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Conference Session
The D/M/A of CE
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Greg Kremer, Ohio University
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Community Engagement Division
. Details on some of the relational learning opportunities are briefly presented below, with afocus on the educational purpose of the relationship and any key factors related to establishingand supporting the relationship. It is important to note that the interactions between theparticipants in a learning-centered relationship should be as clear and focused as possible toencourage appropriate dialogue, but with some room for teachable moments to spontaneouslyemerge. But it is also important to remember that deep learning can be both messy and hard (interms of effort and openness to change), and relational learning is inherently messy since itinvolves people instead of clean ‘textbook’ problems.Student – self relationshipsSelf reflection on
Conference Session
The D/M/A of CE
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joshua M Frey, Elizabethtown College; Sara A. Atwood, Elizabethtown College
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Community Engagement Division
students enrolled in a Strength of Materials course were required to create andimplement an outreach activity. The activity was designed to engage the students in anengineering concept while also learning what engineers do and the broad scope of engineering.Working with students one morning at the local middle school with hands on activities, theundergraduates presented concepts of buoyancy, electricity, strength of materials, andmechanics. The middle school students were asked to fill out a survey designed to gauge theirperceptions of engineering before the activities began. In addition, the undergraduates weregiven an open ended reflection framed as a “What happened?” “So what does it mean?” and“Now what will you do?” prompt. The
Conference Session
Engagement In Practice: Integrating Community Engagement into Engineering Curricula
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wei Lu, Texas A&M University; Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Mary E. Campbell, Texas A&M University; Mary K. McDougal, Texas A&M University; Lauren Neala Holder, Texas A&M University
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Community Engagement Division
-specific knowledge and developing their multidisciplinarycommunication, problem-solving, and research skills.Course design and executionAccording to Bringle and Hatcher [1], service-learning is defined as a “course-based, creditbearing educational experience in which students (a) participate in an organized service activitythat meets identified community needs, and (b) reflect on the service activity in such a way as togain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and anenhanced sense of personal values and civic responsibility” (p. 112).” Service-learning has beenproven to benefit students in many ways. More specifically, service learning has been found toenhance students’ collaboration skills [2], civic
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Engaging the Community through Educational Outreach
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ryan A Munden, Fairfield University
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Community Engagement Division
elective for allengineering students. The course successfully implements reflection practices to measureattainment of civic learning outcomes, which are essential to true service-learning courses. Arubric measures student achievement of course technical outcomes. Improved team performancedemonstrates effectiveness of the university mentors. The mentoring has a demonstrable effecton youth attitudes toward STEM education and careers. The course and mentoring resulted in85% retention of existing youth team members, plus addition of new youth from 3 additionalhigh schools, expanding the reach of the robotics team in the community. The course has alsoresulted in the university hosting a district competition, increasing STEM visibility to the
Conference Session
Relevance of and Models for Community Engagement in Engineering Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan McCahan, University of Toronto; Holly K. Ault, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Edmund Tsang, Western Michigan University; Mark R. Henderson, Arizona State University, Polytechnic; Spencer P. Magleby, Brigham Young University; Annie Soisson, Tufts University
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Community Engagement Division
of Jarvis’s model are reflected inour proposed model for LTS programs. However, a learning model alone is not sufficient forfully coming to grips with designing or operationalizing (i.e. implementing) an LTS program.A model which comes from the LTS literature, and therefore was formulated more specificallyfor this pedagogy is Butin’s four models for community engagement.6 Butin’s models actuallydescribe four goals commonly associated with community service learning: technical, cultural,political, and anti-foundational. These models reflect the differences in learning goals identifiedby faculty who use service learning: • Technical; LTS is used primarily to increase content knowledge and retention of knowledge. • Cultural: LTS
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 1
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Micaela Sandoval, Texas A&M Health Science Center; Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University; Lauren Neala Holder, Texas A&M University; Mary Kathryn McDougal, Texas A&M University; Mary E Campbell, Texas A&M University; Bruce E. Herbert, Texas A&M University
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Community Engagement Division
deepermetacognitive skills through guided reflections. The University Libraries staff, as well as guestlecturers from public health and the humanities, are providing resources to bolster students’research and discovery skills, and the Writing Center on campus has pledged technicalcommunication and presentation support. Figure 3 serves as a visual display of the course andlearning objectives and elements. Each student group (typically four or five members) is alsoassigned a faculty mentor, who will facilitate relationships with partner agencies and provideinsight into the possible ramifications of proposed solutions. By committing their time andenergy to an outside organization, they will define their own knowledge gaps and opportunitiesfor advanced
