- components proposed in the fulfilled (40 points) missing 1-2 items. proposal successfully. Total: 90 points* Creativity track project should accompany a brief written report with student(s) name(s), and 1) thelearning objectives it includes, 2) description of the project, 3) justification of difficulty, 4) explanation offinal deliverable (artwork, videos, etc.), and 5) references (optional).Out of 122 students in Section 1, 69 students submitted the letter of intent, and 51
with theengineering community, both academia and industry, the experience they had with theirrespective second job at an architectural firm and a civil engineering firm and the factors theybelieve need be addressed to make this concept effective.BackgroundIn the 1950’s the engineering students were taught by professors whom a majority of them wereengaging in engineering practice. These faculty members either worked as private consultants orworked with an engineering firm. The highest degree these faculty members possessed mayhave only been a master of science or master of engineering. As the focus of fundamentalresearch heightened and the availability of research funding increased during the early 1960’s,many engineering professors directed
) Semester Outline Week Lecture Topic(s) Laboratory Topics 1 Site & Project Design Loading Overview Criteria -Structural Subsurface Loading Exploration Program -Wind Pressure Layout -Snow Loads Page 26.1019.5 -Building Codes (Mass, IBC) 2 RISA-2D Lecture Site Geology & Truss Analysis using and Examples Soil
gapbetween the developed and developing worlds.13 In providing assistance to developingcountries, faculty development may be one of the best ways to improve education in thedeveloping world and close the higher education gap.References1. Lowman, J., Mastering the Techniques of Teaching, 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995.2. Ressler, S., Conley, C, Gash, R. “Designing a Civil Engineering Program for the National Military Academy ofAfghanistan.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.3. Ressler, S.J., Gash, R., Conley, C., Hamilton, S. R. , Momand, F., Fekrat, Q., and Gulistani, A.. "Implementinga Civil Engineering Program at the National Military Academy of Afghanistan." American Society for
big project today. When I looked at it, I thought, ‘Hey, Idid this in CE492!’”References1 Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century, Second Edition, American Society of Civil Engineers,Reston, VA, 2008.2 Howe, S. and Wilbarger, J. “2005 National Survey of Engineering Capstone Design Courses” Proceedings of the2006 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. ASEE, 2006.3 Todd, R. , Magleby, S. and Sorenson, C. “Nationwide Senior Design Course Survey,” 1994, Brigham YoungUniversity, College of Engineering and Technology.4 Collier, K., Hatfield, J., Howell, S., and Larson, D. “A Multi-disciplinary Model for Teaching the EngineeringProduct Realization Process.” Proceedings of the 26th Annual
again in the future. Students were satisfied and the resultsindicate that students learning improved as a result of CivE Days.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to acknowledge the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) at Universityof Waterloo (UW), the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UW, and theIDEAS Clinic at UW for funding this project.BibliographyBalkos, K., Dow, B., Shams, S., Al-Hammoud, R., Emelko, M. B., Walbridge, S. & Bachmann, C. “ Pedagogical Skill Development Through the Horizontal Integration of a Second- Year Engineering Curriculum,” in Proc. ASEE 124th Annual Conference and Exposition (Columbus, OH; June 2017), 14 pp., 2017.Carroll, J. C., Sipes, S., Benton, J. W., Aucoin, T., de
images of micro-structures was limited in former days. Due to advances in image processing and optical technology,however, publishers and instructors can provide visualizations of concrete now more than ever before. Thisarticle compares macro size clinker and micro-structures of clinker which are alite, belite, aluminate andferrite to help student understand calcium silicates.Pearson Higher Education published “Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, 4th Edition” in 2016[2]. The authors are Michael S. Mamlouk and John P. Zaniewski. Materials for Civil and ConstructionEngineers is composed of 11 chapters. It introduces Portland cement (PC) and PC concrete in Chapter 6and 7, respectively. The textbook adequately conveys Portland cement
, independent of the restrictions of any single institute. The resultsof this study seem to confirm these projects should not be abandoned and we should work toacquire more information to better understand the benefits in learning through intercollaborativeprojects.IntroductionThe civil engineering programs at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (RH) and GonzagaUniversity (GU) wish to understand optimization of inter-collaborative capstone projects. Inter-collaborative capstone projects are typically service learning projects conducted by students frommultiple institutes. Such projects are often local to one of the institutes, but remote to the other(s).They are organized to promote intercultural learning by students from both institutes and toovercome
