personality type, helping themto learn what makes an effective team.After team sign-ups, each group needs to get its proposal approved by the course instructor. Theyalso can choose among project ideas proposed by the instructor. In either case, students arerequired to clearly state their project title, objective(s), and the significance of the project toindustry, science, technology, health, etc. Upon approval, the projects start a three-phase processwith due dates specified in the project guidelines given to the students. All groups need tocomplete approximately the same tasks.In Phase One, they have to determine the sensing device required to transduce the desiredmeasured quantity to an electrical signal, determine a complete data acquisition
and retention. A SWE and ASEE Fellow, she is a frequent speaker on career opportunities and diversity in engineering. Page 24.1275.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Transfer Students: Lessons Learned Over 10 YearsAbstract.This paper will summarize the accomplishments of an NSF sponsored S-STEM program fortransfer students. This program had 97 students: 41.2% underrepresented minority, 28.9%female, and 60.8% either female and/or underrepresented minority. Therefore, this programoverrepresented minority engineering and computer science students in the university by
each student population.ReferencesAdelman, C. (1998), Females and Men of the Engineering Path. A Model for Analysts of Undergraduate Careers, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Washington, D.C.; U.S. Government Printing Office.Bransford, J., A. Brown, and R. Cocking (Eds) (2000), How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded EditionBrown, S., L Flick, and T. Fiez (2009), “An Investigation of the Presence and Development of Social Capital in an Electrical Engineering Laboratory”, Journal of Engineering Education, 98(1). 93-102.Bordonaro, M., A. Borg, G. Campbell, B. Clewell, M. Duncan, J. Johnson, K. Johnson, R. Matthews, G. May, E. Mendoza, J. Sideman, S. Winters, and C
time (s) time (s) time (s) 300 300 320 295 295 p init = 307 kPa 2.71 mm d t = 1 mm 290 290
Paper ID #9564CAREER: A Study of How Engineering Students Approach InnovationDr. Senay Purzer, Purdue University, West Lafayette S¸enay Purzer an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. In 2011, she received a NSF CAREER award, which examines how engineering students approach innovation. She is also a NAE/CASEE New Faculty Fellow. Purzer conducts research on aspects of design education such as innovation and information literacy.Mr. Nicholas D. Fila, Purdue University, West Lafayette Nicholas D. Fila is a Ph.D. student in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University
Support Hands-on Learning in the Teaching of Control and Systems Theory,” Engineering Education, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 62–73, Jul. 2014.[5] P. S. Shiakolas and D. Piyabongkarn, “Development of a real-time digital control system with a hardware-in- the-loop magnetic levitation device for reinforcement of controls education,” IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 79–87, Feb. 2003.[6] R. M. Reck and R. S. Sreenivas, “Developing a new affordable DC motor laboratory kit for an existing undergraduate controls course,” in American Control Conference (ACC), 2015, 2015, pp. 2801–2806.[7] S. S. Nudehi, P. E. Johnson, and G. S. Duncan, “A control systems laboratory for undergraduate mechanical engineering
- Objectives of the Experiment and the ProjectThe following major objectives were set at the inception of the project:1. To develop an experiment and project for a complete review and a better understanding of thestatistical parameters that may heavily influence the engineering/design decision making process.2. To create an opportunity for collaborative research and design efforts between undergraduateengineering student(s) and faculty.3. To design, produce, test, and optimize a cost-effective, reproducible apparatus withoutstanding features.4. To make all information necessary for fabrication of the apparatus and conducting theexperiment and the project available to engineering programs nationwide
