. She worked on the PowerEN Technology, a blur between general purpose and networking processors and hardware accelerators. She identified and studied workloads at the edge of the network that required high-throughput and fast deep-packet processing. Since 2012, her research has been focused on Computer Science Education, especially in the area of peer collaboration, scaling techniques for large courses, auto-graders and learning analytics. She is also working on software that can be used for teaching and learning. She is investigating techniques and best practices on broadening participation in Computer Science. Women and minorities need to be more involved in tech innovation as companies and teams perform
articial intelligence, information processing, and engineering education. He is the author of numerous research and pedagogical articles in his areas of expertise.Dr. Xiangyan Zeng, Fort Valley State University Xiangyan Zeng received her Ph.D. in computer science from University of the Ryukyus, Japan. She is currently a professor of computer science at Fort Valley State University. Her research interests include image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning.Dr. Chunhua Dong, Fort Valley State University c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Enhancing Computer Science Program through Revising Curriculum, Peer Tutoring/Mentoring, and Engaging Students in Undergraduate
data for a planned multiple semester longer term project.This paper contains (1) motivation and goals for this work, (2) outcomes and learning objectives,(3) instructions on how to design this kind of assignment, (4) the video assignment write up, (5)the rubric for the video, (6) the rubric for peer feedback, and (7) the rubric for reflection. Thispaper focuses on the structure and instruments used during the course.About the CourseArtificial Intelligence (AI) is being used to tackle more and more of the real-world problemsaround us. EECS 4901 Special Topics: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence will introducestudents to the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI). During this course students will lookat various problems being solved
column (the maximum grade is the total number of badgesavailable). In the comment section, the instructor adds the recently earned badge name. Thestudents are encouraged to write (or draw) each badge earned onto their name signs.Below are the specific EM/KEEN course objectives [3] that students will gain with throughoutthe course if you implement this type of system. KEEN Related Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives [3]: • Develop an appreciation of hard work & recognize the benefits of focused and fervent effort • Accept responsibility of their own actions and credit the action of others • Demonstrate an ability to set, evaluate, and achieve personal & professional goals • Be able to teach and learn from peers
of the summer course. Otherhomework assignments were peer-graded within the learning management system. Lectures weredelivered as ‘live’ notes using PDFAnnotator. Note taking has been shown to improve learning,so this was preferred over using premade slides. At the same time, traditional board notes wouldnot have been easy for online students to read. The final instructor notes were then made availableto all. Students were able to join the lecture via Zoom, a video conferencing platform. Pauses inlecture allowed for questions and comments from both the live class and via the chat feature withinZoom. The versatility of Zoom was also critical for evening office hours. The ability to screenshare was especially valuable for addressing errors in
culturaldimensions as they pertain to UI features (e.g., content, organization, navigation, verbal rhetoric,tone, design) in two websites that are produced by the same company for two different countries[11] - [12]. Students seek to assess how effective the sites are in meeting their audiences’ needs.They write a draft report to the hypothetical Marketing Director of the company website thatthey chose (this report is not sent out), conduct a peer review of other students’ draft reports,revise and finalize their own report, and create and present an oral presentation to their peers.This report assignment involves active, collaborative, problem-based learning [13]. The reportassignment counts for 20 percent of the final grade and is holistically graded with
network of computers that stores transactional data in replica across every com-puter (node) in the network. This data is called a distributed ledger. The following are the coreblockchain architecture components: nodes, transactions, blocks, hashes, chain, miners and con-sensus. NodesA node [4] is a user or computer within the blockchain which is also known as peer or participant.Nodes are distributed across a widespread network and carry out a variety of tasks. All nodes on ablockchain are connected to each other and they constantly exchange the latest blockchain data soall nodes stay up to date. They store, spread and preserve the blockchain data. Figure 1 shows howmultiple nodes, designated in the Ethereum implementation as Ethereum
