Engineering Students’ Communication, Teamwork, and Leadership Skills, vol. 57, no. 3. Springer Netherlands, 2016.[5] B. A. Burt, D. D. Carpenter, C. J. Finelli, and T. S. Harding, “Outcomes of engaging engineering undergraduates in co-curricular experiences.”[6] L. C. Strauss and P. T. Terenzini, “The Effects of Students’ In- and Out-of-Class Experiences on their Analytical and Group Skills: A Study of Engineering Education,” Res. High. Educ., vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 967–992, Dec. 2007.[7] A. L. Miller, L. M. Rocconi, and A. D. Dumford, “Focus on the finish line: does high- impact practice participation influence career plans and early job attainment?,” High. Educ., vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 489–506, 2018.[8] S
79 16 M Private R2 INTRO 140 17 F Private M1 INTRO 123* Carnegie classifications: R1 = Doctoral Universities: Highest Research Activity; R2 = Doctoral Universities: Higher Research Activity; M1 = Master's Colleges and Universities: Larger Programs; M3 = Master's Colleges and Universities: Smaller Programs; B-A/S = Baccalaureate Colleges: Arts & Sciences Focus; and B-DIV = Baccalaureate Colleges: Diverse Fields** Course disciplines: CBME = Chemical/Biomedical Engineering; CIVIL = Civil and Environmental Engineering; DESIGN = Design; EECS = Electrical Engineering/Computer
of prior studies of STEM identity. Asengineering identity frameworks are further refined we can start to investigate theongoing work of identity formation amongst individuals and groups, thus broadening ourunderstanding of what it means to be an engineer.AcknowledgementsThis research was funded by the National Science Foundation through grants #1636449and #1636404. The authors wish to thank department chairs, faculty members,instructors, and students who made the collection of this data possible. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions in this article are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect theviews of the National Science Foundation.ReferencesBlake-Beard, S., Bayne, M. L., Crosby, F. J., & Muller, C. B. (2011). Matching by race
learning, which may inturn increase STEM grades. Finally, we will also determine whether the scale has predictivevalidity over longer time periods on the psychological variables assessed in this study.We are optimistic about the potential to develop a reliable measure of STEM study strategies, aswell as explore whether intervening to change students’ study behaviors can improve importantSTEM outcomes.AcknowledgementsWe are grateful to the National Science Foundation (NSF-DUE #1565032) for funding thisstudy.References[1] Rach, S., & Heinze, A. (2011). Studying mathematics at the university: The influence of learning strategies. Presented at the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Ankara
access to materials and appear to participate in the activity Purposeful Cohesiveness of each portion 2.77 4 Activities of the lesson and evidence that suggests each element of the lesson relates to the STEM learning goal(s) Engagement with Opportunity for youth to 2.52 3 STEM construct understanding and actively participate in the cognitive work of the activity STEM content Youth can build and express 2.28 3 learning their STEM understanding, which is connected throughout the
expedient manner, and wepresent results of data collected from 366 first-year engineering students. The instrumentrequires students to first read a technical memo and, based on the memo‟s arguments, answereight multiple choice and two open-ended response questions. The mean score on the multiplechoice portion was only 3.46 out of 8. A qualitative analysis of the open-ended responsesprovided more insights into students‟ abilities to identify and resolve conflicts betweeninformation sources, evaluate the reliability and relevancy of information sources, and usereliable information sources.IntroductionOne of the most important skills students can take away from a technical education is the abilityto become curious, persistent, and life-long learners
1 2Instructor 3 2 --- 1 1 2 3 1 1 5 1 --- ---Instructor 4 2 1 1 4 1 --- 1 --- --- 4 2 1Instructor 5 2 --- 3 3 1 ---Instructor 1’s Case:Instructor 1 believes that MEAs have the potential to change the way that engineering studentslearn to be engineers. He is particularly interested in how MEAs can facilitate ethics education inengineering and how
