Paper ID #15129Prediction and Reflection Activities in a Chemical Engineering Course: Fun-damentals of Heat and Mass TransferDr. Heather C. S. Chenette, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Heather Chenette is an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rose-Hulman Institute of Tech- nology. Her professional interests include enhancing student learning in the classroom and creating op- portunities for students to learn about membrane materials and bioseparation processes through research experiences.Dr. Tony Ribera, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology c American Society for Engineering Education
. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 An Online Course for Professional Development of Chemical Engineering COOPs and InternsAbstractAn online course was created for professional development of chemical engineering studentsparticipating in industrial cooperative education and internships. The course guides studentsthrough a series of exercises each designed to cycle through the four stages of Kolb’s learningtheory: experience, reflection, generalization, and experimentation. Students naturally acquireconcrete professional experience while practicing in an industrial setting. Instead of a traditionalapproach to coop education that concludes the industry experience with a reflective report
tasked to summarize a reading assignment, thenexplain how the reading connects to their personal life, explain how the reading connects toanother reading, course element, or curriculum, and finally describe a prompt, problem, or puzzlethat can be addressed with the comprehension of the reading. This technique has been describedas a form of metacognition, or “thinking about thinking,” in other words, an effort to get studentsto reflect on their own learning.1The research question we seek to address here is whether or not the non-traditional components(Personalize, Integrate, Thoughtful Puzzle) of the weekly engineering assignments correlate withstudent achievement on exams in the course.MethodsEach week, students were given a single prompt
and watching videos (Years 1-3). Incontrast, feedback from students in project reflections and post-course conversations indicatedthat many students believed they had learned about thermodynamics from the project.Consequently, we determined that an additional year of testing with a revised assignment waswarranted.Revisions were driven by several observations of student behavior. Specifically, the teams offour students employed during the original design (i.e. Years 1-3) allowed them to specialize,and we often observed one or two team members being responsible for the video filming andediting, while the others specialized in the thermodynamics. Further, each team only consideredone of the five important concepts that were the focus of the
, and thus, suggest that learning styles may be a valuable lens through which to evaluateour methods for developing students as problem solvers. We used the Felder-Silverman modelspecifically because of its historical application in engineering, and its multidimensional natureallowing for two preferences in each of four dimensions (active/reflective, sensing/intuitive,visual/verbal, sequential/global) with subsequent strengths (strong, moderate, balanced) for eachpreference. This multi-dimensional model accounts for different facets of learning, andadditionally emphasizes that these preferences are not fixed characteristics but merely, as theyare called, preferences. Though not a specific aim of this work, we hypothesized that faculty dohave
simplistic or uninformed view that they heldearlier. Integrative refers to how understanding a threshold concept allows students to makepreviously unseen connections between aspects of the course.IVL Overview. The IVLs were constructed based on this active learning pedagogy and directedtowards undergraduate thermodynamics students.1 In the IVLs, students are guided through a setof frames where they are asked to respond to questions that ask them to predict, calculate,manipulate, observe, or reflect on phenomena related to the specific concept.Figure 1 presents an example frame of the Work IVL, one of the six available IVLs. This frameincludes the three main parts of a typical IVL frame, (i) a box containing the molecularsimulation that students are
on the EWRAS andURRSA were observed. Data on the post-survey measures were obtained from 11 REUparticipants, reflecting an 85% post-survey completion rate.Table 4. Descriptive Statistics for Post-Survey Measures Standard Minimum-Measure Mean Median Range α Deviation MaximumURSSA 180.42 176.50 18.27 60.00 153.00-213.00 .91EWRAS 15.83 16.00 2.44 7.00 13.00-20.00 .86Openness to collaborating 4.67 5.00 0.65 2.00 3.00
