pressure of an exam situation. This also readiedstudents to be able to interact and carefully evaluate responses by the AI. For some students,ChatGPT-3.5’s initial response did not satisfy the requirements of the test question. This actuallyproduced a very high level of engagement. By this stage, students had developed expertise of theproblem, and had to work toward nudging the AI to get a correct response. Because of theirprevious knowledge of the problem, students were better able to identify differences andsimilarities with their code. While engaged in this careful comparison, several students gainednew insights, or even new methods. The process of nudging the AI toward the correct answer isreminiscent of improving one’s learning by teaching or
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system. ● Probability of Transit (p(T)): This parameter measures the probability the student learns the skill after attempting a problem related to that skill. ● Probability of Guess (p(G)): This parameter accounts for the likelihood that the student guesses the answer correctly without actually knowing the skill. It helps distinguish between true knowledge and lucky guesses. ● Probability of Slip (p(S)): The slip parameter is the probability that the student, despite knowing the skill, incorrectly answers a problem. This could be due to mistakes, misunderstandings, or other factors unrelated to their actual knowledge level.Each of these parameters must be initially estimated for each student model variable. ForThermoVR
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between the learner and their environment andinfluenced learners' achievements" [8, p. 86]. While remembering that one study app or methoddoes not fit all needs, students must learn the principles of self-regulated learning and how to studyto foster deep understanding. Although this initial pilot study was done within an in-person course,these problems are only compounded for online courses due to reduced personalized guidance,interaction, and feedback. Intentional thinking involves analyses of one's thinking. Studentsdevelop strategies or ways of thinking about the task at hand and the processes or strategiesnecessary to complete the task.COVID-19’s dramatic shift to remote learning left many students struggling in online learningenvironments
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is not necessary to have all instructors assignedto a class, it is required to staff all classes.There are a few constraints attached to the staffing assignment studied in this paper: 1) One class per month: Classes are offered monthly, and each instructor can only teach one class per month. 2) Online and onsite modality: The instruction mode is either online (OL), or onsite (S). It is assumed that onsite instructors can teach online as well. However, online instructors must only be staffed in classes with online modality only. 3) Availability: Instructors must be available to teach in the months they are staffed to teach a class. So, the instructors must only be staffed to teach in the months they are
a mathematicalpuzzle in which a player must move the bunny to a target location(s) marked by food(s) or key(s).The bunny is located at the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system and the food location ismarked as goal position in terms of its < x, y > coordinates. Figure 2a shows the level 1 of thegame where the food position is < 2, −9 >. To solve the puzzle, a player needs to drag and drop (a) Level 1 (b) Level 3 (c) Level 4 (d) Level 5 Figure 2: Various levels in Vector Unknown 2D (Bunny Game)two vectors into appropriate slots and then adjust the vector’s factors (scalars) to create a
two research questions, we designed a survey, sent it to K-12 computing educationresearchers, and then analyzed the results.3.1 Survey DesignWe began our survey design by modifying the survey used by McGill et al. due to its similarnature of exploring barriers in CER [32]. Our survey differs by explicitly considering barriers inK-12 computing education.Our survey had four primary sections: Research Background, CAPE Research Focus, Barriers toConducting Research, and Participant Demographic Characteristics. In the Research Backgroundsection participants were asked what age and school group they conducted research with, whatrole(s) they identified as in the K-12 CER community, and what communities (e.g. HistoricallyMarginalized Racial Groups
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same: 93-96% average completion rate, 3.5-8.3 average time spent (hours), and 3.6-4.0 average number of tries. Such measures indicate that Advanced zyLabs do not impede student outcomes. Future work may analyze novel features of Advanced zyLabs, such as the hints system, and may measure the impact on student outcomes specifically in advanced computer science courses.References[ 1] M. Sherman, S. Bassil, D. Lipman, N. Tuck, and F. Martin, “Impact of autograding on an introductory computing course,” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 69-75, Jun 2013. [2] R. Pettit, J. Homer, R. Gee, S. Mengel, and A. Starbuck. “An Empirical Study of Iterative Improvement in Programming Assignments.” in
study is guided primarily by the concepts of Teacher Noticing and Teacher Beliefs. Thesetwo concepts inform our research questions and guide our analysis and findings. First, TeacherNoticing originated from Sherin et al.’s [12] book that conceptualized how a teacher’s noticing-ability in the classroom impacts the dynamic teaching and learning processes. Initiallyconstructed, ‘noticing’ is an ephemeral phenomenon. It happens instantaneously and under thenoise of other, more conscious, mental processes. This construct stems from two psychologicalconcepts: Teachers have selective attention to notice a situation in the classroom, then enactprofessional knowledge-based reasoning. However, beyond just in-the-moment, a teacher’slesson plan