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Engaging the Community through Educational Outreach
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sara Jordan-Bloch, Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford University; Shoshanah Cohen, Stanford University
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Community Engagement Division
program and the Haas Centerfor Public Service to build both an educational program and research agenda that emphasize the value ofreciprocity, partnership, reflection, evaluation, and respect for diversity. In this paper, we present thelessons learned from our pilot year, including: the results from our feasibility evaluation, an assessment ofour partnership model, and our approach to scaling. Assessment of the students and their progress isongoing.Project Background and MotivationUnderrepresentation of women in computer science and engineering fields is a persistent phenomenon. Inthe US, while women earn 53% of undergraduate bachelor’s degrees overall, they represent only 18% ofcomputer science graduates [1], [2]. Underrepresented minority women
Conference Session
Community Engagement in Engineering Education Projects
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine Zakzewski, The University of Scranton; Mark Robert Murphy Sr., University of Scranton, Director of Sustainability; Michael Mahon Ph.D., Abington Heights School District
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Community Engagement Division
serve community interests and to developcareer awareness. Lima1 describes key components of service-learning as: service for thecommon good, academic content, reciprocity, mutual learning, and reflection. Thus, effectivelearning can be accomplished through action, interaction, and reflection.Research has shown that well-designed service-learning experiences have a positive impact onlearning and developmental outcomes for students2,3,4. Astin et al (2000) provides acomprehensive study that shows participation in service positively impacts student academicperformance, self-efficacy, leadership, choice of career, and service participation aftergraduation3. Their report indicates that the positive effects of service-learning are strongly
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ella Willard-Schmoe, University of Massachusetts Lowell; John J. Duffy, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Emmanuelle Reynaud, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Linda Barrington, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
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Community Engagement Division
professors “felt the students were able to demonstrate adeeper understanding for the subject areas than in earlier versions of these courses.”4 Thestudents, while agreeing that their learning was enhanced by the service aspect of their projects,were unsure about the net benefit of participating. Biology students were concerned thatperformance in traditional laboratory courses would be weighed more carefully thanparticipation in S-L courses by graduate schools and employers, and many students worried thatthe perception of a lack of scientific rigor would reflect poorly on them. A barrier to faculty’simplementation of S-L was a resistance to the idea of reflection as a learning or evaluation tool,in spite of its integral nature in the effective
Conference Session
Assessment of Community Engagement
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Antonette T. Cummings P.E., Purdue University; James Huff, Purdue University; William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Community Engagement Division
PhilosophyThe overall assessment philosophy of EPICS is guided by two core values of EPICS. First,EPICS seeks to provide an educational experience that will prepare students for professional Page 23.151.3practice. Second, we seek to meet compelling human, environmental and community needs.The assessment processes are integrated into the curriculum and designed to create artifacts thatcan be assessed. A key concept in PBSL assessment is to utilize authentic project artifacts(papers, reports, notebooks, blogs, reflections, etc.) that can be assessed and used to demonstratestudent learning. Whenever possible, the assessments are integrated into processes
Conference Session
Engaging Community through STEM partnerships
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica A. Kuczenski, Santa Clara University
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is characterised by the use of realworld problems as a context for students to learn critical thinking skills and problem solvingskills and to acquire knowledge of the essential concepts of the course.” In fact, it has beenshown that learning to apply theoretical principles is much better done when given real problemsand hands-on activities in projects [​2​].Overall, PBL has been described as ‘reflecting the way people learn in real life’[​11​] and lendsitself as a teaching strategy that leads students to ‘learn to learn’ and encourages students todevelop critical thinking and problem solving skills that they can carry for life [​12​]. The goals ofPBL include fostering active learning, interpersonal and collaborative skills, open inquiry
Conference Session
Learning Through Service
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Katherine Schmotzer; Ana Paula Valenca, Purdue EPICS
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Community Engagement Division
technical and club advisors forthe EWB-USA. The local club already had professional mentors who travelled in-country theprevious summer on an assessment trip with a team of students. These mentors continued withthe class and supported the faculty for EPICS who was an added advisor and managed the courseand assessments along with a graduate teaching assistant. He was also added as an advisor for theclub to keep him informed about activities and also to make it easier on the student members toobtain required signatures within the university system. A second club advisor was kept from theprogram that had overseen EWB-USA previously and still had responsibility for the organization.This shared ownership has worked well.Student Reflections and
