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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 55 in total
Conference Session
Proven Strategies in Classroom Engagement Part I: Artifacts for Creative Pedagogy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
S Alireza Behnejad P.E., University of Surrey, UK
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Civil Engineering
Paper ID #14405Benefits of Full-scale Physical Models in Civil Engineering EducationMr. S Alireza Behnejad P.E., University of Surrey, UK Alireza is a Teaching Fellow in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Surrey, UK. He obtained his first MSc degree in Architectural Engineering in 2001, followed by over 10 years of industrial experience as an entrepreneur in the field of Design and Construction of Prefabricated Spatial Structures in Iran. In 2012, Alireza obtained his second MSc in Structural Engineering and he is currently expanding his research as a PhD student in the field of
Conference Session
Influencing the Next (Third!) Edition of the Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stuart G. Walesh P.E., S. G. Walesh Consulting
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Civil Engineering
Paper ID #14706Possible Influences of the NSPE EBOK and the AAES/DOL Engineering Com-petency Model (ECM) on the CEBOK3Dr. Stuart G. Walesh P.E., S. G. Walesh Consulting Stuart G. Walesh, Ph.D., P.E., Dist.M.ASCE, and F.NSPE (, is an author; teacher; and an independent consultant providing leadership-management, engineering, and education-training services. Prior to beginning his consultancy, he worked in the public, private, and aca- demic sectors serving as a project engineer and manager, department head, discipline manager, marketer, legal expert, professor
Conference Session
Notable Topics in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shashi S. Nambisan P.E., University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Kwaku Frimpong Boakye, University of Tennessee - Knoxville
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Civil Engineering
Paper ID #16513An Overview and Preliminary Assessment of a Summer Transportation En-gineering Education Program (STEEP) for Ninth GradersDr. Shashi S. Nambisan P.E., University of Tennessee - Knoxville Shashi Nambisan is a Professor of Civil Engineering at University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UT). Since 1989, he has led efforts on more than 165 research, education, and outreach projects that have addressed local, statewide, regional and national issues in transportation and infrastructure systems management related to policy, planning, operations, safety, and risk analysis. He has authored or co-authored more than 125 peer
Conference Session
Notable Topics in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Camilla M. Saviz P.E., University of the Pacific; Luke S. Lee P.E., University of the Pacific; Gary M. Litton, University of the Pacific
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Civil Engineering
Paper ID #15138Where is Everybody? Participation in Online Student Evaluation of Instruc-tion SurveysDr. Camilla M. Saviz P.E., University of the Pacific Camilla Saviz is Professor and Chair of Civil Engineering at the University of the Pacific. She received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Clarkson University, an M.B.A. from the New York Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California, Davis. She joined the University of the Pacific in 1999 and is a registered Professional Engineer in California.Dr. Luke S. Lee P.E., University of the
Conference Session
Fostering Transformational Change in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cary Troy, Purdue University - West Lafayette; Jenna Bruntz; Rao S. Govindaraju, Purdue University - West Lafayette; Ghadir Haikal, Purdue University; Joseph David Horn, Purdue Civil Engineering; Michael M. Kelly, Purdue University; Mariah Grace Schroeder, Purdue University Lyles School of Civil Engineering; Jon See, East Tennessee State University; J. Case Tompkins, Purdue University
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Civil Engineering
waters.Ms. Jenna Bruntz,Prof. Rao S. Govindaraju, Purdue University - West Lafayette Rao S. Govindaraju is the Bowen Engineering Head and the Christopher B. and Susan S. Burke Professor in the School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University. He earned his PhD in civil engineering from the University of California, Davis, in 1989. His primary areas of research include surface and subsurface hydrology, contaminant transport, watershed hydrology, and climatic influences. He is interested in de- veloping algorithms for analyzing and learning from hydrologic data. He specializes in problems dealing with uncertainty and spatial variability. His scholarly accomplishments include over a 125 peer-reviewed journal articles, four
Conference Session
Viewpoints, Perspectives, and Creativity in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jakob C Bruhl P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Richard J.H. Gash, United States Military Academy; William Clarence Pyant III, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, United States Military Acadamy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
no surveysEquilibrium 1 X X X X no surveys A/I/Vi/G (80.85)Equilibrium 2 X X X A/S/Ve/S (51.04) no surveysEquilibrium 3 X X X no surveys
Conference Session
Fostering Transformational Change in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William J. Davis P.E., The Citadel; Simon Thomas Ghanat P.E., The Citadel; Kevin C Bower P.E., The Citadel
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Civil Engineering
