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Displaying results 121 - 132 of 132 in total
Conference Session
Computing Research I
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chafic Bousaba, Guilford College
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Computing and Information Technology
firewall in the DMZ. Thefirewall must be configured to allow inbound and outbound VPN traffic to flow between theserver and client [14]. For this project, the VPN is located on the Rock64 #3 which is configuredwith OpenVPN via the PiVPN package [15].The second security issue is how to allow requests for web pages to leave the trusted networkand be able to receive responses from the untrusted network. To protect the trusted network,Rock64 #4 is configured as a proxy server. Squid is used direct web traffic between the trustedand untrusted zones while SquidGuard is used for blacklisting web pages the business deemsinappropriate [16] [17]. The Rock64’s Gigabit Ethernet controller provides enough bandwidthfor quick access.The other two Rock64 systems
Conference Session
Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reza Kamali, Utah Valley University; Matthew Meyers, Utah Valley University; Nima Kamali-Sarvestani, Utah Valley University
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology
=CjwKCAiAmO3gBRBBEiwA8d0Q4uOB1ErkvT_nwFFOH0s1oec9T_r_MOzs18k96_tDVQ9V91elq1xWLRoCcYIQAvD_BwE [Accessed: Dec 21, 2018][7] “The ultimate VR headset buyer's guide,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Dec 21, 2018].[8] J. T. Bell and H. S. Fogler, ​The Investigation and Application of Virtual Reality as anEducational Tool,​ American Society for Engineering Education 1995 Annual Conference, p. 3,June, 1995, Anaheim, California. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Dec 21, 2018].
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 9
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Wendi M. Kappers, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Martha Nanette Harrell, Arkansas Tech University
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Computing and Information Technology
administration and industry mentorship planning used to increase enrollments of woman and minorities with declared majors in the areas of Computer Sci- ence (CS), Engineering (E), Mathematics (M), and Science (S). Currently, Dr. Kappers is an Assistant Professor within the M.S. in Information Security & Assurance (MISA) within Embry-Riddle Aeronau- tical University’s (ERAU) College of Business, Worldwide Campus, and teaches within the College of Engineering for the Daytona Beach Campus of ERAU. Teaching responsibilities include: RSCH 202 – Introduction to Research, CS120 – Introduction to Computing in Aviation, and the entire collection of MISA-related program courses as needed. Both positions allow her to stay focused
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mudasser Fraz Wyne, National University; Shakil Akhtar, Clayton State University; Muhammad Asadur Rahman, Clayton State University
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Computing and Information Technology
- online-digital-learning/, Retrieved April 11th, 2021.2. Adedoyin, O., and Soykan, E., “Covid-19 pandemic and online learning: the challenges and opportunities”, The Journal of Interactive Learning Environments, pp. 1 – 13, 2020.3. Tabatabai, S., “Simulations and Virtual Learning Supporting Clinical Education During the COVID 19 Pandemic”, Advances in Medical Education and Practice, Vol. 11, pp. 513 - 516, 2020.4. Domokos, C., et al., “Being a student at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in COVID-19 Pandemic times - A moment in life”, Timişoara Physical Education and Rehabilitation Journal, Vol. 13(24), pp. 45 - 50, 2020.5. Borupa, J. and Stimsonb, R., “Responsibilities of Online Teachers and On-Site Facilitators in Online
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael Porter, Alabama A&M University; Ralph (Phil) Bording, Alabama A&M University; Yujian Fu P.E., Alabama A&M University
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Computing and Information Technology
with three items o1, o2, and o2. We can thenverify that the sum of their unit prices (p1, p2, p3) multiplied by their quantities (q1, q2, q3)gives us the expected result. (p1 * q1 + p2 * q2 + p3 * q3 = total). Test code snippet is shown inFigure 10. Figure 10. A test for the correctness of the total price of the invoice. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2021 2021 ASEE Annual ConferenceIdentity: Any instance of the system must have distinguishable identification, i.e., for any twoobjects o1 and o2, (o1 == o2) implies the two objects hold the same name, attributes andoperations; on the other side, if o1 and o2’s attributes and operations are same, but
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Irini Spyridakis, University of Washington
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Computing and Information Technology
ASEE Virtual Annu. Conf., pp. 22-26, 2020.[10] ABET, "Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2021 - 2022," [Online] Available: engineering-programs-2021-2022/. [Accessed May. 28, 2021][11] I. Kim and J. Kuljis, “Applying content analysis to web-based content, J. of Comput. and Inf. Technol., vol. 4, pp. 369-375, 2010.[12] H. Kim, J. R. Coyle, and S. J. Gould, “Collectivist and individualist influences on website design in South Korea and the U.S.: A cross-cultural content analysis,” J. of Computer- Mediated Commun., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 581-601, 2009.[13] M. Prince, “Does active learning work: A review of the research,” J. of
Conference Session
Tools and Techniques
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tamer Omar, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology
://®. (2017). OPNET Technologies. Retrieved from Omar, S. H. (2016). Broadband Wireless Networking in the Era of Big Data. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.Weldon, M. K. (2015). The Future X Network: A Bell Labs Perspective. CRC Press.