faculty mentor working with the student(s) receives a stipendranging from $1,000-$1,500.The SURE Program strives to improve student skills integral to performing research. Studentsand their research mentors are expected to work together for eight hours per week for one-on-one instruction and research skill development. In addition to conducting research with facultymentors, mentees are required to attend four lunch meetings throughout the summer experience.These meetings focus on professional development, mentoring, and providing an opportunity forstudents to discuss research progress with peers. In the first meeting, staff from the campusMultimedia Services Office conduct a poster preparation workshop in which they teach thebasics of designing a
years. Although some of the students focused on thecreative aspect of the project more than the civil engineering aspects, they nevertheless createdsomething new, understood the concept of concrete design better through hands-on activities,experimented with new materials, and found the experience interesting.References1. Crofton, F. S. “Educating for Sustainability: Opportunities in Undergraduate Engineering.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2000: 397-405.2. Woodruff, P. H. “Educating Engineers to Create a Sustainable Future.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, April 2006: 434-444.3. Davidson, C. I., Matthews, H. S, Hendrickson, C. T, Bridges, M. W., Allenby, B. R., Crittenden, J. C., Chen, Y., Williams, E., Allen, D. T., Murphy, C
thedepartment’s course lesson plans in the late 1980’s. Assessment of student learning aboutapplication of sustainable design principles became a specific criterion of the engineering impactstudent outcome in the department’s assessment plan in 2008.Results of student work assessment presented in the paper demonstrate that, although studentscould reflect thoughtfully on sustainability principles, they struggled to demonstrate rational,comprehensive application of these principles to the design process. The evidence suggested adifferent approach to learning sustainable design was needed. Dialogue with practitioners andindustry experts reminded the department that sustainable design is just “good engineering” thathas been present in the curriculum for
classrooms for the sake of research so as to have classes with balancedstrengths, without unduly inconveniencing students. It is also recommended that there should beresearch into finding ways of factoring student native abilities into the results of researchfindings that use class comparisons.References:1. Felder, R.M. & Silverman, L.K., Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 78, No. 7, pp. 674-681, (1988).2. Michel, N., Cater III, J.J.& Varela, O. (2009). Active Versus Passive TeachingStyles: An Empirical Study of Student Learning Outcomes. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 20(4).3. Stewart-Wingfield, S., & Black, G. S. (2005). Active versus passive course designs
Work? A Review of the Research,” Journal ofEngineering Education, July 2004.[4] S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M. K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, and M. P.Wenderoth, “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, andmathematics,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,vol. 111, no. 23, June 10, 2014.[5] K. A. Smith, S. D. Sheppard, D. W. Johnson, and R. T. Johnson, “Pedagogies ofEngagement: Classroom-Based Practices,” Journal of Engineering Education, January 2005.[6] M. D. Svinicki and W. J. McKeachie, McKeachie’s Teaching Tips, 14th Ed. Belmont, CA,Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2014.[7] S. A. Ambrose, M. W. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. C. Lovett, and M. K. Norman
. (2014). Resilience assessment for geotechnicalinfrastructure assets. Infrastructure Asset Management, 1(4), 95-104.[5] American Society for Civil Engineers (2009). The Vision for Civil Engineering in 2025.Reston, VA: ASCE.[6] Dong, J. and Chen, P. (2014). A Case Study: How Collaborative PBL Affects Learning ofMinority Students in Engineering Courses at Senior Level. ASEE Annual Conference &Exposition, Indianapolis, IN.[7] Fernandes, S. R. G. (2014). Preparing graduates for professional practice: findings from a casestudy of Project-based Learning (PBL). Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 139, 219-226.[8] Wu, W. and Hyatt, B. (2016). Experiential and project-based learning in BIM for sustainableliving with tiny solar houses. Procedia
