grounded in SDT has found differences in factorsidentified as important to students in comparison to researcher assessed methods.17-19MethodsTo guide our research, we used case study methods20, 21 in combination with the self-determination theoretical framework. In our work, each participant represents a case and weanalyze within and across cases.22 The cases include eleven engineering students at apredominantly technical school (TPub) in the western mountain region of the United States.TPub is a public research university devoted to engineering and applied science. Approximately2,500, or 75 percent, of the 3,300 students are undergraduates, and about 80 percent ofbachelor‟s degrees earned annually are in engineering. Data for this study include
always proven to be verysuccessful. Even today, a large percentage of the deaf community has reading comprehensionand writing deficits and this has not changed much over the past 30 years.3When deaf or hard of hearing students arrive at college, they have high expectations ofthemselves for completing bachelor‟s and graduate degrees.4 The research led by Cuculick andKelly has shown through statistical analysis that only about 17% of incoming deaf students atNTID, 2001 and 2002 had the requisite reading and language skills to enter a baccalaureateprogram in their first year. Also, with the same data, it indicated that at NTID it takes longer forthe deaf students to complete Associate of Occupational Studies (AOS), Associated of AppliedScience (AAS
. Future work includes dissemination ofthe materials required for such a change as well as recommendations for implementation.References1. L. Benson, S. Biggers, W. Moss, M. Ohland, M. Orr and S. Schiff, Adapting and Implementing the SCALE-UP Approach in Statics, Dynamics, and Multivariable Calculus. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education (2007).2. L. Benson, S. Biggers, W. Moss, M. Ohland, M. Orr and S. Schiff, Student Performance and Faculty Development in SCALE-UP Engineering and Math Courses. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education (2008).3. L. Benson, S. Biggers, W. Moss, M. Ohland, M. Orr and S. Schiff, Adapting and Implementing the
subjectmatter of the course, and reciprocity with the community partner. The approach of S-L, with itsroots in experiential learning, is consistent with the theories and empirical research of a numberof leading educators and developmental psychologists, as documented by Jacoby (Jacoby, 1996).The approach is also consistent with the relatively recent change in paradigm in education from afocus on teaching to a focus on learning (Bradenberger, 1998).More recently, Astin’s group reported that its 2007-2008 survey of over 12,000 full time facultymembers at 379 institutions that the percentage of faculty who found it “very important” or“essential” to encourage commitment to community service rose 19 percent compared to 2004-05 (55.5 % vs. 36.4 %), the
engineering science.Paul Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a teacher and researcher in the field of engineering mechanics. In particular, Dr. Steif develops and implements new approaches and technologies to measure student understanding of engineering and to improve instruction.Louis DiBello, University of Illinois at Chicago Louis DiBello is an Associate Director of the Learning Sciences Research Institute (LRSI) and
4.08 .97 technology. Item 5. I know how engineering can be used to help society. 4.25 .81 Item 10. I know how to apply engineering-related concepts in my daily life. 2.97 1.21 Item 11. I know how to explain engineering-related concepts to my child(ren). 2.97 1.18 Item 12. I know how to help my child(ren) with his/her engineering ideas and 3.00 1.15 skills. Item 14. I know how to find out more about engineering information to help 3.58 1.30 my child(ren)’s learning. Item 16. I am aware of engineering curriculum at my child(ren)’s school. 2.94 1.29 Component 2: Attitude
Performance(GRASP).IntroductionProficiency in engineering domains requires experience applying the governing principles withina specified domain and the tools needed to support the comprehension and monitoring of factorsindicating a system‟s performance (ability to achieve a function). These tools may appear simpleto describe in its form and function, but difficult to apply strategically to a context. The contextis defined as strategically, because it requires a multi-step logical, systematic interaction with Page 15.28.2domain knowledge. As experts we may be blind to this interaction1; therefore, we makeassumptions about what it takes for our
