Evaluations During the 2004-2005Accreditation Cycle, Engineering Accreditation Commission, Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology,ABET, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, 2005.5 ASCE. Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century: Preparing the Civil Engineer for the Future,2nd Edition, Reston, VA, 2008.6 Bloom, Benjamin S. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, New York: Longman, 1956.7 Ressler, S. J., “Influence of the New Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge on Accreditation Criteria.”Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, June 2008.8 Ressler, S.J., “The Raise the Bar Inititiative: Charting the Future by Understanding the Path to the PresentAccreditation Criteria.” Proceedings of
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the COVID-19 pandemic.The survey results show a clear student preference when it comes to online course organizationand it is recommended that instructors continue to utilize LMS features, such as assignmentposting, online calendar events, weekly announcements, online assessments, etc., even whenonline courses return to in-person instruction. Future work should aim to explore optimizingattributes of the Flex Model classroom to enhance student learning experiences.References[1] C. Hodges, S. Moore, and B. Lockee. "The Difference Between Emergency RemoteTeaching and Online Learning." Educause Review. 2020. 27.[2] U. of Pittsburgh. “University of Pittsburgh COVID-19 Standards and Guidelines:Instruction,” [Online]. Available:https
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exposure allowsstudents to become practice-ready graduates.References:1. Dysert, L. (2006). Is “Estimate Accuracy” and oxymoron? AACE International Transactions. EST.01. 1-42. Park, W., & Chapin, W. (1992). Construction bidding: Strategic pricing for profit. New York: Wiley3. Carr, R. (1989). Cost estimating principles. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 115, (4), p 545-551.4. John K. Hollman, Editor, (2006) TCM Framework: An Integrated Approach to Portfolio, Program and Project Management, AACE.5. Schexanayder, J. C., Weber, L. S., Fiori, C. (2003). Project cost estimating: A synthesis of highway practice. AASHTO6. Kirk, M. (1999). Teaching application-based estimating: Integrating the workplace and the classroom
Knowledge Solidifies Its Importance,” Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 101(4), pp. 817-835, 2009.[5] D.H. Uttal, N.G. Meadow, E. Tipton, L.L. Hand, A.R. Alden, C. Warren, N.S. Newcombe, “The Malleability of Spatial Skills: A Meta-Analysis of Training Studies,” Psychological Bulletin, vol. 139(2), pp. 352-402, 2013.[6] S. Farrell, A. Behan, G. Duffy, R. Harding, R. Howard, “A Profile of the Spatial Visualisation Abilities of First Year Engineering and Science Students,” The 6th Research in Engineering Education Symposium (REES 2015), Dublin, Ireland, July 13-15, 2015.[7] C. Caldwell, J. Hanus, A. Chalmers, “Integration of Information-Technology Software in a Civil Engineering Program,” pp. 14.775.1
authors wish to acknowledge the enthusiasm and support provided by various employees ofour industry partner for this problem-based learning experience. They greatly influenced theauthenticity and positive impact on student knowledge resulting from this experience.References1. Todd, R. H., C. D. Sorensen, and S. P. Magleby, Satisfy “Designing a Senior Capstone Course to Industrial Customers,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 82, No. 2, April 1993.2. Sageev, P. and C. J. Romanowski, “A Message from Recent Engineering Graduates in the Workplace: Results of a Survey on Technical Communication Skills,” Journal of Page 12.165.11
civilengineering, we must embrace liberal learning and the humanities and social sciences.AcknowledgementsThe authors appreciate the input received on the development of this paper and for theircareful review of earlier drafts. Specifically, Jeffrey Russell, Thomas Lenox, and JamesO’Brien served with the authors on a subcommittee of the BOK2 Committee and theirinput helped shaped the final product. A special note of appreciation goes to ThomasLenox for preparation of Figure 1. Of course, the ideas and opinions expressed in thispaper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ASCE. Page 12.1461.1310 Van Treuren, K. and Eisenbarth, S