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Simon Thomas Ghanat P.E., The Citadel; William J. Davis P.E., The Citadel; Timothy W. Mays, The Citadel; Rebekah Burke P.E., The Citadel; Kweku Tekyi Brown P.E., The Citadel; John C. Ryan, The Citadel
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Community Engagement Division
real world environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,constructability, and sustainability constraints. This project provided an academic enrichmentand curriculum engagement for students to apply their knowledge to benefit the community. Thispaper discusses capstone design project objectives, student learning activities, educationaloutcome assessment mapping, faculty reflections and lessons learned.IntroductionIn professional practice, engineers build successful careers out of solving open-ended problems[1]. However, the well-structured and constrained problems that engineering students tend tosolve at the early level coursework, do little to prepare them for the complexity of ambiguousand unstructured real-world problems [1
Conference Session
Experiences in Engineering Community Engagement
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joan B Schuman, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Kellie Grasman, Missouri University of Science & Technology
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Community Engagement Division
expanded to include increased utilization as a collaboration tool betweenteams and community sponsors as well as a tool for peer to peer evaluation of project teamprogress.ReflectionFor the fall semester 2012, students were given reflective work as part of the course study.Students were asked to reflect on the following questions: 1. Did having a “real” customer improve your performance? Explain 2. Did you feel that you were helping the community with the project? Explain. 3. Do you see yourself doing service in any community in the future? Has this class experience changed that outlook?Eighty-five percent of students felt that having a “real” customer improved their performance,while 11.5% stated that their experience was improved
Conference Session
Community Engagement in Engineering Education: Program Models
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Light, Lewis-Clark College
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Community Engagement Division
. It is hoped, that through adescription of the project genesis, chronological description of events, identified learning goals,and a description of the reflection and relationship to assessment and project improvement, thisproject could be replicated elsewhere.Tsang2 specifies four essential components for service-learning in engineering as: 1) identify acommunity need that matches course learning objectives and form a partnership; 2) create andimplement a solution; 3) evaluate that solution for continuous improvement; and 4) engagestudents in structured reflection. The wheelchair ramp service-learning project described in thispaper meets these four essential components as described below.Statics and dynamics are the study of forces on
Conference Session
Community-Engaged Engineering Education Challenges and Opportunities in Light of COVID-19 Paper Presentations 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Camille Velarde, University of New Mexico; Vanessa Svihla, University of New Mexico; Estike Kokovay Gutierrez
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Community Engagement Division, Equity, Culture & Social Justice in Education, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
inequities they sought to address.Freire characterized this as “false generosity”—as charity offered that does not empower, butinstead fosters dependency. While such aid may help individuals, it also sustains inequities [10].Addressing inequality in engineering education means interrogating the origins of inequalities.Efforts to unravel those systems requires the knowledge of decolonization and engaging indecolonizing methodologies [11]. This is important to reflect on because when organizationsenter a community, they often act in colonizing ways and extend oppressive systemsmasquerading as aid. Decolonizing methodologies center community knowledge and needs andforeground the community’s own purposes.Such work is effortful and time consuming, but
Conference Session
Diversity in Community Engagement Implementation I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ann-Perry Witmer P.E., Univerity of Illinois College of Engineering; Keilin Jahnke, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Community Engagement Division
their own experience through immersion and examination. Teams documentedtheir observations using blogs that focused on the same general area of inquiry they wouldpursue in Lumbisi. The blogs were available to the garden community and organizers, as well asother teams, allowing them to dialogue about their understanding of the subject. Research teamsalso were required to review other teams’ blogs and comment on observations.During the course development, coordination across educational units, universities, organizationsand countries flowed surprising smoothly and without issue. Perhaps the greatest challenge of theentire effort came when devising a course name that would reflect the interests of engineers,social scientists, planners and
Conference Session
Community Engagement in Engineering Education: Program Models
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carrie-Ann Miller LCSW, State University of New York, Stony Brook
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Community Engagement Division
