Paper ID #23533Work in Progress: The Use of Scaffolding and Peer Reviews to Improve Ef-fective Writing Skills in Biomedical EngineersDr. C. LaShan Simpson, Mississippi State University Dr. Simpson received her B.S. in Biochemistry from Clemson University. Her doctoral research focused on developing cell therapy treatments for vascular calcification. Her research interests were in targeted therapies and she strengthened her polymer expertise during her postdoctoral training at Rice University. Her postdoctoral work focused on injectable gene therapy for bone grafting. As an independent researcher, her work is focused on
Paper ID #30221A Vertically Integrated Design Program Using Peer EducationDr. Ross Aaron Petrella, University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University Joint Departmentof Biomedical Engineering Dr. Petrella received his B.S. in biomedical engineering from Virginia Commonwealth University in Rich- mond, VA and his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. He joined the University of North Carolina and North Carolina State University Joint Department of Biomed- ical Engineering first as a postdoctoral research scholar and is now an assistant teaching professor where he teaches
replied “I feel the student instruction left me wanting formore guidance towards more specific lab goals.” When asked what they will carry with theminto other classes or other aspects of life, responses were almost all positive and included“writing good procedures”, “how to measure a signal”, “it was useful to learn how to effectivelyteach someone how to conduct an experiment”, “signal processing capabilities, experience, andconfidence”, and “how to work with and teach peers.” While many of the responses supportedthe objective of this technique, some showed a student-perceived dependence on the instructor.The end of semester institutional course evaluations (n=35 out of 47 students) had two textresponse questions. The first asked for comments and
. During class, one team after another came to the board to present theirsolutions to their peers and answer questions about the topic. If necessary, the faculty wouldclarify the answer in writing on the board. Due to the language barrier, when the faculty talked itdid not help students understand the material. The Ugandan students learned the material byworking through problems together, talking to each other, and asking each other questions. 4Figure 1: The figure on the left represents typical instructor-led learning (blue) supplemented withlearner-centered (green) activities such as team based learning, think-pair-share, and reviewing tutorials.Due
," ed, 2017.[2] L. A. Riley, P. Furth, and J. Zelmer, "Assessing our engineering alumni: Determinants of success in the workplace," in 2000 ASEE/Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference, 2000.[3] ABET, "Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2019-2020," ed, 2019.[4] K. Cho and C. D. Schunn, "Scaffolded writing and rewriting in the discipline: A web- based reciprocal peer review system," Computers & Education, vol. 48, pp. 409-426, 4// 2007.[5] N. Artemeva, S. Logie, and J. St‐Martin, "From page to stage: How theories of genre and situated learning help introduce engineering students to discipline‐specific communication," Technical Communication Quarterly, vol. 8, pp. 301-316, 1999/06
to account forreader perceptions and clarity on what the requirements are for the opportunities they apply to.As we have shown with this work, even untrained readers can examine the information present inresumes and determine the type of career someone is interested in. The more likely the untrainedaudience is able to perceive intended pathway, the more likely the resume is to be consideredstrong by our BME competency model. A possible teaching implication of this concept is peer-reviewed resume writing exercises for freshman engineering students. Teaching them theimportance of applying to specific positions with resumes clearly and deliberately designed forthat position, and the use of peer review for determining clarity and a sense of
in which guest lecturers (faculty) presented their research. We modified the course to(1) inspire students by focusing on grand challenges [3-4], (2) engage students in their learning,(3) engage upper-level students as mentors in the process, and (4) facilitate early development ofscientific writing and presentation skills. In the modified course, students work in CATMEcreated teams, guided by mentors and instructors, to investigate how each of the fivebioengineering tracks (referred to as “approaches”) may be used to investigate the grandchallenge.Course Design and OfferingsThe goal of the Introduction to Bioengineering course is to introduce freshman students to thebreadth of bioengineering, allowing each student to gain knowledge of the
curriculum design and pilot efforts of a short module in theintroductory bioengineering course [4-5].Course OverviewThe introductory bioengineering course aims to provide broad exposure to several areas ofresearch in bioengineering such as cancer diagnostics, medical device development, regenerativemedicine, global health, and synthetic biology. The course emphasizes critical reading ofscientific literature and technical writing, and broadly covers the engineering design process,creative problem-solving techniques, engineering ethics, social constraints, and other designprinciples.The first offering of the honors section was a 2-credit add-on to the introductory bioengineeringcourse. The honors section was comprised of 12 students who were
