referred to in many patents including patents assigned to ABB, Switzerland and EPRI, USA. Currently he is a Professor and Director of the Sensor Networks and Cellular Systems (SNCS) Research Center, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. He authored papers in IEEE and other journals and conferences. He is serving on many technical committees. His research interests include simulation and visualization, sensor networks and wireless communication, power system operation and control, and neurocomputing and applications.Dr. Fares S. Almehmadi , University of Tabuk Fares S. Almehmadi received his BSc degree in electrical engineering from Umm Al Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, in 2009, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
Paper ID #16881Effective Utilization of the Analog Discovery Board Across Upper-DivisionElectrical Engineering CoursesDr. Steven S. Holland, Milwaukee School of Engineering Steven S. Holland (M ’13) was born in Chicago, IL, in 1984. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), Milwaukee, WI, in 2006, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, in 2008 and 2011 respectively. From 2006 to 2011, he was a Research Assistant working in the Antennas and Propagation Laboratory (APLab), Department of
that is equivalent to M.A. from Fontys University – Netherlands (1998). Currently, he is a Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi. His main research areas include Electromagnetics, Antennas, Phased Arrays, RF/Microwave Circuits, Numerical Methods and Engineering Education.Dr. Satinderpaul S. Devgan P.E., Tennessee State University Dr. Satinderpaul Singh Devgan is Professor and Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ten- nessee State University since 1979. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Power Systems from Illinois Institute of Technology before joining Tennessee State University in 1970. He has developed and
controllers, and successfullypass the class. The observations made on this paper are based on our multiple years ofexperience in teaching the topics as well as several informal discussions with professors in otheruniversities. It appears that some students miss the basic understanding that a controller (whetheranalog or digital) represents a transfer function (in the S-Domain or the Z-Domain) or adifferential/difference equation so that, together with the dynamics of the plant and the rest of thesystem, it allows for desired closed loop behavior.This problem can be partially alleviated during laboratory experiments when students notice thata controller’s transfer function in the S-Domain can be practically implemented using hardware,which includes op
ics s .H s er io h ue rit y al y or ds th rid io
“yes” responsesorH0: p = 0.5 vs. Ha: p < 0.5 when the claim was that there was a majority of “no” responsesIn this case, p represents the overall proportion of “yes” responses when the results for all threesections were combined.In other cases where the response was a 1-5 Likert scale rating, the proportion of selected ratings(often 4’s and 5’s or 1’s) were compared for the three sections. In many instances, thedistribution of ratings for two sections were very similar (typically for the traditional lecture andhybrid sections) so the proportions were pooled and compared to the other section. For this test,the hypotheses were:H0: p1 – p2 = 0 (i.e., p1 = p2) vs. Ha: p1 – p2 > 0 (i.e., p1 > p2) when the claim is that theproportion for
-depletion is far more than privileges need to be defined over time and space, not traditional systems. just by the user.Figure 3. Traditional vs. IWMDs security (comparison for teaching and research integration).Identifying the modularity of different cryptographic algorithms: These include algorithmssuch as SHA3 and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The sub-step includes applyingfault diagnosis and tolerance techniques specified for IWMDs.Fig. 4 shows the first part of an S-box structure for the Pomaranch cipher. The structure ofPomaranch is based on linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) which allow fast implementationand produce sequences with large period if the feedback polynomial is chosen
, “Learning and understanding key concepts of electricity,” in Connecting research in physics education with teacher education, A. Tiberghien, L. Jossem, and J. Barojas, Eds. 1998.[2] A. H. Johnstone, “Why is science difficult to learn? Things are seldom what they seem,” J. Comput. Assist. Learn., vol. 7, pp. 75–83, 1991.[3] P. Licht, “Teaching electrical energy, voltage and current: An alternative approach,” Phys. Educ., vol. 26, pp. 272–277, Sep. 1991.[4] G. Biswas, D. Schwartz, B. Bhuva, S. Brophy, T. Balac, and T. Katzlberger, “Analysis of student understanding of basic AC concepts,” 1998.[5] G. Biswas, D. L. Schwartz, B. Bhuva, J. Bransford, D. Holton, A. Verma, and J. Pfaffman, “Assessing problem
