traditional segmented, topic-based approach toconstruction management curricula clearly has been successful at facilitating the attainment ofspecialized skills and concepts such as quantity surveying, estimating, or scheduling. However,the world does not always present problems that are topic specific and solved in a non-holisticmanner” (Montoya, Kelting, and Hauck, 2009, p.66).Learn by doing, hands on learning, experiential learning, active learning, service learning,project-based learning, and problem-based learning are variants on the schema of experience,observe, and reflect learning methodology, also called the theory of constructivism (Greenwood,Janke, Donegan and Schwab, 2017). This theory suggests that people are active learnersbuilding
. There is no substitute for that experience, so that is a loss plain and simple. However,we realized that the prototyping process in this course takes up about 1/3 of class time and onlygenerates two useful datapoints in testing: truss failure load and weight. Some would argue thisis a poor return on investment. Practically speaking, not being able to fabricate opened up a lot ofclass time.Upon a bit of reflection, the answer to what could fill this void was obvious. Undergraduateengineering design has by definition a strong theoretical and technical foundation, but design isfundamentally creative in that it starts with a problem (nothing) and generates a solution(something). In our experience, beginning engineering designers often resist the
experience; 2. Reflective observation, or thinking about this experience; 3. Abstractconceptualization, or learning from this experience; and 4. Active experimentation, or trying outwhat you have learned from this experience [52].3.1 Target populationThe target population for this intervention is newly formed teams of 4 to 5 undergraduateengineering students. Since the unit of interest is the team, students will be randomly assigned toteams, and teams will then be randomly assigned to a treatment condition. The key componentsof this sample are 1. that the team is newly formed; 2. that they are engaged in a project thatfollows the engineering or design process; and 3. that the team is working on a problem withsome level of complexity rather than a
advantageous opportunity toprepare future engineers analytically, practically, and morally. Integrated ethics content canencourage students to practice “what is right to do and how will my decisions impact thesociotechnical and societal norms within society?” The process of seeking answers for thesequestions can help students to recognize the ethical and moral conflicts as a part of designproblems. In a complex design process, there are often conflicts, and these potential conflictsshould be considered simultaneously by design engineers [7].Researchers conceptualize the design process and propose moral reflections with distinctapproaches that are informed by empirical research in socio-technical contexts [6]. While someempirical studies look into
eventwas over, students reflected on their design and design process. The activity was structured sothat all students were challenged, and few were able to complete all parts of the activity.The remote instruction environment of 2020 necessitated changes to the activity structure. Theobjective shifted from introducing students to problem solving and design, to providing anactivity where students would get to know their classmates by working in groups. The overalltime commitment was the same: 2, 8-hour days, 1 week apart; but the task was very different asit had to be completed at home. For 2020, students were instructed to purchase an AdafruitCircuit Playground Express microcontroller, and used MakeCode and MakeCode Arcade toproduce a video game
or likelyfuture jobs within the firm (due to a lifetime employment culture, Lorriman, 1986), whereas self-marketability was observed to be more common amongst American engineers.3. Cultural values underlying problem-solving and creativityShifting lenses to the specific educational goal of fostering creative design capability, there is arise of creativity research in engineering design education, as reflected in growing research incurriculum design (Zhou, 2012), creativity-facilitating intervention (Hawthorne, et al., 2014) andcreative behavior and cognition (Toh & Miller, 2014). However, we lack a deep understandingabout different, and possibly conflicting, cultural beliefs and practices around creative problemsolving amongst students
some concern about the project being viable. Instead of being cancelled, it was decided to just relax the requirement to use the university making facilities. Even with the pandemic restrictions, student survey results suggest the project was still successful, possibly because it allowed them to exercise autonomy and make connections within the class. Figure 5: Questions reflecting senior student ability to help junior design
