retention: a longitudinal and cross-institutional study. Proceedings - American Society for Engineering Education Southeast. Page 13.522.118. Pieronek, C., McWilliams, L. H., & Silliman, S. E. (2003). Initial observations on student retention and course satisfaction based on first-year engineering student surveys and interviews [Electronic version]. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference.9. Pomalaza-Raez, C., & Groff, B. H. (2003). Retention 101: where robots go ... students follow [Electronic version]. Journal of Engineering Education, 92(1), 1-6.10. Richardson, J
if they just had some confidence, sat down and did it, that—I mean I'm sure they could all do it, you know, just as well.Elizabeth, a Computer Engineering major, had a great deal of experience with classes wherethere were relatively few women. Elizabeth explained that men tended to talk more than womenin class because they were more confident in themselves and cared less about others’ perceptionsof them. [S]ometimes [guys] don’t care how people are going to react, you know, like I think girls tend to care more about the emotions of other people, you know…what Page 14.614.8 they’re going to think of us and so on
work from the periphery to moreactive core participation. Student participation can also be viewed as a form of cognitiveapprenticeship [9] and fits easily with notions of active learning, and problem-based learning[19]. For HFOSS, the community can help provide a support system of experts with a variety ofbackgrounds [28]. In addition, [34] concludes that such collaboration can help reduce theimpact of gender stereotype. 2.1.2 HFOSS in Education. Open source software has been used as a basis for studentsoftware engineering learning since the late 1990’s [31]. A common approach is to utilize aFOSS project as the basis for a capstone project [3, 10]. One obvious way for students toparticipate in a FOSS project is via code contributions
, India Susan S. Mathew, is an Associate Professor. Presently she is also the Associate Dean (Academics and Research) and Head, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. In NITTTR, for the last 29 years, she has been involved in outcome-based curriculum design, teaching postgraduate students, content updating and laboratory management programmes, induction training of new teachers, research in areas of technical education, projects concerned with the development of instructional material for polytechnics, engineering colleges as well as industries, etc. Prior to NITTTR, she was working as a lecturer in MANIT, Bhopal and SGSITS, Indore and was involved in teaching undergraduate & postgraduate students.Ms
aligned system in Figure 1, institutional programs and policies are not able to movemany individuals themselves. Their energy transfers to individuals via champion(s) and sage(s)who help groups of individuals work together to learn and to enact change. At DIT, this created asense of movement that has encouraged more and more individuals to get involved and toimplement changes. The process wherein individuals contemplate and adopt new behaviors isrepresented by the belt (which moves from left to right in this machine) as defined by Prochaska,Redding, and Evers (2002). With increasing personal involvement, the changes scaled-up andbecame more sustainable. This suggests triple loop learning, as described by Senge (1991), has atleast begun to occur
constructs, we would not necessarily expect that these two facultygroups share similar pedagogical approaches.Our data also reveal a correlation between ILS alignment score and pedagogical choices, with ahigher A-R or S-G misalignment corresponding to a more lecture-centric teaching approach.Faculty with higher mismatch on the S-I and V-V dimensions tended to use more of the research-based pedagogies including active and collaborative learning.Are ILS results a proxy for expertise in this case?In reflecting on these results, one cannot help but wonder why the ILS misalignment betweenfaculty and students is so dramatic across several ILS dimensions—more dramatic than has beenpreviously reported[31]. This observation is intriguing, and acknowledging
factor into two categories namely; personal andcontextual factors that influenced engagement. Psychologically, the term affirmative has be usedto describe student classroom engagement [13]. According to Appleton et al.’s [12] findings,indicators are considered as the student levels of connection with learning. This paper on clusteringand grouping technique primarily focused on the indicators, because students are the primary targetin the classroom engagement.Further, Marzano et al acknowledged in their findings that the dynamics of how ateacher/instructor produced the skill required for an effective classroom management is not easyto come by. Therefore, it is necessary that teachers are creative in their teaching strategies.Likewise, in 2011, Li
related field or discipline, and their experiences or examples had to be related tothe item’s intent. Finally, for coherent response choice, students’ option made on the Likert scalehad to be coherent with their elaboration. We used Muis et al.’s [12] definitions and range ofacceptable beliefs (See Table 1) to guide our data analysis. We rated the cognitive validity scorefor the three sections first and then summed the scores to obtain a global validity score for eachitem. Based on the coding principles and criteria, two trained raters independently rated eachstudent’s responses of the items in terms of all three aspects of cognitive validity. We alsoallowed additional codes to emerge and group them into new emergent themes during analyses[19