Conference Session
Topics in Computing and Information Technology-II
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farshid Marbouti, San Jose State University; Valerie A. Carr, San Jose State University; Belle Wei, San Jose State University; Morris E. Jones Jr., San Jose State University; Amy Strage
Tagged Topics
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Computing and Information Technology
. Cukier, "Big Data–A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Think and Work," ed: London: John Murray, 2013.[5] T. D. Snyder and S. A. Dillow, "Digest of Education Statistics, 2011. NCES 2012-001," National Center for Education Statistics, 2012.[6] B. G. Technologies, The art of employment: How liberal arts graduates can improve their labor market practices. Boston, MA, 2013.[7] N. J. Slamecka and P. Graf, "The generation effect: Delineation of a phenomenon," Journal of experimental Psychology: Human learning and Memory, vol. 4, no. 6, p. 592, 1978.[8] H. Ebbinghaus, "Memory: A contribution to Experimental Psychology (HA Ruger & CE Bussenius, Tradutores)," ed: New York, 1913.[9] A. Baddeley and D. Longman, "The
Conference Session
Curriculum and Assessment I
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University; Kailee Parkinson, Utah Valley University; Elham Vaziripour, Utah Valley University; Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University
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Computing and Information Technology
andwhat to include in course(s) in general and specifically in our institution.IntroductionData mining involves analyzing large data sets and also involves tools from Statistics and ArtificialIntelligence, like Neural Networks and Machine Learning. The ability to use these tools to assess data isin increasing demand by employers. There is a vast amount of data available to businesses. These data arerequired to be assessed and analyzed for gaining insight in business decisions, behavioral studies,consumer habits, and many more areas of application. Other fields of study besides computer sciencehave had an increasing interest in data science. Current listings in the realms of physics, biology,medicine, and advertising jobs indicate that companies
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 3
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Caleb James O'Malley, University of Florida; Ashish Aggarwal, University of Florida
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Computing and Information Technology
reduced, allowing for more detailed and interesting findings.3.2.5 Tests for AssumptionsIn order to understand the validity of our data set and the subsequent analysis, a few assumptionsmust first be tested which the factorial ANOVA takes into account. The assumption of normalitywas tested via examination of the residuals. Review of the Shapiro–Wilk (S-W) test fornormality and skewness and kurtosis statistics suggest whether or not normality was a reasonableassumption. The boxplot of the residuals is analyzed for a relatively normal distributional shape.The Q–Q plot and histogram are also examined for normality. The assumption of homogeneityof variance (homoscedasticity) is tested by conducting Levene’s test.Random assignment of individuals to
Conference Session
Topics in Computing and Information Technology-III
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reza Kamali-Sarvestani, Utah Valley University; Brian Durney, Utah Valley University
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Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology
and experiences rather than generalities: Humans do not usually think through general definitions and logical principles. Rather, they think through experiences they have had and imaginative reconstructions of experience. You don’t think and reason about weddings on the basis of generalities, but in terms of the weddings you have been to and heard about and imaginative reconstructions of them. It’s your experiences that give weddings and the word ‘wedding’ meaning(s). Furthermore, for humans, words and concepts have their deepest meanings when they are clearly tied to perception and action in the world. [5]In Magnitude Museum, players learn nanotechnology concepts and concepts relating todimensions
Conference Session
Computing and Information Technology Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emil H Salib, James Madison University
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Computing and Information Technology
Institute of Standards and Technology, Blockchain Technology Overview - NISTIR 8202: Draft January 2018. USA: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018. [2] “Ethereum peer-to-peer networking specifications.”, Retrieved: Jan 2021. [3] Ethereum, “Ethereum Project.”, Retrieved: Jan 2021. [4] Jimi S., “Blockchain: What are nodes and masternodes?.” Blockchain-what-is-a-node-or-masternode-and-what-does-it-do-4d9a4200938f, Retrieved: Jan 2021. [5] Bitcoin Wiki, “Genesis Block.” block, Retrieved: Jan 2021. [6] Blockgeeks, “What is Hashing? Under The Hood of Blockchain.”