indiana and his Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of Arizona. Will did his postdoctoral training in Molecular Biophysics at the University of Vermont under David
with demonstrable function (s). The designer presented sensible strategies for measuring the function (s) including uses of appropriate statistical tools. Extra point: Voted best design by the class (optional).The goals for this design challenge were to 1. learn to use a laser cutter, a relatively simple machining tool 2. learn to define and demonstrate function of an artifact 3. learn to measure functional performance using statistical tools Page 22.1596.4 4. learn to work within specific constraints (amount of material and shapes of basic building blocks
Assessment of the Quality of Bone and Scaffold Materials. Heidelberg,Germany: Springer; 2007.6. Xu H, Simon CG. Fast setting calcium phosphate–chitosan scaffold:mechanicalproperties and biocompatibility. Biomaterials. 2005;26:1337-48.7. Converse G, Yue W, Roeder RK. Processing and tensile properties ofhydroxyapatite-whisker-reinforced polyetheretherketone. Biomaterials. 2007;28:927-35.8. Schnieders J, Gbureck U, Thulb R, Kissel T. Controlled release of gentamicinfrom calcium phosphate—poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) composite bone cement.Biomaterials. 2006;27.9. Xu H, Quinn, JB Calcium phosphate cement containing resorbable fibers forshort-term reinforcement and macroporosity. Biomaterials. 2002;23:193-202.10. LI S, Liu B
to the current phase “Expansion Development” (NSF DUE-1022750).References1. Acharya R, Wasserman R, Stevens J, and Hinojosa C: Biomedical imaging modalities: a tutorial. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 19:3-25, 1995.2. Allan GL, and Zylinski J: The teaching of computer programming and digital image processing in radiography. Intl. Journal of Medical Informatics 1998; 50:139-143.3. Alon P: Bringing the Internet and multimedia revolution to the classroom. Campus-Wide Information System 17:16-22, 2000.4. Athanasiou S, Kouvaras I, Poulakis I, Kokorogiannis A, Tsanakas P, and Koziris N: TALOS: An interactive
in that was not part of your regular coursework? How many yearshave you performed research and at what level of your education (high school/college/etc?)?______________________________________________________________________________What was your high school GPA (4.0 scale)? _________What is your current GPA at IIT? _________What is your current GPA in your major(s) at IIT? _________What is your overall GPA in science courses? _________What college science courses have you taken so far? ______________________________________________Career & AspirationsWhat career or occupation(s) are you interested in pursuing after your studies at IIT? ____________________What individuals, if any, do you identify with who are in the field of science or
who are accepting of the electronic format tend to find themodules useful. This suggests that enhancement of the electronic experience itself could allowmore students to recognize the learning benefits of this technology.References1. Howard L. Adaptive Learning Technologies for Biomedical Education. IEEE Engineering in Medicine andBiology Magazine 2003; 22:58-65.2. Howard L, Remenyi Z, Pap G. Adaptive Blended Learning Environments. 9th International Conference onEngineering Education. San Juan, PR; 2006:T3K11-T13K16.3. Bransford J, Brown A, Cocking R (eds). How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School Washington,DC: National Academy Press; 1999.4. Roselli RJ, Howard L, Brophy S. A computer-based Free Body Diagram Assistant. Computer
taken outtside the BIO OEN departm ment. Lastlyy, juniors preesented the ddesire to havve anincreased d quantitative basis in their physiologgy course. partmental ProceedingsIntradep P s: New Curriculum DeevelopmentHaving successfully s navigated thhe ABET acccreditation pprocess in 20008, the depaartmentdeterminned it had eno ough experieence and forrmative feedbback to undeergo an exam mination of tthecurriculu um. Consideeration of thee results pressented abovee ultimately led to an iniitiation ofcurriculu um revision by b the BIOE EN faculty annd academicc affairs stafff. The first sstep consisteed ofa “Curricculum Summ mit,” in which
Liquid Chromatography Laboratory (HLCL) which is designed to facilitate ablended learning mode. Page 22.1662.6 Figure 5: Actual LP Biologic Chromatography SystemLearning cyclesThe proposed blended learning cycle recommends a five-step approach to student learning: 1. use simulations and online materials to learn the theory and basic principles underlying protein purification; 2. use simulations to become familiar with a liquid column chromatography system, its components and their function; 3. perform virtual experiment(s); 4. evaluate knowledge and virtual skills, using a built-in assessment tool, before granting access
Agrawal R. Programming games to learn algorithms. Proceedings of theASEE Conference 2007.3. Bowen J. Motivating civil engineering students to learn computer programming with astructural design project. Proceedings of the ASEE Conference 2004.4. Bundy D. Four steps to teaching C programming. Proceedings of the Frontiers in EducationConference 2002.5. Clough D. Teaching introductory computing to ChE students - A modern computing coursewith emphasis on problem solving and programming. Proceedings of the ASEE Conference2002.6. Clough D, Chapra S and Huvard G. A change in approach to engineering computing forfreshmen - Similar directions at three dissimilar institutions. Proceedings of the ASEEConference 2001