learn a newtopic from online videos. Students complete a JiTT quiz before lecture for assessment, and toensure they watch the videos. Questions are reused from CON homework sets, but theassignments are less complex: ten to twenty MC and up to three free response questions. UnlikeCON, the instructor varies the daily topic based on JiTT results. JiTT quizzes are worth 5% of astudent’s overall grade. During lecture, students apply knowledge with peer-instruction. We usepair programming, a software engineering paradigm where one person is the driver and the otheris the navigator. The driver focuses on the problem and writes/codes. The navigator reads ahead,manages time, and validates. The driver and navigator get the same grade. The
working towards incorporating writing assignments that enhance students’ critical thinking capabilities. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019Abstract In this paper, the author stresses the importance of certain sophisticated mathematicaltechniques that undergraduate students utilize to analyze and solve a certain specific engineeringproblem such as the design of a Suspension Bridge or the construction of a High VoltageTransmission Tower. The importance of a fourth order Runge Kutta Algorithm technique, theneed for Newton Raphson Method and the properties of a Catenary Curve are stressed in thissenior level engineering technology course. The Runge Kutta technique is utilized to solve adesign
successfully used in many disciplines, including CS. Peer instructionincludes both pre-work and a sequence of activities conducted during class. The in-classactivities are a mini-lecture by the instructor, solo voting on a multiple choice question, groupdiscussion, group voting, and then an instructor-led class discussion. Zingaro et al. (2013)investigate the role of pre-class preparatory work, specifically the reading quiz assigned tostudents to complete prior to class. The reading quiz has 2-3 questions based on content andone open-response question asking about areas of confusion, difficulty, or interest. The contentquestions are graded in 4 categories: blank, incomplete, complete but incorrect, and correct.The authors noted a submission rate of
CAC and ETAC. In this example, let’sfocus on CAC and ETAC student outcomes 1 and 2. Below is a list of questions that were used inan examination to test and demonstrate achievement of the student outcomes. 1. Write a program that accomplishes the following Generates a random number Asks the user to guess the random number generated If guess is not between 1 and 10, print message “no!” If user has guessed the number correctly, print out “You got it!” Otherwise, print the correct random number generated. 2. Write a Java program that asks the user to enter three integers. Use an if else statement to print out the largest integer. 3. Write a for loop that asks the user to enter five integers
in the field of materials and advanced manufacturing and has attracted a high level of research funding ($5.5M). She has graduated six Ph.D. and five M.S. students. She has co-authored a textbook (Intelligent Systems: Modeling, Optimization and Control, CRC Press, 2008) and written four book chapters. She has published about 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and 30 refereed conference proceedings. She has nine US patent applications. Dr. Xu won the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award and was awarded the Society of Manufacturing Engineering (SME) Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award in 2011. She was the only recipient of the IEEE Education Society Teaching Award in 2015, chaired NSF
examsencouraged them to do more independent work throughout the semester. For research question 3,students reported that oral exams were very stressful prior to taking the first one but did not findsubsequent oral exams stressful.MOTIVATIONIt has been shown that higher perceived teacher support and school belonging is correlated withless school misconduct [1]. The same study also showed that higher peer attachment is alsoassociated with higher rates of school misconduct. The most common reason students cite forchoosing to commit academic misconduct is grade pressure [2]. However, with large andincreasing enrollments in introductory programming courses, standardized assessment will be therequired for the foreseeable future.One strategy that has been
than on learning activities in general. A collaborativequiz is one based on the idea of paired programming, a technique that has become well-receivedin computer science. This type of quiz requires the pair of students to program together, usingone computer to turn in one final solution. The second method, a cooperative quiz, allowsstudents to collaborate as much or as little as they prefer. For a cooperative quiz, students musteach use their own computer to write and submit their own solution, but any collaboration withtheir partner is allowed. To account for student preferences for active or independent learning,these strategies were also guided by how students are paired. To do this, the Felder-Silvermanlearning style inventory was used to
project that will look good on theirresume, and assist landing a post education job or entering graduate school. For example, oneselected topic was “Forecasting Ford Motor Company (USA) Sales”. This project wasimplemented in R and used historical data, regression models, and a neural network. A secondtopic was an “Analysis and Model of Firearm Policy to domestic violence”. This project wassearching for a longitudinal relationship between changes in firearm policy, and changes indomestic violence rates. The project was implemented in Python. During the semester, studentsmeet at least every two weeks with an adviser, write a proposal, perform algorithm and codereviews, and provided demos of data collection and analysis progress. The class concludes
