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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 32 in total
Conference Session
Innovative Pedagogy in Civil Engineering Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew D. Lovell P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Sean P Brophy, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Sensen Li, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Civil Engineering
that are required to solve thechallenge as the course progresses. This processengages students in high level problem solvingtasks of design, trouble shooting and systemsanalysis which they will do during theirprofession.Challenge-based instruction has been usedsuccessfully in multiple engineering contextsincluding bioengineering[2], civil engineering[6]and first year engineering to name a few. Figure 1: STAR Legacy Learning CycleCommon to each of these efforts was the use ofthe STAR.Legacy learning cycle to guide the instructional design[7]. STAR stands for SoftwareTechnology for Action and Reflection. Action and reflection define the primary pedagogicalapproach. The learning cycle, shown in Figure 1, illustrates a common
Conference Session
Innovative Pedagogy in Civil Engineering Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven J. Burian, University of Utah; Jeffery S Horsburgh, Utah State University; David E Rosenberg, Utah State University; Daniel P. Ames, Brigham Young University; Laura G Hunter, Utah Education Network; Courtenay Strong, University of Utah
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Civil Engineering
universities. The assessmentof the course sought to determine if these anticipated challenges occurred and then solicit studentsuggestions for improvement.AssessmentMethodsThe assessment of the initial course offering involved (i) administering mid-semester and end ofclass surveys to the students, and (ii) instructor reflections. The midterm and final surveys wereboth anonymous and similar (words were changed slightly to improve meaning of questions anda couple of additional questions were added to the final assessment survey). The open-endedquestions were: What went well in class? What contributed most to your learning? What could have been improved? How could this course be more effective to help you learn?Surveys also requested students to
Conference Session
Using Student Competitions to Enhance Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chris Carroll, University of Louisiana, Lafayette
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Civil Engineering
the K-12 level. Page 23.313.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Competition Based Learning in the ClassroomIntroduction Traditional engineering courses at most universities have been taught for decades with a3-hour lecture format, usually meeting for either three 50-minute lectures, or two 75-minutelectures each week. In both formats, the course is generally taught with passive, abstract(theoretical), verbal, and sequential teaching styles, in other words, the instructor presents thematerial with little time for experimentation or reflection
Conference Session
Teaching and Assessing Sustainability and Life Long Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claire L. Antaya, Arizona State University; Melissa M. Bilec, University of Pittsburgh; Piervincenzo Rizzo, University of Pittsburgh; Amy E. Landis, Arizona State University
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Civil Engineering
follow, thus results may beinfluenced due to greater interest in these careers than others. Greater than or equal to 50% of Page 23.735.10respondents over the four-year period believe that government careers integrate concepts ofsustainability. This trend follows for teachers, with the exception of DfE Post 2012 at ASU.Careers in healthcare and marketing/sales fluctuated to the largest degree over the administrationof the surveys. In 2011 healthcare sustainability topics were added as a semester project withinDfE. The increase in healthcare career awareness may be reflected by a result of this inclusion.The authors acknowledge that the
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natalya A. Koehler, Iowa State University; Charles T. Jahren P.E., Iowa State University
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Civil Engineering
comments were tabulated below by each dimension. The dimensions were rated by theparticipants on the rating scale of five (1- not helpful at all; 2-not helpful; 3-somewhat helpful; 4-helpful;5-very helpful). All the users emphasized the content quality (see Table 2).Table 2 Students’ reflections on the content quality of the modules Themes Average Supportive Comments RatingsThe 1). I notice that they (the modules) do teach us.modules 4.8have higheducational 2). Step by step instruction, interactive, user-friendly, keeps you engaged.value 3). The videos are really boring, but the info is good. With my
Conference Session
Involving Undergraduates in Research
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yusuf A Mehta, Rowan University; Ralph Alan Dusseau P.E., Rowan University; Ravi P. Ramachandran, Rowan University
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Civil Engineering
’ Page 23.326.8 and is expected to graduate in one year’s time. Research publications will result. 7Reflective PieceThe reflective piece was obtained from two graduate students that have transitioned from theclinic work and three international graduate students were collected. They are presented in“italics” below.Rowan graduate studentsGraduate student A“The jr./sr. engineering clinics at Rowan University prepared me for graduate school byproviding a comprehensive approach to learning. The clinics bridge the material presented in alecture to the application of the material, as well as, furthered my knowledge with thedevelopment of new techniques