these identity frameworks in the broaderliterature. To be fair, in the broader literature there have only been a few claims that identity isexplicitly distinct from other constructs such as self-efficacy2 or the expectancy-value theory ofachievement motivation.3 However, in the last five years some have made this distinction. Forexample, Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D., & Hackett, G.4 expand on Bandura’s theory of self-efficacyto the extent of illuminating the importance of self-efficacy in academic persistence. While thisis not explicitly identity, self-efficacy is a theoretically relevant construct that had to be takeninto consideration in this review as it is often associated with identity measures.Table 1 Categorization of Identity Studies by
). Grade Increase: Tracking Distance Education in the United States. Babson Survey Research Group.2. Rovai, A. P., & Downey, J. R. (2010). Why some distance education programs fail while others succeed in a global environment. The Internet and Higher Education, 13(3), 141-147.3. Frydenberg, J. (2007). Persistence in university continuing education online classes. The international review of research in open and distributed Learning, 8(3).4. Heyman, E. (2010). Overcoming student retention issues in higher education online programs: A Delphi study. University of Phoenix.5. Carr, S. (2000). As distance education comes of age, the challenge is keeping the students. Chronicle of higher education, 46(23).6. Brady, L. (2001). Fault
Thesecond study, conducted by Korte et al. in 2008, looked at 17 new engineers at a large,international car manufacturer which they termed Big Car Company. Like Polach, they showedthat new engineers in this organization relied heavily on coworkers for help and that anunderstanding of the larger organization was crucial to the understanding of their own day-to-daywork.6 Viewing these findings in terms of supports and barriers, high-quality relationships withcoworkers and an understanding of “the big picture”6 could be considered supports for newengineers while the lack of either could be considered barriers. This paper applies the samesupport/barrier framework to Korte et al.’s original data set, consisting of interviews with 59 newengineers at four
. 10 The curriculum incubator was developed as a protected space and time for faculty toexplore and adapt approaches to teaching and learning. Because the concept of curriculumincubation is new there is little research or theory to guide development of the incubator oranticipate its effectiveness. Since educational improvement is an institutional commitment withoutcomes demonstrated over a long period of time, it is important to determine whether theconcept of curriculum incubation has merit, the potential to produce innovative instructionaldesigns and long-term educational improvement.Incubation Theory The idea of incubation as a protected environment for nurturing change began in the1950’s with the invention of business
norms would be mostappropriate. However, because no engineering students were included in the sample that producedthe means provided in the MSLQ, we felt it was important to obtain a reference point from which tounderstand where the engineering students in this study started. We compared our engineeringstudents in individual classes to the means in the MSLQ manual. The results of this analysis areshown in Table 2 and inform some of the discussion later in the paper.Table 2 shows significant differences between the MSLQ reference data and course-specificengineering student groups in this study. Instructor 1’s students reported significantly higher meanscores in the learning strategy of time and study environment; and lower mean scores in the
, preserving nature [13] Unity with nature, fitting into nature [16] Respecting the earth, harmony with other species [14] Altruistic values Equality, equal opportunity for all [12] Social justice, correcting injustices, care for those who are less privileged [17] A world at peace, free of war and conflict [15]Methods of Instrument AdministrationThe instrument was administered in three parts at a private research university in the northeasternUnited States (E-group), a public research university in the southern United States (S-group) anda public masters university in the pacific coastal United States (P-group). Students wererequested to take the survey by the faculty in their courses. The
female and minoritized student representation. We will alsowork to identify other department-level metrics that could help explain disciplinary differencesin persistence.ReferencesAstin, A. W. (1985). Achieving educational excellence: A critical assessment of priorities and practices in higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.Astin, A. W. (1993). What matters in college? Four critical years revisited. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.Berger, J. B., & Milem, J. F. (2000). Organizational behavior in higher education and student outcomes. In J. C. Smart (Ed.), Higher education: Handbook of theory and research (Vol. XV, pp. 268–338). Agathon.Brawner, C. E., Lord, S. M., Layton, R. A., Ohland, M. W., & Long, R. A. (2015). Factors