T-test.Project Manager Reflections Upperclassmen Project Managers were given a reflection assignment followingcompletion of the course. Assignment prompts were “What were your group dynamics like”,“What would you do differently if you were to be a PM again”, “What advice do you have for afuture PM starting out in your role”, and “What do you think your strengths and weaknesses areas a PM?”. Project managers noted the importance of communication, organization, timemanagement, and the ability to relate to team members. Most project managers struggled withthe balance of being a friend versus a Project Manager. Some project managers felt they instilledthe wrong dynamic by being too friendly. Students were able to realize the importance
%). This was worthwhile to note, as such activities requiring management ofa moderately sized set of data from a mechanical test could be an essential skill for a well-trainedmaterials engineer or researcher. Reflection by the authors on other courses within the programhas noted a shift towards students being provided with heavily-processed data to analyze in theirlab reports and they are rarely asked to collect and process moderately sized raw data sets.3.2 Teaching Team ObservationsThroughout this study, informal, virtual drop-in office hours were made available to the students2-3 times each week, in addition to the formal tutorial sessions covering each module activity.These informal sessions provided an opportunity for the authors to make some
A lack of cultural fit in design solutions has prevented design adoption and diffusion inmany humanitarian engineering and global development efforts. Design requirements aredeveloped to reflect the target user’s needs and product specifications. A lack of cultural fit inthe design solutions suggests there may be a lack of details in the design requirements thatprevents the requirements from conveying cultural information crucial to design success. Usingan experimental case study approach, this study investigates the effects of the Cultural ElementRequirement Assessment (CERA) on design requirement detail. CERA is a formal method thatintroduces culture when developing design requirements. The method was designed to improvecultural
, reasoningand reflecting (Davis, 2003; Driel, Verloop & Vos, 1998; Magnusson, Krajcik, & Borko, 1999; Veal,Tippins & Bell, 1998). The framework does not advocate for prescriptive ways for teaching for thetransmission of facts and principles (Fenstermacher, 1978; 1986); instead, effective teaching in thisframework provides grounds for students for choices and action (Green, 1971)—a fundamental aspect indesign education. The framework views pedagogy as a process of exchange of ideas: a teacher grasps thecontent knowledge; is aware of how he or she “commuted from the status of learner to that of teacher” 6(Shulman, 1987, p. 12
. Figure 1. Flow Diagram for Study SelectionWhat types of assets do students bring into engineering programs? What are implications ofasset-based approaches to engineering, engineering design process, and design pedagogy?Different student groups hold different assets in the form of cultural wealth and/or funds ofknowledge. Here, we summarize (see Table 1) assets by student subpopulations and theirimplications to engineering and engineering design education. Neither the student subgroups northeir corresponding assets and asset categories are meant to be exhaustive in nature. Thesummary in Table 1 reflects evidence found in the literature and are only meant to be illustrativeand of practical value to engineering educators.Table 1. Summary of assets
] G. S. Weissmann, R. A. Ibarra, M. Howland-Davis, and M. V. Lammey, “The multicontext path to redefining how we access and think about diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM,” J. Geosci. Educ., vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 320–329, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.1080/10899995.2019.1620527.[15] E. Charles, “Decolonizing the curriculum,” Insights, vol. 32, no. 1, Art. no. 1, Sep. 2019.[16] D. K. G. Fomunyam, “Decolonising the Engineering curriculum in a South African University of Technology,” vol. 12, no. 17, p. 9, 2017.[17] H. Mogstad and L.-S. Tse, “Decolonizing Anthropology: Reflections from Cambridge,” Camb. J. Anthropol., vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 53–72, Sep. 2018, doi: 10.3167/cja.2018.360206.[18] R. Connell, “Decolonizing Sociology
material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Kendall, M. R., Choe, N.H., Denton, M., Borrego, M., (2018). “Engineering IdentityDevelopment of Hispanic Students.” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ConferenceProceedings, 2018.2. E-mail from TAMUK Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, February 24,2021.3. Prince, S.P., Tarazkar, Y., (2013) “Mechanical Engineering Design Experience forHispanic and Low Income Students.” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ConferenceProceedings, 2013.4. Meyers, K., Cripe, K. (2015) “Prior educational experience and gender influences onperceptions of a first-year engineering design project.” International