Johnson R.T. “Pedagogies of engagement:Classroom-based practices,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94, pp. 87-101, 2005.2. Mehta, Y. “Innovative techniques to teach civil engineering materials laboratory,” Proceedings of the 2004ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June, 2004.3. O'Neill, R., Geiger, C., Csavina, K., Orndoff, C. “Making statics dynamic!” Combining lecture andlagoratory into an interdisciplinary, problem-based, active learning environment”. Proceedings of the 2007 ASEEAnnual Conference and Exposition, June, 2007.4. Estes, A., Welch, R., and Ressler, S. Teaching lessons learned: The ExCEED Teaching Model. Journal ofProfessional Issues in Engineering Education Practice, Volume 131, No. 4, pp. pp. 218-221
achieve similargoals as presented in this paper.Appropriate Taxonomies for AssessmentTo assess the effectiveness of an engineering course for non-engineers with the EDP requiresadopting a broader context of taxonomies than traditionally may be employed. A commonapproach is to utilize the work done by Benjamin Bloom’s 1950’s education committee. Thecommittee established a set of taxonomies in three learning domains: cognitive, affective andpsychomotor. The domains have been identified as, “arguably one of the most influentialeducation monographs of the past half century 4.” The taxonomies are a language that isproposed to describe the progressive development of an individual in each domain and aredefined as follows 5: • Cognitive: of
, mentorship, and encouragement—that they sodesperately need and so richly deserve.References1. Ressler, S. J., C. H. Conley, and R. Gash, “Designing a Civil Engineering Program for the National MilitaryAcademy of Afghanistan,” Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, June 2008. Page 13.705.112. “Announcements - Afghan Merit Scholars at Ohio University,” accessed athttp://www.afghanequalityalliances.net/index.php?module=cms&action=page&id=gen12Srv35Nme0_84, January14, 2007. Page 13.705.12
scrutiny in thepast decade. As cited later, there have been concerns expressed that graduate programshave become less focused on preparing civil engineers for the professional practice ofcivil engineering and more focused on engineering research. An added concern in thisperceived trend has been that the future educators of civil engineers who graduate withPh.D.’s may be less prepared to foster the best possible learning in practical civilengineering design. These concerns may or may not be justified, but the current dialoguecertainly provides an opportunity for civil engineering departments to reexamine theirgraduate programs to identify whether they are doing to their best to prepare theirgraduates. Implied in the M/30 learning is the knowledge
virtual laboratories for earthquake engineering education." Computer Applications in Engineering Education 13, no. 3 (2005): 200.6. Sim, Sung-Han, B. F. Spencer, and G. C. Lee. "Virtual laboratory for experimental structural dynamics." Computer Applications in Engineering Education 17, no. 1 (2009): 80-88.7. Katsanos, E. I., O. N. Taskari, and A. G. Sextos. "A matlab‐based educational tool for the seismic design of flexibly supported RC buildings." Computer Applications in Engineering Education 22, no. 3 (2014): 442-451.8. Dyke, Shirley, Z. Jiang, R. Christenson, X. Gao, and S. Courter. "Teleoperation and teleparticipation of instructional shake tables using the NEES cyberinfrastructure." In Proc. of the World Forum
faculty by 12 since 2012.Table 2. School of Engineering Faculty Research Proposal/Funding Production 2011-20168 Proposals Requested Funding Submitted Funding Expended 2011 0 0 2012 2 $197,070* 2013 3 $361,081* 2014 6 $240,097* 2015 8 $3.64m $161,077* 2016 11 $7.906m $225,424*These funds are primarily from a NSF S-STEM grant submitted in 2010 and
EAC GeneralCriteria.* Thus, while UCSD offers the twelve courses specified in the NCSEA curriculum, theprogram is not subject to any explicit accreditation standards for its structural engineeringcontent.* The relevant ABET policy is stated in paragraph I.C.4.c.(2) of the ABET Policy and Procedure Manual, as follows:“If a program name implies specialization(s) for which Program Criteria have been developed, the program mustsatisfy all applicable Program Criteria.“11Given the inability of most baccalaureate civil engineering programs to provide all requiredcoursework for structural engineering practice, structural engineering firms with more than tenemployees now hire primarily at the master’s level. For this reason, in our definition
