and AcademicDiscipline on Design Prototype Variability” [12] discussed using EEG as part of the pilot butreported no results and instead focused on artifacts from the prototyping activity and the resultsof survey instruments to measure cognitive style. One paper, “Critical Thinking, ReflectivePractice, and Adaptive Expertise in Engineering”, had a small section discussing the need forfMRI studies to be conducted while participants “solve problems that are expected to promotecritical thinking, reflection, or transfer” but again is not an empirical study. The vast majority ofremaining hits for EEG or fMRI were discussing engineering instrumentation labs orcoursework, signal processing, or in briefly referring to how a finding in neuroscience
methodologies in engineering edu- cation, the professional formation of engineers, the role of empathy and reflection in engineering learning, and student development in interdisciplinary and interprofessional spaces.Dr. Benjamin Okai, Harding University Benjamin Okai is a Postdoctoral Research Associate and an instructor at Harding University. By profes- sion, I’m a counselor educator and supervisor with a strong motivation and active engagement in scholar- ship and research in psychosocial studies simply because through these academic professional endeavors my professional growth and development can be enhanced, contribute to the body of research in psychol- ogy and social sciences, develop a strong network with colleagues
developed by one of the authors, but which evolvedwith additional insight as additional people reviewed the transcripts. Each interview wasreviewed and coded by at least two authors. The lead author eventually selected the quotesthat most reflected the codes and themes that had developed iteratively by the team.Survey DataAfter completing interviews, we conducted pilot surveys to determine how widespread thepatterns identified in the interviews were. Anonymous, online first-year and junior surveyswere administered to all students registered in engineering programs via Qualtrics software.--These students who responded are not statistically representative of either class (31.98% offirst-year students and 44.0% of juniors, see Table 2), but samples
’ views of success included commonmeasures of academic success in engineering; they also reflected participants’ longer-term careergoals and financial plans. Findings have implications for the development of robust engineeringpathways at both 2- and 4- year institutions. Departures from the “norm”: How nontraditional undergraduates experienced success in an alternative engineering transfer programThe idea/ideal of the traditional college undergraduate as “one who earns a high school diploma,enrolls full time immediately after finishing high school, depends on parents for financial support,and either does not work during the school year or works part time” is giving way in 21st centuryAmerica [1]. As early as 2002, researchers noted
knowledge – higher level learning skills which are nottraditionally emphasized in the undergraduate classroom. Therefore, these higher levellearning skills become not just purely aspirational goals but need to be actualized in order tomake the KI based pedagogy effective. This is where an active learning model can prove veryeffective. This paper describes such an active learning model developed and implemented in2017 for the introductory electronics course in the junior year. This learning model consists ofthree key components which are described in details - the concept introduction or pre-workcomponent, the concept exploration or classwork component, and the concept reflection orpost-work component. In addition, new assessment techniques tailored
of the tools and approaches. Students could mimic thepatterns, but never saw the purpose.The Newstetter study further shows that adding “reflection” opportunities to the “doing”activities was not sufficient to promote learning in that case. The environment set up by theinstructor “valued and promoted knowledge building” through explicit opportunities forreflection. Among other things, the instructor asked students to reflect in the middle of class,wrote those reflections on the board to encourage others to reflect, and assigned “learning essays”that focused on “moving students from an analytic or 'bits and pieces' understanding of thedesign process to a synthetic or conceptual understanding of the phases of informed decision-making” [7
. This individual treatment of engineering competencies was also reflected in thetreatment of the ABET learning outcomes at the onset of their accreditation changes to outcomes-basedassessment. For example, in an unpublished review of the Journal of Engineering Education from2006-2011 conducted by the first author to explore publications on the teaching and assessing of theengineering ‘professional skills’ (e.g., teamwork, communication skills, ethics, professionalism, andlifelong learning) in response to Shuman et al.’s 2005 article3, 11 out of the 12 articles that met thecriteria focused exclusively on one or two student outcomes4-15. During this time period, there were noarticles published in this journal that considered the conceptual or
