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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 39 in total
Conference Session
Design in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Olga Imas, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Jeffrey A. LaMack, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Icaro Dos Santos, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Larry Fennigkoh P.E., Milwaukee School of Engineering; Charles S. Tritt, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Biomedical Engineering
, Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, American College of Clinical Engineering, American Society for Engineering Education, and an inducted Fellow within both the Amer- ican Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, and the American College of Clinical Engineering.Dr. Charles S. Tritt, Milwaukee School of Engineering Dr. Tritt’s research and consulting interests include biomedical applications of mass, heat and momentum transfer; embedded systems, sensors and actuators in biomedical engineering (BME), medical process and device modeling; biomaterials; and entrepreneurship, innovation and commercialization in engineering education. His Ph.D. is in Chemical Engineering from the Ohio State University
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineers and Professional Development - June 23rd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jeffrey A. LaMack, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Icaro dos Santos, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Larry Fennigkoh P.E., Milwaukee School of Engineering; Olga Imas, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Charles S. Tritt, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Biomedical Engineering
cardiology. Olga has over twenty peer-reviewed publications, and three pending patents. Her professional interests include physiological mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease, anesthetic ablation of consciousness, and applicability of medical imaging in stroke and brain trauma.Dr. Charles S. Tritt, Milwaukee School of Engineering Dr. Tritt has been the director of the Biomedical Engineering program at the Milwaukee School of En- gineering (MSOE) since 2009. He has been teaching at MSOE since 1990. His Ph.D. is in Chemical Engineering from the Ohio State University as is his B.S. degree. He holds an M.S. in Biomedical Engi- neering, also from Ohio State. His research interests include biomedical applications of mass, heat and
Conference Session
Intro to Biomedical Engineering and Vertically Integrated Curriculum (Works in Progress) - June 23rd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amber L. Doiron, University of Vermont; Jason H.T. Bates, University of Vermont; Ryan S. McGinnis, University of Vermont; Juan Jose Uriarte, University of Vermont; Niccolo M. Fiorentino, University of Vermont; Jeff Frolik, University of Vermont; Rachael A Oldinski
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Biomedical Engineering
from the University of Texas at Austin. She was the T. Chen Fong Postdoctoral Fellow in Medical Imaging in the Departments of Radiology and Chem- ical Engineering at the University of Calgary. Dr. Doiron also served as the chief scientific officer at NanoPulse Biosciences LLC for four years.Dr. Jason H.T. Bates, University of Vermont Dr. Jason H.T. Bates is a professor in the Department of Medicine in the Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont. His research interests focus on respiratory biomechanics and the pathophysiology of lung disease.Prof. Ryan S McGinnis, University of VermontDr. Juan Jose Uriarte, The University of VermontNiccolo M Fiorentino, University of VermontDr. Jeff Frolik, University of
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineers and Professional Development - June 23rd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emmett Jacob Springer; Aileen Huang-Saad, University of Michigan
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Biomedical Engineering
good physics student’ andinterest is defined as ‘desire/curiosity to think about and understand physics’. Performance andcompetence are distinguished by the difference between belief in ability ‘to perform [a] requiredphysics task’ and ‘to understand physics content’ respectively. Figure 1: Adapted visualization of Hazari et al.’s framework for ‘identification with physics’ per critical science agency [11]. In 2013, Godwin et al. used critical science agency and Hazari et al.’s physics identity framework toexplore engineering identity as a predictor of engineering major in college [13]. According to Godwin et al.,engineering identity relies heavily on strong mathematics and science identities yet should be studied as itsown entity, since
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Curriculum and Design - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kelsey Nicole Warren, Kansas State University; Charles Carlson, Kansas State University; Steve Warren, Kansas State University
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Biomedical Engineering
, FS) instead of BIOL 341 & 342 BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING CORE  Credits  Semester BME 001  New Student Assembly  0  F  BME 200  Introduction to Biomedical Engineering  3  F  BME 430  Biomaterials  3  F  BME 451  Biomechanical Engineering  3  S  BME 490/491  Undergraduate BME Design Experience I/II 3  FS  BME 575  Clinical Systems Engineering  3  S  BME 590/591  Senior Design Experience I/II