-physical systems, Internet-of-Agents, as well as AI, data analytics and knowledge engineering applied to problems in health care. While at the University of Houston (2009 – 2012), he did research in machine learning, multi-agent distributed computing and control, data mining and distributed database systems, emerging behavior in complex networks, ”smart energy” and computational game theory. During his graduate studies and combined five years of non- tenure-track academic research, he has authored over 70 peer-reviewed publications. He has a versatile R&D experience spanning three different high-tech industries, with both big companies (Cisco Systems and Microsoft) and high-tech startups, as well as with a leading
., in Cognitive Developmental Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin, and an M.S. in Computer Science from FIU.Dr. Ingrid A. Buckley, Florida Gulf Coast University Dr. Ingrid Buckley is an Assistant Professor in the Software Engineering Department at Florida Gulf Coast University. She holds a PhD (2012) in Computer Science from Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Buckley’s research interests include software engineering education, fault tolerant system design, cybersecurity and secure software development. She has authored several peer-reviewed conference and journal papers. She has received grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Cyber Florida. She collaborates with researchers at other
groups on exercises designed to helpthem understand concepts covered in Intro CS that week. In a typical class period, exercisesinvolve several “deconstructionist” activities (e.g., reading, tracing, and debugging code), whichlead up to one or more “constructionist” activities (e.g., writing code) utilizing significantscaffolding and feedback [15]. The instructor and several undergraduate peer leaders circulatethrough the room fielding questions and encouraging students to experiment and drawconclusions from observations. The instructor also calls students’ attention to extra-curricularopportunities with MSU’s student organizations and to study abroad and internship programs.Students view the Khan Academy video How to grow your brain5 early in
information systems, networking, web sitedevelopment, and how to write computer programs with Python. As a general education course,it is available to any student to use to complete the requirements for their degree. As a result,students enrolled in the course have diverse academic backgrounds and a wide range of priorexperience with computer science concepts.Course material is divided into weekly subjects ranging from an introduction to informationtechnology and networking, creating a webpage using raw HTML, to an introduction toalgorithms and programing concepts with Python. Each week, recorded lectures, course slides,and related online materials are provided via the university’s online course management system(Blackboard). Classroom lectures can
Paper ID #34473A Hands-on Learning Approach to Introducing Computer Organization andArchitecture to Early-college StudentsDr. D. Cenk Erdil, Sacred Heart University Dr. Erdil has joined Sacred Heart University’s School of Computer Science & Engineering in Fall 2017. Prior to SHU, he has held academic positions at Marist College, Columbia University, and Istanbul Bilgi University. His research interests include using Cloud Computing as Artificial Intelligence Infrastructures, Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, Teaching coding to P-12 students, and Health Informat- ics. He is the author of numerous peer
, anonymoustransactions and as an efficient money-laundering tool. Cryptography and blockchain technology usedto produce building blocks of cryptocurrencies – a process called mining – to verify and addtransaction records to a write-only database of all previous transactions. As an incentive to add a newblock to the blockchain, the network compensates miners’ efforts with cryptocurrency, and a newlyadded block protected by cryptographic techniques to ensure the integrity of the record. To add ablock to the blockchain, miners have to solve a cryptographic puzzle, and a valid block will contain asolution to such puzzle with a hash of a previous block, hash of the transactions in the current blockand an address for the miner’s wallet on which the reward will be
computational problem into manageable sub-problems. • Write an algorithm to solve a specific problem, and then translate that algorithm into a program in a specific programming language (Python). • Reason about solution’s performance and measure its efficiency. • Write clear, concise documentation for their code and develop tests to verify proper program operation.The second aim is to explore the breadth of Computer Science as a discipline and how it exists inthe world: • Reason how computational tools, and computational thinking, are used to solve problems in a diverse set of application areas. • Explain the basic theory and organization of a computer system, basic operation of modern software tools (e.g
