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Paper ID #41245Implementation and Evaluation of Experiential Learning to Reinforce Research& Development Skills in a Biopharmaceutical Process Development CourseDr. Deborah Sweet Goldberg, University of Maryland, College Park Deborah S. Goldberg is a full-time senior lecturer in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. She is passionate about teaching and mentoring students to prepare them for diverse careers in bioengineering. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Implementation and Evaluation of Experiential Learning to
fall, so I conducted my own experiment. I stood on top of my bed standing straight up and fell five times while my roommate recorded the time it took, the times are shown in Figure 7. The average time of the five trials came out to be 2.82 s.”In terms of overall engagement level (which was calculated as the sum of the 3 categories), students had anaverage score of 32% in 2022 (calculated as the ratio of engagement to the maximum engagement scoreobtained in the same cohort). In 2021, behavioral engagement scores were approximately 10 percentagepoints higher than those scores in 2022; this higher score in version 2 of the IDEAL framework was mainlythe result of students’ trying multiple different combinations of the keywords to unlock
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(s) where students present to their peers to allow the class tocollectively explore and critique their work-in-progress, and a formal review where groups uploadtheir work for a final critique. All three phases occur during a single, three-hour studio period.Observational Tool. Building on the formative feedback guidelines developed by Kluger andDeNisi [10, 11], Hattie and Timperley [2], and Shute [12], an observational tool was developedand used to characterize feedback exchanges in BME 4010 studios (Appendix B). Divided intotwo components, the framework focuses on the feedback itself and the immediate ECR to thatfeedback by student teams. Data presented in the manuscript was recorded from one team of fivestudents during studio three of the
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