Conference Session
Intro to Biomedical Engineering and Vertically Integrated Curriculum (Works in Progress) - June 23rd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ross Aaron Petrella, University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering; Lianne Cartee, University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering; Devin K. Hubbard, University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering; Kenneth Donnelly, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; David A. Zaharoff, University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering; George T. Ligler, University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering
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Biomedical Engineering
] A. J. Dutson, R. H. Todd, S. P. Magleby, and C. D. Sorensen, "A Review of Literature on Teaching Engineering Design Through Project-Oriented Capstone Courses," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 17-28, Jan. 1997.[3] S. Howe and J. Goldberg, "Engineering Capstone Design Education: Current Practices, Emerging Trends, and Successful Strategies," in Design Education Today: Technical Contexts, Programs and Best Practices, D. Schaefer, G. Coates, and C. Eckert Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, ch. 6, pp. 115-148.[4] D. G. Brauer and K. J. Ferguson, "The integrated curriculum in medical education: AMEE Guide No. 96," Medical Teacher, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 312-322, Apr. 2015.[5
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Curriculum and Design - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lauren Nicole Heckelman, Duke University; Elizabeth Kathleen Bucholz, Duke University
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Biomedical Engineering
single coursemodule. The puzzle(s) within each room were specifically designed to align with the studentlearning outcomes of each module and to test a broad range of concepts within each imagingmodality. After reviewing the game rules and starting the countdown timer, the students chose aroom from a drop-down menu. An image of the “room” was then displayed within the MATLABGUI. As is customary in escape rooms, students had to identify both the question being askedand the answer to that question in order to determine the “secret code” (consisting of three lettersor numbers) required to escape the room. When the students solved the final room puzzle, theprogram immediately stopped and computed the time it took each team to escape. Two hints anda
Conference Session
Teaching Interventions in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 22nd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Arash Mahboobin, University of Pittsburgh; David V.P. Sanchez, University of Pittsburgh
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Biomedical Engineering
of American Society of Engineering Education AnnualConference, Vancouver, BC, June 2011.[3] M. S. Reid, “The Assessment of Ethical and Sustainable Engineering Studies inUndergraduate University Education,” Proceedings of American Society of EngineeringEducation Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 2011.[4] S. Spierre, E. A. Martin, J. Sadowski, A. Berardy, S. McClintock, S. Augustin, N. Hohman,and J. G. Banna, “An Experiential Pedagogy for Sustainability Ethics,” Proceedings of AmericanSociety of Engineering Education Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, June 2012.[5] N. A. Andrade and D. Tomblin, “Engineering and Sustainability: The Challenge ofIntegrating Social and Ethical Issues into a Technical Course,” Proceedings of American
Conference Session
Introduction to the Field of Biomedical Engineering - June 25th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Christian Poblete Rivera, University of Michigan; Aileen Huang-Saad, University of Michigan; Cassandra Sue Ellen Jamison, University of Michigan; Annie Wang
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Biomedical Engineering
63 interviews, thus they P e rc e n ta g e o f T o ta l # o f C o d e s 50 In d u s trywere excluded from this analysis. Codes from the A c a d e m iaremaining two major job sectors of industry (n=48
Conference Session
Teaching Interventions in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 22nd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mark A. Chapman, University of San Diego; G. Bryan Cornwall, University of San Diego
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Biomedical Engineering
. Yadav, G. M. Shaver, and P. Meckl, “Lessons Learned : Implementing the Case Teaching Method in a Mechanical Engineering Course,” J. Eng. Educ., pp. 55–69, 2010.[2] L. R. Lattuca, P. T. Terenzini, J. F. Volkwein, and G. D. Peterson, “The changing face of engineering education,” Bridg., vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 6–44, 2006.[3] S. J. Krause, C. Waters, W. J. Stuart, E. Judson, C. Ankeny, and B. Smith, “Effect of Contextualization of Content and Concepts on Students ’ Course Relevance and Value in Introductory Materials Classes,” in Paper presented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2016.[4] C. L. Bozic and N. W. Hartman, “Case-Based Instruction for Innovation Education in Engineering
