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Implementing a service learning class for undergraduate engineers with little required budget

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

Experiences in Engineering Community Engagement

Tagged Division

Community Engagement Division

Page Count


Page Numbers

23.704.1 - 23.704.9



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Paper Authors


Joan B Schuman Missouri University of Science & Technology

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Dr. Joan Schuman is an assistant teaching professor in the Engineering Management at Missouri S&T. She has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Arkansas and completed her Ph.D. in Polymer Science and Engineering. Schuman teaches a variety of courses including several in Project Management. She has several years of industrial experience in the aerospace industry but is now focusing on engineering education with a special interest in service learning.

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Kellie Grasman Missouri University of Science & Technology

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Kellie Grasman serves as an instructor in Engineering Management and Systems Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology. She holds graduate degrees in engineering and business administration from the University of Michigan, and began teaching in 2001 after spending several years in industry positions. She was named the 2011-2012 Robert B. Koplar Professor of Engineering Management for her achievements in online learning. She serves as an eMentor for the University of Missouri System and earned a Faculty Achievement Award for teaching.

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AbstractImplementing a service learning class for undergraduate engineers with little required budget Service Learning (SL) classes provide engineering students both a chance gain hands-onexperience and to increase societal responsibility. Research has shown benefits to engineering studentswho engage in service learning as a part of their curriculum1,2. However, developing a SL class oftenrequires a great deal of time in planning as well as a considerable budget for implementing projects.In this paper, we demonstrate the development of a SL class that requires very little to no budget. Thiscourse could be used as a starting point for creating a SL program. Our class, Introduction to ProjectManagement, introduces skills necessary in all engineering fields. Students work with area communitieson projects identified by each community. Interested communities are determined through the regionalplanning commission. Students are responsible for managing the initial phases of the projects throughthe development of plans, schedules and budgets. The deliverables from the students can then be usedby the communities as a tool for grant applications. The regional planning commission aids thecommunities by finding applicable funding agencies. Team web pages are used by students andinstructor to communicate project information and status during the project. Methodology and possiblefollow up courses are discussed in the paper. Pre and Post student surveys were conducted on studentperceptions of social responsibility and on the value of using web-enabled communication and reporting.1 Astin, A., Vogelgosang, L., Ikeda, E., & Yee, J. (2000). How Service Learning Affects Students. UCLA. LA: HigherEducation Research Institute.2 Dukhan,N., Schumack, M., (2010) Reflection-based assessment of service learning in undergraduate engineering.International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Vol 5, No. 2, pp 32-43.

Schuman, J. B., & Grasman, K. (2013, June), Implementing a service learning class for undergraduate engineers with little required budget Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19718

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