more diverse in acceptedcategories or more accepting of complex identities that may not fit a single category7(p8). Thesechanges reflect shifting social norms, and appropriate assumptions about the individuals beingasked demographic questions7,8. For example, the first US census, conducted in 1790, countedboth (Whitea) males and (White) females, which was a novel approach at the time. However, ittook 180 years, until 1970, for the census to differentiate people of Hispanic or Latino originfrom those who identified as White, a change introduced to help measure anti-discriminationcompliance9. Beyond simply including new categories or dimensions of demographics, smallchanges in how questions are asked such as a shift from “select one” a response
. MAPPING AND ADAPTING THE INSTITUTE MODEL: The ISEE leadership team collaborates with an evaluation team from the Office of Educational Assessment at the University of Washington to distill what has been learned, identify opportunities for improvement, and align the Institute model with the needs of the next host campus.As we begin 2006, we are preparing to launch our third ISEE at Howard University, wecompleted the launch of our second ISEE at Stanford University in June 2005, and we completedthe cycle of the first ISEE at the University of Washington in October 2005 (see Figure 1). TheISEE leadership team has had the opportunity to reflect deeply on the successes and challengesencountered during two ISEE cycles. The following section
these areas at graduation.However, the variability of these projects presents significant challenges for common rubricdevelopment and by implication, our ability to retrieve reliable data on student performance inthese categories/attributes. This variability also brings unique challenges to the development of asingle rubric that is 1) flexible enough to apply to a variety of engineering thesis projects, 2)reflective of the learning objectives of the thesis course, and also 3) appropriate for use ingathering reliable data about students’ graduate attributes.This paper describes the development of the rubric, and the inherent challenges in designing avalid and reliable tool that provides flexibility to a diverse group of projects and supervisors
teams tocollaboratively solve a complex problem under the guidance of a facilitator (often a facultymember). The facilitator does not serve as a traditional instructor but rather guides the studentsthrough self-directed learning. The problems are designed to be ill-structured and challenging tothe students, as well as relevant to them. The problems must be sufficiently challenging thatstudents cannot solve them with existing knowledge so new knowledge must be generated withthe help of the facilitator. To solve the problem, students must gather information, generatehypothesis for possible solutions, identify knowledge gaps, and repeat this process until asolution is reached. Reflection on the solution process is a critical part of the learning
, the minimum acceptable loading according to the literature on factor analysis [43, 47].Cronbach’s alpha [48], which reflects the extent to which scale items are closely related to oneanother, is the most widely used measure of the internal consistency of a scale [49, 50]. Page 25.920.10Acceptable values for alpha vary from approximately 0.6 to over 0.9, with the most generallyacceptable minimum value in social science research being 0.7 [42, 49, 51, 52]. Alpha was 9considered when determining if individual items with relatively weaker factor loadings should beretained to maintain high
(connectsexplication to illumination), the Communication loop (connects creative synthesis toexplication), and the Rossman loop (connects creative synthesis to explication, illumination,through the validation process to incubation, or immersion to lead to perfection of product).Using this model, the author attempts to answer two questions: 1) “what is the experience ofcreating a mathematical model of a natural phenomenon?” 2) “What role do feelings play in thecreative process?” (p. 286).Shaw examined his and 11 other scientists and engineers’ experiences through an interviewprocess to understand the experience of creating an invention. Prior to the interview, he gave the11 (all male) scientists and engineers a week to reflect on a question: what is the
. Page 25.108.2A one hour written exam limits the assessment to the students’ ability to perform only in that onehour of time. If the student had a difficult day, poor night’s sleep or any other wealth of personalissues, the impact on their performance during that hour could likely be significant5. A one hourwritten exam also limits the complexity of the problems. With only an hour, it is difficult to givestudents problems beyond a certain level of difficulty or complexity. A problem worth solvingshould require some time to reflect and the consideration of a few different approaches. Onehour is simply not enough time to allow for this without requiring the student to perform quickly;speed should not be a factor in the testing process6,7 when