Emulation Engine (BEE) (both Ettus Research and BeeCube were part of NationalInstruments Corporation now), Rice University’s Wireless Open-Access Research Platform(WARP), Microsoft Research’s Software Radio Platform for Academic Use (SORA), andDatasoft’s Typhoon SDR Development Platform. Due to the highest versatility for lowest cost,USRP N200 kit 18 and SBX daughterboard 18 that provides 400 MHz-4400 MHz accessiblefrequency range were selected for the REU project and the educational module presented in thefollowing two sections. The main component of the USRP N200 kit is a motherboard thatconsists of a Xilinx Spartan FPGA for all the physical layer functions such as filtering,modulation/demodulation and other baseband signal processing, 100 MS/s
∆U 1 1Uwhere S is the Seebeck coefficient. Cold Hot n Contact 1 Contact 2 E E _ + VOC ε µ1 µ1 qVOC µ2 µ2 0 1 f1(E) 0 1 f2(E) Figure 9. 1-D
Paper ID #14624An Electromagnetic Railgun Design and Realization for an Electrical Engi-neering Capstone ProjectLt. Col. Jeffrey Scott McGuirk Ph.D., United States Air Force Academy Jeffrey S. McGuirk received his BSEE degree in 1995 from the United States Air Force Academy (US- AFA) in Colorado Springs, CO, and an MSEE degree from Iowa State University in 1996. From 1997- 2000, he was with the Air Force Research Laboratory at Eglin Air Force Base where he designed fuzes for weapons. From 2000-2003, he was with the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center where he directed tests on satellite communication systems
resistive electrical circuits,” Am. J. Phys. 72, 98, 2004. 5. M. Nahvi and J. Edminister, “Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits,” Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2014.6. H. N. Mok, “Teaching Tip: The Flipped Classroom,” Journal of Information Systems Education, 25(1), Spring 2014.7. O. S. Oluwatumbi, “E-Classroom of the 21st Century: Information Gaps,” Journal of Education and Practice, Vol.6, No.18, 2015.8. Waldorf, D. J., and Schlemer, L. T., “The Inside-Out Classroom: A Win-Win-Win Strategy for Teaching with Technology,” Computers in Education Journal, 3 (1) 2012.9. Harb, J. N., Durrant, S. O., and Terry, R. E., "Use of the Kolb Learning Cycle and the 4MAT System in Engineering Education
project– one that not only exercised the capabilities of the microcontroller, but also related to their ownfield(s) of endeavor. These team proposals were then evaluated and adjusted based on a) whetherthe project was too trivial; b) whether the project was overly complex for the scope of the course;and c) whether (hardware) resources were available to fulfill the project.Team projects make use of sensors and actuators that the students have had to identify during theplanning phase. Each team is in charge of its project design with the advice of the lab assistantsand the instructor. As part of the project, each team had to become familiar with sources forsensors or components for their projects. The predominant source of such components
Purdue University Calumet. In August 1986 he joined the department of electrical and computer engineering at IUPUI where he is now professor and Associate Chair of the department. His research interests include solid state devices, applied superconducting, electromagnetics, VLSI design, and engineering education. He published more than 175 papers in these areas. He received plenty of grants and contracts from Government and industry. He is a senior member of IEEE and Professional Engineer registered in the State of IndianaLauren Christopher, Electrical and Computer Engineering, IUPUI Dr. Lauren Christopher attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she received her S. B. and S. M. in Electrical Engineering
," Executive Office of the President, Washington D.C., 2012.2. White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, "," February 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 January 2016].3. E. Seymore and N. Hewitt, Talking About Leaving: Why Undergraduates Leave the Sciences, Boulder: Westview Press, 1997.4. U.S. Department of Education, "STEM Attrition: College Students' Paths Into and Out of STEM Fields," National Center for Education Statistics, Washngton DC, 2014.5. E. Shaw and S. Barbuti, "Patterns of Persistence in Intended College Major with a Focus on STEM Majors," NACADA, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 19-34, 2010.6
Paper ID #16948Innovative Course Modules for Introducing ECE to Engineering FreshmenDr. Girma Tewolde, Kettering University Girma S. Tewolde received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the M.Eng.Sc. degree from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Aus- tralia, and the Ph.D. Degree in Systems Engineering from Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. Dr. Tewolde is currently an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering in the Electrical and Computer En- gineering Department of Kettering University, Flint, MI. His areas of interest are in Embedded Systems
