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Displaying results 61 - 76 of 76 in total
Conference Session
Post Graduate Experiential Programs and Insights
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David W Schmueser, Altair Engineering Inc.; Charbel Philippe Saleh, Altair Engineering Inc.; Prakash C. Shrivastava, Oakland University; Lori Lin Crose, Oakland University
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
O ep F D N S
Conference Session
CEED Paper Session 2: Leveraging Internships and Experiential Learning in Higher Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
the faculty and the impression(s) arrived at by the author, leads oneto believe that it is highly unlikely that new more effective teaching-learning strategieswould be deployed any time soon, unless drastic measures are undertaken. The author ismore convinced now than ever, that classroom reformation, including deployment of activelearning strategies, would happen only if the institution mandates it!The Pros and Cons of the Lecture FormatWhen asked why he/she lectures, one faculty responded: “It is a tradition. It was part of mytraining, and seems to dwell in me and seems like what I should be doing. I feel guilty when Iam not lecturing” (13). This candid statement suggests one of the great dilemmas faced by allwho teach at the postsecondary
Conference Session
Stops and Starts in the Development of Cooperative Education Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
aforementionedfaculty are small size, seldom exceeding 35 students per class. The lecture format dominates theseen. Students listen, take notes, and are allowed to ask questions at the end of the lecture orduring office hours. There seem to be less interest (by most of the faculty interviewed) in theprocess by which the course content is delivered during the lecture period, and more of aconcern whether the rate of delivery would allow the instructor to finish the course on time. Theviews expressed by the faculty and the impression(s) arrived at by the author, leads one tobelieve that it is highly unlikely that new more effective teaching-learning strategies would bedeployed any time soon, unless drastic measures are undertaken. The author is more convincednow
Conference Session
Pay It Forward: Critical Thinking, Reflection and Faculty Engagement Promote Success in Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Annette Mallory Donawa, Independent Consultant
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
enhance students’ critical thinkingskills. This researcher included some of the strategies learned from her literature review in herintervention classes. I included class discussions, debates, role plays, and collaborative learning.Each time I introduced a new critical thinking methodology, I had the students apply the conceptin class. Summary of Critical Thinking Pedagogy Pedagogy Researcher(s) 1. In-class active learning exercises Tsui, (1998, 1999) 2. Class discussions, debates, role plays, Braxton, Milem, & Sullivan, (2000); Paul & collaborative learning
Conference Session
Culture, Society, and Co-op
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian Millward-Sadler, University of Applied Science, Graz; Annette Casey, Joanneum University of Applied Sciences; Frank Newman, University of Graz
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
area.NaturalisticThe most recent addition to the bank of intelligences, a person with strengths in this area is Page 15.574.8capable of recognising forms in nature and understanding nature’s systems. Agriculturalistsand hunters possess this strength.In addition to these eight intelligences, the so-called “candidate” intelligences of spiritual andexistential intelligence were not included in this study, as these have not been fully endorsedby Gardner, due to their failure to fulfil all the criteria to be considered intelligences (Gardner,2006).One criticism of the theory of Multiple Intelligences has been that these eight areas do notrepresent intelligence(s) at
Conference Session
Cooperative & Experiential Education Division Technical Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Twila Ortiz, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Beth M Holloway, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Michael T. Harris, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Andrea R Pluckebaum, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Leah H. Jamieson, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
Report.[2] Sweitzer H.F. and King, M.A. (2004).The Successful Internship: Transformation and Empowerment inExperiential Learning. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole-Thomson.[3] Moore, D.T. (2010). Forms and Issues in Experiential Learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, no.124. Winter 2010, 3-13.[4] Lynch, D.R. and Russell J.S. (2009). Experiential Learning in Engineering Practice. Journal of ProfessionalIssues in Engineering Education and Practice, No.135. January 2009, 31-39.[5] Espino N. and Virani, S. (2011). Experiential Learning While Working on Engineering Education. Proceedingsof the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference.[6] Eyler, J. (2009). The Power of Experiential Education. Liberal Education, Fall 2009, 24-31
Conference Session
Educating Students for the 21st Century: History, Reflection, and Outcomes
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Swaminathan Balachandran, University of Wisconsin, Platteville
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
the jump into the workplace is extremelyvaluable.” - Brian Nelson“ This PACCE project has helped me to prepare for my future as a quality engineer.” - BenTerpening“It was very important to for us to have the opportunity to participate in a project like this tofurther our education.” - Paul WochinskiConclusions International exchange students valued primarily soft skills they acquired in the ELprojects. Traditional and non-traditional students valued both soft and hard skills they gainedfrom these projects, but emphasized the refinement of soft skills. The formal assessment of thecourse by the institution revealed that all students, without any exception, appreciated theirexperience from the EL projects.References1. Balachandran, S
Conference Session
Expanding the Borders of Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paige Davis, Louisiana State University; Summer Dann Johnson, Louisiana State University; Emma M. Allain, Louisiana State University; Harald Thomas Leder, Louisiana State University; Warren N. Waggenspack Jr., Louisiana State University
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