the United States. Nationwide this was accomplishedthrough the use of a method called triangulation. In this method a rather long base line ismeasured on one coast, say 25 miles, using a steel tape and taping bucks6. Using a transit toensure that the line is straight and leveling to determine the elevations of the ends of the tape, avery precise measurement is made of the base line (a very long and tedious task). See Figure-2on the left is a metric leveling rod, in the center a taping buck. The elevation of the end points ofthe tape are determined with dumpy level as shown in Figure-3. Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4In the 1940’s this technology permitted the measurement of horizontal
in detail. This paper formsa good model to develop advanced manufacturing instruction materials.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation (DUE-TUES-1246050). Theauthors wish to express sincere gratitude for their financial support.Bibliography[1] Kikuchi, T., Kenjo, T. & Fukuda, S., 2001, Remote laboratory for a brushless DC motor, IEEE Transactions onEducation, Volume 44, Issue 2, p.12.[2] Bresnahan, T., Brynjolfsson, E. & Hitt, L., 1999, “Information Technology and Recent Changes in WorkOrganization Increase the Demand for Skilled Labor,” in M. Blair and T. Kochan, Eds., The New Relationship:Human Capital in the American Corporation, Washington, DC: Brookings[3] Bresnahan, T., Brynjolfsson, E. &
elective Finite Element Analysis course.For most students, the time-gap between taking Statics and Solid Mechanics is 3 months (atthe minimum) to almost one year (maximum) due to the nature of schedule (co-op education)followed at Kettering.In the following several pages, sample list of courses and the overall student performance onthe quizzes is given. It may be pointed out that not all students in a class may haveparticipated in this survey. That is, they might not have taken any quiz either because theymissed deadlines set for the assignment(s), or they felt (based on their performance in theclass) taking the quizzes doesn‟t significantly change their grade in the class, or finally, theymight have taken only a few quizzes. Therefore, the
students’conceptual understanding as they explore and make sense of phenomena on their own terms.Relevant education courses provide the theoretical underpinnings of inquiry teaching andlearning, and the re-design of engineering course curricula from traditional lecture to problem-based learning (a form of inquiry) provides the practice of the theory. This theory-informs-practice model provides future teacher-engineers with the knowledge and experience to teach insuch a manner that both engages K-12 students in their learning and exciting them aboutengineering as a career option.AAAS, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (2008). Project 2016. Retrieved from, P., Soloway, P., Marx, R. W., Krajcik, J. S
). Page 11.52.2© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006A Hands-on, Interdisciplinary Laboratory Program andEducational Model to Strengthen a Radar Curriculum for Broad DistributionIntroduction Severe and hazardous weather such as thunderstorms, downbursts, and tornadoes can takelives in a matter of minutes. In order to improve detection and forecast of such phenomenausing radar, one of the key factors is fast scan capability. Conventional weather radars, suchas the ubiquitous NEXRAD (Next Generation Radar developed in the 1980’s), are severelylimited by mechanical scanning. Approximately 175 of these radars are in a national networkto provide the bulk of our weather information. Under the development for weather
multipledepartments. Currently, the author is working to include a final project for the course.Students will be given a final project in the middle of the semester to model a mechatronicsystem and develop a controller to meet several performance specifications. The designs will beimplemented in Simulink with MATLAB’s Real Time Workshop. The final project will betaught as a competition between student teams with an incentive for the winning design team.The students will write a project report and present their final group design to the class.References[1] P. Antsaklis, T. Basar, R. Decarlo, N.H. McClamroch, M. Spong, and S. Yurkovich, “ Report on the NSF/CSS Workshop on New Directions in Control Engineering Education,” IEEE Control Syst. Mag., vol. 19
because it provided training inobservation, supplied detailed information, and aroused pupils’ interest.” [4] According to Blosser,however, the value of teaching labs was questioned in the 1970’s and 1980’s by several studiesthat examined student achievement, attitudes, critical thinking, cognitive style, scienceunderstanding, skill development, interest level, retention in courses, and the ability to workindependently. Some studies found no significant differences between groups who had labexperiences verses groups that did not. [5] However, in the intervening period of the early 21stCentury, numerous reviews and studies (more than can be cited practically here) refuted the late20th Century view and confirmed that laboratories are an important
