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. Military Academy in 1997, where he majored in Civil Engineering. He has served in a variety of assignments around the world, including Afghanistan, the Sinai Peninsula, Bosnia, and Croatia. COL Hill served in the department from 2006-2009 and from 2016 to the present. Along the way, he earned Master’s degrees in Engineering Management (Missouri S&T) and Civil Engineering (Virginia Tech) and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (The University of Texas at Austin). He has taught several courses in the civil engineering curriculum ranging from structural engineering and steel design to infrastructure systems and construction management. Each spring, he co-teaches Project Management Professional prep classes to the West Point
investigated offered anundergraduate- or graduate-level course(s) in timber design, although the frequency of teachingis often not clear. The analysis of available undergraduate-level coursework suggests thatstructural engineering programs do not prioritize the instruction of timber-related courses,resulting in limited timber design education. These results provide clarity on the need foradditional curriculum to ensure graduating structural engineers are prepared to work with masstimber elements. Additionally, the available course inventory and interview results suggest thatincreased prioritization of timber courses and resources is needed to support a growth ininstruction of mass timber within the structural engineering discipline.IntroductionAmong
, 2023.[7] J. D. Bransford, A. L. Brown, and R. R. Cocking, How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience,and School, National Research Council, National Academy Press, 2000.[8] A. C. Estes, R. W. Welch, and S. J. Ressler, “The ExCEEd Teaching Model,” ASCE Journalof Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, pp. 218-222, Oct. 2005.[9] A. C. Estes, “Shock and Awe in the Civil Engineering Classroom,” ASCE Journal ofProfessional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, pp. 1-5, Jan. 2005.[10] A. D. Battistini, “Using Themes and Pop Culture References to Make Introductory CivilEngineering Courses More Engaging,” Proceedings of the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference andExposition, Tampa, FL, June 16-19, 2019.[11] K. Mangan, “The Personal
. Understanding theinterdependency among environmental, social, and economic elements increased a statisticallysignificant amount in 2022 (the largest gain and the largest number of paired responses).Results: (No) Evidence of Student ResistanceOverall, there was not evidence of student resistance to the DEI topic(s). Previous studies havereported that student absences from class on the date when DEI issues are being discussed (whenthe topic is known to students in advance) may be evidence of silent resistance [30]. The studentabsences on the dates when different topics were discussed in-class (announced in advance) areshown in Table 8. Based on the student absences, there is no evidence that DEI was aparticularly unpopular
impartial perspective grounded in factual evidence. Ultimately, this endeavor seeks221 to empower students to become conscientious engineers equipped with the ethical principles and222 interdisciplinary mindset necessary to tackle the complex socio-technical issues of our time. In223 the future, we plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the class from the students’ perspective. ASEE 2024224225 Acknowledgements226227 Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those228 of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of UConn.229230 References231232 [1] “Generating Power.” United Nations, United Nations, www.un.org/en/climatechange
waseffectively unchanged. These results seem to be consistent with the conclusions of more robuststudies that demonstrate the value of inquiry-oriented experimentation laboratories compared toverification labs.References[1] Prince, M. (2004) Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal ofengineering education, 93(3), 223-231.[2] Self, B. P., & Widmann, J. M., & Prince, M. J., & Georgette, J. (2013) Inquiry-BasedLearning Activities in Dynamics Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference &Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19775[3] Boxall, J., & Tait, S. (2008) Inquiry-based learning in civil engineering laboratory classes.In Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering (Vol. 161, No
role will be able to see that objective’s score. This mechanism is anticipated tosolidify multiplayer adoption more easily than in board game version. The computer-basedversion will also allow for robust decision tracking and enable us to further assess the learningoutcomes.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the Kern Family Foundation. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Kern Family Foundation.References[1] Kern Family Foundation, “The KEEN Framework.” Accessed: Feb. 04, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://engineeringunleashed.com/framework[2] College Factual, “2023 Structural Engineering
Statements-Identify all of the ASCE Public Policy Statement(s) that correspond to the issue and discuss the policies that correspond to the issues in the news article. 3. Market Instruments-What public policy market instruments are discussed in the news article? If there are none, identify which could be used to address the issue (you may have to look beyond the article to know what is already existing in reference to that topic). For each market instrument, discuss the benefits and challenges of those approaches. 4. Additional Recommendations-What suggestions or recommendations would you provide to address the problem (beyond monetary market instruments)? How do these recommendations work in support of
