using the same language (MATLAB or Python) • Work together to build a notebook for students to solve an equation of your choice. The notebook must include code blocks for numerical computation (solving) and the following text blocks (in any order) o learning objectives o problem statement o mathematical equation(s) o an imageThe hands-on active learning exercise 2 challenged participants to apply the tools that theylearned in exercise 1 for a lesson on a topic of their choice. Participants were asked to includecode blocks, text blocks, learning objectives, a problem statement, mathematical equations, andan image because these were the most frequently used types of elements in the
characteristics of preparedness levels?To answer our research questions, we qualitatively analyzed semi-structured interviews with fiveundergraduate chemical engineering students at two different universities. We situated our studyin the Professional Pathways Model (PPM), which uses Sampson et al.’s Cognitive InformationProcessing Theory [24] as a lens for Eccles et al.’s Expectancy-Value Theory (EVT) of studentachievement motivation [25]. EVT has now become Situated Expectancy Value Theory (SEVT)which keeps the core concepts of EVT but recognizes situations within context [26]. However,PPM preceded SEVT so we retain EVT terminology. The PPM provides a comprehensive viewof the knowledge, values, and ability beliefs that students bring to bear in making
opportunities that are being offered to students. We alsoidentified gaps in communication and professional development areas of the curriculum whichcould better match what employers and alumni identified as key skills required to perform jobduties. We suggest a more formal peer and committee-based mentorship which could focus onimproving skills as one potential solutions, or development of special courses designed to teachwriting or communication skills.References1. Altarawneh, M.; Dlugogorski, B. Z., Introducing Quantum Chemistry in ChemicalEngineering Curriculum. Journal of Chemical Education 2018, 95 (9), 1562-1571.2. Fogler, H. S.; Hirshfield, L. J., Process Safety Across the Chemical EngineeringCurriculum. ACS Chemical Health &
. Further studies will seek to continue this work in conjunction with other comics developedby the research team to help provide best suggestions for other instructors on how these tools can be usedto support their students and supplement their instruction.References(1) Yang, G. “Comics In Education”. Retrieved from: Accessed 13 Feb 2023.(2) Sones, W. Journal of Educational Sociology, 1944, 18, 232-240.(3) Dorrell, L.; Curtis, D.; Rampal, K. Journal of Popular Culture 1995, 29, 223-234.(4) Witty, P. Journal of Experimental Education 1941, 10, 100-104.(5) Witty, P. Journal of Experimental Education 1941, 10, 105-109.(6) Gruenberg, S. Journal of Educational Sociology 1944, 18, 204-213.(7) Wertham, F
studentshow to search using an online database such as SCOPUS, how to gather papers into areference management database program (e.g. Endnote® or the freely available Zotero®),and to automatically incorporate the references into documents through the referencemanagement software so that references would be automatically formatted in their writtendocument. Students were further instructed that the background research should enable theteam to (1) describe the process that is used to create the final product, (2) explicitly identifyat least one of the chemical reactions that takes place in the creation of the final product, (3)identify the type(s) of reactor(s) that is(are) used in the process, and (4) identify the demandfor the product in a
] T. Buckmiller, R. Peters, and J. Kruse, “Questioning Points and Percentages: Standards- Based Grading (SBG) in Higher Education,” Coll. Teach., vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 151–157, 2017, doi: 10.1080/87567555.2017.1302919.[5] M. E. Selbach-Allen, S. J. Greenwald, A. E. Ksir, and J. E. Thomley, “Raising the Bar with Standards-Based Grading,” PRIMUS, vol. 30, no. 8–10, pp. 1110–1126, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1080/10511970.2019.1695237.[6] M. Knight and R. Cooper, “Taking on a New Grading System: The Interconnected Effects of Standards-Based Grading on Teaching, Learning, Assessment, and Student Behavior,” NASSP Bull., vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 65–92, Feb. 2019, doi: 10.1177/0192636519826709.[7] M. C. Lovett, M. W
. Someinstitutions (20%) have design courses throughout the curriculum in addition to the capstonedesign sequence, but more programs (40%) have design projects within non-design coursesthroughout the curriculum. The course or courses in the capstone design sequence are primarilyoffered only once a year (78%) with a slight edge to the spring semester/winter quarter (80%)over the fall semester/quarter (72%). Most institutions (78%) include instruction in software orprogramming as part of the course(s). The culminating design project is most often a theoreticaldesign (68%) as opposed to one based on experiments (3%) or resulting in a prototype (7%), andmost institutions do not use the AIChE Design Competition problems (70%). Professional skillsare mainly