program.11 Differences in the observedoutcome variables, GPA and persistence are calculated from the treated and matchedparticipants, with the average differences being the effect of co-op participation.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank the National Science Foundation Research in Engineering Education Program(Award Number:1329283) for support of this research. Page 24.129.5References Cited1. Haddara, M., & Skanes, H. (2007). A reflection on cooperative education : from experience to experiential learning. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 8(1), 67–76.2. Edgar, S., Francis-Coad, J., & Connaughton, J. (2013). Undergraduate
recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. Goodhew, P., Education moves to a new scale. NanoToday 2006, 1, (2), 40-43.2. Mohammad, A. W.; Lau, C. H.; Zaharim, A.; Omar, M. Z., Elements of Nanotechnology Education in Engineering Curriculum Worldwide. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 2012, 60, 405-412.3. Barranon, A.; Juanico, A., Major Issues in Designing an Undergraduate Program in Nanotechnology: The Mexican Case. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 2010, 9, (4), 264-274.4. Crone, W. C.; Lux, K. W.; Carpick, R. W.; Stone, D. S.; Hellstrom, E. E.; Bentley, A. K.; Lisensky, G., Integrating Nanoscale Science and Engineering
GrantsDUE-0536299 and DUE-0920436.Bibliography 1. P. Tebbe, J. Pribyl, and S. Ross, “Full Development of Engineering Scenarios to Promote Student Engagement in Thermodynamics – Year 1”, Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, Louisville KY, 2010. 2. P. Tebbe, “Engaged in Thermodynamics – Student Engagement in the Classroom”, Paper ID #6566, Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, Atlanta, 2013. 3. Felder, R.M., Woods, D.R., Stice, J.E., and Rugarcia, A., “The Future of Engineering Education II. Teaching Methods That Work,” Chem. Engr. Education, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2000
-sourceweb-based tool that will guide individual or collaborating STEM educators, step-by-step,through an outcome-based education process as they define learning objectives, select content tobe covered, develop an instruction and assessment plan, and define the learning environment andcontext for their course(s). It will also contain a repository of current best pedagogical andassessment practices, and based on selections the user makes when defining the learningobjectives of the course, the IMODTM system will present options for assessment and instructionthat aligns with the type/level of student learning desired. While one of the key deliverables ofthe project is the software tool, the primary focus of this initiative is to advance the
, etc.), (2)their opinion on how the project helped them learn the subject content (e.g., controls conceptsand methods), and (3) their opinion on how the project helped them learn the computer tools(e.g., MATLAB and SIMULINK functions). The complete survey questionnaire is included inAppendix II. TABLE II compiles the survey results.TABLE II. Student Self-Evaluation with End-of-Project Survey Mean Mode(s) Standard Deviation Student General Perception 1. Interesting and motivating 3.6 3 0.99 2. Sense of accomplishment 3.5 3, 4 0.87 3
Moreover, the multi-modalinteractivity of the smartphone touchscreen facilitates intuitive interfaces that may improve userexperience as s/he interacts with a physical system through the smartphone.4 Thus, the embeddedtechnologies of smartphones have a great potential to impact the experiences of educators,researchers, and students in laboratory settings. In fact, smartphones have already been leveragedin educational settings to sense parameters of physical systems such as the rotational energy of apendulum by attaching the smartphone to a bicycle wheel and measuring the angular velocitythrough the embedded gyroscope.5 Even as this application of rigidly mounting the smartphoneto the system exploits the embedded sensing capability of these devices
