Paper ID #44219Progress Report on BE-TEC: An NSF S-STEM ProjectDr. Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University Afsaneh Minaie is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Utah Valley University. She received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. all in Electrical Engineering from the University of Oklahoma. Her research interests include gender issues in the academic sciences, embedded system, internet of things, wireless sensor network, and robotics.Dr. Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University Reza Sanati-Mehrizy is a professor of Computer Science Department at Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah. He received his M.S. and
Blocks(i) We will utilize the code blocks editor for listening to an Arduino input pin. Next, the analogvalue or digital state will be print out in the SerialM onitor window. To open the code panel, astudent needs to click the “Code” button.(ii) Next, s/he is asked to click on the SerialM onitor which is located at the bottom of the codepanel.(iii) To run the Arduino code, s/he should click “Start Simulation”, and observe the numbers inthe Serial Monitor during the interaction with the potentiometer. As the potentiometer input valuechanges by moving the pointer on the dial, the serial output value will change accordingly. Sincethe circuit includes two independent Arduinos, students can click back and forth between the twoArduinos while the
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% 60% 40% 18% 15% 20% 0% CIT 12000 CIT 21400 Agree Neither agree or disagree Table 7: Perceptions of Mentees towards Mentoring CIT 12000 CIT 21400 The mentors gave me the sense that s/he and I The mentors modeled how to overcome challenges shared similarities in the background. and reach personal goals. The mentors helped me explore resources to The mentors showed me how to treat failed succeed academically. attempts as a
Affecting the Future Career Pathway Decisions of Lower-income Computing Students1. IntroductionWithin research on broadening participation in computing, the experience and perspectives ofundergraduate students have been important elements of exploration. As undergraduate studentsare experts of their own experience, conducting research that focuses on understanding theirperspective can help those who organize programmatic efforts to respond to student needs andconcerns. This paper emerges from the context of a specific National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) program.As with all S-STEM programs, Florida Information Technology Graduation
, has gained attention from the computingeducation community over the last few years [1]. The focus in PI is active student engagementthrough discussion, involving students in the answering and discussion of multiple-choicequestions. This is typically accomplished by obtaining real-time student feedback through theuse of student response systems in class as the students learn the topic.SOLID is an acronym that denotes five basic principles widely used in designing software builton the .NET platform. S stands for SRP (Single Responsibility Principle), O for OCP (OpenClosed Principle) L for LSP (Liskov Substitution Principle), I for ISP (Interface SegregationPrinciple) D for DI (Dependency Inversion Principle). The main purpose of these
253 600Students were asked to self-report their GPA. GPA was based on a scale of 4, with an “A” being a4.00, a “B” being a 3.00, a “C” being a 2.00, a “D” being a 1.00, and an “S” being a 0.00. Someclasses also used a “+” or “–” system. A “+” adds 0.33 to the base grade, while a “-” subtracts0.33. For example, a “B+” would quantitatively be a 3.33 (3.00 + 0.33), while a “B-” would be a2.77 (3.00 - 0.33).Data was gathered on students’ expected majors. Out of a total of 600 students, 311 (51.8%) weremechanical and/or aerospace engineering students, 114 (19.0%) were civil and/or environmentalengineering students, 102 (17.0%) were biomedical engineering students and 73 (12.2%) studentshad other majors. This data can be seen in Figure 2
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. L IMITATIONS OF THE S TUDY While the study’s approach offers innovative methods to analyze and provide health recommendations basedon HRV data, it was limited to a small number of participants within a selected dataset. Incorporating additional 2 June 2024methodologies, especially the application of neural networks, holds promise for improving accuracy, particularlywhen dealing with larger datasets. Further expansion in demographics, such as including participants from diverseage groups, skin colors, and geographical locations, could provide a more comprehensive understanding of themodel’s effectiveness across various populations. F UTURE D
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2’s message to bird 3 6. Panda then shares bird 1’s message to bird 4 7. Bird 4 flies to snail 2 8. Bird 4 passes on the message to snail 2Discussion prompts: 1. Break down the delay caused by Panda – how much of it is because of waiting? 2. Can we categorize the different sources of delay? 3. (optional to use if time permits) How does Panda deal with messages from different sources going to different destinations?The implementation of the activity was done in-class as an activity for a planned duration of 25minutes, with the following breakdown. 1. 5-minute setup: Students first form groups of 3-4 students. They are first given the time to read the scenario, followed by a check-in to ask for clarifications. 2. 5
• Students learn to manage a project and manage a project timeline • Reinforces that programming is a tool that allows practitioners to implement solutions and designs and is far from the end all and be all of CS • Makes collaboration to learn from peers natural impacting overall learningWhen students have more agency over the project, they are empowered to become owners oftheir learning process.References[1] S. B. Jenkins, “The Experiences of African American Male Computer Science Majors in Two Year Colleges,” University of South Florida, 2019.[2] L. J. Sax, H. B. Zimmerman, J. M. Blaney, B. Toven-Lindsey, and K. J. Lehman, “DIVERSIFYING UNDERGRADUATE COMPUTER SCIENCE: THE ROLE OF DEPARTMENT CHAIRS IN PROMOTING GENDER AND
, Germany, Mexico, and Malaysia. Several research papers[5–11] have found that hands-on learning via mobile studio platforms such as the Mobile StudioBoard (MSB) and the Analog Discovery Board (ADB) can help students with diverse learningstyles, demographics, and academic backgrounds learn better. There are now several commercialproducts, such as Analog Devices Inc.'s ADALM 1000 board (ADALM 1K) and ADALM 2000board (ADALM 2K), Digilent's Analog Discovery 2TM, and Quanser's QUBE-Servo portableplatform, that allow students to conduct control engineering experiments.Given the difficulty, if not impossibility, of obtaining hands-on experience in a traditional labsetting in a CS department, portable hardware platforms could provide a tremendous
