acrucial, albeit often overlooked, element of promoting the success, persistence, and retention ofminority students within STEM disciplines [11]. Furthermore, recent studies have highlightedthe relationship between race and gender (for example) in STEM identity development,demonstrating the importance and effectiveness in understanding identity in shaping Blackstudent experiences, particularly regarding student engagement as well as barriers to successwithin STEM majors [12] [13].Regarding HBCUs, these institutions seek to provide and preserve cultural aspects that are notgenerally reflected or offered to minoritized students within Predominately White Institutions(PWIs) and broader society. In reviewing the impact of institutional climate on
currently completing a PhD in Engineering Education under Dr. Dringenberg. His research interests include exploring ideological beliefs as a reflection of tech culture. In his free time, he enjoys watching hockey, writing about programming languages, and playing video games.Dr. Emily Dringenberg, Ohio State University Dr. Dringenberg is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at Ohio State Uni- versity. She holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Kansas State ’08), a M.S. in Industrial Engineering (Purdue ’14) and a Ph.D. in Engineering Education (Purdue ’15). Her team, Beliefs in Engineering Re- search Group (BERG), utilizes qualitative methods to explore beliefs in engineering. Her research
with it) does not elicitthese same benefits.We only analyzed results from students’ first attempt on the Lesson 1 Quiz. After taking thisquiz, students were able to practice the problems and then retake the quiz. Students wererequired to earn 70% to move on to the next lesson. Therefore, scores on all but the first quizwere relatively high, leading to a restricted range in the data. We reasoned that the first quizattempt reflected knowledge gained after the activity and instruction, which were the target ofour intervention. However, students were aware that they would be able to retake the quiz,potentially impacting their motivation on this assessment. In our future research using thesematerials, we may make the first quiz worth more points
tackleadvanced manufacturing problems through data science. The Engineering Learning frameworkuses cognitive principles in the development of online courses (Spiegel, Sanders, & Sherer, 2018a;Spiegel, Sanders, & Sherer 2018b). As the framework states, “Engineering Learning is anintentional design process that positions students to cognitively engage with content and data usingprofessional tools, while interacting and collaborating with peers to develop their contentexpertise, skills, and professional practices. The end goal is to create the richest opportunities forstudents to become innovative STEM leaders.” Principles included in the framework includealignment with student learning outcomes, engagement with active learning, reflecting on
whether a protocol would be effective for this purpose. Many observation protocols are meant to evaluate the quality of teaching, rather than simply provide a description of teaching moves [15], sometimes referred to as Teacher Discourse Moves (TDMs). Evaluative protocols tend to require subjectivity and inference and work well in situations where observations are completed by peers, versus external observers [4]. Evaluative protocols are often unstructured and reflective, which does not provide a standardized base for comparison or aggregation of data between class sessions or courses that we are seeking [3]. 2. The protocol should be pedagogically agnostic, not specific. We are interested in capturing
AbstractIn this research paper, we explore student responses to Utility Value Interventions in staticscourses. Introductory engineering mechanics courses (e.g., statics, dynamics) are critical pointswithin a curriculum, and student performance in these courses can have a strong influence onfuture success. And while these courses are often thought of as “weed out” courses, the ubiquityof these courses for engineers is what makes them an important place for students to develop themotivation to persist through their engineering education. One particularly promising tool for thisdevelopment has been Utility Value Interventions (UVIs) in which students are given opportunitiesto reflect on how their coursework aligns with their lives through short writing
reported more positive impressions overall. As,these results were limited to a single course, they may reflect participants’ grades more than theirtrue perceptions. There are several limitations to the current student group work and collaborationliterature. Most notably, current studies limit data collection to single semesters and/or to singlecourses, and therefore do not capture the longitudinal effects of collaboration. We identified onlyone study [6] that extended data collection beyond a single semester. This study reported thatstudent network connectedness continued to develop throughout students’ freshmen, sophomore,and junior years; network connectedness later dropped during the students’ senior year. Thisstudy also noted that