bioengineering, service learning, universal design, tissue and protein engineering labs, bioengineering ethics, leadership, and capstone proposal writing and design. She is committed to enhancing diversity and inclusivity in en- gineering, and creating opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in K-12 educational outreach. Dr. Hendricks has over a decade of experience leading educational outreach and summer camp programs at both Duke University and the University of Washington.Dr. Ken Yasuhara, University of Washington Ken Yasuhara is an instructional consultant and assistant director at the Office for the Advancement of Engineering Teaching & Learning (ET&L) at the University of Washington. He completed an
backside of your concept map, please write down answers to : a) In your presentation, what about that concept was difficult to explain to peers? b) What ideas did you get from the group to understand this concept better?While concept map exercise was completed by all students when they came to the class wherediscussion activity was held, the self-reflection on concept maps was turned in by 46 students outof 86, for an extra credit. From student responses to prompt a), the difficulties students reportedin explaining to peers were thematically coded. The frequency of the concepts mentioned asdifficult to explain was also accounted for generating a word cloud. Student responses to promptb) were analyzed to get an insight
as availability of instructional resources to support this initiative.The course involves a 10-week project, along with weekly engagement and reflection activitiesthat are designed to promote critical thinking and collaboration. Students were required toparticipate in a moderated discussion forum at least twice every week.• Discussion Forum: Each student was required to initiate a new topic of discussion (initiation thread) related to the overall theme of the week as well as engage in a discussion with posts from one or more peers (engagement thread). Both initiation and engagement threads were meant to allow for weekly reflection among students and low-stakes assessment by course facilitators. Measures such as number of posts
of Virginia must take a coreyearlong integrative laboratory sequence, typically during their third year in the program.Students are randomly assigned into teams of 3-4 students in the first semester of this sequence,whereas they are allowed to self-select teams in the second semester. At the end of bothsemesters, students complete mandatory peer evaluations that are used in calculatingparticipation scores each term for every student in the course. Throughout more than a decade ofteaching this sequence, the instructors anecdotally observed that many teams remained togetherin the spring after having been randomly sorted into teams in the fall semester. However, arigorous quantitative analysis of the impact of team assignment method on team
ofobjectives, CATME peer evaluationdata from both years was used toevaluate whether students believetheir team members i) possessedrelated knowledge, skills, andabilities and ii) contributed todeliverables (objective 1). CATMEalso rated how efficiently the Fig. 2: SPOC subteam communication dynamicsubteams communicated relative to 2018-2019 results with the embedded ID team structure.End-of-semester reflections for both years and a survey in the fall of 2019 (Appendix B)provided more data on task allocation and subteam communication.Results and Discussion:Objective 1: CATME peer evaluation data reported that engineers scored higher than IDs (bothyears) and point differentials were slightly but not statistically less (two-sided t-test, α
suggest. Immediatelyfollowing the pitch, each student writes a short written reflection about how peer andinstructor feedback may have modified the focus or scope of their project, or helped thestudent identify additional resources.With their final paper topic fully vetted and scoped, each student writes an annotatedbibliography and 6-8 page rough draft, which is peer reviewed in class and commentedon by the instructor. Each student writes a reflection on how they will edit their draft dueto feedback they received in peer review or how they were inspired to do somethingdifferently by reading another student’s draft. The final draft is due at the end of thequarter. See selected topics for final papers in Table IV. Table IV. Select Examples of
solution card were available for each room; however, each hint added a time penalty (inminutes) equal to the total number of hints/solution cards used to the elapsed time. Additionally,a 30-second time penalty was assessed for each incorrect answer. Students were provided with aformula sheet, and were encouraged to use a calculator, blank paper, and writing utensils.The class consisted of 17 teams of 3-4 students. All teams successfully escaped all 6 rooms in anaverage (h:mm:ss) of 0:43:50 [range: 0:14:30-1:07:28]. Very few groups used hints, as moststudents did not want to be assessed a time penalty. None of the teams used a solution card toautomatically bypass a room without solving the puzzle.Our MATLAB-based escape room challenged students to