Conference Session
Trends and Applications in Curricula and the Capstone Experience
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen L. Sanford Bernhardt, Lafayette College; David S. Hurwitz, Oregon State University; Rhonda K Young, University of Wyoming; Rod E. Turochy, Auburn University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Washington State University; Joshua Swake, Oregon State University; Andrea R. Bill, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Kevin Heaslip, Utah State University; Michael Kyte, University of Idaho, Moscow
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Civil Engineering
of the collaboration are reflected in theoutcomes.Figure 1. National Transportation Curriculum Project Mission.The National Transportation Curriculum Project was initiated at the conclusion of the 2009Transportation Engineering Educators Conference. Both the conference and the NTCP memberswere motivated by the pedagogical and professional challenges of recruiting, educating, andretaining students in the transportation profession.9 More specifically, concerns that the typicalintroductory transportation engineering course does not meet the needs of students or theprofession as well as it might prompted the NTCP to focus on that course. Within the course,NTCP members were particularly interested in moving students from lower to higher levels
Conference Session
Activities and Assessment for “Awkward ABET Outcomes”
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan Huynh, University of South Carolina; Juan M Caicedo, University of South Carolina; Charles E. Pierce, University of South Carolina; Jason W Gantt, University of South Carolina
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Civil Engineering
to not only help students learn the class material, but also improve their criticalthinking skills. To accomplish this, we use some key elements from the EFFECTs pedagogy toget students to think and guesstimate an answer to a design problem and to reflect on how thelearned material helped them answer the design problem. The study is carried out in anundergraduate Transportation Engineering course with 57 students. The remainder of this paperdiscusses our modified EFFECT approach and a novel approach for assessing students' learning.Preliminary results are presented and discussed.Modified EFFECT ApproachThe specific structure of the modified EFFECT approach is as follows. During the first lectureof each of the seven topics, the instructor
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Juan M Caicedo, University of South Carolina
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Civil Engineering
sensors anddata acquisition systems, even though they might use these tools in their professional life.Furthermore, students might not be aware of the potential uses of the data collected by thesensors.This paper discusses efforts for the development of a course in the area of model updating. Thecourse uses the EFFECTs pedagogical framework consisting of [2] : i) a decision worksheetasking students to estimate the solution to an engineering problem, ii) active learning activities tointroduce students to the material needed to correctly answer the driving question, iii) reflectiveexercises asking students to reflect on the material learned in class and revise the answer to thedriving question, and iv) a final report encouraging students to re
Conference Session
Beyond BS: Issues Affecting Graduate Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea L Welker PE, Villanova University
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Civil Engineering
lifting ABET’sban on dual-level accreditation such that “Path 2” was a viable option. The persuasion of ABETto lift this ban was delegated to the TCAP3 Accreditation Committee3. At the time of writing, themodel law has not been changed to reflect the increased educational requirements recommendedby PS 465 by any of the NCEES member boards. It was hoped that at least one state would adoptthe new model law within two years of allowing dual-level accreditation3. The goal of this paperwas to focus on the status and willingness of departments to accredit their master’s degreeprograms even without the changes in the model law.Dual-Level Accreditation and its Role in PS 465To implement PS 465, engineering interns on the second path to licensure will
Conference Session
Creating and Maintaining Effective Communication Learning in the Curriculum
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Warren N. Waggenspack Jr., Louisiana State University; Sarah Liggett, Louisiana State University; Warren R Hull Sr. P.E., Louisiana State University; Boz Bowles, Louisiana State University; Paige Davis, Louisiana State University
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Civil Engineering
Informal Writing Techniques. In one engineering capstone course, students arerequired to keep an informal design notebook. Students are encouraged to use the notebooks as ameans of documenting their progress through the design process. This notebook is collected, anda portion of the notebook is graded. The professor reads 35 entries marked by the student as“quality entries.” These entries are graded on the perceived usefulness to the individual studentand the design group rather than a strict set of formal requirements. The graded portion of thesenotebooks is a relatively minor part of the notebook as a whole. Non-graded entries are risk-freeinformal writing in which the student reflects on aspects of the design process as well as thecomposition
Conference Session
Preparation of Professional Engineers Outside of the USA. What are the Education, Experience, and Exam Requirements?