product and reduced redundancies to add clarity for bothinstructor and learner on what the central outcomes of the course should be. See Table 1 for alist of the proposed learning outcomes. Table 1. Proposed Learning Outcomes Learning Theme Specific Student Outcome Design Expertise • Deeply formulate a civil engineering infrastructure problem including identifying stakeholder needs and problem constraints beyond the superficial. • Exercise design skills on a civil engineering problem to provide creative, original, and feasible solutions. Reflective Practice
reflected on their concepts acrossboth concept generation sessions. Our research goals were to identify how designers consideredpeople and whether their process changed with the request to explicitly include drawings ofpeople within sketches. The conceptual sketches and associated “think-aloud” transcripts werethen analyzed to determine the impact of the representational prompt on engineers’ thoughtprocesses and design outcomes. With a simple intervention to represent people within sketches,we found several positive effects on how engineers considered people during design.BackgroundHuman-centered design (HCD) has been an important approach in engineering since the 1980s.This framework is commonly used in design when solutions to problems are
on designer one “frequently if not always” for transitional tasks such asplanning, setting team goals, and developing strategies. The number “1” in the (1,2) positiondepicts designer 2’s reliance on designer 1 for the same function. The relations reflect the surveyresponses of the designers and are directional and of equal magnitude. The disconnect of nodesthree, four, and five to the other designers in this DSM indicates a weak connection of the networkat this particular threshold and function [61]. Twelve DSMs are constructed representing the threeleadership functions and three communications modes at two distinct frequency levels. Designer (Sink) 1
[10], as online learningexperiences lacks the overall interpersonal connections that would otherwise be present in face-to-face courses [11]. Hands-on learning also proves to be challenging, such as medical studentsreporting that “online classes proved to be an excellent opportunity for theoretical subjects likebasic sciences but not suitable for clinical subjects like clinical skills” [4]. These challenges areall reflected in engineering design education, where social group dynamic is vital for projectsuccess, and the hands-on component cannot be conveyed as effectively online.Many of the concerns around the impact of online learning on students and the effectiveness ofcontent delivery for engineering design education can be addressed with
resumes on file, especially from successful internsor contractors who could just as easily by-pass the online job advertising recruitment process. Also, it shouldbe noted that job description may not provide a complete reflection of the type of work an engineer does onthe job. The nature of the work conducted by engineers evolves as time and projects go on, meaning theactual activities of a practicing engineering may be very different from those that were written into the jobadvertisement. In addition, the rate of occurrence of activities within a job posting is unlikely to reflect theproportion of time spent on each activity by the engineer. While acknowledging these limitations, the researchteam does not claim that the findings of this paper
the team’s stated goals clear from the beginning? How successful do YOU think the team was in achieving its stated goals?IQ15. Considering all your activities (academic, social, work, family, etc) at the time, what priority was your project work, and why?Proposed Data AnalysisWe will use an inductive-deductive thematic analysis approach to our data analysis [20]. Usingthe literature on teaming and psychological safety, we will create a preliminary code book. Then,based on the interview data, we will update the code book to reflect ideas and concepts that arisefrom the data.Expected ResultsBased on the literature review, we expect to find themes related to psychological safety, includingpersonal characteristics, past experiences
as the end artifact (Lande & Leifer, 2009). The notion of learningprofessional work, like a “prototyping culture” (Schrage, 1996), can sometimes support courselearning goals. Oftentimes though the purpose of learning of a design process, and in particular,the discrete steps and associated values, takes a secondary role to the creation and delivery of afunctional system. There is less time than might be desired for reflection (Turns, 2014),especially within the design process, in seeking feedback and actually doing iterative design.Iterative physical prototyping to learn and refine concepts further (Buxton, 2007) may suffer dueto time constraints.Future Time HorizonStudents’ futures thinking has been explored, though not within the