Paper ID #37666Does an ABET EAC Civil Engineering Degree Prepare Structural Engineersfor Practice?Dr. Matthew K. Swenty, Virginia Military Institute Dr. Swenty obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T and then worked as a bridge designer at the Missouri Department of Transportation. He returned to school to obtain his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Virginia Tech followed by research work at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center on concrete bridges. He is currently a professor of civil engineering and the Jackson-Hope Chair in Engineering at VMI. He teaches engineering
engineering education and practice, 1997.[2] R. F. Herrera, J. C. Vielma, y F. M. La Rivera, Impact of microteaching on engineering students’ communication skills. International Journal of Engineering Education, 2018.[3] R. Saleh, I. Widiasanti, y H. Hermawan, Development of communication competency for civil engineering students., vol. 1402, 2 vols. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019.[4] J. L. Klosky, S. M. Katalenich, B. Spittka, y S. F. Freyne, Inspiring student engagement through two-minute follies. 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2014.[5] C. Bello, «Comunicación efectiva desde la gerencia educativa», EPISTEME KOINONIA, vol. 2, n.o 3, pp. 24-40, 2019.[6] M. A. Guerra, H. Murzi, J. Woods Jr, y A. Diaz
al.’s designing effective instruction (2018).4.1.1 Updates to the Seminar: Systematic Design of InstructionAs an example of the updates made for the Summer 2022 ETW, the Seminar on “SystematicDesign of Instruction” was redesigned in an effort to shift the ETW to a more learner-centeredapproach. This shift precipitated the transition away from the more linear approach taken by 5Dick and Carey [3] to the circular design utilized by Morrison et al. [4], resulting in a Seminarthat places a greater emphasis on the continually iterative nature of instructional designcombined with the importance of continual assessment of instructional effectiveness
., "Integrating Innovation and Entrepreneurship Principles into the Civil Engineering Curriculum," J. Prof. Issues Eng. Educ. Pract,, vol. 141, no. 3, 2025.[6] KFF, "The Kern Family Foundation," 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.kffdn.org.[7] G. Michelsen, "Sustainable Development as a Challenge for Undergraduate Students: The Module 'Science Bears Responsibility' in the Leuphana Bachelor's Programme Commentary on "A Case Study of Teaching Social Responsibility to Doctoral Students in the Climate Sciences""," Sci. Eng. Ethics, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1505-1511, 2013.[8] G. S. a. S. Srinivasan, "Integration of Ethics, Sustainability, and Social Responsibility Components in an Undergraduate Engineering
: https://doi.org/10.1109/fie44824.2020.9274012.[3] J.B. Buckley, B. S. Robinson, T. R. Tretter, C. Biesecker, A. Hammond, and A.K. Thompson, “Belonging as a gateway for learning: First‐year engineering students’ characterizations of factors that promote and detract from sense of belonging in a pandemic,” Journal of Engineering Education, Jun. 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/jee.20529.[4] J. Vaden, M. Bilec, A. Dukes, A. Nave, A. Landis, K. Parrish, “Developing and Sustaining Inclusive Engineering Learning Communities and Classrooms,” presented at the 127th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Minneapolis, MN, USA, June 2022[5] M. Sinclair, “Education in emergencies, learning for a future: Refugee
recognized that one of the primary reasons students are unable to transfer theirknowledge into new problem-solving situations is because they perceive new information as theend goal, as opposed to a tool that can be used to solve other problems. As an example, theauthors mention how astronomers in the early 1600’s frequently dealt with tedious computationsinvolving big numbers. When the mathematical concept of logarithms was invented, theyrecognized the concept as a tool that could be used to make the problems they were solvingmuch more manageable. On the other hand, when students in the modern era are introduced tologarithms, they tend to think of them as a problem instead of a tool. They cannot appreciatethem the way the 17th century astronomers
] include: “using ratings systemssuch as Greenroads, ENVISION, and/or LEED to introduce students to metrics related to societalwell-being”, and case studies of past CE projects that “failed to address the needs of anunderserved community (e.g., the 2014 Flint, Michigan, water supply crisis)” [11, 12]. There arean increasing number of examples of efforts to introduce issues of equity in concert withinfrastructure in the literature. Sanford et al. conducted a systematic review of literaturedescribing interventions that have been implemented in practice [13]. Examples include Casperet al.’s efforts to integrate social justice into first and third year civil engineering courses [14],case studies developed by Judge [15], and Castaneda et al.’s