). Effects of Problem-Based Learning: A meta-analysis from the angleof assessment. Review of Educational, 75 (1) 27-61.8. Brown, J. S., Collins, A., & Duguid, (1989). Situated cognition and the culture of learning. Educational Researcher, 18, 32-42.9. Collins, A, Brown, J. S., & Newman, (1989). Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching students the craft of reading, writing, and mathematics. In L. Resnick (Ed), Knowing, learning, writing, and instruction: Essays in honor of Robert Glaser (pp. 453-493). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.10. Palincsar, A. S., & Brown, A. L., (1984). Reciprocal teaching of comprehension-fostering monitoring activities. Cognition & Instruction, 1, 117-175.11. Lepper, M.R. & Henderlong, J
registration; and 3) to motivate students to learnengineering concepts related to other fields by generating enough interest in the subject5, 6. Thepast research shows that motivating the students to learn in service courses is a challengebecause most students are unable to understand the link between the knowledge acquired in theservice courses and their majors7, 8.This longitudinal study was conducted on Electronic Instrumentation and Systems (EI&S)course, a typical service course offered by the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)department of a large Midwestern university. The objective was to explore and understand theroot causes of why students underperform in service courses. The research question formulatedfor the study was: “What are
generation of concept 7, the drying rack, he emphasized the constraints of"inexpensive and portable." He also indicated flexibility in the way he interpreted the problemstatement: The problem indicated the need to design a food cooker, but he recognized the deeperproblem was that users' goals were to eat. Thus, he expanded from a strict definition of“cooking” to include designs for warming and drying other foods.Case Study 2: Engineer 2. Six diverse concepts were identified in Engineer 2's work. His firstconcept was a magnifying glass aimed at a metal pot with a cover. “Basically we’re going tomagnify the sunlight, if it were frying ants. Hopefully that will fry the water and people will behappy.” His second concept was a black pot with the driving
1 2Instructor 3 2 --- 1 1 2 3 1 1 5 1 --- ---Instructor 4 2 1 1 4 1 --- 1 --- --- 4 2 1Instructor 5 2 --- 3 3 1 ---Instructor 1’s Case:Instructor 1 believes that MEAs have the potential to change the way that engineering studentslearn to be engineers. He is particularly interested in how MEAs can facilitate ethics education inengineering and how
Thesecond study, conducted by Korte et al. in 2008, looked at 17 new engineers at a large,international car manufacturer which they termed Big Car Company. Like Polach, they showedthat new engineers in this organization relied heavily on coworkers for help and that anunderstanding of the larger organization was crucial to the understanding of their own day-to-daywork.6 Viewing these findings in terms of supports and barriers, high-quality relationships withcoworkers and an understanding of “the big picture”6 could be considered supports for newengineers while the lack of either could be considered barriers. This paper applies the samesupport/barrier framework to Korte et al.’s original data set, consisting of interviews with 59 newengineers at four
/IDP?2. What were the main sources of conflict Indentifies the sources of conflict perceivedyou experienced in your team? by the students as well as their frequency.3. Pick one or two conflict(s) that you Establishes a more detailed description ofexperienced from the list above and explain students’ perception of conflict as well ashow they affected your team its impact on their team performance.4. How did the team manage those Investigates the strategies that studentsconflicts? used to deal with team conflicts.5. Did you think that any of the conflicts Evaluates students’ understanding ofyou experienced were productive and help productive conflict.your team perform better
engaged with your major? Describe that moment/point/period. Did you seek guidance from a family member? If yes, describe how you went about seeking that guidance and what guidance your family member provided. What did you do as a result of the guidance provided? What was the result? Page 15.1310.11 References 1 Pears, A.N., Fincher, S., Adams, R. and Daniels, M. (2008). Stepping stones: Capacity building in engineering education. Proceedings from 38th Annual: Frontiers in Education Conference, 2008
mathematics in engineering education contexts. She also works in mathematics teacher professional development and design research related to students’ learning of mathematics.Judith Zawojewski, Illinois Institute of Technology Judith S. Zawojewski is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, IL. She received her B.S. in mathematics and education at Northwestern University, and her Masters and Ph. D. degrees in mathematics education at National-Louis University and Northwestern University respectively. She works Page