-generation college students. While students who responded their parent/guardianlevel of education was “bachelor’s degree” or “master’s degree or higher,” were coded as 0 =continuing-generation college students. This dataset includes 804 (22%) students who identifiedas first-generation college students, 2,057 (55%) who identified as having one or more parent(s)with a bachelor’s degree or higher, and 850 (23%) who did not indicate parental level of education.It is difficult to determine why students do not report their parents’ level of education, somepossible reasons may include survey fatigue, inadequate time allocated to administering the surveyin class, or the student did not know parents’ level of education. The breakdown of first
. A key outcome of this research is a Framework of Professional Responsibilities toconsider how future research can examine student cognitions, behaviors, and dispositionsabout professional and ethical responsibilities. Components of the proposed framework havebeen previously described in the engineering education literature. For example, Gilbuena etal. (2015) described project management and timeline development as developed within acapstone project. However, the students’ discussion of professional and ethicalresponsibilities aligned most closely with Besterfield-Sacre et al.’s list of professional traits.Specifically, we identified self-management, task management, and team management as thekey components of students’ experience of
practices of constructing an engineering identity in a problem-based learning environment. Eur J Eng Educ. 2006;31(1):35-42. doi:10.1080/03043790500430185.7. Meyers KL, Ohland MW, Pawley AL, Silliman SE, Smith KA. Factors relating to engineering identity. Glob J Eng Educ. 2012;14(1):119-131.8. Chachra D, Kilgore D, Loshbaugh H, McCain J, Chen H. Being and becoming: gender and identity formation of engineering students. In: American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition; 2008.9. Johnston S, Lee A, McGregor H. Engineering as captive discourse. Techné Res Philos Technol. 1996;1(3/4):128-136.10. McNair LD, Paretti MC, Kakar A. Case study of prior knowledge: Expectations and identity
keeping pace and routines, such as arriving on time. Finally, our study echoesprevious research in engineering education in that self-efficacy can be altered (negativelyand positively) in relatively short periods of time, which has an important effect onacademic achievement. References1. Meyer, M., & Marx, S. (2014). Engineering dropouts: A qualitative examination of why undergraduates leave engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 103(4), 525– 548.2. Pascarella, E. T. & Terenzini, P. T. (2005). How college affects students, volume 2. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.3. DesJardins, S. L., Ahlburg, D. A., & McCall, B. P. (1999). An event history model of student departure
- Page 26.108.2income students, and/or students who start college significantly later than 18 years of age are atbest underrepresented, and at worst socially marginalized in many engineering classrooms.Furthermore, McIntosh explains that the myth of monoculture assumes that there is a single“normal” experience8. Recognizing and acknowledging that a “monoculture” is embeddeddeeply in the engineering education system may not be easy for those of us who are engineeringeducators and researchers. McIntosh points out that such a monoculture mirrors that of the USsocial system, not merely by what she calls “active forms” of interlocking oppressions, but moredeeply—in embedded forms—forms which “member[s] of the dominant group are taught not tosee”9
completion. The twotools were tested in various engineering courses and mixed results were found: While both toolswere adoptable, only the exam wrapper appeared to be efficacious in this study.Introduction Metacognition, which has as its simplest definition thinking about one’s thinking, is themodern term used to capture the processes that learners use to reflect upon and take actions toimprove their learning. The psychologist John Flavell1 introduced the term in the 1970’s whileadvancing research on the topic, but ideas about the usefulness of reflection in improvinglearning began much earlier, starting with John Dewey2. Both Piaget and Vygotsky – bothrecognized widely for their theories in education – wrote of the role of metacognition in
creativity and innovation. The instructordecides what should be learned based on their own paradigm of what a good engineer shouldknow, but this does not take into account the interests of the student or the ever-changing needsof the world. The underlying assumption of this predominant system is that human beings are notnatural learners and must be forced to learn through external behavioral motivations such asreward and punishment.A look through the literature shows that in the 1990’s, before No Child Left Behind (NCLB),there was much talk about grading and assessment, mostly related to standards-based grading.The discussion faded from view as the consequences of NCLB focused on the detrimental effectsof standardized testing. During these early
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. Bates, C. Allendoerfer, D. Jones, J. Crawford, and T. Floyd Smith, “The relationship between belonging and ability in computer science,” in Proceeding of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education - SIGCSE ’13, 2013, p. 65.[4] R. M. Marra, K. A. Rodgers, D. Shen, and B. Bogue, “Leaving Engineering: A Multi- Year Single Institution Study,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 6–27, 2012.[5] B. Geisinger and D. R. Raman, “Why They Leave: Understanding Student Attrition from Engineering Majors,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 914–925, 2013.[6] J. L. Smith, K. L. Lewis, L. Hawthorne, and S. D. Hodges, “When Trying Hard Isn’t Natural: Women’s Belonging with and Motivation for
University of New Haven Faculty, Madison, CT, March, 2003. See NSF Engineering Coalitions Website: Collura, M., Daniels, S., Nocito-Gobel, J., Aliane, B, Development of a MultiDisciplinary Engineering Foundation Spiral, ASEE 2004 Annual Conference, Curricular Change Issues, session 26307. Collura, M.A. A Multidisciplinary, Spiral Curricular Foundation for Engineering Programs., NSF Department-Level Reform Planning Grant, EEC-0343077, $99,928 August 14, 2003.8. Bruner, J., Toward a Theory of Instruction, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1966.9