Paper ID #43664Leveraging the ASCE ExCEEd Modelto Design a Course on Sustainable InfrastructureDevelopmentCapt. Matthew Glavin, United States Military Academy Matthew T. Glavin is an Instructor in the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at the United States Military Academy at West Point and an active duty Army Engineer Officer. He is a graduate of West Point (B.S. in Civil Engineering), Missouri S&T (M.S. in Engineering Management), and Northeastern University (M.S. in Sustainable Building Systems). He is a Project Management Professional, LEED Accredited Professional in Building Design and Construction
for further research or support for a resilient stewardship of theissues into the future. A small sample of projects is presented in Table 1.Table 1. Sample Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Term ProjectProject title Location Narrative/Proposed Solution(s)Vulnerability Assessment New London, CT The waterfront facilities at the CGA may be at risk to climate-induced hazards. Conduct aof CGA campus risk & vulnerability assessment and develop solutions. Proposed solutions: Specific areas of concern on campus were identified including the assets effected and the risks to these assets. Solutions
and raising awareness of the social aspectof sustainability within the future engineering workforce.References[1] White House, “President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law | The White House,” 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.whitehouse.gov/bipartisan-infrastructure-law/. [Accessed: 31-Jan-2022].[2] J. Norman, “Biden ’ s $ 1 . 2 trillion infrastructure bill is good policy – and good politics.” pp. 1–2, 2021.[3] L. Carey, S. J. Naimoli, and M. Higman, “The American Jobs Plan Gets Serious about Infrastructure and Climate Change.” 2021, doi:[4] J. Elkington, “Accounting for the Triple Bottom Line,” Meas. Bus. Excell., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 18–22, 1998
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challenges or problems when completing thetask(s). The weekly project progress report was completed by the “leader of the week”. Eachteam had a chance to be the project manager for a semester. The project manager'sresponsibilities included setting up meetings, communicating with clients, summarizing thecompleted work, and planning the tasks expected to be completed in the following week. Thefaculty advisor collected these two documents every week and addressed specific issues whennecessary during the weekly team meeting.During the design phase, the client was continually updated throughout the design process toensure satisfaction was guaranteed. For each part of the design, students collected the initialfeedback by sending surveys to the client and
. He aims to recover the benefits of the classical model for civil engineering education through an emphasis on reading and other autodidactic practices.Dr. Kweku Tekyi Brown P.E., The Citadel Dr. Kweku Brown is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The Citadel. He received his Civil Engineering Masterˆa C™s degree from the University of Connecticut and his Doctoral degree at Clemson University. He is active in the tran ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Geotechnical Site Characterization in a Box: Bringing the Full Site Characterization Experience to the ClassroomAbstractGeotechnical
methods: Graph Network Simulator, Material Point Method, Lattice Boltzmann - Discrete Element coupling, and Lattice Element method. Krishna was awarded C. S. Desai Award for the best paper on constitutive modeling of geologic materials by the Indian Geotechnical Society. Krishna is Higher Education Fellow in the UK and is passionate about teaching and developing teaching strategies that improve equity and participation among students. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 WIP: Teaching geotechnical engineering through murder mysteries Krishna Kumar, Department of Civil, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, CockrellSchool of Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
societies through gaining additional technical and professional knowledge andskills through continuing education offerings, networking with peers, and leadershipopportunities through participation in scholarly publishing, standards development, and thoughtleadership as part of a committee or other governance body (Hein, et al. 2016). Involvement inthese activities by members also advances the mission of a professional society.Despite these benefits, membership in professional societies has declined in recent years.Marketing General, Inc.’s (MGI) 2022 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report showedthat 38% of individual membership organizations reported a decline in membership over the pastyear. While this represents an improvement over 2021 when 48
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students with homework problems. The peer student teachers would go overconcepts presented in the class and work additional problems on the white board. Although notspecifically evaluated, it’s likely that these sessions helped to achieve the observed consistencyin performance between the homework and the tests.References[1] J. M. Jenkins and F. Hussein, “Implementation of a Retake Policy: Who Benefits?” inProceedings of 2023 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, MD, Jun 25-28, 202315p.[2] R. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 15th edition, Pearson, 2021.[3] E. Latif and S. Miles, “The Impact of Assignments and Quizzes on Exam Grades: ADifference-in-Difference Approach”, Journal of Statistics Education, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 289
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