approaches have been used to increase students’ interest in cybersecurity.The game-based learning approach proposed in [6] provides motivation to students’ willing tostudy the power grid through inclusion of the physics of power systems, cyber physicalvulnerabilities, energy markets, and control systems. The game provides the mechanism forunderstanding the impact from computer security, growth of customer base, power generationassets, energy markets, automation, and human operator decisions on the stability of a smallelectric grid.The study in [7] presents a peer-based learning approach with cybersecurity co-curriculumactivities conducted and assessed using a student survey. Results demonstrate the efficacy of theseactivities in increasing students
desired performance level. At this point, students are self-regulated learners: they canset their own learning goals, determine how to best accomplish these goals, and monitor their progressin accomplishing them [1, Part II]. When self-regulated learners perceive deficits in their learning, they exhibit adaptive help-seeking:asking others for the resources necessary in order to learn independently [16], [17]. Students may engagein formal (approaching an instructor) or informal (approaching a peer or friend) help-seeking behavior.Students who use more metacognitive, cognitive, and resource management strategies are more likely toseek help when needed. Furthermore, students who exhibit high self-esteem appear more likely to seekhelp when needed
Paper ID #22542Virtual Reality Implementation of a Scanning Electron Microscope in Nan-otechnology EducationLandon A. Braden Landon is an electrical engineering student at Utah Valley University. As a member of UVU’s nan- otechnology team, he writes lesson material and participates in experiments involving nanotechnology fabrication. He is also an amateur inventor.Scott Alexander Kaiser, Utah Valley University Scott is an undergraduate physics student at Utah Valley University. He is working as a research student to develop laboratory experiments for an associate level nanotechnology program.Dr. Reza Kamali-Sarvestani, Utah
Pi Epsilon honorary society.Dr. Cliff C Zou, University of Central Florida Dr. Cliff Zou received his PhD degree from Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, in 2005, and MS and BS degree from University of Science & Technology of China in 1999 and 1996, respectively. Currently he is an Associate Professor in Department of Com- puter Science and the Program Coordinator of Digital Forensics Master program in University of Central Florida. His research interests focus on cybersecurity and computer networking. He has published more than 80 peer-reviewed research papers, and has obtained more than 5800 Google Scholar Citations. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE
emphasizes learning withoutthe burden of assignments and without assessment through intimidating exams and tests unlike atraditional classroom environment. Oliveira adopted active learning approaches to encourageactive learning and engagement among students in face-to-face electrical engineering technologycourses. The assessment results demonstrated that the active learning strategies havesuccessfully met the teaching requirements (Oliveira, 2015). Cooperative learning activitiespromote peer interaction and assist the development of engineering course in terms of betterlearning of concepts and content. Akili developed a cooperative learning method in a large-scaleengineering education, in which the cooperative learning has been proven to be
students are required to select aproject, identify a sponsor, write a draft proposal, do an oral presentation on their project,conduct a literature review, maintain a project notebook and submit a final written proposal atthe end of the semester. In the spring semester students must provide an update the first week ofclasses after the winter break along with an interim evaluation from the sponsor. Also, during thespring semester students are required to give updates on the projects during class, write a finalpaper and to participate in UNH-M’s Undergraduate Research Conference with a twenty-minutetalk and a poster presentation on their projects.The ET program has had long-standing relationships with many industrial partners, including theone
textbooks used in networkingcourses, the ''contents of these textbooks vary substantially even though these textbooks are usedfor courses having similar descriptions." They noted that subnetting was not covered in enoughdetail for student to understand their basics.Students need to be able to work through practical networking scenarios relying on their grasp ofnetwork fundamentals, perform suitable calculations and device configurations referring to textand online resources along with communicate their ideas to peers in an effective way. Often theextensive calculations required for setting up sub networks and advanced topics such as variablelength subnet masking, super networks, or the use of client-server configurations, can be difficultto
cybersecurity education including the participation of women. She is an author or co-author of over 30 peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings in these areas. She is a member of the IEEE Computer Society, ACM, ACM-W, Women in Cyber Security (WiCys), SWE(Society of Women Engineers), and NCWIT(National Center of Women in Technology).Brandon Earwood, Texas A&M University-San AntonioDr. Young Rae Kim, Texas A&M University-San Antonio Young Rae Kim, youngrae.kim@tamusa.edu, is an assistant professor of mathematics education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University-San Antonio. His research interests focus on how students