,” Transp. Res. Part Policy Pract., vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 47–72, Jan. 2001.[5] S. M. Chance, “University leadership in energy and environmental design: How postsecondary institutions use the LEED Green Building rating system,” 2010.[6] H. A. Simon, Models of bounded rationality: Empirically grounded economic reason, vol. 3. MIT press, 1982.[7] D. H. Meadows, Thinking in Systems: A Primer. Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008.[8] J. L. Blizzard and L. E. Klotz, “A framework for sustainable whole systems design,” Des. Stud., vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 456–479, Sep. 2012.[9] F. Charnley, M. Lemon, and S. Evans, “Exploring the process of whole system design,” Des. Stud., vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 156–179, 2011.[10] B. Greer, “Overview of the Papers: Why is
n2 x2 s2 Grading Plan 17 89.7 6.5 18 80.6 11.2 Stormwater Plan 17 87.8 6.8 18 71.3 12.5 n = sample size, x = mean, and s = standard deviationThe results appear to show a drop in graded performance on the embedded indicators. Astatistical t-test analysis27 was conducted to confirm the change in performance. Assuming thatthe population distributions are normal and the standard deviations (σ1 = σ 2) are approximatelyidentical (+/- factor of 2), the null hypothesis is that the means are identical ( x 1 – x 2 = 0).Comparing the EDP Grading Plans from 2011 and 2012Pooled estimate of the σ2 is determined as follows
Paper ID #32884Does a Review Course Increase FE Exam Preparedness?Dr. Matthew K. Swenty, Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T and then worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation. After obtaining his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech, he worked at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. He is currently a professor of Civil Engineering at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). He teaches engineering mechanics and structural engineering courses and enjoys working with his students
improved instructors.References1. Newborn, Timothy. (2009). “National Military Academy of Afghanistan host 1st graduation ceremony.” CSTC-A News, Combined Security Transition Command Afghanistan, Kabul.2. Photo taken by LT. Cmdr. John Gay, CSTA-photographer, 2009.3. Hamilton, S., “NMAA Command Brief,” Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, Kabul,Afghanistan, May 2008.4. Epstein, J., Masters: Portraits of Great Teachers. New York: Basic Books, 1981, p. xiii.5. Ressler, S., Gash, R., Conley, C., Hamilton, S., Momand, F., Fekrat, Q.and Gulistani, A., (2008) “Designing aCivil Engineering Program at the National Military Academy of Afghanistan”, American Society for EngineeringEducation Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.6. Ressler, S
? 4) In what sustainability related topic(s) are civil engineering students most interested? 5) What do CEE students credit as the primary source of their sustainability knowledge?The CEE Curriculum at Virginia TechThe CEE department at VT offers a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE). Unlikesome institutions, Environmental Engineering does not constitute a separate undergraduate majorfrom Civil Engineering at VT. The Myers-Lawson School of Construction is a joint venturebetween the colleges of engineering and architecture. The school offers a Bachelor of Science inConstruction Engineering and Management (CEM). The curricula for the CEE and CEM degreesare similar, but the CEM degree provides more focus in construction
Fellowship.References[1] R. J. Wilson, Introduction to Graph Theory. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1986.[2] S. A. Ambrose, M. W. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. C. Lovett, and M. K. Norman, How learning works: Seven research-based principles for smart teaching. San Francisco, CA, US: Jossey-Bass, 2010.[3] M. W. Moyer, “The Dos and Don’ts of ‘Quarantine Pods,’” New York Times, 2020.[4] J. R. Young, “With No Study Buddies, More College Students Turn to Cheating,” EdSurge, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.edsurge.com/news/2020-10-06-with-no- study-buddies-more-college-students-turn-to-cheating.[5] J. Rosenthal, “Shocked!,” New York Times, 1997.Appendix A: Prompt for “Graph Theory and Disease Transmission”On our course webpage, I
, Columbia University; and Jeffrey Russell, University of Wisconsin atMadison. Page 12.732.6References1. Lawson, W. D. (2002). “In defense of a little theory.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engi- neering Education and Practice, ASCE, 128(4), 206-211.2. Harichandran, R. S. (2006). “Current research thrusts in civil and environmental engineering and implications for education: a Big 10+ perspective.” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 18-21.3. Goodings, D. J., and Ketcham, S. A. (2001). “Research versus practice in transportation geo- technics: can we bridge the chasm?” Journal of Professional Issues in