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Hundley, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Lynn G Brown, The Boeing Company; Patricia Fox, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Catherine Didion, National Academy of Engineering; Daniel R. Sayre, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Civil Engineering
the findings, and outlinesnext steps in this project.Summary of Key Findings-to-DateThe survey yielded 1,027 “usable case” respondents reflecting the following demographicprofile: 70% English; 30% non-English; responses received from all languages except French 80% Male; 20% Female 50% between ages of 40-60; balance over other age ranges 46% Academicians; 40% Practitioners; 10% Students; balance preferred not to answer Aerospace (17%); Computer Science (13%); and Electrical/Computer (13%) are largest Engineering Discipline response categories 64% reported having graduate-level Engineering degreeTop Attributes by Role, Importance, and ProficiencyEarly-Career Professionals: Importance and Proficiency Attributes by
Conference Session
Beyond BS: Issues Affecting Graduate Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zsuzsa Balogh, Metropolitan State University of Denver; Marvin E. Criswell P.E., Colorado State University; Michael A De Miranda, Colorado State University
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Civil Engineering
view a summary of the group‟s evaluations and to give them the option torevise, considering this feedback on group response and additional time for reflection, their ownindividual evaluations. This is consistent with the basic principles of the Delphi Method. The Round 2 questionnaire included the same topics as did Round 1, with the addition ofa group of six questions recommended for inclusion in the participant‟s Round 1 responses. Therequested participant input was to assign the achievement levels using Key Set #1 as follows:Level 1-Knowledge; Level 2-Comprehension; Level 3-Application; Level 4-Analysis; Level 5-Synthesis, and Level 6-Evaluation. The numbers ranging from 1 to 6 were assigned to the rank-ordered categories for the
Conference Session
Creating and Maintaining Effective Communication Learning in the Curriculum
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark W. Milke P.E., University of Canterbury; Creon Upton, Unaffiliated; Glen F Koorey, University of Canterbury; Aisling Dominique O'Sullivan Ph. D., University of Canterbury; Keith Comer, Chalmers University of Technology
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Civil Engineering
profession, AmericanSociety for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Paper AC 2009-424, Austin, Texas.Paradis, J.G., and M.L. Zimmerman, 2002, The MIT Guide to Science and EngineeringCommunication, 2nd edn., MIT Press, 324 p.Robinson, C.M. and G.M. Blair, 1995, Writing Skills Training for Engineering Students inLarge Classes, Higher Education, v. 30, p. 99-114.Royal Academy of Engineering (UK), 2007a, Educating Engineers for the 21st Century.Royal Academy of Engineering (UK), 2007b, Creating Systems that Work: principles ofengineering systems for the 21st century.Schon, D.A., 1983, The Reflective Practitioner, Basic Books.Schon, D.A., 1990, Educating the Reflective Practitioner: toward a new design for teachingand learning in the professions
Conference Session
Using Student Competitions to Enhance Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brock E. Barry PE, U.S. Military Academy; Karl F. Meyer, U.S. Military Academy; Kevin P. Arnett P.E., U.S. Military Academy; Berndt Spittka P.E., Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, West Point, NY
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Civil Engineering
product may not reflect student designs, owners anddesign engineers could benefit from student insights. This concept matches well with Cooley’s[6]second item listed previously. Page 23.314.5Further, although the concrete canoe and steel bridge are competitions defined and organizedoutside of a university, they are often considered to be extracurricular activities at a particularschool. For both the students and the advisors who participate in them, there is some level ofextra effort required. Houston[15] advocated that higher participation rates would result fromofficially crediting the work both students and faculty put in by incorporating the
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ghulam H. Bham, University of Alaska, Anchorage; Dan Cernusca, Missouri University of Science & Technology
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Civil Engineering
variables were collected throughout the four semesters using anunannounced exit survey administered online in the lab in the week following the GISlaboratory.Student PerformanceFive multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank assessment items tested their recall of traffic safetyissues covered in the GIS laboratory. Students had no prior preparation associated with this test.Of these five assessment items, two were common for all semesters and three were equivalent indifficulty, but different for the stand-alone (first two semesters) and context-driven approach(last two semesters). This adjustment reflected the nature of the analyses required by the crash