. 748, emphasis ours)14. If engineering students view the users of theirdesigned technology as social constraints rather than core to the design itself, they may onlyrecognize how these users provide “information, assistance, and/or support” rather thanconsidering how their “needs should be reflected in the design”15. We might reasonably posit,then, that what students do in design tends to reflect how they perceive design itself.Frameworks from Studies on Engineering DesignWithin the engineering education community, there are several studies that investigate activitiesthat engineering students and professionals do as part of design. For example, Atman and hercolleagues have published a number of articles on the processes enacted by students
authors are grateful for support provided by the National Science Foundation’s Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program, under Phase 2 grant DUE-0717905. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Page 22.635.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Episodes as a Discourse Analysis Framework to Examine Feedback in an Industrially Situated Virtual Laboratory ProjectIntroductionFeedback has been shown to be one
period. The MEA was launched in the laboratory setting which was facilitated by twoGTAs supported by four undergraduate assistants. Student teams of 3-4 students developedDRAFT 1 of their memo with procedure and results. This draft entered a double-blind peerreview process. In preparation for the peer review, students participated in a calibration exercisein which they practiced giving feedback on one prototypical piece of student work using theMEA Rubric, were provided an expert‟s review of that student work, and reflected on what theyneeded to do differently to improve their ability to give a peer review. For the actual peerreview, each student reviewed one other team‟s solution to the MEA. Each team was assigned atleast 3 peer reviewers. Each
web-based open-access format toencourage change. The significance of this tool and its open format is that it provides theengineering education community with a way to participate in the broader development andrefinement of a tool that shows merit in assessing proxy indicators of students' readiness tocollaborate for sustainability. It has the potential to raise awareness of this limited proxyindicator of students’ readiness of collaborating for sustainable design. Our intent in making ittransparent is to foster a deeper reflection in the engineering education community aboutsustainable design and the hidden meaning within engineering curricula and cultures.Introduction: Why is this instrument needed?In 2007, the National Academy of
reported more positive impressions overall. As,these results were limited to a single course, they may reflect participants’ grades more than theirtrue perceptions. There are several limitations to the current student group work and collaborationliterature. Most notably, current studies limit data collection to single semesters and/or to singlecourses, and therefore do not capture the longitudinal effects of collaboration. We identified onlyone study [6] that extended data collection beyond a single semester. This study reported thatstudent network connectedness continued to develop throughout students’ freshmen, sophomore,and junior years; network connectedness later dropped during the students’ senior year. Thisstudy also noted that
some limitations: (1) Results are based on studentretrospectives containing the reflections of students regarding their teamwork experience. (2) Wecould not interview students, so all results are based on students’ reflections of teamwork. Futurework should explore this further with control groups to better identify if it is online instructionthat lends itself to improved teamwork.References[1] K. S. Koong, L. C. Liu, and X. Liu, “A Study of the Demand for Information Technology Professionals in Selected Internet Job Portals,” vol. 13, p. 9.[2] M. P. Sivitanides, J. R. Cook, R. B. Martin, B. A. Chiodo, and F. Landram, “Verbal Communication Skills Requirements for Information Systems Professionals,” J. Inf. Syst. Educ
]. Oehlberg, Willett, andMackay suggest this may also provide an entry point for new makers, who can dissect and buildupon other’s work to kickstart their own making practice [6].3 MethodologyIn this study, 31 semi-structured interviews with 14 different participants were conducted at twopublic U.S. universities (Big City U & Comprehensive U). Each university has campusmakerspaces with rapid prototyping equipment (e.g. 3D printers) and typical manufacturingequipment. Interviews were conducted on the campuses in 2019 prior to the move to remotelearning, and thus, reflect students’ more “typical” use of online activities in their learningexperiences. All interviewers were audio-recorded and later transcribed. There was a total of fourinterviewers
, although I don’t knowmuch about it. I was blissfully ignorant before reading this paper, thinking that resistance was Page 13.822.7fairly straightforward.” Reading articles from a variety of publication sources and written byexperts with various areas of expertise effectively stretched the boundaries of knowledge foreven the most seasoned journal club members. In fact, the professor, who has led the journalclub for more than seven years, often reflected on how she was still learning from the experience.C. Provision of space for consideration of interdisciplinary conceptsThe journal club in this study, made up of mostly environmental engineering
