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knowledge and use of different institutionalsupport services [28]. A Cronbach's Alpha of 0.878 was attained during the validationprocess. At the same time, a factorial analysis yielded an adjustment of factors to 4dimensions with a cumulative explanation percentage of 65 % (with a KMO equal to 0.812and a Barlett's test of sphericity equal to 0.000). The Exploratory Factor Analysis performedin this study was Principal Component Analysis with Varimax rotation. Table 1 showssample items of each dimension and the corresponding Cronbach´s Alpha.The survey response scale is of the Likert type that starts at 1. Strongly disagree, up to 5.Strongly agree. We included a dimension called "Perceived Institutional Support" with fiveitems. The initial statement
Tuition Rates," in 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, MD, 2023.[7] S. Cameron, R. Daga and R. Outhred, "Setting out a conceptual framework for measuring equity in learning," in Handbook on Measuring Equity in Education, Montreal, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2018, pp. 16-45.[8] Michigan Association of State Universities, "Report on Tuition and Fees 2023-2024," Lansing, MI, 2024.[9] Wayne State University, "Flat-Rate Tuition Frequently Asked Questions," August 2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed January 2024].[10] C. Keenan, G. Chhatwal and J. Wang, "A study of the Effects and Policy Implications of Flat Rate Tuition," International Journal of Research in
Society for Engineering Education. (2022). Profiles of Engineering andEngineering Technology, 2021. Washington, DC.[4] Peers, S. (2018). Statistics on women in engineering. Women’s Engineering Society,2018-01.[5] Dell, E., Lucietto, A., Cooney, E., Russell, L., & Schott, E. (2019, February).Diversity in engineering technology students. In 2019 CIEC.[6] Lucietto, Anne M., and Lesley M. Berhan. (2018). "Engineering Technology andEngineering Program Comparison of Underrepresented Students in the SameInstitution.".[7] NCES, CIP The Classification of Instructional Programs, Available from 10[8] NCES, CIP The
category comprises three racial or ethnic minority groups (blacks orAfrican Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, and American Indians or Alaska Natives) whose representation in S&E education oroccupations is smaller than their representation in the US population."Disciplinary Differences across ME, CE, and EEDisciplinary distinctions among mechanical engineering (ME), electrical engineering (EE), andcomputer engineering (CE) are evident not only in academic trends but also in the professionallandscape. According to the ASEE survey in 2018, computer science/computer engineeringexperienced substantial growth in graduate degrees, with a 63% increase, while mechanical andelectrical engineering lagged behind with growth rates of 21.8% and 6.5
organizations is vital to ensure that eventsrun smoothly, STEM 4 Kids retains volunteers and participants, and the local communityremains informed. Requesting feedback from legal guardians and students as well as reflectingamongst each other after each event lets us evaluate our events and ourselves. This allows STEM4 Kids to ultimately continue to find more opportunities to grow and improve as an organization.References[1] A. VanMeter-Adams, C. L. Frankenfeld, J. Bases, V. Espina, and L. A. Liotta, “Students whodemonstrate strong talent and interest in stem are initially attracted to stem throughextracurricular experiences,” CBE—Life Sciences Education, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 687–697, Dec.2014. doi:10.1187/cbe.13-11-0213[2] S. Vijlee and J. Merritt, “A
allows the researchers to assess thefeasibility of the work and to understand the ease in which participants were able to answer thequestions generated for the survey. Additionally, with the initial examination of qualitativeresponses, researchers will be able to ascertain whether students’ perspectives could lead to alarger conversation about familiarity and feelings towards the terms and the usage by variousgroups of people.Using Yin’s [15] definition of a case, the exploration of a phenomenon in its contemporary,real-life context, in which researcher(s) have little to no control of, this study enables theunderstanding of the how and why of engineering students’ perceptions of the language they useto describe and identify themselves [16
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