Conference Session
Creating and Maintaining Effective Communication Learning in the Curriculum
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig J. Gunn, Michigan State University
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Civil Engineering
quality that comes from much of thetext that is produced by students. This quality reflects a lack of flow in the wording, a conditionsimilar to reading a list that indicates no apparent connection among the various parts of the list.This lack of connection makes a reader quickly begin to wander, sometimes becoming lost inpersonal thoughts far from the actual text. The three items that may help improve all student text area focus on outlines, a review of simple paragraphing with topic sentences and supportinginformation, and an overview of the transitions that can be placed in a piece of writing to make thetext flow. These relatively easy elements in writing can make a great difference in the quality of astudent’s text.Another problem that is
Conference Session
Trends and Applications in Curricula and the Capstone Experience
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tonya Lynn Nilsson P.E., Santa Clara University; Kevin D. Hall, University of Arkansas; Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel
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% 0.0% 12.5% 4-5 Persons Only 45 71.1% 24.4% 15.5% 6 or More Persons Only 14 71.4% 42.9% 14.2%Figure 4 presents department responses to a list of topics and skills assessed from the designexperience, as a function of team size. Overall, patterns initially identified in the 2012 paper –regarding specific topics/skills assessed – are reflected for all team sizes. For example, mostprograms (70-plus percent) assess communication skills; Figure 4 confirms that this is the caseregardless of team size. Conversely, relatively few programs assess asset manageme nt; Figure 4also confirms this is the case regardless of team size. However
Conference Session
Teaching and Assessing Sustainability and Life Long Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey C. Evans P.E., Bucknell University; Michelle Oswald Beiler P.E., Bucknell University; Akmal S Daniyarov; Christopher Adam Kulish
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
reflect the most rigorous andaccepted rating systems being used at the current time. Another future opportunity involvesexpanding the modules to include additional innovative topics within civil engineering. As newglobal risks arise, the field of civil engineering will adapt and reflect the needs of society.Therefore, new lesson module topics such as “Engineering for Climate Change” or “Eco-engineering” can be developed to further promote the shifting demands of civil engineering.Exposing secondary students to these innovative concepts can stimulate and prepare the nextgeneration of civil engineers. Future work also includes revised assessment of outcomes,particularly for the Sustainability module.AKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe support of the National
Conference Session
Trends and Applications in Curricula and the Capstone Experience
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel M. Dulaski PE, Northeastern University
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Civil Engineering
the final product.One other question that is informative is their view of the project requirements. Of theresponses, 34.8% of the responses were “nearly” identical, and 52.2% of the practitionersthought that the capstone project requirements were “similar”. Combining the “nearly identical”and “similar” responses results in 87% of the practitioners viewing the project as emulating their“real-world” experience.This response provides valuable insight to the program. Only 13% didn’t view their experienceas “real-world”. Since one of the objectives is to provide an experience that is as “real-world” aspossible, it is beneficial to know that the class reflects one of the objectives. Due to the structureof the course, a significant amount of time is
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monique H. Head, Morgan State University; Oludare Adegbola Owolabi PE, Morgan State University; Petronella A James-Okeke, Morgan State University
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Civil Engineering
)homework and online (electronic) homework. As such, two homework assignments wereassessed in this study with one assignment covering problems related to structural analysis oftrusses and the other one covering problems related to the construction of shear and momentdiagrams. Student performance on these homework problems will be assessed and compared toevaluate students' overall success for each class as reflected by the measuring instruments of thefinal exam and final grade students' earned for the course. Note that separate comparisons will bemade given the differences in the format (i.e. face-to-face [f2f] vs. online) and grade weights forthe course as noted in Table 1. Figure 1 shows an example of the selected truss problem from
Conference Session
The Civil Engineering Technologist and the Civil Engineer – What’s the Difference?