provide further insight intostudent perceptions. The following observations are noted for data summarized in Table 7:  The highest survey response (96%) was noted for perceived student understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. This outcome also has the lowest standard deviation (9%) indicating a concurrence of student perception on this professional skills outcome and providing further evidence of a strong positive response.Table 5. FE Exam Ethics and Business Practice Results, 2009-2015 (n=220) FE Exam Institution CE National Avg. Ratio of Institutional Avg. Administration Avg. % Correct % Correct % Correct / National Avg. S 2009 (2) 88
Conference Session
PBL and Flipped Classrooms in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aliye Karabulut-Ilgu, Iowa State University; Suhan Yao, Iowa State University; Peter Tarmo Savolainen, Iowa State University; Charles T. Jahren P.E., Iowa State University
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Civil Engineering
. (2013). The flipped classroom: A survey of the research. In Proceedings of 120th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Atlanta, GA.3. Bachnak, R., & Maldonado, S. C. (2014). A flipped classroom experience  : Approach and lessons learned. In Proceedings of 121st ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Indianapolis, IN.4. Redekopp, M. W., & Ragusa, G. (2013). Evaluating Flipped Classroom Strategies and Tools for Computer Engineering. In Proceedings of the 120th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Atlanta, GA.5. Buechler, D. N., Sealy, P. J., & Goomey, J. (2014). Three Pilot Studies with a Focus on Asynchronous Distance Education. In Proceedings of 121st ASEE Annual Conference &
Conference Session
Capstone and Collaborations in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Glen F Koorey, ViaStrada Ltd.; Mark W. Milke P.E., University of Canterbury; Norb Delatte P.E., Cleveland State University
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Civil Engineering
consequences from not following advice (e.g., relating to risks, safety etc.)”12And under competency profile 9, “Recognise the reasonably foreseeable social, cultural andenvironmental effects of professional engineering activities generally” the bullet points are:  “Considers long term issues and impact(s) of own engineering activities, such as use of materials, waste during fabrication/construction, energy efficiency during use, obsolescence and end-of-life issues.  Considers and takes into account possible social, cultural and environmental impacts and consults where appropriate  Considers Treaty of Waitangi implications and consults accordingly  Recognises impact and long-term effects of engineering activities on
Conference Session
Capstone and Collaborations in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin G. Sutterer, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Sue Niezgoda P.E., Gonzaga University; John Aidoo, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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Civil Engineering
, independent of the restrictions of any single institute. The resultsof this study seem to confirm these projects should not be abandoned and we should work toacquire more information to better understand the benefits in learning through intercollaborativeprojects.IntroductionThe civil engineering programs at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (RH) and GonzagaUniversity (GU) wish to understand optimization of inter-collaborative capstone projects. Inter-collaborative capstone projects are typically service learning projects conducted by students frommultiple institutes. Such projects are often local to one of the institutes, but remote to the other(s).They are organized to promote intercultural learning by students from both institutes and toovercome
Conference Session
Innovative Instructional Strategies for Integrating Sustainability
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diane L. Bondehagen, Florida Gulf Coast University; Simeon J. Komisar, Florida Gulf Coast University; Robert O'Neill, Florida Gulf Coast University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
an increasingly importantpart of engineering education for Civil and Environmental Engineers. ABET criteria for bothEnvironmental and Civil Engineering currently contain language stressing sustainability but thedevelopment of curriculum components for these degree programs does not yet have anestablished norm, with some efforts directed at spreading sustainability across the curriculum ina modular fashion within upper level topics and other efforts directed at one, two or three coursesequences specifically focused on sustainability. A body of sustainability pedagogy does existand has been strongly promoted by both AEESP and NSF and is now a topic of discussion byASCE. Florida Gulf Coast University was established in the late 1990’s as
Conference Session
Viewpoints, Perspectives, and Creativity in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Chang P.E., University of Idaho - Moscow
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Civil Engineering
number of different textbooks andresources1,2,3 and is not addressed in further detail in this paper but flagged as a topic forseparate examination and discourse.As previously mentioned, the University of Idaho requires a one-credit, two hour perweek, Introduction to Civil Engineering course (CE 115) for all students pursuing adegree in civil engineering. The intent of this course is to introduce the student to thebroad field of civil engineering and provide new opportunities to develop a skill set thatwill help foster individual growth and learning. This course assists the student indetermining the area(s) of emphasis that he or she might want to follow for his or herbachelor’s degree, and introduces the student to problem solving skills
Conference Session
Proven Strategies in Classroom Engagement Part I: Artifacts for Creative Pedagogy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas Andres Brake, Lamar University; Fatih Alperen Adam
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Civil Engineering