also report initial quantitative data on theacademic hardiness of the biomedical engineering students: Were these students measurablymore ‘academically hardy’ than other incoming engineering students? Did the repeated exposureto open-ended problem-solving situations measurably increase these biomedical engineeringstudents’ academic hardiness? Finally, we will present a comparison of the academicperformance of students who participated in this new curriculum with students who did not.IntroductionThe engineering design studio was created by a group of faculty who wanted to integrate design,writing, professional responsibility, and engineering topics into a multidisciplinary studio setting.Traditionally design studios are associated with
. Cornwall spent twenty years in the medical device industry with fourteen years as an executive in publicly traded companies. He has also completed a MBA at the Rady School of Management at the University of California, San Diego and was named a Rady fellow. He has published over 24 peer- reviewed publications, eight book chapters, and 24 US patents. Dr. Cornwall’s academic interests include: biomechanics, biomaterials, mechanical design, entrepreneur- ship, and innovation in medical devices and music. He has an active and long-standing interest in not- for-profit volunteering and service. Bryan is also an active runner completing more than 20 marathons around the world. He is a member of the ”7 Continent Club
engineering research.Northwestern University’s Master’s Certificate in Translational Biomedical Researchdistinguishes itself from existing programs within Northwestern University and translationalMaster’s (MS) programs offered at other peer institutions in the background of the participatingstudents and its focus. Participants are recruited from the MS student pool within the school ofengineering. The curricular focus is on the integration of engineering in the translationalpathway.The interdisciplinary program is designed to immerse the students in the integrative approachand experience needed to take their engineering background to the clinical space and industry.The certificate program capitalizes on the existing extensive research collaborations
well-being of a patient undergoing physiological recordings as the ultimate goal. Every problemrequires the students writing a discussion addressing the likelihood of having a diagnostic errorand its clinical consequences. The students are required to support their argumentation usingquantitative predictions, the applicable device standards and the medical practicerecommendations issued by the medical societies. The instructor provides handouts with“extracts” and interpretations from the standards that have been either purchased by theUniversity or obtained trough the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) UniversityOutreach Program. For example, the American Heart Association recommendations along withthe International Electrotechnical
onenhancing communication skills (thesis, grant, and award writing, oral presentations, etc.) thatwill help students be successful in their research. The knowledge translation activity takes placewithin this mandatory course and students usually take this course in the first semester of theirgraduate studies. The learning outcomes for this course are framed as follows: 1) apply searchtechniques to inform and support research, 2) create a thesis proposal, 3) evaluate written andoral work, 4) communicate your thesis to a non-specialist audience and 5) transfer yourknowledge to a broad audience. To enable these outcomes, the course was structured with a mixof individual and team work. Students worked individually to deliver a 4-page written
Weldon School of BME, thecurriculum utilizes the engineering design process to guide students through three (3) differentmodules covering different Biotransport phenomena (diffusivity, mass transport, and heattransfer). Students are required to research, conceptualize, and generate hypotheses around amodule prompt. Students design, execute, and analyze their own experimental setups to test thehypotheses within an autodidactic peer-learning structure. Methods: A multi-year study wascompleted spanning from 2014 to 2016, assessing students’ end of course evaluations. With anintegration of the flipped lecture into the lab being first implemented in 2015 (prior to 2015, theflipped lecture was a stand-alone course offered outside of the lab sections
to that, he was working as a Research Specialist in the Department of Physiology at University of California, San Francisco. He has authored over 85 peer-reviewed publications in journals such as Langmuir, Biomaterials, Journal of Orthopedic Research, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, etc. and has and h-index of 37. He has also presented his work at numerous national and international level conferences. He received his Ph.D. in Bioengineering from University of Illinois at Chicago in 2003, M.S. in Chemical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago in 2000 and B.E. in Chemical Engineering from M. S. University in India in 1998.Dr. Kimberly Catton P.E., Colorado State University Professor of
