AC 2011-363: A SURVEY OF ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR PH.D. ENGI-NEERS IN INDUSTRYJoy Watson, University of South CarolinaJed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina Jed Lyons is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of South Carolina. His passion is engaging K-12 students, undergraduates, graduate students and faculty in inquiry- and design-oriented learning activities. Page 22.115.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 A Survey of Essential Skills for Ph.D. Engineers in IndustryAbstractThe broad
alumni of our graduate program who have developed new ways of thinking and acting through our leadership development process.Data on Engineers Moving into Management Figure 1. S&E bachelor‟s degree holders in management jobs by years since degree (NSF 2003)National Science Foundation SESTAT 20031 data (Figure 1) shows that increasing numbers ofengineering graduates leave the direct practice of engineering over time and move intomanagement. This NSF report also shows that there is a corresponding fewer number of Page 22.1546.2engineering graduates whose major work activity is R&D as they progress in their careers(Figure 2
paper focuses on results achieved in developing leaders as evaluated through interviews with alumni. While the paper does discuss the classes created and implemented to build leadership abilities and attitudes in students, it does not emphasize the details of the courses, which can be found in the syllabi7.Description of Graduate Student PopulationGraduates from the master‟s degree programs in the School of Engineering at the University ofSt. Thomas are primarily working adults in the 30 to 50 year age group. Historically they havehad 10 years or more of industry experience before entering the program. However, this isdecreasing as more graduates of the bachelor engineering programs enter the graduate programs.Typically it takes students
bumper supported by an integrated torsion bar. Reinforcements were also proposed for theframe rail system. The second team built physical and numerical prototypes to prove-out theconcepts. (5) Page 22.176.3 Figure mpatibility torsioon bar concept ((4) e 1: Bumper comPedestriaan Bumper Systems S (5 sttudents) – Thhe second seet of projectss related to tthe design offbumpers to reduce in njuries sustaiined by pedeestrians in thhe event of a collision. T This was insppiredin part by y new legislaation in placce in Europe.. The work started
inthe Spring of 2010. Both graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, private consultants, andpublic servants are provided with the opportunity to learn from each other during this weeklyone-hour seminar. The establishment and overview of the seminar series are discussed along with thedevelopment of guidelines for student attendance. Involvement of faculty, students, andprofessionals was evaluated. Attendance at each seminar is a function of topic(s), presenter(s),and time commitment conflict (schedule conflicts with other classes or faculty sabbatical).Based on data from the Spring 2010 and Fall 2010 semesters, faculty attended 41 percent of theseminars, and students attended 43 percent of the seminars. When absences forclass
twenty undergraduates, a not-for-profit communitypartner – for example, a community service agency, a museum or school, or a governmentagency and a faculty, staff or industry advisor. A pool of graduate teaching assistants from sevendepartments provides technical guidance and administrative assistance.Each EPICS team is vertically-integrated, consisting of a mix of first-year students, sophomores,juniors, and seniors and are multidisciplinary drawing from across engineering and the entirecampus. Last year, over 60 majors participated. Teams operate for several years, from initialproject definition through final deployment and support. Once the initial project(s) is completedand deployed, new projects are identified by the team and its project
industry’s employmentneeds, both in quality and quantity.References 1. Esrey, S., Potash, J., Roberts, L., & Shiff, C. (1991). Effects of improved water supply and sanitation on ascariasis, diarrhoea, dracunculiasis, hookworm infection, schistosomiasis, and trachoma. Bull World Health Organ, 69(5), 609-621. 2. Water and Liquid Waste Treatment Plant and System Operators (2009). U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved January 10, 2011, from 3. DeNileon, G. P., & Stubbart, J. (2005). Employment Outlook Good for Operators, Grim for Utilities. Opflow, 31(5), 3-8. 4. DeNileon, G. P., & Stubbart, J. (2005). Employment Outlook Good for Operators
late. There may be no attack, no moment of epiphany, no catastrophe thatwill suddenly demonstrate the threat. Rather, there will be a slow withering, a gradual decline, awidening gap between a complacent America and countries with the drive, commitment andvision to take our place.”2. The Professional Science Master’s (PSM) Degree In response to this need a new type of degree, the Professional Science Master’s, wasestablished at research universities beginning in the early 2000’s using start-up funds providedby the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. It is designed for students who do not wish to continue on toa doctorate leading to an academic career but rather to enter the workforce with a master’sdegree, a degree now viewed by many as having
nd developmment design ccourses, and 3) makingprovision ns to includee practitionerrs into courses wheneverr possible.Recentlyy the CEE Deepartment modified m its curriculum c awway from a “track” systeem; however,plans hadd been madee to include a land develo opment desiggn track prioor to this chaange. The newcurriculu um is identical for all CE EE students and a is based to some deggree on the A American Soociety 1of Civil Engineering E ’s Body of Knowledge K
AC 2011-977: BENEFITS OF SMALL COLLEGE-INDUSTRY PARTNER-SHIPS FOR TRAINING PROGRAM DEVELOPMENTBruce V. Mutter, Bluefield State College Bruce V. Mutter is the founder and CEO of the Center for Applied Research & Technology, Inc. (CART) and teaches project management and engineering economics at Bluefield State College as an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Technology.Roy Pruett, Bluefield State College Roy E. Pruett is a Registered Professional Engineer and a Professor and Department Head of the Electrical Engineering and Technology Department at Bluefield State College. He is the owner of Pruett Engineering and serves as consultant to several local businesses. Roy received his B. S. degree in
, plus the emphatic support by the Page 22.175.3government, was sufficient for all parties to make the decision to go ahead with the initiative.Why Jalisco, Mexico?The Jalisco State Council of Science and Technology (COECYTJAL)’s vision is to succeedin making Jalisco an innovation and knowledge-generating hub through articulated,organized and complementary collaboration initiatives between the various public and privateinstitutions and players in the state4. To achieve this vision, they promote scientific andtechnology initiatives that are aligned with the social needs of Jalisco, aiming for continuousand sustainable development. The state
2009-304.8. W. Akili, Integrating practical experience in a geotechnical/foundation engineering class: The role of the adjunct faculty, proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, pp. 8423-8436. Page 22.862.109. S. Nasrazadani and R.A. Mirshams, Teaching heat transfer through industry participation, proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, paper AC 2007-832.10. S.D. Sheppard, K. Macatangay, A. Colby and W.M. Sullivan, Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field, Jossey-Bass, San
. ―Learning to Navigate.‖ In Chaiklin, S. and J. Lave (Eds.) Understanding Practice: perspectives on activity and context. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. p. 35-63, 1996.15. Kusterer, Ken. Know-how on the Job: The Important Working Knowledge of “Unskilled” Workers. Westview Press, 1978.16. Lave, Jean and Etienne Wenger. Situated learning: legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge University Press, 1991.17. National Academy of Engineering. (NAE) The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. National Academies Press, 2004.18. Orr, Julian. Thinking about machines. Cornell University Press, 1996.19. Robbins, Philip and Murat Aydede. The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge
evolvedaccording to government and industry demand. Agriculture, the mechanical arts, andmanufacturing dominated the 19th century needs, resulting in the development of shop courseswhere students gained hands-on experience with machine tools for farming and manufacturing.1With the rise of electrical engineering in the early 1900’s, combined with increasing promotion Page 22.913.3of a scientific approach to practice and the desire to “professionalize”1 engineering and establish it as a credible academic discipline, laboratory experience became the norm for practicalexperiences within the engineering