.Marikunte, S., F. Harackiewicz, J. Nicklow, and L. Chevalier, “Benefits and Challenges ofTraining Teaching Assistants,” Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference andExposition, Chicago, Illinois, June 2006. https://peer.asee.org/798.Marra, R., K.A. Rogers, D. Shen, and B. Bogue, “A multi-year, multi- institution study ofwomen engineering student self-efficacy,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 98, I 1, p 27 –38, January 2009.Packard, B., Successful STEM Mentoring Initiatives for Underrepresented Students. StylusPublishing, 2015.Roberts, S.C., K.A. Hollar, and V.M. Carlson, “Looking Back: Lessons Learned from Ten Yearsof Training Teaching Assistants,” Proceedings of the 1997 ASEE Annual Conference andExposition, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June
$3,640,000.00 $161,077.00*2016 11 $7,906,850.00 $225,424.00 *These funds are primarily from a $600k NSF S-STEM grant submitted in 2010 and the internal grants for research ($3000) noted above.This growth founded on requiring professional development plans that match tenure andpromotion goals have led to greater research proposal submission and funding, scholarship,and growth in student enrollment which has ultimately led to new faculty lines. The actualavailability of these funds ten years ago did not generate the faculty development envisioned.The fact that the resources are now limited, the college is moving to a 60-20-20 facultyworkload model, and an
Board, Austin, 2015.[2] J. Soffel, "What are the 21st-Century Skills Every Student Needs?," 10 March 2016. [Online]. Available: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/03/21st-century-skills-future- jobs-students/.[3] World Economic Forum, "New Vision for Education: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning through Technology," 2016.[4] A. Gray, "10 skills you need to survive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution," 19 January 2016. [Online]. Available: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-10-skills-you- need-to-thrive-in-the-fourth-industrial-revolution/.[5] S. Bronson, "Difference between Liberal Arts & Liberal Studies," [Online]. Available: https://classroom.synonym.com/difference-arts-amp-liberal-studies-6504648.html.[6
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). Civic Engagement Value Rubric. Washington, DC, Association of American Colleges & Universities.27. Gottlieb, K. and G. Robinson (2002). A Practical Guide for Integrating Civic Responsibility into the Curriculum. Washington, DC, American Association of Community Colleges.28. Helms, M. M., R. M. Rutti, A. A. Hervani, J. LaBonte and S. Sarkarat (2015). "Implementing and Evaluating Online Service Learning Projects." Journal of Education for Business 90(7): 369-378.29. Gwet, K. L. (2014). Handbook of inter-rater reliability: The definitive guide to measuring the extent of agreement among raters, Advanced Analytics, LLC.30. Armstrong, D., A. Gosling, J. Weinman and T. Marteau (1997). "The place of inter-rater
active role in demonstrating that they personallyhave achieved the degree program’s SLOs through the completion of work as demonstrated in anindividual student learning portfolio. The student constructs their own portfolio as s/heprogresses through the program relying, in large part, on evaluated/graded assignments carefullymapped to outcomes. The final, graduation-level portfolios are a mandatory requirement fordegree completion. Portfolios have been used by the program for approximately ten years andfor multiple ABET visits. Faculty and members of the department’s external advisory boardhave traditionally evaluated the graduation portfolios. As the department’s enrollment anddegree production has grown significantly, portfolios have evolved to
for Licensure andProfessional Practice,” American Society of Civil Engineers,4 Russell, Jeffrey S. and Thomas A. Lenox, 2012. AC 2012-3048. The Raise the Bar Initiative: Charting theFuture by Understanding the Path to the Present – An Overview.5 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying. 2013. NCEES Model Law. Clemson, SC.6 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying. 2013. NCEES Model Rules. Clemson, SC.7 American Society of Civil Engineers. 2004. Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century:Preparing the Civil Engineer for the Future. First Edition, ASCE, Reston, VA.8 American Society of Civil Engineers. 2008. Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century:Preparing the Civil
] Bauer, C. (2005). “Beyond “Student Attitudes”: Chemistry Self-Concept Inventory for Assessment of the Affective Component of Student Learning,” Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 82, No 12, p. 1864-1870.[14] Albanese, M.A., and Mitchell, S., (1993). “Problem-based learning: A review of literature on its outcomes and implementation issues,” Academic Medicine, Vol. 68, No. 1, p. 52-81.[15] Thomas, J.W., (2000). “A review of research on Project-based Learning,” San Rafael, CA, Autodesk Foundation, p. 49.