Conference Session
Design in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Erica M. Comber, Carnegie Mellon University; Elisha Anthony Raeker-Jordan, Carnegie Mellon University; Kalliope Georgette Roberts, Carnegie Mellon University; Melanie Alexis Loppnow, Carnegie Mellon University; Andrew Hudson, Carnegie Mellon University; Wayne Chung, Carnegie Mellon University; Conrad M. Zapanta, Carnegie Mellon University
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Biomedical Engineering
Medical Technologies - Paul G. Yock, Stefanos Zenios, Josh Makower, Todd J. Brinton, Uday N. Kumar, F. T. Jay Watkins, Lyn Denend, Thomas M. Krummel, Christine Q. Kurihara - Google Books.” [Online]. Available: q=Biodesign+:+the+process+of+innovating+medical+technologies&ots=UsRBEPyyqy&s ig=JEg085_6KJwamOuiw5G4LxSroaM#v=onepage&q=Biodesign %3A the process of innovating medical technologies&f=false. [Accessed: 25-Jan-2020].Appendix A: Syllabus with project team, engineering subteam, and designer subteamassignments.For the fall 2019-spring 2020 academic year, all assignments were completed by the
Conference Session
Laboratory Learning in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Casey Jane Ankeny, Northwestern University; David P. O'Neill, Northwestern University; Lisa Beckmann, Northwestern University
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
learning. Proc. - Front. Educ. Conf. FIE 1, T3A20-T3A25 (2003).3. Carberry, A., Siniawski, M., Atwood, S. & Diefes-Dux, H. Best Practices for Using Standards-based Grading in Engineering Courses Best Practices for Using Standards-based Grading in Engineering. ASEE Conf. Proc. (2016).4. Ankeny, C. & D. O’Neill. Work in Progress: Aligning and Assessing Learning Objectives for a Biomedical Engineering Course Sequence Using Standards-based Grading within a Learning Management System. ASEE Conf. Proc. (2019).5. Beck, C. & Lawrence, B. Inquiry-based ecology laboratory courses improve student confidence and scientific reasoning skills. 3, (2012).6. Carberry, A., Krause, S., Ankeny, C. & Waters, C
Conference Session
Introduction to the Field of Biomedical Engineering - June 25th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Nicole M. Iverson, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
devices. Therefore, eachproposed topic was coded as either a Device or Non-Device. Then each topic was codedaccording to the most applicable BMES track(s). When the Device code was applied, a thirdcode was applied using the 14 subtracks for the Device Technologies and Biomedical Robotics(DTBR).Table 3. Biomedical Engineering Society’s (BMES’s) 2019 Annual Meeting paper tracksused in coding scheme Track No. of Subtracks Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology 13 Biomanufacturing 11 Biomaterials 12 Biomechanics 23 Biomedical Imaging
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineers and Professional Development - June 23rd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cassandra Sue Ellen Jamison, University of Michigan; Aileen Huang-Saad, University of Michigan; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan; Lisa R. Lattuca, University of Michigan
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Biomedical Engineering
leadership skills. An important finding of this study was theeffect self-selection into co-curriculars like undergraduate research can have on studies usingself-report measures of student outcomes as a comparison tool. The study found that studentswho engaged in undergraduate research tended to report higher skills, but when accounting forboth curricular and classroom experiences, few differences were seen between students who didor did not participate. This and similar work have contributed to knowledge about “what types”of engagement in co-curricular experiences are most significant for engineering students. UntilFisher et al.’s recent work, however, a thorough review of the potential relationships betweenspecific co-curricular opportunities and
Conference Session
Intro to Biomedical Engineering and Vertically Integrated Curriculum (Works in Progress) - June 23rd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rosalyn Delia Abbott, Carnegie Mellon University; Conrad M. Zapanta, Carnegie Mellon University; Michael Cameron Melville, Carnegie Mellon University; Steven Moore, Carnegie Mellon University
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
survey will also be performed to compare traditional methods of teachingthe concepts to the described interactive learning methods.References:1. Prince M. Does active learning work? A review of the research. J Eng Educ. 2004;93:223-231.2. Lawson TJ. Active-Learning Exercises for Consumer-Behavior Courses. Teach Psychol. 1995;22:200-202.3. Watson DL, Kessler DA, Kalla S, Kam CM and Ueki K. Active learning exercises are more motivating than quizzes for underachieving college students. Psychological Reports. 1996;78:131-134.4. Bullard L, Felder R and Raubenheimer D. AC 2008-521: EFFECTS OF ACTIVE LEARNING ON STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND RETENTION. age. 2008;13:1.5. Townsend MAR, Moore DW, Tuck BF and Wilton KM. Self‐concept and Anxiety in University
Conference Session
Laboratory Learning in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Scott Howard Seidman, University of Rochester