team tolearn to come to a consensus as to what issue they would like to address, and howthey plan to address it. At the end of the year the students participate in a capstoneevent where they can share with others their process. According to Cathryn BergerKay, M.A., there are five Stages of Service Learning. “They include: Inventoryand Investigation, Preparation and Planning, Action, Reflection andDemonstration”. 8 All our STEM Tech Clubs follow this model.The SISTER mentors and professionals facilitating the groups tie the issue ofconcern to the students various level of curriculum. They share their enthusiasmand knowledge of STEM education and opportunities. The school administratorswork with the groups, as well as teachers to help with this
Conference Session
Holistic Assessment and Teaching in Service-learning Environments
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole M. Smith, Colorado School of Mines; Benjamin A Teschner, Colorado School of Mines; Robin Bullock, Colorado School of Mines
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Community Engagement Division
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Bringing Sustainable Development Challenges into the Engineering Classroom: Applying Human Centered Design Protocols to Artisanal and Small-Scale MiningAbstractIn the United States, the growth of programs in the past decade such as HumanitarianEngineering and Engineers Without Borders reflects student interest in understanding thechallenges facing communities in the developing world and applying engineering designprinciples to address these challenges. These programs also provide students with uniqueopportunities to engage with stakeholders, a critical element of any sustainable developmentinitiative. Although there is no substitute for taking students to
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 5
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lauren Anne Cooper, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Amanda Johnston, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Emily Honor Hubbard, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Community Engagement Division
students worked with clientsfrom the local community to design a solution to meet their rehabilitation needs. In addition tothe projects, student assignments included reflection prompts, four hours of community service,and several empathy “immersion” experiences (i.e., wearing a blindfold while trying to completebasic tasks). Seven students opted to participate in the study, all in their 4th or 5th year in eitherbiomedical or mechanical engineering. Students completed pre- and post-course surveys aimedto measure changes in self-reported levels of empathy. One student participated in a personalinterview, aimed at understanding the different ways in which the course activities influenced hisdevelopment of empathy. All seven students who participated
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Palomo P.E., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Gerri Cole, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
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Community Engagement Division
facilitation of activities (before and while visiting K-12 students), writing skills used when preparing an outreach activity proposal (to includespecific instructions on how to adapt it to fit the needs of the community partners) and withwritten reflections of the experiences from the visits to the K-12 classrooms. The schedule of thecourse included four to six visits to the K-12 selected schools to nurture the development of atrusting learning environment. The EGR 299 S course was also a creative way to engage andimprove retention of CPP engineering students.E-Girl eventIn 2013, when funding was obtained to develop the “Hispanics in Engineering” program, the E-Girl event was created by two CPP female engineering students (Hadasa Reyes, a
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Margaret Pinnell, University of Dayton; Kellie Schneider, University of Dayton; Leanne Petry, Central State University; M. Suzanne Franco, Wright State University; Malcolm W. Daniels, University of Dayton; Amy Anderson, University of Dayton; Marjorie Langston, Hamilton Township High School ; Megan Shepherd; Madeline Mock
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Community Engagement Division
. Dating back to the 1960s, researchershave explored the theoretical characterization of intercultural competence and the effectivenessof varying classroom practices [24]. More recently, various researchers have explored theefficacy of CEL and research immersion experiences. Research shows that teachers learn tonavigate complex, intercultural encounters through challenging CEL experiences promoting,“reflective, critical and ethical practices” [25].Since international engineering CEL has the potential benefit to both increase interculturalawareness, while also demonstrating engineering as a career that helps humanity, engagingteachers in this type of experience may prepare them to encourage and inspire their students,particularly females and other
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 3
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Robert M. Brooks, Temple University; Sangram Shinde, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jazan University, Jazan KSA
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Community Engagement Division
with ARC officers and the courseinstructor. After the training students formed teams of three and visited homes in the most fireprone neighborhoods of Philadelphia to install smoke alarms, replace alarm batteries and helpresidents make home fire escape plans. The students also provided education and materials onhome fire preparation. In the past five years they distributed materials and provided informationto over ten thousand people in homes and on the streets of the city.The students were required to submit a technical report about the behavior of steel under hightemperatures (i.e., home fires). The report also required a two-page reflection on the service.“The Environment” class was taught 23 times from Fall 1991 through SP 2013. An
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Creating a Robust Infrastructure for Community Engagement
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Andrew Pierce, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Nusaybah Abu-Mulaweh, Purdue University
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Community Engagement Division
