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Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Carol S. Stwalley, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Robert Merton Stwalley III P.E., Purdue University at West Lafayette; Grace Lynn Baldwin; Virginia Lynn Booth-Womack, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Sarah Larose
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
Paper ID #33198Value of Experiential Experiences for Diverse Student Populations WithinEngineering DisciplinesDr. Carol S. Stwalley, Purdue University at West Lafayette Dr. Carol S. Stwalley, PE joined the Minority Engineering Program team in the fall of 2007 as Recruitment and Retention Analyst. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Biological Engineering (ABE), MSABE, and PhD ABE from Purdue University. Carol has more than 14 years in diversity work with considerable background working with the Women in Engineering Programs at Purdue. In her current capacity as Recruitment and Retention Analyst for the
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 2 - Development, Assessment, and Impact of Experiential Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Beata Johnson, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Joyce B. Main, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
beneficial involvement. Threshold theories of studentinvolvement predict diminishing or negative returns at higher levels of involvement. These studieshave measured level of involvement as either number of activities or number of hours involved inactivities [58], [63], [64]. These studies fit nonlinear functions of involvement with respect ofacademic outcomes, finding that at high levels of involvement the benefits leveled off or evendeclined slightly. Vetter et al.’s [17] findings about the significance of quality of involvement overquantity of involvement echo these findings, concluding that “co-curricular programs andactivities are of greatest benefit when they encourage students to engage more deeply… only oneor two meaningful co-curricular
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 4 - Innovating Engineering Education through Industry and Community Partnerships, Maker Spaces, Competitions, Research Initiatives, and Experiential Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jeremy Straub, North Dakota State University
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
Experiences for Undergraduates Program: Experiences and Recommendations,” Teach. Psychol., vol. 31, no. 4, 2004.[3] “The Program – International Research Experience for Undergraduates.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 03-Feb-2020].[4] D. R. Economy, J. P. Martin, and M. S. Kennedy, “Factors influencing participants’ selection of individual REU sites,” in Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2013, pp. 1257–1259.[5] M. West, W. Cross, S. Kellogg, and A. Boysen, “A novel REU program to develop the skills of the engineer of 2020,” in Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2011.[6] J. Straub, J. Berk, A. Nervold, and D. Whalen
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 4 - Innovating Engineering Education through Industry and Community Partnerships, Maker Spaces, Competitions, Research Initiatives, and Experiential Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jeremy Straub, North Dakota State University
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
. Educ., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 4–10, 2013.[7] G. Mountrakis and D. Triantakonstantis, “Inquiry-based learning in remote sensing: A space balloon educational experiment,” J. Geogr. High. Educ., vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 385– 401, 2012.[8] N. Mathers, A. Goktogen, J. Rankin, and M. Anderson, “Robotic Mission to Mars: Hands- on, minds-on, web-based learning,” Acta Astronaut., vol. 80, pp. 124–131, 2012.[9] R. Fevig, J. Casler, and J. Straub, “Blending Research and Teaching Through Near-Earth Asteroid Resource Assessment,” in Space Resources Roundtable and Planetary & Terrestrial Mining Sciences Symposium, 2012.[10] S. R. Hall, I. Waitz, D. R. Brodeur, D. H. Soderholm, and R. Nasr, “Adoption of active
Conference Session
Integrating Experiential Learning into the Curriculum
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mark J. Povinelli, Syracuse University; Jonnell A. Robinson, Syracuse University
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Design Thinking Process.The first step in our design thinking process is empathetic understanding and ethicalconsideration of the human problem being undertaken. Empathy is the process whereby thedesigner understands the needs, experiences, and motivations of the person(s) they are designingfor (end users) and the stakeholders. Both emotional and cognitive empathy play a role in thisstep. Empathy can be achieved by various actions and activities. This includes observation,immersion, direct interaction with the end- users and stakeholders, reading, and storytelling [38]- [42]. Through this the designer develops a deeper understanding of the people and issuesinvolved. Ethical
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 4 - Innovating Engineering Education through Industry and Community Partnerships, Maker Spaces, Competitions, Research Initiatives, and Experiential Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jeremy Straub, North Dakota State University