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Biomedical Engineering
evaluations, andevaluation questions will be added to specifically assess student opinions about the online format.Efforts will be made to compare the evaluations to those of similar courses taught by more traditionalmeans. We will also investigate retention statistics for students with and without early technical skillscourses, with some focus on at-risk students.References[1] Shyamalee, M. M. G. V., W. M. V. S. K. Wickramasinghe, and S. Dissanayake. "Comparativestudy on employability skills of engineering graduates of different disciplines." International Journal ofEducation and Information Technologies 7.4 (2013): 170-177.[2] Halverson, E,R, and Sheridan, K (2014) The Maker Movement in Education. Harvard EducationalReview: December 2014, Vol. 84
Conference Session
Design in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Christopher Arena, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Elham Morshedzadeh, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; John L. Robertson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Andre Albert Muelenaer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Brad D. Hendershot, DoD-VA Extremity Trauma and Amputation Center of Excellence, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; Jessica L. O'Leary, Salem VA Medical Center; Aliza M. Lee, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; Devasmita Choudhury; Brandon C. Briggs; Pamela Jean VandeVord, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Biomedical Engineering
for the students to conduct further researchpending feedback on their preliminary findings and solution suggestions from clinical mentors.Additionally, students will perform low-fidelity prototyping of possible solutions to aid in needsscreening and can perform testing in the Center for Simulation, Research, and Patient Safety atCarilion Clinic. The final lectures conclude with biodesign content [8], and the students areexpected to further prioritize the needs that they have identified according to the potentialmarket, reimbursement strategy, and regulatory pathway. The ultimate deliverables include aprocess book and presentation to faculty and clinical mentors detailing the students’ journeythrough the course and the need(s) that they have
Conference Session
Intro to Biomedical Engineering and Vertically Integrated Curriculum (Works in Progress) - June 23rd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sabrina Jedlicka, Lehigh University; Eugene Thomas Pashuck, Lehigh University; Susan F. Perry, Lehigh University
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Biomedical Engineering
and accepted solutions, integrateinformation from many sources to gain insight, connect content from multiple courses to solve aproblem and become aware of the need to assess and manage risk. Additionally, it is expected thatstudents will become more adept at identifying resources and become more effective problemsolvers through collaborative open-ended projects, allowing them to teach and learn from peers.To tap into student motivation, project(s) are designed to allow for creative freedom, while beingsufficiently self-contained to avoid overly complicating the grading structure for the instructors.Module 1 has been implemented twice, however, we did not collect data in the initial offering.Anecdotal evidence (as qualitatively assessed by
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineers and Professional Development - June 23rd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
William H. Guilford, University of Virginia
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Biomedical Engineering
: Reconsidering structural relationships,” Learn. Individ. Differ., vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 499–505, Dec. 2009, doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2009.05.004.[5] A. R. Carberry, H.-S. Lee, and M. W. Ohland, “Measuring Engineering Design Self-Efficacy,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 99, no. 1, pp. 71–79, Jan. 2010, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2010.tb01043.x.[6] K. A. Lane, M. R. Banaji, B. A. Nosek, and A. G. Greenwald, “Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: IV. What we know (so far),” in Implicit measures of attitudes: Procedures and controversies, New York: Guilford Press, 2007, pp. 59–102.[7] W. H. Guilford, “A Skills-focused Approach to Teaching Design Fundamentals to Large Numbers of Students and Its Effect on Engineering Design Self-efficacy
Conference Session
Introduction to the Field of Biomedical Engineering - June 25th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rachel C. Childers, University of Oklahoma; Handan Acar, University of Oklahoma
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Biomedical Engineering
BME departments and identify best practices and practicalsolutions is necessary to help retain women and URM in BME.References:[1] Joseph Roy, “Engineering by the Numbers,” 2019.[2] E. Seymour and N. M. Hewitt, Talking About Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997.[3] T. J. Weston, E. Seymour, A. K. Koch, and B. M. Drake, “Weed-Out Classes and Their Consequences,” in Talking about Leaving Revisited, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 197–243.[4] L. A. Hechtman et al., “NIH funding longevity by gender.,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., vol. 115, no. 31, pp. 7943–7948, Jul. 2018.[5] D. K. Ginther et al., “Race, ethnicity, and NIH research awards.,” Science