some limitations: (1) Results are based on studentretrospectives containing the reflections of students regarding their teamwork experience. (2) Wecould not interview students, so all results are based on students’ reflections of teamwork. Futurework should explore this further with control groups to better identify if it is online instructionthat lends itself to improved teamwork.References[1] K. S. Koong, L. C. Liu, and X. Liu, “A Study of the Demand for Information Technology Professionals in Selected Internet Job Portals,” vol. 13, p. 9.[2] M. P. Sivitanides, J. R. Cook, R. B. Martin, B. A. Chiodo, and F. Landram, “Verbal Communication Skills Requirements for Information Systems Professionals,” J. Inf. Syst. Educ
]. Oehlberg, Willett, andMackay suggest this may also provide an entry point for new makers, who can dissect and buildupon other’s work to kickstart their own making practice [6].3 MethodologyIn this study, 31 semi-structured interviews with 14 different participants were conducted at twopublic U.S. universities (Big City U & Comprehensive U). Each university has campusmakerspaces with rapid prototyping equipment (e.g. 3D printers) and typical manufacturingequipment. Interviews were conducted on the campuses in 2019 prior to the move to remotelearning, and thus, reflect students’ more “typical” use of online activities in their learningexperiences. All interviewers were audio-recorded and later transcribed. There was a total of fourinterviewers
research about the use of hybrid learning, Raes et al. [9] suggest cautiousoptimism about its continued use given the pedagogical and technological challenges that itposes. Hybrid learning offers flexibility in constructing learning spaces but also requires carefuldesign to facilitate student learning outcomes.Experiential LearningExperiential learning theory provides an integrative perspective of learning as a process that isgrounded in experience [10]. As such, students’ learning and development benefit from highlycontextualized, hands-on, real-world learning experiences, such as those found through out-of-class student involvement [11]. As theorized by experiential learning theory, students developknowledge through collaborative and reflective
example, Lutz(2017)found that thelearning experience of professional engineers occurred mostly through typical tasksrather than systematic learning methods[19]. Davis &Vinson(2017)explored theinteraction between senior engineers and novice engineers, and pointed out that theguidance provided by mentors was often formalistic instead of valuable [20]. Korte(2009) concluded that the establishment of interpersonal relationship is the key forindividual to quickly learn something and to integrate into the organization [21].Moreover, reflective discussions were also an important learning method whenengineers could not fully map the current problems to existing technical models [18],[22].Theoretical framework Cognitive apprenticeship is a
focused on developing students’ competence forteamwork and communication, along with other social competencies needed in the workplace.Faculty described their efforts to design courses affording students a variety of experiences andthe opportunities to reflect on these experiences. Students reported that guest speakers andcompany-based projects afforded them opportunities to develop their professional networks. Animportant resource for experiential learning comes from others via development networks, whichexplain the learning and development acquired from ‘constellations’ of developmentally orientedrelationships experienced in various social contexts [27]. Rich developmental networks inlearning ecologies enrich students’ experiences and
-solve space (P3) and the other three spaces. Where P3 can be thoughtof as the applied, actionable problem-solving space in which students perform computations andcarry out plans, the other three spaces encompass more complex processes like planning,reflection, and conceptual problem solving. Thus, it is within these three spaces that the majorityof metacognitive processes take place. We know from previous work that without scaffolds,collaborative problem-solving interactions are dominated by attempting to solve the problem(P3) [8], meaning that most of the problem solving during the task is computational. However,when provided with explicit scaffolds that supported the implementation of other problem-solving spaces, groups tended to score
anonline environment. To reflect the differences between online teaching during the pandemic andtraditional online teaching, remote instruction has been labelled emergency remote teaching(ERT) [2]. The abrupt and emergency nature of the transition to ERT (hereafter called remotelearning) has led to the notion that the quality of higher education decreased as a result of thepandemic. But, at the present time, insufficient evidence is available to assess to what degreehigher education and learning may have been compromised by the shift to remote learning. Earlyresearch assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education in China andSouth Korea has found that students engaged in increased and proactive communication withpeers and
peers,faculty, and family [10], [19] but are extended to include any institution or person whoserecognition of an engineering identity matters to the recipient. These definitions guidedconversation around the process in which recognition is qualified and interpreted by participantsin this study.This study proposes a model of determining meaningful recognition and examines the proposedmodel’s use as influenced by participants’ time spent practicing and developing an engineeringidentity. Rather than reflect on the “strength” of an engineering identity, this use of participants’experience with an engineering identity is derived from the existing work that considersbiographical and time-oriented trajectories of identity development [24], [25