a MBA at the Rady School of Management at the University of California, San Diego and was named a Rady fellow. He has published over 24 peer- reviewed publications, eight book chapters, and 24 US patents. Dr. Cornwall’s academic interests include: biomechanics, biomaterials, mechanical design, entrepreneur- ship, and innovation in medical devices and music. He has an active and long-standing interest in not- for-profit volunteering and service. Bryan is also an active runner completing more than 20 marathons around the world. He is a member of the ”7 Continent Club” completing marathons on 7 of 7 continents including Comrades (the Ultimate Human Race) in South Africa. American
Colorado Conference; SUNY Online Learning Summit (SOL) (DOODLE;, Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference (TLT), and the Conference on Instructional Technologies. All of these presentations focused upon the various topics that support my mission for student success and efficient class management. SUNY has recognized me as an Open SUNY Fellow Expert Online Instructional Designer. In addition, I am a member of the MERLOT Teacher Education Editorial Board as well as a MERLOT Peer Reviewer Extraordinaire several years running. And as a certified Quality Matters Master Reviewer and peer reviewer in general, I have reviewed hundreds of online and blended course using various checklists including the OSCQR.Erin
materials based solution or answer relatedquestions. Students then summarized their professional interactions and findings in memo stylereports addressed to their respective instructors.The second assignment addressed the learning objective that students "demonstrate anunderstanding of laboratory techniques used in biomaterials and biomechanical engineering".This assignment asked groups of students at institute B to execute an experimental protocolrelated to materials tensile testing and then write up their findings in the style of an academicjournal article. Students at university A received these written reports and were instructed to usethem to generate a step by step protocol that they could use to replicate the original results. Thesestudents
. Experimental testing of the mathematical model is anessential component of the learning process, and allows the students to collect data and perform astatistical analysis of their model. At first, the process of making assumptions, writing equations,developing an experimental protocol to test the model, and analyzing the results is daunting. Bythe final independent project, 88% of students felt exploring their own topic was an “excellent”or “good” learning experience and valued presenting their results at a final poster session. Notonly do the freshmen benefit from the course, but the upperclassmen lab managers believe theyhave gained valuable leadership and professional skills, such as providing constructive feedbackand public
5 FS BME 674 Medical Imaging 3 S CIS 200 Programming Fundamentals 4 FS ECE 512 Linear Systems 3 FS ECE 540 Applied Scientific Computing for Engineers 3 FS ECE 772/3 Theory & Techniques of Bioinstrumentation Lecture/Lab 3 F Sub‐Total Credit Hours 36 COMMUNICATION CORE Credits Semester ENGL 100 Expository Writing 1
every five minutes, at the initiation of a given interval. First, the number of studentsexhibiting disengaged behavior were tabulated, which could include, but was not limited to,unrelated electronic device usage, off-topic discussion with peers, or physical disengagement.Second, the class activity was categorized according to the nature of the instructional activity(i.e. content-oriented lecture, storytelling, group work, challenge problem solving, studentpresentations, routine example solving, instructional transition) and any relevant teaching-toolsemployed (i.e. board writing, electronic media). Regression analysis of observation data,collected for the accelerated abroad course only, provided insight into the impact of in-classactivities
exploratory, and lacking a clearoutline before arriving on site. These trainees did not discuss having “ownership” of theexternship or their project, and it was not clear from their language choices exactly who shouldbe developing such a plan. Students who did not have a clear plan were less likely to feel theyreceived feedback on their externship performance, either on their day-to-day work or on theexperience overall. These trainees had fewer opportunities to benefit from successful masteryexperiences or positive messaging from site mentors, while the opposite was true for traineeswith well-structured externships. For example, trainees in later cohorts explained that they hadspoken with more experienced peers and, as a result, wanted to have
.”“Remaining open to new ideas, especially if they [were] coming from someone else”,“improvement in [our] ability to draw sketches and convey design ideas” and “a focus ongood brainstorming techniques” were also themes. Some students found that the “lack ofresources helped stimulate better ideas, by closing off the obvious paths” and helpedthem “overcome design hurdles” by encouraging them to “ask for help from experts”.The lack of resources also help them “trust more what [they] already knew and to “view[their] own knowledge and skills as the greatest design resource”. Many students weresurprised by “how much [they] could learn outside of a classroom”, and that they found iteasier to “learn something new, like a skill, […] from a peer [rather] than