between operations performed using these tools and equivalent Boolean algebraic manipulations.4 3 The SS Aprille 14 81 (spring Adders - 2's Using combinational Erickson (spring 2015) comp. circuitry, be able to analyze 2015) Subtractors - 2's and design standard 53 (fall comp arithmetic
. Content problematizing in this casewas unsuccessful in involving students in grappling with and reflecting on key issues of domainknowledge. It encouraged uninspired rote learning and failed to help student to construct aknowledge base to support problem solving, leading to substantial mismatches between teachingand learning objectives. Table III. Group Discussion Discourse s for Case ILine Verbal Discourse (Group FL, N=20) Content StyleNo. Code Code1 P2: Cut this into half? Add two? P SO2 P1" Yeah---Since this has different
FPGAthroughput capable of 28MS/s (when supporting both TX and RX) and a host maximumbandwidth similarly of 20MS/s (half-duplex) via the USB 3.0 interface. Hence, the hostconnection limits the maximum bandwidth to 20MHz of complex sampled I/Q data.Mid-Range SystemsMid-range systems, as with the full-featured systems, generally function as transceivers, withfairly wide sampling rates and spectral bands. However, these devices offer fewer choices interms of RF frontend configurations and host interfaces. Furthermore, mid-range systems relymore on host processing and do not offer stand-alone systems. However, these devices still offerimpressive SDR functionality and are fully compatible with the same tools as their moreexpensive counterparts at a
broaderliterature to pair with in house created assessments and class grades. Similar results on multiplemeasures provide stronger evidence for the success or failure of the innovation’simplementation.Identifying Repositories of Educational InnovationsIt can be difficult for practitioners to find reliable information on educational innovations withevidence within a wider domain. However, the idea of presenting research on teaching andlearning in the context of particular disciplines is not new22,23. Science education, Matheducation, and Engineering Education research communities have existed for decades. The WhatWorks Clearinghouse from the Institute of Educational Sciences at the U. S. Department ofEducation is one example of a research evidence
of two online discussion TAs. Thanks go to National Instruments forsupplying the myDAQ, and to Newark element 14 for their efforts in sourcing parts for EE40LXworldwide.References[1] S. D. Sheppard, K. Macatangay, A. Colby, and W. M. Sullivan, Educating engineers: Designing for the future of the field. Jossey-Bass, 2008, vol. 2.[2] L. Yuan and S. Powell, “MOOCs and open education: Implications for higher education,” White Paper, Mar 2013.[3] D. Lowe, “MOOLs: Massive open online laboratories: An analysis of scale and feasibility,” in Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV), 2014 11th International Conference on. IEEE, 2014, pp. 1–6.[4] P. F. Mitros, K. Afridi, G. J. Sussman, C. J. Terman, J. K
researchexperience can provide quick and valuable information for faculty mentors. Faculty mentors canuse this feedback to address with participants issues that may be influencing their learning ortheir thinking about future educational or career goals, and make adjustments to improve thelearning environment before the end of the experience.References 1. Willis, D. A., Krueger, P. S., and Kendrick, A.(2013). The influence of a research experiences for undergraduates program on student perceptions and desire to attend graduate school. Journal of STEM Education, 14(2), 21-28. 2. Zydney, A. L., Bennett, J. S., Shahid, A., and Bauer, K. W. (2002). Impact of undergraduate research in engineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 91
. Fig. 4: Buck Converter SchematicThe small signal transfer function of the power stage is , where is a small changein the switching signal duty cycle, and is the corresponding change in the average outputvoltage. Simple s domain analysis shows that the transfer function of the output filter is 1 1 1 1It is well known that the change in average diode voltage due to a duty cycle change is . Making this substitution in the above equation yields 1 (2