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. Owen, "Implementing virtual learning environments: Looking for holistic approach." Journal of Educational Technology & Society 3.3 (2000): 39-53.[3] J. M. Spector, “The potential of smart technologies for learning and instruction,” Int. j. smart technol. learn., vol. 1, no. 1, p. 21, 2016.[4] B. J. DiSalvo and A. Bruckman, “Questioning video games’ influence on CS interest,” in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Foundations of Digital Games - FDG ’09, 2009.[5] M. Papastergiou, “Digital Game-Based Learning in high school Computer Science education: Impact on educational effectiveness and student motivation,” Comput. Educ., vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 1–12, 2009.[6] N. Jain, P. Youngblood, M. Hasel, and S
and numeric data together and uncover multivariate data associations fromdata. The PVAD algorithm was used to obtain data associations. Each association is in the formof X retention = YES, where X represents specific value(s) of one or multiple variables.Hence, X in each data association reveals characteristics of students whose retention variable(s)indicates them staying in engineering after the first year at ASU. In this study, we looked intoonly 1-to-1 data associations with X containing one variable and its specific value, because p-to-1 data associations, p > 1, with X containing multiple variables and their specific value are oftencombinations of characteristics from 1-to-1 data associations. A supporting instance of a 1-to-1data
of factors promoting the retention and persistence of students of color in STEM,” J. Negro Educ., vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 491–504, 2011.[11] S. Cheryan, V. C. Plaut, P. G. Davies, and C. M. Steele, “Ambient belonging: How stereotypical cues impact gender participation in computer science.,” J. Pers. Soc. Psychol., vol. 97, no. 6, pp. 1045–1060, 2009.[12] S. Jones, “More than an intervention: strategies for increasing diversity and inclusion in STEM,” J. Multicult. Educ., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 234–246, 2016.[13] D. M. Wilson, P. Bell, D. Jones, and L. Hansen, “A cross-sectional study of belonging in engineering communities,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 687–698, 2010.[14] R. A. Lazowski, “A Meta-Analytic Tutorial
NationalScience Foundation. The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Zengjun Chen for assisting withCAT test evaluation. Partial findings from the preliminary studies have been presented in theASEE Annual Conferences in 2016 (Paper #16685) and 2017 (Paper #17913).References: 1. Crawley, E.F., Malmqvist, J., Östlund, S., Brodeur, D.R., and Edström, K., "Historical accounts of engineering education", Rethinking engineering education: Springer, 2014, pp. 231-255. 142. Froyd, J.E., Wankat, P.C., and Smith, K.A.," Five major shifts in 100 years of engineering education", Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 100, No. Special Centennial Issue, 2012, pp. 1344-1360.3. Graham, R.," Achieving excellence in
motivate studentswithin their class by customizing course instruction and materials reflective of their students’future goals. With this additional motivation, students are more likely to use self-regulatorystudy strategies and behaviors, which has been shown to be a positive predictor of classroomsuccess [61]–[64].References[1] J. Husman and D. F. Shell, “Beliefs and perceptions about the future: A measurement of future time perspective,” Learn. Individ. Differ., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 166–175, 2008.[2] S. E. Tabachnick, R. B. Miller, and G. E. Relyea, “The relationships among students’ future-oriented goals and subgoals, perceived task instrumentality, and task-oriented self- regulation strategies in an academic environment.,” J
idea to one (or more) of the eight fields ofMATCEMIB. Idea flexibility was then established as the number of fields of MATCEMIBthe student had used in the generation of all their ideas. Therefore, idea fluency had nomaximum range, while idea flexibility was limited to a maximum value of eight. Theevaluation of the three assessors was then checked for inter-rater reliability. Results showedthat agreement was high, with values of Cronbach‟s alpha above 0.9 for idea fluency and ideaflexibility. The values of idea fluency and flexibility for each student were then set as theaverage of the values independently allocated by the three assessors.ResultsAnalysis showed that the mean number of ideas generated for first year students was 10.53,while