intervention techniques for the promotion of positive self-efficacy beliefs among students, aimed at ultimately increasing their achievement, success, andretention.Bibliography1. Bandura, A., Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1997.2. Pajares, F., "Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Academic Settings," Review of Educational Research, vol. 66, no. 4, 1996,pp. 543-578.3. Lent, R. W., S. D. Brown, J. Schmidt, B. Brenner, H. Lyons and D. Treistman, "Relation of ContextualSupports and Barriers to Choice Behavior in Engineering Majors: Test of Alternative Social Cognitive Models,"Journal of Counseling Psychology, vol. 50, no. 4, 2003, pp. 458-465.4. Schaefers, K. G., D. L. Epperson and M. M. Nauta, "Women's Career Development
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data. In this manner, five subjects were obtained by open coding on one hand, while twoconvergent subjects were observed by axial coding on the other hand. The outcomes of opencoding and axial coding are tabulated in Table 1. Table 1 Open coding and axial coding list Open coding Axial coding 1. Promoting the basic chemistry competence of 1.Basic chemistry students competence in occupation 2. Occupation domain domain 3. Basic Chemistry Competence in work place and performance of student 4. The viewpoint about attaining certificate(s) or 2.Curriculum of Chemistry certificate in vocational education system 5
: ideals and practice inresearch oriented universities, in press Higher Education Research and Development.2 Christensen, S. H., & Erno-Kjolhede, E. (2011). Academic drift in Danish professional engineering education. Page 24.594.12Myth or reality? Opportunity or threat?, European Journal of Engineering Education, 36, 3, 285-299.3 Harwood, J. (2010). Understanding Academic Drift: On the Institutional Dynamics of Higher Technical andProfessional Education, Minerva, 48, 413-427.4 Kyvik, S. (2009). The Dynamics of Change in Higher Education: Expansion and Contraction. HigherEducation Dynamics 27, Springer, Netherlands.5 Jorgensen, U
engineering education.A framework for thinking about elements of reflectionReflection on experience can be framed as an intentional and dialectical thinking process wherean individual revisits features of an experience with which he/she is aware and uses one or morelenses in order to assign meaning(s) to the experience that can guide future action (and thusfuture experience). We can use pathways of reflection to delineate combinations of theseelements. In this section, we unpack the elements of this framing (i.e., experience, lens, meaning, Page 24.776.2action, intentional, and dialectical) of reflection and then illustrate the ideas through a
of the factors. Several criteria exist to extract the number of factors underlying thedata: the point of inflexion of the curve in the scree plot31 and the number of eigenvalues greaterthan one32. Following Kaiser (1960)’s criteria32, we retained factors with eigenvalues greaterthan one. Thus, seven factors were considered for the possible number of factors of the TESS.Since a putative factor structure of the TESS is identified, the factor loadings of the items foreach factor were gauged to decide which items constitute which factors. Based on Stevens’(2002)33 guideline about the relationship between the sample size and cutoff factor loading, itemswith a factor loading greater than .40 were considered significant for the designated factor
instruction, and iv) PBL promotes deep learning and problem–solving skills.A. Essentials of PBL: Problem–based learning is a philosophy that has to be adapted to thespecific conditions and situation of an institution, and the nature of the specific field in which itis to be implemented. This is apparent in the different models of PBL implementation throughout the world. Therefore, there is no one –size-fits-all approach to PBL that can simply beimplemented from one institution to another 20. There are essential and required steps that have tobe mobilized at the start of PBL. At the start of learning in PBL is the selection of realproblem(s). This is, in fact, the major driving force for learning. Effort and time dedicated to theselection of problem(s
. Therefore, there is no one –size-fits-all approach to PBL that can simply beimplemented from one institution to another. (20) There are essential and required steps that haveto be mobilized at the start of PBL. At the start of learning in PBL is the selection of realproblem(s). This is, in fact, the major driving force for learning. Effort and time dedicated to theselection of problem(s), is time well-spent and will eventually pay off. The problem(s) should bewell crafted to engage and immerse students in learning new materials, new issues, as well aschallenging existing knowledge, skills, and attitudes. It is important to note that PBL is not onlyabout giving problems and solving them in classroom, but it is also about creating opportunitiesfor
. Another page of the survey asked students to select one or two nouns(among 14 options) that best describe the nature of the role they took in the context of the team.Nouns connoted various conceptions of leadership (e.g., Director, Sheriff), fellowship (e.g.,Therapist, Referee), and followship (e.g., Assistant, Secretary).Part 4. Explain Choices. The final page required participants to offer some explanation orclarification of their previous responses by answering at least one of two prompts: (a) “How didYOU decide how much individual effort to invest in each design task?” (b) “What other verb(s)or noun(s) describe how YOU contributed to the design project and functioned within yourTEAM? Why?”AnalysisThe WTCS data were analyzed using quantitative