through the processes of social categorization, social identification, and social comparison. These processesFigure 1. System of analysis and theoretical framing considered result in a division of in-groups and out-groups which helpsenhance self-image. Social identities can be positive or negative; the latter reflect elements thatdo not comply with societal expectations. Because of the multiple spaces where we
citationpractices belie a more complex system of relationships. Historically, they have established powerrelationships among authors, ideas, and larger sociotechnical systems within the university[26].Our citations reflect our reading practices while establishing field boundaries and contours andultimately funneling into the larger economy of the university. They undergird this universityeconomy in a number of ways: (a) we form communities of practice/discourse communities inhow we cite, excluding and including particular ways of knowing; (b) we give particular ideaspower and visibility in how we cite; (c) we decide whose work matters, who should be tenuredand promoted, who belongs; and (d) we teach ethics and intellectual property through citations.These
. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Identifying Signature Pedagogies in a Multi-Disciplinary Engineering ProgramAbstractThis work-in-progress is part of a larger research and evaluation project designed to realignprogram goals with teaching and learning practices in a large, multi-disciplinary engineeringscience program at a research-oriented Canadian university. The ultimate goal of this work is todefine and develop a set of key teaching and learning practices that reflect program goals andfuture directions. Drawing from Shulman’s work on signature pedagogies, which are defined asthe modes of teaching and learning that are unique to a particular discipline or
performance criterion considered, often withanchored details at each level [16]. For subjective or summative artifacts, like reflective essays ordesign reports that may not have specific required components, a holistic rubric may align betterwith the desired outcomes. Often, a holistic rubric has performance criteria defined within asingle rating system for the entire work and doesn’t provide much performance feedback as partof the rubric itself [16]. For either type of rubric, performance criteria must be developed. Forthis project, students would not be gaining any feedback and would be scored based on theirapplication, placing it in a summative category rather than formative. Student essays would nothave specific required components and instead
required changes as these models arenonlinear in nature. The descriptive nature of these models provides a platform to use the designer’sprinciples/beliefs in developing the curriculum, and during the process of decision making this leadsto deliberation which eventually results in curriculum design. On comparing the three models ofcurriculum design, we found that the Weinstein and Fantini’s Humanistic model only concentrateson the learners’ needs and interests. However, Taba's Instructional Strategies model and theEisner’s systemic-aesthetic model focus on all aspects that may affect the teaching and learningprocess. Taba's Instructional Strategies model and the Eisner’s systemic-aesthetic models are morebalanced and integrated. They reflect on
]. Previous studies suggest thatstudent self-reflection on their contribution to project activities [2] and required reporting bystudents about other team members’ contributions [11, 17, 18] can increase overall teamaccountability.Strategic formation of student teams is a critical step in establishing effective conditions forteam-based learning. Ensuring a fair distribution of students from different backgrounds in termsof technical skills, prior educational experiences, and demographic characteristics helps to ensureteam members bring different perspectives to the project [19]. Prior studies of team-basedlearning report the use of screening surveys, established personality or disposition inventories(e.g., Kolb Learning Style Inventory, Myers-Briggs
ofpedagogy.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1628976. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] S. Freeman, S. L. Eddy, M. McDonough, M K. Smith, N. Okoroafor, H. Jordt, and M.P. Wenderoth, “Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics,” in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (111,23), 2014. pp. 8410-8415.[2] D.H. Jonassen, J. Strobel, and C. Lee, “Everyday Problem Solving in Engineering: Lessons for Engineering Educators,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol
Engagement Survey? Secondary 1. How did students evaluate these engagement strategies in terms of their level of engagement? 2. What were the self-evaluation of students in terms of staying engaged (affective, cognitive, behavioral) and learning propensity? 3. What challenges primarily hindered their engagement in their learning environment?Theoretical Framework:Engagement research has been around for decades and has been established to be an importantforerunner for learning and achievement [6,11]. For this study, engagement is defined in thecontext of affective (interest, excitement, belonging, motivated, persistent, joy, etc), cognitive(self-directed/regulated learning, reflective, task specific-design solutions, etc), and