additional weekfor completion, the project can be expanded to include more variables: additional trussgeometries, which inclueds member orientation, length, and thickness. In addition, an instructorcan require each individual group to 3D print their own truss (rather than simply demonstratingthe printing procedure and conducting the failure loading test of the two optimized trusses). Thistype of expansion, of course, will require a significant time investment. It typically takes onehour to print the members needed to fully erect the truss at normal printing speeds (60-80 mm/s).The time required to train the teaching assistant (TA) to install and troubleshoot the 3D printer,and work with the g-code generator should take approximately 5-10 hours
Conference Session
Proven Strategies in Classroom Engagement Part I: Artifacts for Creative Pedagogy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anahid Behrouzi, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Civil Engineering
potential areas of improvement.The remainder of this paper will summarize the physical models that were developed and utilizedin Spring 2015 to clarify challenging concepts in the introductory reinforced concrete coursetaught at the University of Illinois. The description for each physical model includes: targetconcept(s), suggested instructional activities, construction materials, as well as photographs. Thepaper will conclude with student feedback on the effectiveness of the models based on mid- andend-term course surveys. The overarching objective of this work is to provide other civilengineering educators with sample teaching tools to enhance students’ understanding ofreinforced concrete analysis/design theory and ability to visualize
Conference Session
Proven Strategies in Classroom Engagement Part II: Activities for Creative Pedagogy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Celio Biering P.E., Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, United States Military Academy; Joseph P Hanus, U.S. Military Academy; Rahul Verma P.E., United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
civilengineering faculty have sought to develop their program appropriately along a set of commonlyaccepted educational taxonomies; that is, Bloom’s Taxonomy. These widely known taxonomiesare based on the seminal work of the 1950’s educational committee chaired by Benjamin Bloom.The committee established a set of taxonomies in three domains of learning: cognitive, affectiveand psychomotor. The cognitive domain taxonomy is widely accepted in many fields and hasbeen identified as, “arguably one of the most influential education monographs of the past halfcentury.”3 The taxonomies are a language that describes the progressive development of anindividual in each domain and are defined as follows4:  Cognitive: of, relating to, being, or involving conscious
Conference Session
Fostering Transformational Change in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
T. Michael Toole P.E., Bucknell University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
sustainability.Routledge/Taylor & Francis, New York.[11] Driscoll, T. R., J. E. Harrison, et al. (2008). “The role of design issues in work-related fatal injury in Australia.”J. of Safety Research 39(2): 209-214.[12] Gambatese, J. (2000). “Safety in a designer’s hands.” Civil Engineering. June. P. 56-59.[13] Gambatese, J. (2003). “Safety emphasis in university engineering and construction programs.” International e-Journal of Construction. ISBN 1-886431-09-4. May 14, 2003.[14] Gambatese, J. A., Behm, M., and Hinze, J. (2005). “Viability of designing for construction worker safety.” J.Constr. Eng. Manage., 131(9), 1029–1036.[15] Gambatese, J., Behm, M., and Rajendran, S. (2009). “Designer’s role in construction accident causality andprevention: Perspectives
Conference Session
PBL and Flipped Classrooms in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura Doyle, Santa Clara University; Tonya Lynn Nilsson P.E., Santa Clara University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
sections as summarized in Table 1.Professor 1’s existing active-learning curriculum was used as the base curriculum for all fivesections. This curriculum uses interactive lecturing based on the ExCEEd teaching model andincludes group problem solving, physical models and student questioning techniques.9 Twelve ofthe thirty 65-minute class lessons were modified from the existing curriculum to includedflipped, flipped-flipped or hands-on physical activities. Fourteen lessons remained the same andthe remainder of the lessons were review or exams. Sections A, B, D and E included the twelvemodified lessons as summarized in Table 2 while section C used the existing curriculum. Table 1. Identification of term when taught and instructor of each section
Conference Session
Notable Topics in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian Owen Biggerstaff P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Brad Wambeke P.E., United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
encourage students to spend more time assessing how well they understand the material (10).The conventional single-answer MC question can mask a student’s knowledge state from boththemselves and the educator (11). These assessments provide binary or dichotomous feedback:students get the right answer and full credit or the wrong answer and no credit. Students with lowknowledge states who randomly guess on a four-answer-choice question have an expected scoreequal to 25% of the total points. If the students can eliminate one or two answer choice(s), theirexpected score moves towards 50% of the total points. The downside for guessing is earningzero point while the upside is getting full credit. The mutually exclusive and collectivelyexhaustive nature
Conference Session