Conference Session
Educational Interventions and Pedagogy in Biomedical Engineering - June 22nd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Qi Dunsworth, Pennsylvania State University, Erie; Ben Murphy, Pennsylvania State University, Erie; Yi Wu, Pennsylvania State University, Erie
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Biomedical Engineering
values of heart rate (slider), strength level ofleft ventricle (dropdown menu), time for simulation (slider), whether to have an assist pump(check mark), and the corresponding pump control parameters (slider). Students are also guidedin those activities to select the right hemodynamic variable(s) to display on the GUI and to makeconclusions based on the results. The scaffolding of these activities makes it natural for studentsto revisit and compare with previous test results. Students were expected to complete activity 1during the class and finish the other two activities after the class. It was brought to theinstructor’s attention that some students skipped activities 2-3 in fall 2018, likely because theywere not collected or graded. Therefore
Conference Session
Teaching Interventions in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 22nd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Vignesh Subbian, University of Arizona; Daniel B. Whitaker, University of Arizona
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Biomedical Engineering
universaldesign for learning and quality improvement, as described in this work, will be increasinglyimportant.References:[1] J. Allen, I. Elaine|Seaman, “Digital Compass Learning: Distance Education Enrollment Report 2017.,” Babson Surv. Res. Gr., May 2017.[2] F. Martin and S. Kumar, “Frameworks for Assessing and Evaluating e-Learning Courses and Programs,” in Leading and Managing e-Learning, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018, pp. 271–280.[3] “Quality Matters Rubric.” [Online]. Available: resources/rubric-standards/higher-ed-rubric. [Accessed: 16-Oct-2019].[4] M. G. Moore, “Three types of interaction,” Am. J. Distance Educ., 1989.[5] T. Anderson, “Getting the mix right again
Conference Session
Teaching Interventions in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 22nd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sharon Miller, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Steven Higbee, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Joseph M. Wallace, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; John H. Schild, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Julie Y. Ji
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Biomedical Engineering
inEngineering,” Worcester Polytechnic Institute Digital WPI, May 2014, Retrieved from[6] R.A. Reiser and W. Dick “Instructional planning: a guide for teachers,” Boston: Allyn andBacon. 1996. 2nd ed.[7] G. Wiggins and J. McTighe, Understanding By Design, Published by Association forSupervision & Curriculum Development, 2005, 2nd Expanded Edition.[8] Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University,[9] S. L. Ash, and P.H. Clayton, “Generating, deepening, and documenting learning: The powerof critical reflection in applied learning.” Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education, vol.1, no 1, pp. 25-48, 2009.
Conference Session
Teaching Interventions in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 22nd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jessica Dare Kaufman, Endicott College
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Biomedical Engineering
,” J. Microbiol. Biol. Educ., vol. 17, no. 1 pp. 156-62. Mar. 2016.[5] A. M. Depelteau, et al., “SYMBIOSIS: development, implementation, and assessment of amodel curriculum across biology and mathematics at the introductory level,” CBE Life Sci Educ.,vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 342-7. Fall 2010.[6] J. S. Krim, et al., “Models and Impacts of Science Research Experiences: A Review of theLiterature of CUREs, UREs, and TREs,” CBE Life Sci Educ., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. ar65. Winter2019.[7] E. Afgan, et al., “The Galaxy platform for accessible, reproducible and collaborativebiomedical analyses: 2018 update,” Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 46, no. W1, pp. W537–W544,July 2018.[8] “Endicott College Bioinformatics: VCF2FA ,” Endicott College November 26, 2019.[Online
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Curriculum and Design - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Steven Higbee, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Sharon Miller, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
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Biomedical Engineering
., Perez Garcia C., “Promoting ProfessionalProject Management Skills in Engineering Higher Education: Project-Based Learning (PBL)Strategy,” International Journal of Engineering Education, vol 31(1B), 2015, pp. 184-198.[6] S. Freeman, S.L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M.K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, and M.P.Wenderoth, “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering andmathematics, PNAS, vol 111(23), pp. 8410-8415, 2014.[7] A. Aditomo, P. Goodyear, A. Bliuc, and R.A. Ellis, “Inquiry-based learning in highereducation: principal forms, educational objectives, and disciplinary variations”, Studies inHigher Education, vol 38(9), pp. 1239-1258, 2013. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2011.616584[8] D. Kokotsaki, V. Menzies, and A. Wiggins