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas A. Lenox, Dist.M.ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers; James J O'Brien Jr., American Society of Civil Engineers
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Civil Engineering
provide routes to PE licensure that bypass the EAC/ABET education requirement. Some states explicitly permit individuals holding a bachelor of engineering technology degree to become licensed as PEs. This reflects a lack of understanding of the distinction between engineering and engineering technology. 3. Engineering and engineering technology are recognized as distinct points on the technical occupational spectrum. For example, ABET's accreditation criteria defines engineering as "the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to use economically the materials and forces of
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohammad Ali Khasawneh P.E., Jordan University of Science and Technology; Mohammad Obadat P.E., The University of Tennessee at Martin
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Civil Engineering
as an effective educational tool as was illustrated by positivefeedback from participants in his study. A study by Blake and Cornett3 on Teaching an Object-Oriented Software in Undergraduate Engineering Education resulted in nourishing students’learning experience as this tool helped them in their job interviews and to understand the bigpicture of their internships as well. Borchelt studied the use of computer tools in the teaching andlearning of undergraduate calculus4. Based on his study computer tools proved to be valuable inallowing students to explore more, reflect on results and focus on understanding. The computertools also allowed for critical thinking and creativity in problem solving permitting students tomove toward more
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Isaac W Wait, Marshall University; Mike McSween, Bentley Systems; Bradley E Workman, Bentley Systems Inc,
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Civil Engineering
highlights the importance of identifying asmall, simple introductory exercise with which to initiate student use of new software, and mayalso reflect the value of a live in-class demonstration where students first see the unfamiliaractivity demonstrated, then they complete it themselves, and then they observe a classmatecompleting the steps a second time. Although the WaterGEMS software does have sophisticatedand complex functionality, students can develop a primary viewpoint that it is easy to usethrough a targeted introductory exercise.86% of students responded that the software homework assignment that followed the in-classdemonstration was “very useful” or “somewhat useful” as a learning activity that supported theirunderstanding of the
Conference Session
Involving Undergraduates in Research
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Randel L. Dymond, Virginia Tech; Vinod K Lohani, Virginia Tech; Daniel S Brogan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Manuel Alejandro Martinez, Virginia Tech
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Civil Engineering
. Also, research isongoing to develop procedures for the LEWAS data access and visualization on mobile devicesand in platform independent Web browsers for water sustainability education. Page 23.783.11AcknowledgementThis work has been supported by NSF/TUES type I grant (award# 1140467). Any opinions,finding, and conclusion or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the author (s)and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Delgoshaei, P., and Lohani, V. K., 2012. “Implementation of a Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Lab with Applications in Sustainability Education,” Proc. 2012
Conference Session
Involving Undergraduates in Research
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Usama El Shamy P.E., Southern Methodist University; Tarek Abdoun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Flora P McMartin, Broad-based Knowledge, LLC; Miguel A. Pando, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
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Civil Engineering
