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Conference Session
INDUSTRY DAY: Industry-Focused Collaboration Techniques
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Victor Taratukhin, Stanford University; Yury V. Kupriyanov, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Jörg Becker
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Corporate Member Council
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College Industry Partnerships
is in it’sexclusively industry orientation. The framework is also targeted only on educational aspectsof cooperation. Among the potential future improvements the case of research cooperation canbe reviewed, as well as the possibility of initiating cooperation from the university side can beadded.REFERENCESAnderson, M. S. 2001. “The complex relations between the academy and industry: Views from the literature,” Journal of Higher Education (72:2), pp. 226–246.Bruneel, J., D’Este, P., and Salter, A. 2010. “Investigating the factors that diminish the barriers to university– industry collaboration,” Research Policy (39:7), pp. 858–868.Cerych, L., and Frost-Smith, B. 1985. “Collaboration between higher education and industry: an overview
Conference Session
INDUSTRY DAY: Industry-Focused Collaboration Techniques
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yuetong Lin, Indiana State University; A. Mehran Shahhosseini, Indiana State University; M. Affan Badar, Indiana State University; W. Tad Foster, Indiana State University; Jason C. Dean, Indiana State University
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Corporate Member Council
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College Industry Partnerships
, Atlanta, GA, United states, 2005. [3] Cornelius J. Dennehy, Steve Labbe, and Kenneth L. Lebsock. The value of identifying and recovering lost GN&c lessons learned: Aeronautical, spacecraft, and launch vehicle examples. In AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 2010. [4] J.D. Novak. Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge: Concept Maps(tm) As Facilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations. Taylor & Francis, 1998. [5] J. S. Bruner. The Process of Education. A Harvard paperback. Harvard University Press, 1960. [6] J. S. Bruner. The act of discovery. Harvard Educational Review, 31:21–32, 1961. [7] Kirsten R. Butcher and Tamara Sumner. Self-directed learning and the sensemaking paradox. Human–Computer Interaction