with multidisciplinary teams allowingstudents one-on-one interaction while working on real projects enables them to negotiate theirparticipation with peers, resulting in a deeper integration of the involved disciplines. Boundary objects play a critical role in how interdisciplinary collaboration occurs, and the coursemust offer and promote concrete boundary objects (e.g., software, procedures, knowledge) from eachdiscipline. Although some software may be predominantly used in the new CoP environment, instructorscan highlight alternative boundary objects that enable students to accomplish the tasks required in thecourse. ReferencesAlmeida, L. M. de S., Becker, K. H., & Villanueva, I
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technical vocabulary, and the misconceptions they have with the material.AcknowledgementsMany thanks to the students who provided feedback on the surveys and to the institution forproviding free access to Microsoft Teams for students and the instructor to easily create and storevideo files.References [1] S. Adams, “This $12 Billion Company Is Getting Rich Off Students Cheating Their Way Through Covid,” Forbes Magazine. March 31, 2021. [2] J.P. Abulencia, M.A. Vigeant, D.L. Silverstein, “Student-Generated Videos for Thermodynamics Teaching and Learning,” In Proceedings of the 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2015. [3] A. Balderas and J.A. Caballero-Hernandez, “Analysis of Learning
change while at other times it might beinconclusive or a step backwards. Nonetheless, there is value in trying and as in this study we willcontinue to look to improve our approach to introducing students to both software and hardwareapplications moving forward.References[1] S. F. Freeman et al., “Cranking Up Cornerstone: Lessons Learned from Implementing a Pilot with First-Year Engineering Students,” presented at the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 2016. Accessed: Jan. 06, 2023. [Online]. Available: with-first-year-engineering-students[2] K. A. Dunnigan, A. Dunford, and J. Bringardner, “From Cornerstone to
and Sociology at Cal- ifornia State University Polytechnic, Pomona who completed her doctoral degree at the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Fuquaˆa C™s dissertation at theDr. Faye Linda Wachs, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Faye Linda Wachs is a professor of Sociology in the Department of Psychology & Sociology at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Dr. Wachs received her Phd in Sociology from the University of Southern California, along with a graduate certificate in gender studies. Dr. Wachs’ published work focuses on gender equity, health, fitness, media, sport, sexuality and consumerism. Her book, Body Panic: Gender, Health and the Selling of Fitness, co-authored with
). Students provided consent to have their course performance and surveyresults be used for research purposes. Their responses to the pre-course and post-course surveyswere anonymized. Table 3. Survey (O = Open, K = Knowledge, S = Skills, A = Attitudes, L = List, P = Post-Course Open)O1 In your own words, describe machine learningO2 In your own words, describe the limitations of machine learningO3 In your own words, provide specific examples of how machine learning will likely impact your career in the next 10 yearsK1 I can describe at least one ML applicationK2 I understand the main steps to implement at least one ML applicationK3 I understand what distinguishes ML from traditional mathematical approachesK4
Program: Students’ PerspectivesAbstractEffective advising ensures students take the proper classes to stay on track for their graduation.For example, in an engineering curriculum, it is crucial that students maintain the propersequence of courses that results in the culmination of the program's required capstone designcourse(s). Any human error during the advising process can risk the disruption of the smoothprogression through the program for a student. Thus, a computerized web-based advising toolcan be highly useful to eliminate such human errors in identifying the most needed coursesduring an advising session. Currently, many advising tools are available through commercialbusinesses or developed by those working in the field of education. In
. 1–13, Sept. 2023. [7] S. Abdul-wahab, N. Salem, and S. Fadlallah, “Students’ reluctance to attend office hours: Reasons and suggested solutions,” Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, vol. 13, p. 715, Oct. 2019. [8] H. Alkaissi and S. I. McFarlane, “Artificial hallucinations in ChatGPT: Implications in scientific writing,” Cureus, vol. 15, Feb. 2023. [9] H. Chase, “LangChain.”, 2022.[10] T. Zhang, F. Ladhak, E. Durmus, P. Liang, K. McKeown, and T. B. Hashimoto, “Benchmarking large language models for news summarization,” 2023. arXiv 2301.13848.Appendix A: Survey QuestionsBackgroundHow many group members are: • Grad students? [0-3] • Senior standing or above? [0-3
Professor Quirrell cannot. You should create a random document foryour own and demonstrate this scenario.This lab task assumes that a confidential document is encrypted by Hermione Granger, whosecontent is only viewable by Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. In other words, only Harry and Roncan decrypt and read the document, while Professor Quirrell cannot. Students should demonstratethis scenario with two deliverables: 1. Let’s say you are Hermione Granger. Please provide command lines that encrypt the doc- ument. Also, please include the screenshot(s) to demonstrate that the document has been encrypted successfully. 2. Please provide command lines that show Harry Potter and Ron Weasley can decrypt the ciphertext. Also, provide the
their contributions to the creation of the original videos for this project.Although they were not involved in writing and publishing this paper, their efforts were essentialin this project.Citations [1] A. Alammary, “Blended learning models for introductory programming courses: Asystematic review,” PLOS ONE, vol. 14, no. 9, p. e0221765, Sep. 2019, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0221765. [2] M. Ljubojevic, V. Vaskovic, S. Stankovic, and J. Vaskovic, “Using SupplementaryVideo in Multimedia Instruction as a Teaching Tool to Increase Efficiency of Learning andQuality of Experience,” Int. Rev. Res. Open Distance Learn., vol. 15, pp. 275–291, Jul. 2014,doi: 10.19173/irrodl.v15i3.1825.