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
problem-based learning and self-regulated learning,” Innov. Educ. Teach. Int., vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 121–132, May 2013.[3] E. M. Al-Madi, S. L. Celur, and M. Nasim, “Effectiveness of PBL methodology in a hybrid dentistry program to enhance students’ knowledge and confidence. (a pilot study),” BMC Med. Educ., vol. 18, no. 1, Nov. 2018.[4] K. H. Tseng, F. K. Chiang, and W. H. Hsu, “Interactive processes and learning attitudes in a web-based problem-based learning (PBL) platform,” Comput. Human Behav., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 940–955, May 2008.[5] J. Straub, J. Berk, A. Nervold, and D. Whalen, “OpenOrbiter: An Interdisciplinary, Student Run Space Program,” Adv. Educ., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 4–10, 2013.[6] G
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lynn Merritt Ekstedt, Oregon State University; Nikki James, Northeastern University; Kemi Jona, Northeastern University; Erich White, Oregon State University; Scott Paja, Oregon State University; Josefine Fleetwood, Oregon State University
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
, employer partners, and students (or interns)as they collaborate in experiential learning programs. The platform was created in collaborationwith experiential educators worldwide and was integrated into the intervention in 2018. Theintervention leverages Practera to: • mediate the three-way relationship between an employer partner, the educator, and the student/s. • provide the educational scaffolding to empower students who have not previously worked on employer projects with the skills and perspective to successfully contribute in a work environment—especially when navigating as a remote worker. • provide the educator with real-time learning analytics designed to unearth collaboration issues, track each
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Candyce Hill, Michigan State University; Katy Luchini-Colbry, Michigan State University
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
discussion posts indicate that the design andimplementation of this course was effective in meeting the established learning goals andsupporting students’ experiential education experiences in research. Although we hope toincorporate some in-person activities into future offerings of EGR 193, the bulk of the coursewill likely remain online to provide flexibility for students who are pursuing a wide range ofresearch experiences. One important adjustment to future online offerings of this course will beto integrate more opportunities for students to receive encouragement and positive reinforcementfrom their peers and the instructor. As noted in the discussion of week 3’s recommendation letterexercise, the asynchronous nature of this course meant that
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 4 - Innovating Engineering Education through Industry and Community Partnerships, Maker Spaces, Competitions, Research Initiatives, and Experiential Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Casey Thelenwood, Grand Valley State University; Paul D. Plotkowski, Grand Valley State University; Brent Michael Nowak, Grand Valley State University
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
. [Online] Available:[Accessed April 19, 2020].[3] National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine,Rising above the gathering storm: energizing and employing America for a brighter economicfuture. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2007[4] S. Q. Sheikh and E. Arvaniti, STEM Education Outreach through IEEE’s Pre-UniversityPrograms – Engaging Volunteers to benefit K-12 education and local communities, 2014 IEEEFrontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings, October 22 – 25, 2014, Madrid, Spain.IEEE 978-1-4799-3922-0/14.[5] Michigan Constitution. art. I, § 26, [Online] Available:
Conference Session
Internship, Co-Op, and Professional Development Programs
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Austin Barnes, Institute for Scientist and Engineer Educators; Tamara Ball, University of California, Santa Cruz; Christine R. Starr, University of California, Santa Cruz; Scott Seagroves, The College of Saint Scholastica; Kauahi Perez, University of Hawaii, Manoa; Lisa Hunter, University of California, Santa Cruz
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
formalized as part of communitybenefit packages agreed to by advocates of proposed telescopes and representatives from thelocal community [1]. Opposition to the observatories has existed since the 1960’s when thegovernor and legislature, enthusiastic about development, set aside land for construction.Protests, demonstrations and litigation challenging previous and proposed construction of newtelescopes in Hawai‘i have focused on environmental protection and the sites selected as beingsacred to natives. For example, controversy over choosing Maunakea for the site location of anew Thirty Meter Telescope emphasizes that this is considered the most sacred mountain of theNative Hawai‘ian religion and culture. Yet a local workforce is also highly desired