has been Vice-Chair of the Publication Board of the American Statistical Association. The areas of her technical expertise and current research include design of complex experiments, Bayesian inference, spatial statistics and topological foundations for statistical theory. She received her Ph.D. in Statistics in 1969 from Iowa State University. She can be contacted at sedransk@niss.orgRenata Engel, Pennsylvania State University Renata S. Engel is Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Professor of Engineering Design and Engineering Science & Mechanics. A member of the Penn State faculty since 1990, she served from 2000-2006 as the Executive Director of the Schreyer Institute for
a network of opportunities external to the universityPage 15.1122.11VI. Bibliography[1] Berger, J. B., & Lyon, S. C. (2005). Past and present: A historical view of retention. In A. Seidman (Ed.), College student retention: Formula for student success. Westport, CT: Praeger.[2] Seidman, A. (2005). College student retention: Formula for student success. Westport, CT: Praeger.[3] Tinto, V. & Pusser, B. (2006). Moving from theory to action: Building a model of institutional action for student success. Commissioned paper presented at the 2006 Symposium of the National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC).[4] Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition
succinct, redundancies are avoided, etc) 5 Figures/Tables - Figures and tables are effectively used to support the discussion (e.g. they are referenced properly from the text, they complement the information given in the text, and are complete with respect to units and labels) 6 Problem Definition - A clearly stated design problem definition is presented (e.g. what need(s) does this design meet, what are important constraints, etc.) 7 Goals/Criteria - Design goals, criteria, and functional requirements are clearly defined 8 Concept Evaluation - Design alternatives considered are presented, and a clear methodology is used for the evaluation of alternatives (e.g
This research is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EEC-0648267. We also acknowledge the support of Mitchell Nathan, L. Allen Phelps and our othercolleagues in the UW-Madison School of Education. Page 15.227.12Bibliography1. Sheppard, S., Macatangay K., Colby, A., Sullivan, W. (2009). Educating Engineers: Designing for the Futureof the Field. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.2. Trevelyan, J. (2007). Technical coordination in engineering practice. Journal of Engineering Education, 96 (3),p. 191-204.3. Wirsbinski, S., Anderson, K. J. B., Courter, S. (2009
AC 2010-1518: REFINING A CRITICAL THINKING RUBRIC FOR ENGINEERINGPatricia Ralston, University of Louisville Dr. Patricia A. S. Ralston is Chair of the Department of Engineering Fundamentals at the University of Louisville. She holds a joint appointment in Engineering Fundamentals and in Chemical Engineering. Dr. Ralston teaches undergraduate engineering mathematics and is currently involved, with other Speed faculty, in educational research on effective use of Tablet PCs in engineering education and the incorporation of critical thinking in engineering education. Her fields of expertise include process modeling, simulation, and process control.Cathy Bays, University of Louisville
protocol was also used to alleviate inherent issues thatarise when attempting to use verbal protocol to examine “team” interaction including tacitgestures not verbalized and written communication, such as notes and sketches 20. Page 15.869.7 The playground problem coding scheme was congruent with the approach used in priorstudies 7, 21-22. The data were coded into these nine categories presented below by Atman et al.8: Design Activity Example(s) Coded Example(s)(PD) PROBLEM DEFINITION Reading, re-reading, or rehashing “That means we’ll the
. Page 15.149.6The F value is calculated as: sbt 2 Fcalc ? swt 2where 2 π f s f 2 − π m sm 2 swt ? π f − πm 2 2 sbt ? ∗ nf yf / y + − n ∗y m m
]: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1967.[4] D. P. Ausubel and F. G. Robinson, School learning; an introduction to educational psychology. New York,: Holt, 1969.[5] J. Bruner, "Learning and thinking," Harvard Educational Review, vol. 29, pp. 184-192, 1959.[6] B. E. Cline, C. C. Brewster, and R. D. Fell, "A rule-based system for automatically evaluating student concept maps," Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 37, pp. 2282-2291, March 15, 2010 2009.[7] S. H. Harrison, J. L. Wallace, D. Ebert-May, and D. B. Luckie, "C-Tools Automated Grading For Online Concept Maps Works Well With A Little Help From "Wordnet"," in First International Conference on Concept Mapping, Pamplona, Spain, 2004.[8] D