’s two-sided of view of SoC design may have some drawbacks: Giventhe number of comments expressing frustration over certain aspects of the design, there may be arisk that the course discouraged some students from pursuing further study or employment inSoC work. If that were the case, some students might be better served by a more traditionalcourse offering that focuses more on standardized course learning objectives rather than open-ended student-driven learning. This last point is a serious consideration, and one I intend to studyin the future. I believe, however, that as I gain more experience teaching this course andaccumulate more sample projects and Zybo tutorials, students’ perceived experience willimprove. I also believe that students
class was taught in a flipped classroom format rather than by lecture using a formatpreviously demonstrated by the author [8]. Students were assigned pre-class readings and shortexplanatory videos to watch and took a short online quiz that focused on the “understand” and“apply” levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy [1]. Students could attempt the quiz multiple times.Students also were given the outline of the problem(s) they would solve in class. The outlineframed the problem(s) but did not provide any data or details. The students turned a brief outlineof the process they would use to solve the problem(s) so they would be prepared in theclassroom. In a typical class period teams of 3-4 students worked on problems with mini-lectures or assistance from the
implication of signal processing theory via real-life communications systemexamples with little difficulty.References 1. Heath, Robert W. Jr., Digital Wireless Communication: Physical Layer Exploration Lab Using the NI USRP, National Technology and Science Press, 2012. 2. Black, Bruce A., Introduction to Communications – Lab Based Learning with NI USRP and LabVIEW Communications, National Instruments, 2014. 3. Hoeffbeck, J. P. “Teaching Communication Systems with Simulink and the USRP,” American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2012 4. Oppenheim, Alan; Willsky, Alan S.; Hamid, S., Signals and Systems, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1996. 5. Chassaing, Rulph; Reay, Donald, Digital Signal Processing and
working professionals from each of computer engineering, computerscience, and electrical engineering. The judges are asked to visit each project alone so they arenot biased by each other’s questions and/or opinions. Projects are then reviewed one-on-one bythe working professionals. It is expected that the judges ask the students hard questions abouttheir projects and dive into the details as much as possible within a 20 minute timeframe. Eachworking professional completes a rubric for each project after visiting the student(s).At the end of the day, the department chair and program directors meet with the workingprofessionals for a wrap-up session. Since this group is familiar with the abilities of the students,this session is also used for
testing techniques.Bibliography[1] ABET “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs,” content/uploads/2015/04/E001-14-15-EAC-Criteria.pdf , accessed Jan. 30, 2016[2] M. McCracken, V. Almstrum, D. Diaz, M. Guzdial, D. Hagan, Y. B.-D. Kolikant, C. Laxer, L. Thomas, I. Utting, and T. Wilusz, “A multi-national, multi-institutional study of assessment of programming skills of first-year CS students,” ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 125–180, 2001.[3] R. S. Lemos, “Measuring Programming Language Proficiency,” AEDS Journal, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 261–273, Jun. 1980.[4] M. J. Stehlik and P.L. Miller, “Implementing a mastery examination in computer science,” 1985, downloaded from
pN-3 … p0. The digital DDFSuses the MSB (i.e., pN-1) as the square wave output. One interpretation is to treat the pN-1 bit as asignal that divides the output period into two equal parts (i.e., two equal phases). The values of 0and 1 are assigned to the two phases, respectively. It is possible to assign multi-bit values, suchas 2 and 7, for the amplitude, and the output wave will oscillate between 2 and 7 instead. Similarly, if two MSBs (i.e., pN-1 pN-2) are considered, the same period is divided into fourphases. Different values can be assigned to the four phases. The same concept can be extendedto S MSBs, which leads to 2S phases in a period. A phase-to-amplitude lookup table with 2Sentries can be created to define the shape of the
Technology in Learning, "Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies," U.S. Department of Education, 2010.[6] D. S. Brewer, The Effects of Online Homework on Achievement and Self-efficacy of College Algebra Students, Utah State University, 2009.[7] W. Ziemer, "WeBWorK: An Open-Source Online Homework System," in Invention and Impact: Building Excellence in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education, NSF DUE in collaboration with EHR and AAAS, 2004, pp. 169-171.[8] D. Doorn, S. Janssen and M. O’Brien, "Student attitudes and approaches to online homework," International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning