that require them to write extensively, whether that be in industry or graduateschool. Additionally, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) lists theability to communicate effectively an expected student outcome of accredited baccalaureateprograms. Because of insufficient writing requirements in undergraduate engineering curricula,however, many engineers are unprepared for the writing-demand necessary to convey their ownideas or understanding of ideas. More rigorous writing practices would not only improve effectivecommunication skills as undergraduate students pursue their education, it can also help studentsdevelop a deeper conceptual foundation of engineering topics. The writing pedagogy of interestfollows a
benefits of dedicated technical communication training for chemical engineers as abasis for better understanding TC training as a whole.BackgroundAs mentioned, this need to educate engineering students in the written, oral, and interpersonalcommunication skills necessary for career success is manifested differently across manyengineering departments [2]. While some programs provide communication training distributedacross many courses (such as writing or speaking assignments in core technical courses), othershave developed specific Technical Communications (TC) courses targeted for engineers.Dedicated TC courses are at times coupled closely with either a technical course or a capstonedesign course. Other dedicated TC courses in engineering
place students on a higher performance leveland can lead to fading or scaffolded achievement [7].Recent research raises concerns about over-scaffolding learners; while they sometimes performbetter on short-term knowledge gains than peers who are not scaffolded, they also reportedlydevelop negative attitudes toward the subject matter [8]. Instead, providing goals, such as adesign challenge, can better organize their learning. Other forms of scaffolds can also providebenefit. For instance, scaffolds that organize student work on ill-structured problems can supportthem to think about the problem and learn as they do so [9].The design process spans definition of problem, navigation of the scientific literature forbackground, brainstorming multiple
amongstall involved and motivate student engagement and cooperation. This in turn leads to studentsachieving significant technical and non-technical learning outcomes and the course is recognizedby alumni and recruiters as highly effective at preparing students for theworkplace. Furthermore, despite the intense pace and depth and breadth of skills covered andassessed in the course, the fail rate is effectively zero.The course is offered twice each summer, each 6-week session currently accommodating up to84 students, with a Student-to-Professor ratio of up to 12:1 (yes, 7 faculty per session!). Thereare also writing instructors, a lab manager, and at least two TA’s working full- to nearly full-timeto help manage the course. There is 1 experiment per
and resources that enable them to succeed. Thisincludes time and task management, assistance with planning an academic roadmap as well asinformation on co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that could develop one’s portfolio as achemical engineer, such as research, internships, co-ops, study abroad and (chemical)engineering clubs. Finally, the curriculum does not typically provide early information on thesteps necessary to prepare for one’s career. Failure to understand the answers to such questionscan result in students dropping the major, struggling academically, failing to make a connectionwith peers and resources, and facing challenges when applying for jobs due to inadequate careerpreparation.To address this gap in the curriculum
allof the graduate students who have taken the course have utilized LaTeX for writing their thesesor dissertations and some manuscripts.The CHE seniors who took the fall 2017 course were competent MATLAB users by the end ofthe course. MATLAB training was not formally provided in any other course in the curriculum.In senior design in Spring 2018, at least two of the students told me how they had built aMATLAB simulation for their design team to use to complete the AIChE national designcontest. All five of the students were able to help their peers with MATLAB when they used it inprocess control in Spring 2018 for a two-week course project involving using a hands-ontemperature control lab[35].Course EvaluationsThe response of faculty to the
prior to the actual school presentation. If this practice presentation is not well prepared and complete, the group will receive a grade of zero for the project, and will not be allowed to perform the outreach project.• Each student must present during his/her group presentation and attend one other presentation. Each student will complete an outreach project evaluation for the presentation that he/she observes. The project grade will be based on the efficacy and creativity of the presentation. (The faculty member has developed the peer evaluation rubric for the presentation and will be happy to share the rubric.)• Each group must turn in a critical assessment of the efficacy of the outreach project (three typed pages
Undergraduate Professor Award, ASEE Chemical Engineering Division Raymond W. Fahien Award, and the 2013 and 2017 ASEE Joseph J. Martin Awards for Best Conference Paper. Dr. Cooper’s research interests include effective teaching, conceptual and inductive learning, and integrating writing and speaking into the curriculum and professional ethics.Dr. Lisa G. Bullard, North Carolina State University Dr. Lisa Bullard is an Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University. She received her BS in Chemical Engineering from NC State and her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. She
should another strategy be adopted altogether? One drawback to increasing the numberof levels in a rubric is that it may become more likely for multiple assessors to use the rubric toassign different ratings. Another task that comes with increased levels is the writing ofdescriptions that accurately communicate the kind of work that merits each level. Could it beeffective to structure rubrics using only two levels? In this work, we will summarize some of theliterature on the development of rubrics, and then describe our process of creating a “two-column” rubric – one that only describes excellent and minimally acceptable performances. Wewill share examples of how we apply these two-column rubrics in our junior- and senior-levelchemical
, 2019 Work In Progress: Best Practices in Teaching a Chemical Process Design Two-course Sequence at a Minority Serving UniversityIntroductionStudents complete their capstone design experience in the Chemical Process Design II and IIIsequence of courses in chemical engineering at Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK), aHispanic-serving institution (HSI). Three principle objectives of this process design coursesequence are to instruct students in the development of a complete chemical process usingprocess simulators as a primary tool, to complete this project in a team-oriented environment,and to communicate effectively with their peers and instructors. These three principle objectivesare directly related to the ABET student