issued Z-number which serves as a unique identifier for eachparticipant for each measurement period. This will ensure that proper statistical analysis can beconducted. The primary analyses will focus on the two aforementioned research questions andthe hypothesis. To examine the first research question— What do engineering Faculty know Table 2. Measures Table Measure Description Purpose Assessment(s)Faculty Knowledge of SDT 12 items adapted from Faculty Knowledge of From faculty beginning of Questionnaire William & Deci [33] Self-Determination Theory Spring 2014 and Spring
conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the Foundation. REFERENCES[1] J. R. Anderson, L. M. Reder and H. A. Simon, “Situated learning and education,” Educational Researcher, vol.25, no.4, pp.5–11, May 1996.[2] J. Corbet, A. Rubini, G. Kroah-Hartman, Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition. O’Reilly Media, Inc., Sebastopol, CA, 2005.[3] F. Jiang and S. Mao, “Integration of Software-Defined Radios into undergraduate communications system courses for minority students,” in Proc. The 2014 ASEE Southeastern Section Annual Conference, Macon, GA, Mar./Apr. 2014.[4] R. W. Heath, Jr., Digital Wireless
Isentropic compression in a pump 2–3 Constant pressure heat addition in a boiler 3–4 Isentropic expansion in a turbine 4–1 Constant pressure heat rejection in a condenser Figure 8. Components Associated with a Simple Rankine Cycle T 3' 3 2' 2 1 4 4' S Page 14.662.8
representing students’ feelings and thoughts. The final column shows the number ofquestions asked of each type (confirming, seeking, and instructional). Page 15.859.5 Table 2(a): Mechanical engineering student summaries for easy test Video Ratings MAT SSSQ Post Avgs Q’s * Time M/F Exp Anx (%) Engage Stress Worry C S I 14:06 M 4 3 88 3.13 4 3.25 0 0 0 17:00 M 3 2 88 4.13 1 2.25 0 0 1 22:40 F 1 2 63 2.75 1.5 1.875 0 0
for the means of each mode are shown in Figure 3. 5.8 5.6 4.5 5.4 95% CI Crit_1 95% CI Crit_2 5.2 4 5 4.8 3.5 4.6 4.4 P R S P R S Mode
. Figure 2 – Non-inverting Amplifier CircuitStudents accomplish a simple design and do the following: 1. Derive the input-output relation: Vo = f(Vg,Rs,Rf,Rg). 2. Use VCC = 15 V, Vg = 1 V and Rg = 1 kΩ. Design a non-inverting amplifier (choose values of R s and Rf) with an output voltage of V o = 3 V such that the power dissipated in R s and Rf is less than or equal to 0.003 W. Measure Vo and verify that the input-output relation is satisfied. Show all your calculations.DIFFERENTIATORFigure 3 shows a differentiator circuit. Students derive the input-output relation using Page 24.132.6Laplace transforms and explain why input noise is
and research training opportunities – Provideopportunities for students to participate in periodical seminars (once a month) to enhance theirpresentation, thinking, and research skills; introduce the students to Simulation-Based Engineering andScience (SBE&S) concepts; and time management skills. These activities will enhance students’knowledge and competiveness in the market place.(4) Enhance the educational experience of students through workshops/seminars, K-12 and communityoutreach opportunities – Encourage the students to participate in STEM student chapter activities (ACM,IEEE, UPE, STARS, NSBE, and others); guest seminars (Medical Physics and Computer Science);travel to local and regional conferences; workshops; graduate schools
inSection 3. The paper is concluded in Section 4 with discussions on plans for extending thedeveloped prototype to a complete intelligent tutoring system for electrical machines.2. Virtual Education Environment Computer-aided instruction (CAI) systems [5] were introduced as early as 1960's as a meansof assisting students outside the classroom. The first CAI programs were either computerizedversions of textbooks, or drill and practice monitors [6] that presented a student with problems andcompared the student’s responses to the pre-scored answers, and if necessary, provided the student withcanned remedial responses. Improvements were continuously made until computer-aidedinstruction systems evolved into intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) [7, 8
rpm 2. For the rated power and speed, the maximum fuel flow rate andthe injector period are given in Table 2. The details of these calculations are given in AppendixA. Table 2. Sample Laboratory Pre-Calculations Injection Parameters for a 2011 Sport/Utility Vehicle Max. Fuel Flow Rate 23.1 cm3/s Flow Rate per Injector 3.85 cm3/s Injector Period 18,462 μs Max. Injector Pulse Width 7692 μsFollowing the discussion of fuel injectors, the students are then introduced to the concept ofexperimental uncertainty analysis. This is a brief introduction, usually with an