qualitative results. A more detailedexplanation of the number and types of questions can be seen below in Figure 4, as well as thefour complete student surveys found in Appendix 1. Figure 4: Assessment strategy during each sample semester of CE350: Infrastructure Engineering, dividing the entire course into two even groups to get a balance of responses both before and after the lesson.Students in “Group 2” were presented with a shorter, qualitative-focused survey before thelesson. Unlike Group 1, Group 2’s initial questions were only meant to gauge studentknowledge of the material before the demonstrator lesson. In this way, Group 2 was used as acontrol group to prevent all students from seeing the qualitative questions
result of achieving the stated learningobjectives for transportation concepts, ECP has positively impacted transportation engineeringstudents' understanding of transportation concepts. ECP has demonstrated that students betterunderstand the modules' expected learning outcomes.AcknowledgmentThis study is part of the work that was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant #1915615, titled “Adapting an Experiment-centric Teaching Approach to Increase StudentAchievement in Multiple STEM Disciplines”. It should be noted that the opinions, results andconclusion or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] S. Zhu, F. Xie, and D. Levinson
is so necessary to make financialdecisions, research has shown that in the United States knowledge of financial concepts isuniversally low, although we are not alone or an isolated case [3, 13]. This lack of knowledgehas been seen to correlate to ineffective financial behaviors both in the U. S. and in othercountries [3, 4, 5, 14]. This has not gone unnoticed and leaders and policymakers in the U. S.and around the world who have called for greater education to promote financial knowledge [15,16, 13, 17].The President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy (PACFL 2008) in the U.S. noted that"far too many Americans do not have the basic financial skills necessary to develop and maintaina budget, to understand credit, to understand investment
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)Overall Preparedness of UndergraduatesWhen evaluating the overall structural engineering skills of graduates, 72% of practitioners [14]and 83% of educators [15] felt that they were not well prepared to enter the workforce. Clearlythere is still room to improve structural engineering and analysis undergraduate education withrespect to preparing graduates for practice. Looking specifically at structural analysis courses,practitioners and educators agree that traditional classical (“hand”) methods are highly important.But both groups also clearly agree (if not even more strongly) on the importance of studentcompetency in applying the concepts, learned through classical methods, within computerprograms.From the early 1800’s and the first industrial
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/Introduction e) Objective(s) or scope(s) of the project f) Method(s) g) Results/Analysis and feasibility of the proposed improvements h) Findings & Summary (you can also include any limitations or future works) i) References j) Appendix (if any)The project titles for 2023 are provided below in Table 4. Table 4: Titles of Student Projects Engineering Hall Improvements Triad Apartments Proposal Engineering Field Renovations Extended Parking Lot Engineering HallSome sample images related to the selected
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pictures and later post-process them to generate a 3D model of the area with the aid of computer software. The model is generated based on predetermined features provided by the instructor. Students are provided information on field surveying and drone piloting before going to the field. • Smashing M&Ms: Students are provided with M&Ms, pieces of paper, and s gel pad. They are asked to fill out a handout describing their experience crushing M&Ms using their fist under different conditions: (1) no protection, (2) a piece of paper, and (3) a gel pad. Students experience the effect of impact energy and how it can be related to a large scale. Students debrief at the end on their experience and
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majored in Civil Engineering. He has served in a variety of assignments around the world to include Iraq, Kuwait, Germany, and Eastern Europe. LTC Biggerstaff served in the department from 2014-2016 and again from 2022 to present. Along the way, he earned Master’s degrees in Environmental Engineering (Missouri S&T), Management Science (Stanford University), and Civil Engineering (Stanford University) and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Stanford University). He has taught a number of courses in C&ME ranging from structural engineering and steel design to thermal fluid systems. His research interests include topics in sustainable construction materials and systems, decision analysis, and engineering education. He
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