available given that the concepts covered by the experiment had not beentaught in prior versions of the courses. The focus of the pilot project was to determine how tomost effectively run a remote lab such as this and to gain insight into student learning based onstudent self-reports regarding their learning and their reflections on the assignments andtechnology. The survey also covered students’ prior experience with experimentation (online andin person), their opinions regarding the experiment and associated assignments, the quality and‘user friendliness’ of the online experiment, and their opinions regarding the impact of theexperiment on their learning. All opinion questions were designed using a five point Likert scalefrom ‘Strongly Disagree
Conference Session
Beyond BS: Issues Affecting Graduate Education
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cole C McDaniel, California Polytechnic State University; Allen C Estes, California Polytechnic State University
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Civil Engineering
State University. Office of the Chancellor. Executive Order 1047. “Special Sessions” May5, 2010. accessed December 28, 2012.10 Estes, A.C., “Ten Years of ABET EC 2000: One Person’s Reflections” Paper 2012-3494. 2012 ASEEAnnual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, ASEE, San Antonio, June 10-13, 2012. Page 23.106.12
Conference Session
Teaching and Assessing Sustainability and Life Long Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diane L. Bondehagen, Florida Gulf Coast University; Claude Villiers, Florida Gulf Coast University; Yusuf A Mehta, Rowan University
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Civil Engineering
. Marginal: Sometimes failed to show up or complete assignments, rarely prepared. F. Unsatisfactory: Consistently failed to show up or complete assignments, unprepared. G. No Show: No participation at all Q-4 In the future I recommend the instructor: A. Continue with this life-long learning assignment while implementing minor modifications B. Continue with this life-long learning assignment while implementing major modifications C. Proceed with previous year’s course assignment of life-long learning textbook problems.Table 6. Student responses that reflect their perspective of life-long learning at course endRpa Question – 1b,c Question – 2 b,c Question – 3 b,c Question – 4 b,c
Conference Session
Teaching and Assessing Sustainability and Life Long Learning
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Katherine Watson, Georgia Institute of Technology; Elise M. Barrella, James Madison University; Thomas A. Wall, Georgia Institute of Technology; Caroline R. Noyes, Georgia Institute of Technology; Michael O. Rodgers, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Civil Engineering
scoring tools that detail the expectations and requirements for anassignment32. Specifically, rubrics are advantageous when a “judgment of quality” is required tocritique a work, which is often the case for writing samples33. More generally, rubrics are usedto judge the quality of constructs (e.g. reports, presentations, etc.) made by students duringperformance tests, which require students to exhibit high-level skills to complete an authentic(i.e. real-world) challenge34. As a result, rubrics are commonly used in the classroom as bothassessment and teaching tools to enhance student learning35. For instance, an instructor mayprovide students with a rubric to guide them in completion of a task. Reflecting on the rubrichelps students assess their
Conference Session
Activities and Assessment for “Awkward ABET Outcomes”
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William J. Davis P.E., The Citadel; Kevin C Bower P.E., The Citadel; Ronald W. Welch, The Citadel; Douglas H. Fehrmann, The Krause Center for Leadership and Ethics, The Citadel
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Civil Engineering
faculty tenure and promotionprocess for working with students outside of class.Combined Mapping of Overall Program for Leadership DevelopmentUsing linkages and mapping previously described, Table 6 provides a comprehensive overviewof student leadership development for civil engineering students reflecting both curriculuminstruction and extracurricular activities. A total of 16 course goals evaluated using embeddedindicators are dedicated to CEE Department program outcomes that support leadershipdevelopment, excluding an addition 12 that are aligned with engineering design. As shown inTable 6, course goals covered in the curriculum are generally aligned with lower levels ofBloom’s Taxonomy, Level 3 or lower. With addition of representative mapping