for “Active” learning, Page 13.474.2or learning by actively doing things (as opposed to “Reflective” learning, in which someoneprefers to learn through quiet reflection), and the preference for “Sensory” learning, in whichsomeone prefers to focus on and recalls information gained from their senses through realexperiences (as opposed to “Intuitive” learning, in which someone prefers to focus on and recalltheories, concepts and ideas that are not necessarily grounded in real experience). Individualswith Kinesthetic, Active, and Sensory learning styles are, in theory, poorly served by traditionalclassroom lecture environments. Instructional
. The results and opinions expressed hereinare that of the authors and do not necessarily reflect that of the NSF. Page 14.1104.3II. MethodsThis section describes the design of the 2008 student portion of the SPIRIT summer workshop,the target student population, and the quantitative and qualitative methodologies that were used.A. Workshop DesignThe 2008 SPIRIT summer workshop consisted of a two week summer institute. Teachersparticipated in the full two week program while guidance counselors and students participated inthe second week only. During week one of the workshop, teachers were educated about ITcareers and the integration of the Alice
the students and asked thecampus liaison to select faculty and administrators either involved in ethics education or withknowledge of how ethics was included within the curriculum. Each participant completed a briefanonymous questionnaire which allowed us to aggregate their demographic characteristics.Student participants reflected the demographics of engineering students nationwide, with two-thirds of the participants being male, seventy-five percent studying civil, mechanical, orelectrical and computer engineering, and two-thirds being white3. In addition, the participantswere distributed almost evenly across freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior/fifth-year classes.Nearly sixty percent were members of a professional engineering student
careerchoice34. In other words, these quantitative data suggest that cis-identifying students are morelikely to persist in engineering and attempt to change themselves or the world around themthrough the use of engineering. Meanwhile, lower Conscientious and higher Opennessmeasurements reflect a lower need to conform to social norms and a greater acceptance ofexperiences unlike their own. Cis-identifying students are confident within engineering but aremore likely to accept individuals who differ from themselves. Through an examination ofcisgender engineering students, we have elucidated a group of students who could positionthemselves as changemakers within engineering culture for the benefit of minority populations.When examining the experiences of
reflect the context of studentsentering the College of Engineering and validated them for internal consistency, removingindividual survey items due to poor factor loading when necessary. Sample items for bothscales are shown in Tables 2 and 3. All items measuring students’ experiences withinstitutional tactics and proactive behaviors were measured using a seven-point Likert scale,with 0 = Strongly Disagree and 6 = Strongly Agree.Table 2. Summary of institutional tactics including Cronbach’s alpha (α) for each scaleTable 3. Summary of proactive behaviors including Cronbach’s alpha (α) for each scaleInstitutional TacticsIn order to measure students’ experiences with institutional tactics, we adapted scalespublished by Jones (1986) for a university
oninstructional best practices. The combination of experiential knowledge, post course reflection andscholarly literature provided a framework through which the purposed model was conceptualized,developed, and implemented. Verbally Pose non- encourage intuitive student questions participation Communicate Learn student with students
completed their undergraduateexperience. While the performance criteria and levels represent a consensus of experts and canbe used in their original form, the rubrics are purposely designed for modification to fosteralignment between course, program or institutional outcomes and to reflect the specific context inwhich they are used.In this project the original VALUE rubrics pertaining to critical thinking, problem solving andwritten communication were modified on a case-by-case preserve alignment between course,program and standardized measures of each specific outcome as well as reflect the disciplinaryexpectations in which they are applied. Initially, significant work was put forth in using theVALUE rubrics to describe general indicators for each
educationalpractice that we have come to call left-of-center (LOC) grading: exams with class means below50 percent. Curious about this trend, we modified our interview protocol to systematically askstudents to comment on the pros and cons of this practice. Over 60% of the women and 15% ofthe men we interviewed emphatically saw the negatives as outweighing the positives. This trendwas particularly common among minority women, over three-quarters of whom described the Page 26.1190.2practice as highly discouraging. The quotations below reflect some of their viewpoints. We'll have like a 30 percent average [on exams]….When you take the exam, it makes