systematically captured and incorporated in thecourse development.Samples of mind-map, design document, mock session effectiveness rubrics, content andworkbook review rubrics which are some of the important deliverables in the coursedevelopment of Introduction to Engineering, which reflect the course refinement, arediscussed in the following sections. The data captured and used in reporting the study aresecondary in nature and are taken from publications of the institute available with openaccess. Also, students participating in giving feedback were given clear indications ofpurpose of the feedback and were also given the option not to participate.4.1. Mind mapAs part of course development the working team consisting of faculty members and
beneficial to theirlearning, before and then after the online transition, and their mode preferences for each regardingonline vs. Face-to-Face. By comparing student reactions across courses, we gain insights onwhich components are easily adapted to online delivery, and which require further innovation.COVID was unfortunate, but gave a rare opportunity to compare students’ reflections on F2Finstruction with online instructional materials for half of a semester vs. entirely online delivery ofthe same course during the second half. Although the instruction provided during the second halfof the semester may not be the same as what would have been provided had the course beendesigned as a fully online course from the beginning, it did provide the
more complicated. In the case of engineering, it has been argued that the assumptionof the rigor and prestige involved in the pursuit of an engineering major imposes additionalpressures related to competition and achievement, which could reflect in poorer mental health.Furthermore, such pressures might be heightened for underrepresented groups that keep facingcumulative challenges while pursuing an engineering degree. While some recent work hasexplored stress and mental health indicators of engineering undergraduates, comparisons of suchindicators across disciplines are scarce. This study examines the differences in wellbeingindicators, perceptions of stress, competition, and achievement between undergraduates inengineering, non-engineering
from similar backgrounds (0.40) d. Completing my STEM degree will help combat stereotypes about people who share my social identities (0.58)Overall, several of our initial findings are consistent with Yosso’s CCW framework but suggestsome important ways in which the framework can be further developed to reflect the experienceof our survey participants. First, our findings suggest that aspirational capital consists of threesub-dimensions: external-aspirational capital is encouragement and motivation provided byfamily and other close connections, internal-aspirational capital is internal drive and motivationto persist, and resistant-aspirational capital is the drive to succeed in order to serve as a rolemodel for other
) Before DuringFigure 3. Students' identified support grouped by type of support Common themes from the open-ended responses emerged regarding how students’ socialinteractions and supports changed during the pandemic. Here we describe these themes usingquotes from the students by situating them within the framework and give preliminaryrecommendations for strategies to support students’ social support during remote instruction. SeeFigure 4 for a summary of recommendations.Support Peer-to-Peer Interactions The students reflected on how the pandemic impacted social interaction they had withtheir peers. Students expressed the value of peer support and how they missed face-to-faceinteractions with peers during the pandemic. For example
madedecisions, respectively. Similarly positive responses were received for Q6, Q7, Q9, and Q10.These questions were related to having productive meetings, trust, the right team members, andthe desire to be in the team, respectively.Q3, however, showed lower ratings. This statement was related to how the team makes time toevaluate how effective they work as a group. Relatively lower rates were also related to membersbeing held accountable and members’ willingness to take on new responsibilities. In other words,statements related to reflective strategies and member initiatives received lower rates. Figure 2. Team Culture Summary of ratings per question. Ratings reference: 1 = Never, 2 = Occasionally, 3 = Mostly True, 4
Engineering Education Research: Reflections on an Example Study,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 102, no. 4, pp. 626–659, 2013, doi: 10.1002/jee.20029.[10] J. Walther et al., “Qualitative Research Quality: A Collaborative Inquiry Across Multiple Methodological Perspectives,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 106, no. 3, pp. 398– 430, 2017, doi:[11] S. Tan, “The Elements of Expertise,” Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, vol. 68, pp. 30–33, Feb. 1997, doi: 10.1080/07303084.1997.10604892.[12] C. Aaron, E. Miskioglu, K. M. Martin, B. Shannon, and A. Carberry, “Nurses, Managers, and Engineers – Oh My! Disciplinary Perceptions of Intuition and Its Role in