School of Nursing,, retirement community, & a lactation-consultant communication app. Westminister VillageeEnvironmental Develop sustainable projects within the community and the Indiana Veterans’Improvement University. Current projects include an energy audit and design of a Home, NorthviewInitiative reflection pool and the design of an outdoor recreation facility. Church Developing alternative energy solutions to provide power to remote University ofGlobal Alternative rural villages and underserved urban communities in Colombia Antioquia, Medellin
Conference Session
Learning Through Service
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University
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Community Engagement Division
involved in the experience. 2. Reflective Observation: The student groups meet with the faculty advisor every other week to provide an update on what they have done so far. One of the topics during discussion is what topics that they learnt in class used and how that is impacting the social issue. 3. Abstract Conceptualization: The students are collecting data from the agency and also making templates to get already existing data. They are using this data to apply models that they have learnt in various classes. Coming up the right data to use in itself is a great learning experience. 4. Active Experimentation: The students are able to put two different methodologies together to come up with a solution to
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Malinda S Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder; Michael A Soltys, University of Colorado, Boulder; Jennifer Kracha, University of Colorado Boulder
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Community Engagement Division
addition, course outcomesincorporate successful team dynamics, individual skills development, and multiple opportunities forself-reflection of steps of the design process.Courses involving collaborative design teams — and grades that are dependent on the associatedteam deliverables and final project — can be frustrating to individuals placed on teams that do notperform to their expectations. The EFC course grades have a team-based set of graded components;half of students’ final grade is set by team projects deliverables. However, individual courseelements have been included throughout the semester to allow students more input into their finalgrade. These elements include personal reflections on skills development, user testing, and
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rachel Koh, Smith College
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Community Engagement Division
product. Another problematicassumption made in the students’ economic proposal was that what works under consumercapitalism in the U.S., where a high percentage of the population has expendable income, wouldwork in the very different economic circumstances of Nicaragua. The project was ultimatelystalled at the proposal stage because of disagreement about this point.By the time they reach their senior capstone, engineering students have often had few- if any-courses that require them to consider empathic approaches to designing for a client orcommunity whose racial, ethnic, national, socioeconomic, or other demographic backgrounddiffers from their own. This experience gap is reflected when students don’t have the tools tounderstand the needs of
Conference Session
Community Engagement Division Technical Session 5
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mary Andrade, University of Louisville; Michael Scott Keibler, University of Louisville; Josh Rivard
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Community Engagement Division
which provides a historical contextof not only the Inca people, but also the generations from as early as 3000 BC in that region.Cultural activities are followed by formal discussion and guided reflection to create additionalcontext regarding the technical project and the cultural and geographical influences that areimportant for consideration. Also in country, the students made an initial presentation tocommunity leaders to ensure project objectives were in alignment with community expectations.Course Content – TechnicalThe technical portion of the course is determined by the scope of the project that is identified.During the first two years of the program, using semi-structured interviews, the communityidentified water loss of the crumbling
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Creating a Robust Infrastructure for Community Engagement
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Raghu Pucha, Georgia Institute of Technology; Carol J Thurman, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ruth Yow, Georgia Institute of Technology; Connor Rylan Meeds; Jennifer Hirsch, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Community Engagement Division
on socio-technical student perceptions on socio-technical design activities and projects.project-based learning activities Open-coding and comparison of Post- activity reflection on implementingdescribed in Table 2 and sustainability in design projects.ongoing assessment of student Analysis of pre and post-survey : open- ended questions to students before and
Conference Session
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Engineering Engagement with Community
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Linda Vanasupa, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Carol J. Thurman, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Community Engagement Division
. Further, this form of community-engaged learningoffers an authentic setting to develop many of the integrated student outcomes stated in the newengineering accreditation criteria. We contend that effective transdisciplinary learning is a meansto the oft-stated goal of systemic transformation in engineering education, particularly forsustainability aims. However, this complex, dynamic systems view of engineeringeducation represents a radical departure from education-as-usual and thus requires a similarlyradical departure from research- and assessment- -as-usual. It reflects a shift in the unit ofanalysis: from a singular focus on student learning outcomes to a broader view that captureslearning at the transdisciplinary system level. It also