consistent with the ones presented in this paper.All of the above seem to indicate that the active learning PBH should improve the classperformance, reducing the number of students failing the class, and as a consequence, increasingretention and graduation rates as well.References[1] S. A. Ambrose, M. W. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. C. Lovett and M. K. Norman, “HowLearning Works: 7 Research-based Principles for Smart Teaching,” San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2010.[2] R. Zaurin, "Preparing the Engineering Student for Success with IDEAS: A Second YearExperiential Learning Activity for Large-size Classes," in Proceedings of the ASEE AnnualConference & Exposition, https://peer.asee.org/30886, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2018.[3] X. Chen, "Students
an increasingly importantpart of engineering education for Civil and Environmental Engineers. ABET criteria for bothEnvironmental and Civil Engineering currently contain language stressing sustainability but thedevelopment of curriculum components for these degree programs does not yet have anestablished norm, with some efforts directed at spreading sustainability across the curriculum ina modular fashion within upper level topics and other efforts directed at one, two or three coursesequences specifically focused on sustainability. A body of sustainability pedagogy does existand has been strongly promoted by both AEESP and NSF and is now a topic of discussion byASCE. Florida Gulf Coast University was established in the late 1990’s as
) apply design evolution concepts to analyze the office chairs from recent decades in termsof their “green” quality or design for the environment, 3) determine the feasibility of end-of-life recycling of the materials comprising the chair via disassembly, materialcategorizing and weighing and 4) examine and assess the green design properties ofchairs from mid 1900’s versus a 21st century chair touted as green13. Sustainable metricshave been left as an intentional indirect learning objective for this module in order tocompare the cognitive outcomes of explicit versus implicit module components acrossstudent test groups.In the activity portion of this module, the instructor begins class with a 10-minutepresentation to prepare students for the
-known being the Myers Brigg Personality Type Indicator® (MBTI). The MBTI identifies16 different personality types founded on preferences in four major categories based on Jung’sTheory of Psychological Types. MBTI results indicate whether a person tends to be extroverted(E) or introverted (I), sensing (S) or intuitive (N), thinking (T) or feeling (F), and judging (J) or Page 26.411.2perceiving (P). Extroverted types focus energy on the outer world while introverted types focusenergy on the inner world. Sensing types process information through actual facts and detailsthat they encounter through their senses while intuitive types think more in
] Stevens, R., Johri, A., & O’Connor, K. (2014). Professional Engineering Work. In A. Johri & B. Olds (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research (pp. 119-138). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139013451.010[2] Trede, F., & Smith, M. (2012). Teaching reflective practice in practice settings: students' perceptions of their clinical educators. Teaching in higher education, 17(5), 615-627.[3] Hitlin, S., & Elder, G. H. (2007). Time, self, and the curiously abstract concept of agency. Sociological theory, 25(2), 170-191.[4] Paretti, M. C., & Kotys-Schwartz, D. A., & Howe, S., & Ford, J. D., & Lutz, B. D., & Kochersberger, K., & Gewirtz, C
for EAC programs) and CETAA (CommitteeTelecommunication(s) for ETAC programs) committee meetings.INCOSE, Systems No Still working on initial criteria requirementsSNAME, Naval Architecture and Feedback from program heads and discussion No Yes Ad hocMarine Engineering among society reps. Any changes to Program Criteria have beenSPIE, Optical and
be slightly altered to reinforce the principles of diversity andinclusion as a consistent theme throughout the workshop. Finally, every seminar andevery piece of training literature should be reviewed with the specific awareness ofconsidering people of all races, genders and background.Clearly, this is not the final solution to a field that continues to evolve very quickly, but itrepresents a good start. Hopefully these steps will provide lessons learned and productivefeedback that will lead to even better changes in the future.Bibliography1 Estes, A.C., Ressler, S.J., Saviz, C.M., Barry, B.E., Considine, C. L., Coward, D., Dennis, N. D.,Hamilton, S. R., Hurwitz, D. S., Kunberger, T., Lenox, T. A., Nilsson, T. L., Nolen, L., O'Brien, J. J
, broad input fromthe professional community, and respect for the contributions of previous BOK committees.References1. Ressler, S. J., “The Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge and Accreditation Criteria: A Plan for Long-Term Management of Change.” Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Page 26.1634.5 Education, June 2011.2. Ressler, S. J. “The Sociology of Professions: Application to the Civil Engineering ‘Raise the Bar’ Initiative.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 137 (3), 151-161.3. Ressler, S. J., “Influence of the New Civil Engineering Body