; Sexuality Knowledge Community. Alex has an expertise in facilitation of training programs as well as performing institutional scans and program reviews. He has worked with higher education institutions, non-profits, and for-profit organizations on their inclusion efforts. Alex believes that authentic dialogue, reflection on our identities, an understanding of our history, and direct and consistent action are key to creating a more inclusive environment. Alex graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications with a concentration in Public Relations from the University of Hartford and completed his Master’s Degree in Student Personnel Administration in Higher Administration at Springfield College. He currently serves as
a specific program or course experience.While half the students showed an overall positive experience, further research needs to explorestudents' experiences in other courses and at other institutions of varying demographics;therefore, results cannot be generalizable. However, there is significant value in exploring thesestudent’s experiences, as small institutional experiences can be easily overlooked. Future workalso includes implementing MOOCIBL in other disciplines, grade levels, and other under-resourced venues.The student interviews provided rich reflection and feedback using MOOCIBL for an under-resourced academic program. Due to high costs and resources, a Cardiovascular Engineeringcourse would not be feasible to teach at a small
, prior andafter engaging in the project-based learning activities. Therefore, further studies might include apre-test and written reflections from the students related to their recognition, interests andenjoyment, performance or competence in engineering design. In addition, we did not havesufficient data to assess students’ scientific understanding or engineering performances. Hence,we could not draw conclusions on whether the project-based learning approach in this studyimproved students scientific understanding and engineering skills.In conclusion, our results show that project-based learning has the potential of improvingstudents’ interest and performance in engineering. Specifically, we learned that students’ interestis highly correlated to
4 5 am comfortable documenting my biases, assumptions, and predictions.2 As I work on a project, I 1 2 3 4 5 actively reflect on my biases, assumptions, and predictions.3 I am comfortable generating 1 2 3 4 5 potential solutions to a problem.4 In design, I know how to 1 2 3 4 5 generate multiple alternative solutions.5 I know how to develop a plan 1 2 3 4 5 of action that outlines next steps and possible challenges.6 I know how to create a prototype. 1 2 3 4 57 I know how to communicate 1 2 3 4
Fall 2020 semester Shared Assignments: Learning Shared Objectives: Rubric: Background Research Paper 4, 5 Yes Midterm Presentation “Pitch” 3, 4, 5 Yes Ethics Reading/Reflection 7 No Participatory Design: Problem 1, 3 Yes identification Participatory Design: Decision Matrix 2, 3,6 No Final 5-min video presentation 3, 5 NoFall 2020 Course SpecificsIn the Fall of 2020, 139 first-year and transfer students registered for EID101. The percentageof students
presentation from an earlier student team for the same CSR projectassignment.The literature regarding teaching presentation skills to students includes Stuart’s case study [8],which reviewed techniques used in a graduate presentation skills class. Stuart suggested thatthese techniques be adapted to presentation classes for undergraduates as well. Her class utilizedtechniques such as video recording of student presentations for later review by the student, peerrehearsals, and assessments of PowerPoint slides. Stuart’s graduate class established twofundamental rules for student presentations. First, every aspect of the presentation's preparationand delivery should reflect respect for the audience, and second, student presentations need to be"carefully
found that “Good cooperation between development team and client” and “Goodrequirements” were the two qualities most beneficial to projects [37]. The Standish Group’sCHAOS reports also emphasize the importance of user involvement and complete requirements,and pre-2000 reports are frequently used to illustrate the connection between requirements andproject success [15], [29], [37]. Newer reports frame the factors differently, yet still point to aclear connection between user or stakeholder needs and clearly stated requirements,recommending that projects focus “on a narrow set of features and requirements, which usersfind easier to understand and absorb” [39]. Bahill and Henderson reflect on famous failures toconsider if poor requirements
capstone supporters hasdelivered a set of ideas, options, and solutions, and further built community.Many of the recommendations in the numbered list above can be adopted going forwardregardless of the course delivery mode, major, setting, or product form. In the abrupt transitionto virtual capstone conditions, capstone leaders and stakeholders made the pivot, demonstratedagile thinking, reflected on lessons learned, and have adeptly identified best practice for futurecapstone offerings. This work could not be accomplished without these dedicated and responsivepractitioners.REFERENCES[1] T. Vander Ark, “Remote Learning Could Be A Good Time For A Capstone Project,” Apr. 2020.