. Page 22.1342.918. Marceglia S, Bonacina S, Mazzola L, Pinciroli F. Education in biomedical informatics: learning by doing bioimage archiving. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2007;2007:5924-5928.19. Newstetter WC. Fostering integrative problem solving in biomedical engineering: the PBL approach. Ann Biomed Eng. Feb 2006;34(2):217-225.20. Sachdeva AK. Surgical education to improve the quality of patient care: the role of practice-based learning and improvement. J Gastrointest Surg. Nov 2007;11(11):1379-1383.21. Van Ginneken CJ, Vanthourout G. Rethinking the learning and evaluation environment of a veterinary course in gross anatomy: the implementation of an assessment and development center and an E-learning
were made in Indonesia, and a screen designed in Korea). It made me realize how interconnected everything is now. One of my favorite books is called “The World is Flat,” and it was at that moment that the world truly felt flat and so small. No accomplishment, advancement, product, or anything can be claimed by a single country now. Everything humanity does now is a global effort in every sense.The CURE students appreciated the universally positive work relationships that they shared withtheir PKU graduate student mentors but did not develop social relationships with them thatextended outside of the lab or their shared work. The mentors made the effort to make theirCURE colleague(s) comfortable in the labs by sharing
due to slow or dropped internet connections.Overall, incorporating the Tablet PC into classroom activities has enhanced student learning byincreasing in-class interaction and engagement of students in their own learning.References[1] W. S. Harwood, "Course enhancement:A road map for devising active-learning and inquirybased science courses," International Journal of Developmental Biology, vol. 47, pp. 213-21, 2003.[2] "Survey of Three Different Methods of Delivering Engineering Content in Lectures," Journal of Educational Technology Systems, vol. 38, pp. 349-66, 2009/2010.[3] J. W. Rogers, and James R. Cox, "Integrating a Single Tablet PC in Chemistry, Engineering, and Physics Courses," Journal of College
great scenarios were presented(kidnappings, etc.). For homework, each student individually was then assigned to seriously re-search what technology would be needed, develop cost estimates, and describe how (s)he wouldallocate the resources, and why. With rare exception, these reports were exceedingly well done.A few students weighed morality as an important consideration (e.g., addicted son gets the least).A Socratic discussion of critical care technology was interspersed with an explanation of bio-potentials (EKG, EMG, EEG), their sources and their clinical value. A lecture on the basis ofand use of life-support and/or rehabilitation technology in end-of-life situations followed. Thisthen led to a presentation on three seminal legal cases
, such as a pre-and-post course skillsassessment, can be implemented in the future to address this shortcoming. Additionally, an even Page 22.1397.12closer interaction between lecture and laboratory seems to be required; perhaps only one course,in a mixed lecture-lab classroom should be implemented. As indicated by the student feedbackand by design the presented course does well to help closes the gap between college educationand BME professional practice.References1. Lee J. S., Biomedical Engineering Entrepreneurship. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 20102. Semmlow, J. L., Biosignal and Medical Image Processing, CRC
faculty members in an assessment process that is not onerous, weincrease the likelihood of having vigorous and productive discussions of curricular strengths andpotential areas of improvement, and subsequently developing and implementing curricularreforms, which are the desired end-results.Acknowledgements:The authors would like to acknowledge the important contributions of BME AssessmentCommittee members from 2006 to 2010: Walter Block, Pablo Irrarazaval, Wan-Ju Li, KristynMasters, William Murphy, Amit Nimunkar, Brenda Ogle, John Puccinelli, Paul Thompson,Mitch Tyler, John Webster, Justin Williams and Tom Yen.References:1. Website, accessed January 19, 2011.2. Enderle, J., Gassert, J., Blanchard, S., King, P., Beasley, P., Hale
, 2010. 3. Page, Ann (Ed.) (2004). Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses. Committee on the Work Environment for Nurses and Patient Safety. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C. 4. Bogner, S. (1994). Human Error in Medicine. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. 5. Powell-Cope, G., Neslon, A.L., Patterson, E.S. Chapter 50: Patient care technology and safety in Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Accessed December 21, 2010. 6. Reason, J. (1997). Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents. Ashgate Publishing: Farnham, UK. 7. Medical Device Use-Safety