Capstone and Collaborations in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin G. Sutterer, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; John Aidoo, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Jeremy R. Chapman, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; James H. Hanson P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Kyle Kershaw P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Matthew D. Lovell P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Michelle Marincel Payne, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Jennifer Mueller PE P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Michael Anthony Robinson P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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Civil Engineering
that are probably typical of many senior design programs. These included • A process that allowed some students to assume a large portion of the project system design while others minimized their contributions, resulting in variable learning, • A system that made it difficult to evaluate individual students’ work as a team member, • Inconsistent and sometimes untimely mentoring of technical design work because this occurred only as-requested by groups or after identification by another faculty member, also resulting in widely variable learning experiences, • A very heavy mentoring load for the year-long course instructor(s) that gave the course a reputation of being a highly undesirable assignment
Conference Session
Use of Technology in Civil Engineering Courses
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vicki V. May, Dartmouth College; Adrienne J Gauthier, Dartmouth College
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Civil Engineering
requirementpresent a barrier to completion? The MOOC will be re-offered in the summer or fall of2016, focusing more effort on the development of A/B groups to answer additionalresearch questions.Bibliography1. Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(23), 8410-8415. Prince, M. (2004). Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of Engineering Education, 93(3), 223-231.3. Johnson, D., Johnson, R. & Smith, K., Active Learning: Cooperation in the College
Conference Session
Proven Strategies in Classroom Engagement Part I: Artifacts for Creative Pedagogy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allen C Estes, California Polytechnic State University; Cole C McDaniel, California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo; Alec Roberto Zavala, California Polytechnic University - San Luis Obispo
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Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
shape of the structure would causelarge deflections that would compromise the connection. The weight of the structure is 0.94 lbs,resulting in a mass of 0.0023 lb/(in/s^2). Under its own weight, the structure deflected 3.38 inches,as can be seen in the image to the right in Figure 2. This testing of the structure revealed that thestructure’s stiffness was 0.27 lb/in. Following simple calculations, the natural period of thestructure was determined to be 0.56 seconds. Testing of the inverted pyramid indicated threedistinct modes of oscillation. As the structure entered its different modes, the stationary node Figure 2: A pin connected inverted pyramid is examined for modes of oscillationtranslated up the central spine of the structure. The
Conference Session
Developing Infrastructure Professionals
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremiah Matthew Stache P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Brad Wambeke P.E., United States Military Academy; Joseph P Hanus, U.S. Military Academy
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Civil Engineering
the basic concepts of management. 15. Explain the basic concepts of business and public policy. 16. Are leaders of character. 2 Recognizing that the Department’s mission statement includes educating and inspiring, the civilengineering faculty have sought to develop their program appropriately along a set of commonlyaccepted educational taxonomies; that is, Bloom’s Taxonomy. These widely known taxonomiesare based on the seminar work of the 1950’s educational committee chaired by Benjamin Bloom.The committee established a set of taxonomies in three domains of learning: cognitive, affectiveand psychomotor. The cognitive domain taxonomy is widely accepted in many fields and hasbeen
Conference Session
Educational & Professional Issues of Strategic Importance to the Civil Engineering Profession - and ASCE
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig N Musselman P.E., A & E Consulting; Sanjeev Kumar, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale; Norma J. Mattei P.E., University of New Orleans; L.Robert Smith, American Society of Civil Engineers
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
), whichoutlines the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to enter the professional practice of civilengineering. Civil engineers need experience both in the engineering and technology aspects oftheir chosen sub-discipline(s) as well as in common professional practice areas. Many of thecapabilities in these areas are attained primarily through engineering experience. The ASCEpolicy statement is presented below. The full policy, with a description of the issue andrationale, may be viewed at: ASCE Policy Statement 547 ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE FOR PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE
Conference Session
Fostering Transformational Change in Civil Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Simon Thomas Ghanat P.E., The Citadel; James Kaklamanos, Merrimack College; Katerina Ziotopoulou, Virginia Tech; Suresh Immanuel P.E., University of Evansville; Dennis J. Fallon, The Citadel
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Civil Engineering
currently teaching the undergraduate classes of Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering and Computer Methods in Civil Engineering as well as a newly developed graduate course on Numerical Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering.Dr. S. Immanuel Selvaraj P.E., University of Evansville Dr. Immanuel Selvaraj is an associate professor of civil engineering at the University of Evansville, IN. He holds a PhD degree from Auburn University and a licensed professional engineer.Dr. Dennis J. Fallon, The Citadel Dennis John Fallon is presently Distinguished Professor of Engineering Education at The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina. He received his BSEE from Old Dominion University (ODU) with honors in 1970, and his MSCE and PhD