. The proposed creativity enhancing activitieswere created by Destination Imagination, a non-profit educational organization dedicated toteaching the creative process [28, 29].2. Background and MotivationCreativity is a construct that is commonly used, yet in research related terms, it evades consensusin definition [17] - [19]. This can undermine consistent findings when examining the efficacy ofcreativity enhancement and assessment. Although a single agreed upon definition has not beenestablished, Plucker, et al.’s survey of research on creativity found that there appears to be someconsensus that creativity has two basic characteristics: originality and usefulness [17]. For thisstudy, the definition proposed by Plucker, Gehetto, and Dow will
1 = Black/African American Louisiana Residency (State) 0 = Non-Resident 1 = Resident High School Rank (HSRank) 0.2 – 100 High School GPA (HSGPA) 1.59 – 4.0 ACT component scores Science Score (ACT S) 7 – 36 Mathematics Score (ACT M) 14 – 36 English Score (ACT E) 11 – 36 Reading Score (ACT R) 12 – 36ParticipantsThe participants involved in this study include first-time-in-college (FTIC) freshmen whoentered the university in any school year between 2006 and 2015 and declared an engineeringdiscipline as their major. Enrollment in a university seminar class that all FTIC freshmen
of formulae. For example, ourintuition tells us that the words tree or eat can not be broken down into any meaningful parts.In contrast, the words trees and eating seem to be made up of two parts: the word tree, eatplus an additional element, -s (the ‘plural’) or –ing (the ‘past o present participle’). In thesame way, our intuition tells us that the chemical word Fe can not be broken down into anymeaningful parts. In contrast, the word Fe(s) seems to be made up of two parts: the word Feplus an additional element (s), which indicates the solid state of aggregation.Inflectional versus derivative morphemes‘Tree’, ‘eat’ and ‘Fe’ are called free morphemes; while ‘–s’, ‘-ing’ and ‘(s)’ are called boundmorphemes. Two or more morphemes in
Research Questions Question(s) Qual Research Question Question Mixing in One Mixing in Two Mixing in Three Phases of Mixing No Mixing Phase Only Phases or More Phases Mention
-engineering extracurricular activities and internship experiences, her m/c peer viewed suchactivities as encroaching on her limited time. We argue that a student‟s level of non-academicinvolvement is related to the importance she ascribes to professional and interpersonal skills inengineering. Implications for engineering educators and suggestions for further research arediscussed.IntroductionFindings from the recent Academic Pathways Study (APS) sponsored by the Center forAdvancement of Engineering Education (CAEE) have shown that intrinsic psychologicalmotivation to study engineering and confidence in professional and interpersonal skills are keypredictors of engineering seniors‟ future plans1. Sheppard et al. (2010) have also shown that,when taken
experiences. It seems like there iscurrently a lack of clarity around the current learning objectives for teaming. Future work willbe dedicated to completing the interviews and analysis. After that, the results will bedisseminated in order to build a shared vision within the department regarding learningobjectives for teaming and scaffolding instruction to achieve the desired goals.References[1] ABET. (accessed 20 January, 2020).[2] M. Borrego and C. Henderson, "Increasing the use of evidence‐based teaching in STEM higher education: A comparison of eight change strategies," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 103, no. 2, pp. 220-252, 2014.[3] S. Sangelkar, B. E
: I = industry, RRCC = Red RocksCommunity College, M = Mines, S = student/personal] –assessments and modules will initially be piloted in industry,then additional resources will be rolled out to all four settings.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumber 1935674. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.ReferencesAguilar, L., Walton, G., & Wieman, C. (2014). Psychological insights for improved physics teaching. Physics Today. 67(5): 43-49.Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The Exercise of Control. W H Freeman/Times Books
Materials Science Engineering from Alfred University, and received his M.S. and Ph.D., both from Tufts University, in Chemistry and Engineering Education respectively. Dr. Carberry was previously an employee of the Tufts’ Center for Engineering Education & Outreach and manager of the Student Teacher Outreach Mentorship Program (STOMP).Dr. Trevor Scott Harding, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Dr. Trevor S. Harding is Professor of Materials Engineering at California Polytechnic State University where he teaches courses in materials design, biopolymers, and nanocomposites. Dr. Harding has served as PI of a multiinstitutional effort to develop psychological models of the ethical decision making of