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Conference Session
Design in the BME Curriculum and ABET Assessment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Renee Rogge, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Glen Livesay, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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engineering programs have freshman engineering courses designed to introduce studentsto the design process early in their careers. Such courses typically focus on communicationskills, team work, self-evaluation and reflection, systematic approaches to problem solving, andgenerating and considering alternative solutions.1 These are critical engineering skills to masterand provide freshman with a glimpse into their futures as engineers. In addition, successfulexperiences in such courses have been correlated with higher retentions rates.2 However, anintense biomedical engineering design experience at the freshman level is difficult to achievesince most “real world” design experiences require advanced analytical skills and body ofknowledge that is not
Conference Session
Biology in Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Coppinger, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Shannon Sexton, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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. Active/reflective learning: Does the student prefer to learn something by actually “doing” it (active learner), or do they prefer to think about it quietly (reflective learner)? 2. Sensing/intuitive learning: Does the student prefer using facts and well- established methods for solving problems (sensing), or do they prefer learning abstractions and general concepts (intuitive)? 3. Visual/verbal learning: Does the student learn best using diagrams, pictures, charts, etc. (visual), or by reading the textbook and listening to lectures (verbal)? 4. Sequential/global learning: Does the student learn best when the information is
Conference Session
Design in the BME Curriculum and ABET Assessment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Glen Livesay, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Renee Rogge, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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interactions with the junior design teams (“What sort of questionsare being asked, and what assistance are you providing?”) and also speculated as to what theythought were the underlying reasons for the questions (“What aspects of the design processappear to be unclear, or present challenges?”). Seniors also completed assignments in whichthey were asked to reflect on their own experiences in design (cast largely in terms of questionsregarding the junior teams), as a way to guide them through a process of ‘closing the loop’ ontheir own capstone design experience. Summative feedback was obtained from the seniors at theend of the term, both on the mentoring process and interactions, as well as the overall biomedicalengineering design sequence.Results
Conference Session
BME Curriculum Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathy Schmidt, University of Texas-Austin; Mia Markey, University of Texas-Austin
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material outside of classBlackBoard® was considered to be very valuable for supporting review of course materialoutside of class and this did not change over the course of the semester. The value ofPowerPoint® for self-study was higher (“strong positive”) for BME 335 as compared with that Page 11.233.5reported for previous courses (“moderate positive”, p < 0.01). This likely reflects the merits ofthe “non-linear” organization of the PowerPoint® notes with numerous hyperlinks among coursetopics. CPS was reported to have a “moderate negative” role in reviewing course materialoutside of class for both previous courses and BME 335. This is
Conference Session
Design in the BME Curriculum and ABET Assessment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kay C Dee, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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themselves or collectively, acceptable methods for documenting achievement ofoutcomes,”[2] since these assessments provide evidence of either student opinions, or ofgeneralized student achievement across a potentially broad area of study. Programs seekingABET accreditation must use an assessment strategy which demonstrates the level of studentachievement of clearly-defined, designated criteria. Ideally, the assessment strategy will alsohave the ability to be logically coordinated across a program as a whole; provide feedback that isinformative as well as easily organized and interpreted; and facilitate reflection andimprovements on multiple levels – from specific, focused areas of the program to a broad,holistic overview of the program. To meet
Conference Session
BME Curriculum Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Harris, Vanderbilt University; Sean Brophy, Purdue University; Robert Linsenmeier, Northwestern University; Alene Harris, Purdue University
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. U. Pittsburg 3. The workshop caused me to reflect HST/MIT on my own teaching. U. Memphis 4. The workshop increased my interest UT Austin in using HPL in the classroom. 5. I enjoyed the workshop. Figure 1: Survey results from VaNTH workshopsV. Web MaterialsA web site ( that has links to courseware profiles of work developed underVaNTH has been developed. A typical page from this site is shown in Figure 2. Profiles for 49modules and whole courses are given at this site. Many of these profiles also have more
Conference Session
Novel BME Courses and Course Adaptations
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
George Catalano, State University of New York-Binghamton
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discussion of the origins of both. The modern theory of theorigin of water (i.e. transported in the form of ice by comets) proved to be mostenergetic. “Winged Migration” brought the importance of external aerodynamics andthe persistence and stubbornness of life to the forefront of awareness. After eachvideo presentation, the class was then asked to reflect on what they had seen in a freewriting format. Circular Internal and Flows: Non- Plants & circular Animals Pipe Non- Flows circular
Conference Session
BME Curriculum Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ann Saterbak, Rice University; Michele Follen, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center; Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Rice University
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process (4.1); readiness for more demanding research (4.0);understanding the research process (4.0); skill in how to give an effective oral presentation (4.4);learning to work independently (4.1). Students also had very favorable comments about theirfaculty mentors. Some students acted as peer mentors. One student reflected, “I was placed incharge of a college freshman and a high school freshman. I found this to be extremelychallenging because I had to manage my time between doing my own work, assigning work tomy mentees, ensuring they understood what they were doing and did a good job, and teachingthem when needed. All in all, this summer was extremely rewarding in that I helped two peoplegain a better understanding of science and research and
Conference Session
BME Curriculum Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Larry Howard, Vanderbilt University; Robert Roselli, Purdue University
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taken by the student in the problem solution is instrumented by the eLMS delivery platform,students and instructors can easily review the module to support reflection. This approach alsofrees teaching assistants from the necessity of grading homework, most of which is workedcorrectly, and allows them to spend time with the students who most need their help.Many educators recognize the value of such modules, but designing, constructing and debuggingdiagnostic learning modules using CAPE can be very time consuming. Educators will readilyuse modules designed by someone else, but claim to be too strapped for time to design their owndiagnostic modules. The design environment that arises from this infrastructure provides a richset of features and
Conference Session
Novel BME Courses and Course Adaptations
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Conrad Zapanta, Pennsylvania State University; Keefe Manning, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
, and neuroprosthesis. The instructors of these specificareas were consulted to determine how these scores can be improved for future class offerings.6. ConclusionThis paper has described the development of an artificial organ design course at the PennsylvaniaState University. The objectives of this course are to understand engineering design and problemsolving techniques, become familiar with various engineering issues surrounding the design ofartificial organs, understand the process of obtaining regulatory approval for artificial organs,and apply these techniques and knowledge to the design of artificial organs. The current offeringof this course in the Spring of 2006 reflects this continuous development.AcknowledgementsThe authors would