Conference Session
Use of Technology in Civil Engineering Courses
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
M. A. Karim P.E., Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Kennesaw State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
] Saunders, G. and Klemming, F. (2003). Integrating technology into a traditional learning environment: Reasons for and risks of success, Active Learning in Higher Education, 1, 74–86.[10] Byers, C. (2001). Interactive assessment: An approach to enhance teaching and learning, Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 12(4), 359–374.[11] Kendall, M. (2001). Teaching online to campus-based students, Education for Information, 19(1), 325–346.[12] Sorg, S., Juge, F. and Bledsoe, R. (1998). Institutional change through a web-enhanced course model, Paper presented at the Florida Educational Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, March, 2000. Available at[13] Brown, D. J
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mei-Mei Song, Tamkang University; Shang-Hsien (Patrick) Hsieh, National Taiwan University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
for the difficulties they mightface professionally and personally in the future. It has also been criticized for insufficient                                                                                                                1 This study is supported by the “Re-development of Cornerstone Curriculum in Civil Engineering for Futures Thinking”, sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, under Grant no. MOST 104-2511-S-032-003.curricular opportunities to involve students in design, experiences for teamwork andcommunication, and knowledge and awareness of fields outside engineering.4, 11 Among the key elements called for in engineering education reform, threeoverwhelmingly stand out: (a) softening the
Conference Session
Proven Strategies in Classroom Engagement Part II: Activities for Creative Pedagogy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zhaoshuo Jiang P.E., San Francisco State University; Alec William Maxwell, San Francisco State University
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Civil Engineering
Engineeringand the School of Engineering in SFSU in developing the remote shake table laboratories. Theauthors would also like to acknowledge their partners in Quanser, especially Peter Martin andAbbey Desjarlais, for the contributions in developing and debugging the mobile knowledge apps.References1. 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. (2014, November 26). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:16, November 29, 2014, from 1994 Northridge earthquake. (2014, October 29). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:19, November 29, 2014, from S.J. Dyke, Z. Jiang, R. Christenson, X. Gao, and S. Courter, "Teleoperation and
Conference Session
PBL and Flipped Classrooms in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Roth, Lafayette College
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Civil Engineering
knowledge of the campus. It is hoped that the project will increase interest andretention in the civil engineering program and specifically increase interest in geotechnicalengineering but further study will be required to determine the long-term impact.References[1] Caverly, R., Fulmer, H., Santhanam, S., Singh, P., O’Brien, J., Jones, G., Char, E., Mercede, F., Weinsten, R., and Yost, J. (2010). “Project-based Freshman Engineering Experience: The Core Course,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference.[2] Bodnar, L., Lagoudas, M., Hodge, J., Smith, T., Oronzco, J., Corso, J., Sanchez, C., Freise, J., Ringler, H., and Cortes,I. (2012). “Engaging Freshman in Team Based Engineering Projects
Conference Session
Proven Strategies in Classroom Engagement Part II: Activities for Creative Pedagogy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Roth, Lafayette College; Kristen L. Sanford Bernhardt, Lafayette College
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
& Exposition, Seattle, WA, June.3. Stewart, J., Van Kirk, J., and Rowell, R. (1979). Concept maps: a tool for use in biology teaching. The American Biology Teacher, 41 (3), 171-175.4. Novak, J.D. (1998). Learning Creating, and Using Knowledge: Concept Maps as Facilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Mahway, NJ.5. Novak, J.D., and Canas, A. J. (2008). The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct and Use Them, Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition Technical Report, IHMC CmapTools 2006-01 Rev 2008-01.6. Ingec, S. K. (2009). Analysing Concept Maps as an Assessment Tool in Teaching Physics and Comparison with Achievement Tests. International Journal of Science
Conference Session
Developing Infrastructure Professionals
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew K Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute; Kacie Caple D'Alessandro, Washington & Lee University; Ben Dymond, California State University, Sacramento
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
Paper ID #15380A Scavenger Hunt to Connect the As-Built World to Structural EngineeringTheoryDr. Matthew Swenty P.E., Virginia Military Institute Matthew (Matt) Swenty obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T then worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation before obtaining his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech. He worked at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center in McClean, Virginia focusing on concrete bridge research prior to joining the faculty at the Vir- ginia Military Institute (VMI). He teaches engineering mechanics and