(AWAKEN)" to theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison. Page 15.274.13Bibliography1 NRC. 2007. Rising Above The Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century: An Agenda for American Science and Technology, Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press.2 Fink, L. D., Ambrose, S. & Wheeler, D. (2005). Becoming a professional engineering educator: A new role for a new era. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 185-194.4
society.Results compared to the Arizona sampleAn independent samples t-test at a significance level of 0.05 was conducted to compare theINSPIRE sample to the Arizona sample previously reported in Yasar et al.’s paper 5. Therewas a significant difference in how the participants in the two studies rated the stereotypicalcharacteristics of engineers, t(165)= 3.58, p<0.01, d=0.70. The INSPIRE participants weremore likely to agree that typical engineers had people, writing and verbal skills. While theirresponses on the stereotypical characteristics of engineers showed significant differences,there were no significant differences in how the teachers in the two studies viewed theimportance and characteristics of engineering. In both studies, teachers’ rating
: Implicationsfor engineering education. In J.R. Bourne, A. Brodersen, & M. Dawant (Eds), The influence oftechnology on engineering education (pp. 36-65). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.Dessouky, M.M., Bailey, D.E., Verma, S., Adiga, S., Bekey, G.A., & Kazlauska, E. J. (1998). Avirtual factory teaching system in support of manufacturing education. Journal of EngineeringEducation, 87(4), 459-467.Ditcher, A.K. (2001). Effective teaching and learning in higher education, with particularreference to the undergraduate professional education of professional engineers. InternationalJournal of Engineering Education, 87, 459-467.Doolen, T.L., Porter, J.D., & Hoag, J. (2003). The relationship between PDA usage and studentperformance in an introductory
faculty mightconsider for instructional improvement.References[1] Canary, H., & Jennings, M. (2008). Principles and influence in Codes of Ethics: A centering resonance analysis comparing pre- and post-Sarbanes-Oxley codes of ethics. Journal of Business Ethics , 80, 263-278.[2] Carley, K. (1997). Extracting team mental models through textual analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior , 533-558.[3] Corman, S., Kuhn, T., McPhee, R., & Dooley, K. (2002). Studying complex discursive systems: Centering resonance analysis of communication. Human Communication Research , 28, 157-206.[4] Crawdad Technologies, L. (2005). Crawdad Text Analysis System version 1.2. Chandler, AZ.[5] Grosz, B., Weinstein, S., & Joshi, A. (1995). Centering
data. In this manner, five subjects were obtained by open coding on one hand, while twoconvergent subjects were observed by axial coding on the other hand. The outcomes of opencoding and axial coding are tabulated in Table 1. Table 1 Open coding and axial coding list Open coding Axial coding 1. Promoting the basic chemistry competence of 1.Basic chemistry students competence in occupation 2. Occupation domain domain 3. Basic Chemistry Competence in work place and performance of student 4. The viewpoint about attaining certificate(s) or 2.Curriculum of Chemistry certificate in vocational education system 5
instruction, and iv) PBL promotes deep learning and problem–solving skills.A. Essentials of PBL: Problem–based learning is a philosophy that has to be adapted to thespecific conditions and situation of an institution, and the nature of the specific field in which itis to be implemented. This is apparent in the different models of PBL implementation throughout the world. Therefore, there is no one –size-fits-all approach to PBL that can simply beimplemented from one institution to another 20. There are essential and required steps that have tobe mobilized at the start of PBL. At the start of learning in PBL is the selection of realproblem(s). This is, in fact, the major driving force for learning. Effort and time dedicated to theselection of problem(s
students may have. This framework is based on the works ofReiner, Slotta, Chi and Resnick 1 and Chi 2. The second framework from the works of Steif 3describes the common errors that students make in their solutions of Statics problems and theStatics concepts that they represent. Findings of this study show that students who got the answerincorrect made four common errors. In conjunction, when explaining the reasoning behind theseerrors, students talked about the force(s) as represented in the problem and solution as asubstance or a material object. Introduction The scientific principle taught in Statics is the principle of equilibrium. The primaryscience prerequisite to understanding the principle of