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effective. Although we had a specific series ofsteps in mind when we began, the process evolved as we discovered what worked well.1. A department ABET Program Evaluator (PEV) reviewed and prepared a preliminary mapping of all of the outcomes, including mapping of previous outcomes to new BOK3 outcomes. This information was presented in a faculty meeting, and followed by a dialogue about how to proceed with development of outcomes using ASCE BOK3. At this time, the department also discussed whether other outcomes could be needed, and added “Service” to our list.2. Faculty member teams selected BOK3 outcome(s) to draft (usually identified based on experience with previous outcomes, but sometimes due to individual interest). Four different
,” Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference, 2016.[9] M. Collura and W. Harding, “AC 2012-5004: Material and energy balances taught in a multidisciplinary course,” American Society for Engineering Education, 2012.[10] M.L. Davis and D.A. Cornwell. Introduction to Environmental Engineering. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2013.[11] M. F. Mavilidi, M. Ruiter, M. Schmidt, A. D. Okely, S. Loyens, P. Chandler, and F. Paas, “A narrative review of school-based physical activity for enhancing cognition and learning: the importance of relevancy and integration,” Frontiers in Psychology. vol. 9, 2018, pp. 1-17.[12] G. B. Alvord. Building and maintaining West Point. West Point (NY): U.S. Army
thicknesses and coefficients of friction. • HVAC/Mechanical Systems – Determine the number and size of various components of a distributed HVAC system including as air handling fans, heaters and air conditioners given the loading and the characteristics of the individual system components.Walnut Street BridgeThe first lecture was by a professional engineer involved with the initial design of the bridge andits approach viaducts in the mid 1980’s. He presented an overview of the project including theconstraints imposed by replacing an existing structure in a physically limited urban environment,utilities, and the reuse of existing components such as piers and abutments. The bridge and
... For other than Academic Purposes Conversations with other cadets for Academic purposes Conversations with instructors for Academic purposes 3. Did you use IM for communication with your instructor in any course other thanCE300 or CE364? YES NO If so, which course(s)? 4. What specific academic purposes do you prefer to use IM for? Check all that apply. To check answers for Problem Sets or Review Problems Clarify course material or conceptual questions Discuss Non-course related material (i.e. questions about another course) Seek Professional Advice Other
. 87, no. 2, Apr., 1998, pp. 149–155.3. Seat, E., and S. M. Lord. “Enabling Effective Engineering Teams: A Program for Teaching Interaction Skills,” Journal of Engineering Education vol. 88, no. 4, Oct., 1999, pp. 385–390.4. Swan, B.R., et al., “A Preliminary Analysis of Factors Affecting Engineering Design Team Performance.” Proceedings of the 1994 ASEE Annual Conference, ASEE, 1994, pp. 2572–2589.5. Katzenbach, J.R., and D.K. Smith, The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization, HarperCollins, New York, 2003.6. Michaelsen, L.K., “Classroom Organization and Management: Making a Case for the Small-Group Option,” In Handbook of College Teaching: Theory and Applications, Edited by K. W. Prichard and R. M. Sawyer