out a brief reflectivestatement to share in the main room.Workshop design strategies used within each component were guided by literatureEach workshop component utilized a variety of strategies [33] to ensure active participation andcreation of a safe environment (Table 1).Table 1. Workshop features selected during the design of the workshop. Workshop Design How it was employed Literature Basis Strategies Common vocabulary The workshop pre-work and A common vocabulary can help introduction component(s) participants feel comfortable using contained definitions of appropriate words to engage in common diversity, equity, and
):• I definitely really liked the fact that you chose to solve the problems live - it helped understand your thought process for each step. Your explanations were really well explained and detailed. I also like how for question two, for example, you didn't just write the units, but you explained the meaning of Kp, the equation and how you got your final units.• The explanation was very thorough and the exam solutions themselves were very neat and easy to follow. the only error I noticed was that in #5, your math for the limit is slightly wrong, as when s goes to 0, there is still the + 1 in each parenthesis, meaning the terms dont reduce to 0, but the K value instead. I believe there should be an s in the
, L. Landherr, D. Silverstein, S. Thiel, B. Vaughen and T. Vogel, "Process Safety Across the Curriculum," in AIChE Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2023.[2] L. P. Ford, K. D. Dahm, D. Crowl, C. Barr, J. Brennan, T. Carter, L. Landherr, D. Silverstein, S. Thiel, B. Vaughen and T. Vogel, "The 2023 Timepoint in the Development of Process Safety Education," Chemical Engineering Education.[3] M. S. Mannan and D. K. Startz, "Process Safety Curriculum in US Universities," Centerline, vol. 10, no. 1, 2006.[4] P. B. Hasan, "Process Safety Curriculum Survey," Centerline, vol. 16, no. 2, 2012.[5] J. A. Shaeiwitz and S. Abubakr, "Hazards Associated with Chemical, Physical, and/or Biological Processes in the ChE Curriculum," in AIChE
Conservation. NJ,USA: Noyes Data Corporation, 1979.[17] G.F. Froment, K. B. Bischof, and J. de Wilde, Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, 3rded. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley and Sons, 2001.[18] A. Araújo and S. Skogestad, “Control structure design for the ammonia synthesis process,”Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 32, no. 12, pp. 2920-2932, Dec. 2008, doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2008.03.001.[19] R. Sinnott and G. Towler, Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, Practice, andEconomics of Plant and Process Design, 6th ed. Elsevier, 2020, doi: 10.1016/C2017-0-01555-0.Appendix A1. Chemical Process Project Description and Background. Plant for Productionof Ammonia: Haber-Bosch ProcessIntroduction and History:One of the most critical nutrients for
• Fluid flowrate: 2 m/s • Bulk flowrate: 0.026 m^3/s • Flow regime: Turbulent Leak • Berm containment: • Berm containment: detection and Length: 30m Length: 15m containment Width: 30m Width: 10m High: 5m High: 5m Material: PVC polymer-based Material: PVC polymer-based geomembrane geomembrane • Automatic Gauge tank system • Automatic Gauge tank system with Veeder-Root
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designs aimed at preventing future similar explosions. Third they prepare a safetychapter for their team’s final report in the companion Plant Design course in which they design apiece of equipment “meets code” (ASME), conduct a HAZOP study related to the operation ofone unit, compile SDS documents for all chemicals, list the appropriate PPE for plant workers,and design a pressure relief valve.Assessment of Safety AssignmentsOne hundred percent of our students (~250 sophomore through senior year) have successfullycompleted the seven SAChE certificates (which requires at least an eighty percent on the quiz) inthe CHE 101, 201, 301 and 401, as well as the EH&S Chemical Hygiene exam – as these areminimum requirements for our degree program. We
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language. The anecdotal evidence thatmotivated this project has been presented. The project’s framework and expected pedagogicalproducts has also been previewed. At the core of the paper, the content, assessment and pedagogy(CAP) for classroom adaptation of the Python script has been designed using the backward designapproach. Being a work in progress, we anticipate feedback suggestions on the alignment of theCAP design presented in this paper.References[1] J. H. Abou-Kassem, M. R. Islam, and S. M. Farouq Ali, “The engineering approach versus the mathematical approach in developing reservoir simulators,” 2020, pp. 373–396. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819150-7.00010-4.[2] L. P. Dake, Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering. Elsevier, 1983.[3] P
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in food andfood safety, (vi) beverages & stimulants, and (vii) historical and current uses of medicinal plants.Many students in non-STEM majors take TDOC or FSFH to fulfill in part their science andengineering general education requirement. Figure 1 shows a breakdown of students’ majorcategory at the time that they actually took the respective course. From 2014 to Fall 2023, a totalof 12,194 students took TDOC, while 13,510 took FSFH. The distribution of majors was alsocomparable, with economics and biology in the top two. Here, the College of Agricultural andEnvironmental Sciences (AE&S) includes animal science, food science, plant sciences, nutrition,and environmental science & management, all of which are classified as STEM
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