Bit (LSB) of the opcode governs theselection between two results within the same category (logic or arithmetic). In Fig. 2, theopcode is set to “11,” indicating the operation Y = A – B. Initially, the input B undergoes theconversion to its 2’s complement format, followed by addition to A, and the result is showcasedin the hex-display on the right. Modifying the opcode will accordingly reflect the correspondingresults. Opcode Operation 00 AND 01 OR
ofremote/isolated learning cannot be absorbed by their families due to economic pressures andfamily obligations. HBCUs need to move from Covid-19 crisis answers and learn how torecover and make sure that money and arrangements for learning recovery set the foundationsfor more efficient, unbiassed, and strong education systems. References[1]S. BARKER, "CISION PRWEB," Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Science and MachineLearning (DSML) Platforms, 1 March 2021. [Online]. Available:[2] P. H. England, "Disparities in the risk and outcomes of Covid-19," PHE
Student Experiences at a Minority Serving Institutuin (MSI)," in 2021 ASEE Annual Conference, Virtual conference, 2021.[2] D. R. Walker, Y. Maeda, M. Ohland and L. Tay , "The Impact of Department Diversity on Student Persistance and Success in Engineering," in 2021 ASEE Annual Conference, Virtual Conference, 2021.[3] R. Vivian, K. Falkner and C. Szabo, "Broadening Participation in Computer Science: Key Strategies from International Findings," in Preceedings of the 48th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Seattle, 2017.[4] R. Fall, S. Freeman, R. Greenberg, D. Kaiser and N. Sridhar, "Computer Science through Current Enrollment: A Strategy to Broaden Participation," in Proceeding of the 51st ACM Technical
outcomes between students from different colleges.References[1] D. Chatterjee, and J. Corral, How to Write Well-Defined Learning Objectives. The Journal ofEducation in Perioperative Medicine. Dec 2017. Volume 19, issue 4. (Online):[2] B. S. Bloom, M. D. Engelhart, E. J. Furst, E. J. Hill, and D. R. Krathwohl, Taxonomy ofeducational objectives: The classification of educational goals. 1956 New York, NY: Longmans,Green, and Co.[3] L. W. Anderson, and D. R. Krathwohl, et al, A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, andAssessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. 2001 Allyn & Bacon.[4] Z. Taurina, Students’ Motivation and Learning Outcomes: Significant Factors in
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whether theywanted to work individually on their project or team up. Four students chose to workindividually, six students chose to work in pairs, and four students teamed up to work together asa group.By the beginning of week two, we had found a qualified faculty mentor for most projects, eitherat Portland State University or elsewhere, who was comfortable to advise and mentor thestudent(s) over the summer. The tight timeline made the faculty mentor search process ratherchallenging, but we ended up with an enthusiastic set of mentors willing to volunteer their timeover the summer.CommunicationWe mainly relied on Slack for our all-cohort communications. Different channels helped to focusthe content and discussion. Students reported that they also
ConfidenceAbstractBecause cybersecurity professionals are crucial to national security, public safety, and economicprosperity, employment opportunities in cybersecurity continue to increase. To meet the publicand private sectors’ need for cybersecurity professionals, universities are adding academicprograms in cybersecurity. West Virginia University, which is a land-grant R1 university with avibrant cybersecurity program that offers a B.S. degree, academic minor, and an Area ofEmphasis (AoE) in cybersecurity, has received an NSF S-STEM grant to increase the numberand diversity of highly qualified cybersecurity graduates by offering scholarships to high-achieving and economically challenged undergraduate students.Our past research was focused on grit and motivation
The computer science program is ABET accredited and has built-in assessments in all core courses in computing. CS I TABLE VII and CS II are a part of these core courses. C OURSE NUMBER TRANSLATIONS ABET states specific proficiencies that students must pos- sess at the conclusion of the semester. They are abilities to: Course # Name Semester COMP 1000 Computer Science I Fall 1) Choose the appropriate data type(s) for implementing a
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related survey items). Valuing Diversity is represented by the twoprimary factors of Serving Customers Better (VL-S) and Fulfilling a Greater Purpose (VL-F). Ahigh score on VL-S would indicate that the computing student believed customers could bebetter served if diversity is valued. A high score on VL-F would indicate the computing studentperceived valuing diversity aligned with a strong inward desire for purpose and fairness in theirwork. Furthermore, the Enacting Inclusive Behaviors construct is represented by the two primaryfactors of Promoting Healthy Behaviors (BH-P) and challenging discriminatory behaviors (BH-C). A high score on BH-P would indicate the engineering student would take measures to ensureevery team member was included and
STEMdegrees.Reference 1. Beninson, L. A., Koski, J., Villa, E., Faram, R. & O’Connor, S. E. Evaluation of the research experiences for undergraduates (REU) sites program. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly 32, (2011). 2. Eagan, M. K. et al. Making a Difference in Science Education the Impact of Undergraduate Research Programs. Am Educ Res J 50, 683–713 (2013). 3. Lopatto, D., Creating effective undergraduate research programs in science: the transformation from student to a scientist (eds. Taraban, R. & Blanton, R. L.) 112–132 (Teachers College Press, 2008). 4. Lopatto, D., Undergraduate Research
preparation and professional development. Her 20+ publications include articles that appear in journals such as International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Journal of Social Studies Research, School Science and Mathematics, and Mathematics Teacher. She served as the Program Chair of the Special Interest Group (SIG) Democratic Citizenship in Education of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) from 2016 to 2018. She has taught high school mathematics and holds a clear renewable teaching certificate in mathematics in the state of Georgia. She currently serves as a Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) of a National Science Foundation (NSF) S-STEM grant. ©American Society