students as part of the summer program offerings. These programs are Page 22.560.11an excellent opportunity for the engineering students to become familiar and comfortable withthe world in which they will have to operate while at the same time learning to look at issue froma different perspective and getting to know cutting edge research and technology overseas.References 1) Johnston, S. F. “Towards culturally inclusive global engineering?” European Journal of Engineering Education Mar2001, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p77-89, 13p 2) ABET link: 10%20EAC%20Criteria
Conference Session
Culture, Society, and Co-op
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lindsey Jenkins-Stark, Iridescent; Tara Chklovski, Iridescent
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations. 1998, Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.30. Weiss, C.H., Evaluation: Methods for studying programs and policies. 1998, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.31. Strauss, A.L. and J. Corbin, Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. 1990, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.32. Scale-up in Education: Volume 1: Ideas in Principle, ed. B. Schneider and S.-K. McDonald. 2006: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 328. Page 15.500.15
Conference Session
Cooperative & Experiential Education Division Technical Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen M. Short, University of the District of Columbia- CC, Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning ; Annie R. Pearce, Virginia Tech; Christine Marie Fiori P.E., Virginia Tech; Tanyel Bulbul, Virginia Tech; Andrew McCoy, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
., Small. R.V., and Marsden, J. (2003). op cit.20 Flesher, J., Leach, S. and Wesphal, L. (1996). “Creating effective internships.” Performance Improvement,35(10), 22-25.21 Hager, C.J., Pryor, C.R. and Bryant, J.A. (2003). “A comparison of four domain area standards for internships andimplications for utilization in undergraduate construction education internship programs.” Journal of ConstructionEducation, 8(3), 157-179. Page 24.1225.11
Conference Session
CEED - Technical Session 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen P Kelley, Northeastern University; Steven Thomas McGonagle, Northeastern University Gordon Engineering Leadership Program
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
. Developing Effective Leaders. Digital image.Http:// Oklahoma State University, n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2012. .Walker, Dianne. "Effective Leadership in the Workplace." Web log post. The Network Journal. N.p., 16 Nov. 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. .Hart, Lois Borland., and Charlotte S. Waisman. The Leadership Training Activity Book: 50Exercises for Building Effective Leaders. New York: AMACOM, 2005. Print. Feiner, Michael. The Feiner Points of Leadership: The Fifty Basic Laws That Will Make People Want to Perform Better for You. New York: Warner Business, 2004. Print.   Page 23.16.16
Conference Session
The "Education" in Experiential Education
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Paul Pearson, Northrop Grumman Corporation; Timothy Boyd, Northrop Grumman Corporation
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
opportunities, 4. Personal, professional and leadership growth opportunities, 5. Work-life balance considerations, 6. Salary& benefits, 7. Social and volunteer opportunities, 8. Climate and recreational outlets.During the period(s) of one’s internship or co-op experience, a participant is able to evaluate his/herinterest and fit within the organization for long-term employment consideration. The generallyaccepted term of employment for a recent graduate in engineering is two years prior to picking upand moving on to another company for the next two years. Through the development of a NewGraduate Development Rotational Program, and an alignment of the internship and co-op programs,Northrop Grumman Corporation
Conference Session
CEED - Technical Session 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph A Raelin, Northeastern University; Margaret B. Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Jerry Carl Hamann, University of Wyoming; David L. Whitman, University of Wyoming; Rachelle Reisberg, Northeastern University; Leslie K. Pendleton, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
Paper ID #6393The Effect of Cooperative Education and Contextual Support on the Reten-tion of Undergraduate Engineering StudentsProf. Joseph A Raelin, Northeastern University Joe Raelin is an internationally-recognized scholar in the fields of work-based learning and leadership. He holds the Asa. S. Knowles Chair of Practice-Oriented Education at Northeastern University in Boston and is also Professor of Management in the D’Amore-McKim College of Business. Among his many publica- tions is the book: Work-Based Learning: Bridging Knowledge and Action in the Workplace (Jossey-Bass, 2008). Joe is recipient of the 2010 David
Conference Session
Cooperative & Experiential Education Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Yvonne Lanzerotti, Augsburg College; Sean Joseph Creighton, SOCHE; Maggie Varga, SOCHE; Richard Martin, The Air Force Institute of Technology; Derrick Langley, Air Force Institute of Technology; Diana Lynn Cahill, SOCHE
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
Conference Session
CEED Paper Session 2: Leveraging Internships and Experiential Learning in Higher Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Derrick Langley, Air Force Institute of Technology; Diana Lynn Cahill, SOCHE; Mary Yvonne Lanzerotti, Air Force Institute of Technology; Richard Martin, The Air Force Institute of Technology; Maggie Varga, Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education; Sean Joseph Creighton, SOCHE; Jeremy Paul Stringer, Air Force Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
in the space and cyber domains, are expanding the need for new technical skills and expertise… A growingpercentageofscienceand engineering graduates in the United States are foreign citizens and thus ineligible for the security clearances that many jobs in the Air Force and in the aerospace industry require. The existing STEM workforce is aging, with many individuals nearing retirement. Women and minorities are underrepresented in most S&E educational pursuits at a time when they constitute the majority of college students and therefore the majority of the future workforce. The market for STEM-educated U.S. citizens is becoming much more competitive
Conference Session
Cooperative & Experiential Education Division Technical Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Yvonne Lanzerotti, Air Force Institute of Technology; Maggie Varga, SOCHE; Sean J. Creighton, SOCHE; Derrick Langley, Air Force Institute of Technology; Diana Lynn Cahill, Air Force Institute of Technology; Richard K. Martin, The Air Force Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education