) What was your personal contribution to your team’saccomplishments? (3) How has your most recent work affected or reflected the overall processdesign and economic analysis? (4) What are the next steps you will personally take incompleting this project, and what questions will you be seeking to answer? The students wererequired to be both precise and concise in their response so that it accurately reflects their abilityto work with this project and its fundamental engineering principles. The students were providedformatting requirements and a detailed grading rubric(9).Design Projects As stated previously, the objective of the rotation of projects between design teams werefourfold: so that the students 1) would have the opportunity to
educators.In addition to the struggles of engineering students to achieve conceptual understanding, recentengineering graduates’ grasp of written communication and associated skills is often below thatexpected by their anticipated positions in the modern workplace8. Pedagogical research hasfound that writing assignments effectively facilitate learning by forcing students to exploreconnections and patterns in the studied material9,10. These benefits of writing assignments areenhanced in fields such as engineering, since students are rarely assigned reflective writing tasksand thus have few opportunities to develop associated abilities11,12. Current conceptual testinginstruments in the chemical engineering field generally involve multiple choice
proponents of “design-based” coursework throughout the curriculum to provide students more opportunities toexperience more realistic problems.With regards to team dynamics, most teams reported positive interactions. In peer evaluation 1,only three of the 21 senior design teams made comments indicative of conflict (communicationproblems, uneven workload, etc.). In peer evaluation 2, however, that increased to one third (7 of21) of the teams having one or more comment suggesting a team dynamic or cohesion issue.This increase in reports of negative team-cohesion may be reflective of end-of-term stress andfrustration of working under pressure potentially captured by the timing of peer evaluation 2.Only one team, Team B, reported team dynamic issues in
discussionasynchronously on the class management system’s blog style message board and are asked tobring any questions to the next laboratory period [reflective/global]. Requires physical or chemical hazard removal. Elimination/ Substitution s es en Requires a physical change to the work place iv EngineeringControls ct fe Ef ng si
Paper ID #14472Is Student Performance in CHE Core Courses Affected by Time ElapsedSince Completion of Material and Energy Balance Course Sequence?Dr. Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University Kevin Dahm is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. He earned his BS from Worces- ter Polytechnic Institute (92) and his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (98). He has pub- lished two books, ”Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” and ”Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance.” He has also published papers on effective use of simulation in engineer- ing, teaching design and engineering
. Thelab members all have experience conducting qualitative analysis. Members reviewed 25 samplesof student work on the DST, placing sticky notes on the tests where they noted a particular codeor saw something of interest. These initial ideas were turned into a coding scheme and applied tothe dataset, omitting codes that were not relevant to the research focus (e.g., design aesthetics) orthat were found to be redundant. This coding scheme was refined further at another research labmeeting; per recommendations for qualitative researchers, disagreements in coding werediscussed.66 The chemical engineers involved in the project reviewed the scheme and confirmedthat it was ecologically valid,67 meaning it authentically reflected their understanding of
research seminar again could indicate that students were discouraged bythe research seminar.Students who elected to participate in the student club meetings demonstrated an increase inlearning about engineering compared to the other students. This increased enjoyment ofengineering is reflected in the overwhelming number, 67%, of freshman students who do intendto continue attending student club meetings in the future. Accordingly, future EngineeringEngagement activity development ought to focus on two goals: ensuring that the presentedmaterial is suited for a freshman audience, and creating a learning community focused on activeparticipation of students.ConclusionsThis study involved 60 freshman engineering students enrolled in Engr 120 at a large
CurtisShannon, Christopher Easley, William Josephson, and Joni Lakin; and current or formerstudents Alex Kelly, Shannon McGee, Alexander Haywood, Amber Hubbard, Rachel Bostic,Shannon Bales, the officers in Auburn University’s SHPE chapter, and Jessica Cooper. BrennenReece is acknowledged for producing the Youtube videos related to MSP outreach. Outreachcoordinators Mary Lou Ewald and Jessica Taylor are acknowledged for their ongoing efforts.The specific modules and activities highlighted in this paper were funded by NSF EPS-1158862and DRL-1102997. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References:1. Nguyen