Conference Session
Teaching Interventions in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 22nd
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Hirohito Kobayashi, University of Wisconsin, Platteville
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Biomedical Engineering
-students 3) 4) 5) T. C. Chu, W. F. Ranson, M. A. Sutton, W. H. Peters, “Applications of digital-image-correlation techniques to experimental mechanics,” Exp. Mech., vol. 25, pp.232–244, 1985 6) H. A. Bruck, S. R. McNeill, M. A. Sutton, W. H. Peters III, “Digital image correlation using Newton-Raphson method of partial differential correction,” Exp. Mech., vol.29, pp.261–267, 1989 7) Buck, John R., Michael M. Daniel, and Andrew C. Singer, Computer Explorations in Signals and Systems Using MATLAB®. 2nd Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
Conference Session
Design in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Collin W. Shale, Johns Hopkins University; Shababa Binte Matin, Johns Hopkins University; Nicholas J. Durr, Johns Hopkins University; Elizabeth A. Logsdon, Johns Hopkins University
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Biomedical Engineering
-019- 02434-7. [Accessed Jan. 15, 2020].[3] A.W. Eberhardt, O.L. Johnson, et al. “Team-Based Development of Medical Devices: An Engineering-Business Collaborative”. J Biomech Eng. Vol. 138, No. 7, Jul. 2016. [Online]. https://doi.org10.1115/1.4032805 [Accessed Jan. 31, 2020][4] C. Cohen., D.C. Fehder, et al. “The design of startup accelerators”, Research Policy, Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 1781-1791, Sep. 2019 [Online]. [Accessed Feb. 3, 2020].[5] Y. Yazdi, S. Acharya. “ A New Model for Graduate Education and Innovation in Medical Technology”. Ann Biomed Eng, Vol. 41, 1822–1833 (2013). [Online]. [Accessed Feb. 3, 2020]
Conference Session
Laboratory Learning in Biomedical Engineering (Works in Progress) - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sarah Corinne Rowlinson Furtney, University of Florida
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Biomedical Engineering
facilitate learning laboratory skills while practicing social distancing.references[1] D. D. Burkey, D. D. Anastasio, and A. Suresh, “Improving Student Attitudes Toward the Capstone Laboratory Course Using Gamification,” ASEE Annu. Conf. Exhib., vol. June 23-26, no. Atlanta, GA, 2013.[2] A. Antonaci, R. Klemke, and M. Specht, “The Effects of Gamification in Online Learning Environments : A Systematic Literature Review,” Informatics, vol. 6, no. 32, pp. 1–22, 2019.[3] R. Alsawaier, “The Effect of Gamification on Motivation and Engagement,” Int. J. Inf. Learn. Technol., 2017.[4] M. R. N. Gari, G. S. Walia, and A. D. Radermacher, “Gamification in Computer Science Education: a Systematic Literature Review,” ASEE
Conference Session
Biomedical Engineering Curriculum and Design - June 24th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Carolina Vivas-Valencia, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Nan Kong, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Eunhye Kim, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Lindsey B. Payne, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Biomedical Engineering
increasingly needed. Meanwhile, biomedical engineers are increasingly asked to developuser-centered solutions (i.e., desired by the end users). Nevertheless, the importance of user-centeredness is often neglected in the innovation process. It remains unclear about the interplaybetween thinking of solution novelty and desirability in addition to feasibility, and thus it ischallenging for biomedical engineering educators to balance the teaching of the above twoaspects in a BME design curriculum.This study aims to develop a preliminary version of a user-centered innovation potentialassessment instrument applicable to diverse biomedical engineering design projects. Theassessment instrument was adapted from File and Purzer (2014)’s definition of
Conference Session
Introduction to the Field of Biomedical Engineering - June 25th
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Christine E. King, University of California, Irvine; Beth A. Lopour, University of California, Irvine
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Biomedical Engineering
- Cost Brain Computer Interface TechnologiesAbstract:Advancing an interest and literacy in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)fields in high school students through summer and after school programs has been widelypopular since the 1990’s, and these programs are effective at improving retention and persistenceafter graduation. However, there still remains a lack of designing programs to increase interestand literacy of biomedical engineering (BME) related applications that are scalable at otherinstitutions. This is typically due to the challenges of providing costly resources that areavailable only in specific laboratory settings and require graduate level expertise to operate. Toprovide a low-cost and scalable approach to