Conference Session
CEED Technical Session II: Developing Research and Design Skills Through Experiential Learning
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole Bowers, Arizona State University; Michelle Jordan, Arizona State University; Kate Fisher; Zachary Holman, Arizona State University; Mathew D. Evans, Arizona State University
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Carlos Martin Chang, Florida International University; Adeeba Abdul Raheem, University of Texas at El Paso
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
, statistical analysis, simulation processes, optimization techniques, and risk analysis at the strategic and network management level. Among his research sponsors are the National High- way Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP), Metropolitan Transportation Commission in California (MTC), the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organiza- tion (MPO), and the City of El Paso. His academic work is documented in more than 100 publications in peer- reviewed national and international journals, conference proceedings, books, and technical reports. Dr. Chang also serves as the Chair of the ASCE Infrastructure Systems Committee, and Vice President of isMARTI in the U. S Research Coordinator
Conference Session
CEED Technical Session I: WIP: Experiential Learning Potpourri
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine McConnell, University of Colorado, Boulder/Denver; Julie Elizabeth Steinbrenner, University of Colorado, Boulder; Daniel Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
scale) in important outcomessuch as teamwork, communication, project management, and design skills.Figure 1: SEE Initiative ComponentsIn terms of the ​pull v​ s ​push​ components of the SEE Initiative, most of the concrete elementsincluded in the initiative speak primarily to the ​pull​ component. They are focused on bringingindustry representatives into the classroom or into other aspects of students’ academicexperience, either directly through guest speakers and panelists or indirectly through thedevelopment of relevant modules/problem sets that reference professional practice. The ​pushcomponent is more challenging to visualize because it focuses on a change in the departmentculture and relies primarily on students pursuing opportunities for
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Patricia Caratozzolo P.E., Tecnológico de Monterrey; Anna Friesel, Technical University of Denmark; Peter Jan Randewijk, Technical University of Denmark; David Navarro-Duran, Tecnológico de Monterrey
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
/ngv:78746.[3] K. A. J. Mohr and E. S. Mohr, “Understanding Generation Z Students to Promote a Contemporary Learning Environment,” J. Empower. Teach. Excell., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 84–94, 2017, doi: 10.15142/T3M05T.[4] H. Hyytinen, A. Toom, and L. Postareff, “Unraveling the complex relationship in critical thinking, approaches to learning and self-efficacy beliefs among first-year educational science students,” Learn. Individ. Differ., vol. 67, no. August, pp. 132–142, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2018.08.004.[5] S. K. Wang, H. Y. Hsu, T. C. Reeves, and D. C. Coster, “Professional development to enhance lecturers’ practices in using information and communication technologies (ICTs) as cognitive tools: Lessons
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Dennis Rogalsky P.E., Minnesota State University, Mankato; Ronald Ulseth P.E., Iron Range Engineering
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
. For the initial cohort, the programdevelopers expected that the process would be primarily related to the number of applications.After our research results showed Cohort 1’s success was more dependent on personalconnections with a company, networking with companies was given a strong focus throughout2020. Networking was a stronger focus in the training for Cohort 2 students and they had greateropportunities to connect with companies through Bell Program sponsored career fairs. Part ofthis research will look to identify if the program changes made from the first research resulted intangible improvements for Cohort 2 co-op placement.III. Research StudyResearch QuestionThe research question focuses on the second cohort of students for the
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division Technical Session 3 - Co-op Recruitment and Factors Affecting Success
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Katherine McConnell, University of Colorado Boulder
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Cooperative and Experiential Education
andInterpret the Results", ​Interaction Design Foundation.​ [Online].[10] M. Ovando, "Constructive Feedback", ​International Journal of Educational Management​,vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 19-22, 1994.[11] A. Bandura, "Self-Efficacy", in ​Encyclopedia of Human Behavior,​ 4th ed., V.Ramachaudran, Ed. New York, NY: Academic Press, 1994, pp. 71-81.[12] ​S. Dalton (2012). ​The 2-Hour Job Search​ (1st ed.). New York, NY: Ten Speed Press.[13] S. Iyengar and M. Lepper, "When choice is demotivating: Can one desire too much of agood thing?", ​Journal of Personality and Social Psychology​, vol. 79, no. 6, pp. 995-1006, 2000.