a retired United States Naval Officer. His memberships include the Eta Kappa Nu, and Tau Beta Pi honor societies.Dr. Jason S. Skinner, The Citadel Jason S. Skinner was born in Marion, South Carolina on December 10, 1975. He received the B.S. degree (with departmental honors) in electrical engineering in 1998 from The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina. He received the M.S. degree in 2002 and the Ph.D. degree in 2005, both in electrical engineering, from Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina. He joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Citadel in January 2006, where he is currently an associate professor. From May 2006 to July 2007, he also
discussednext.Question 1: The teaching methods in this course are effective. In Table 6, the frequentassessments help reinforce the concepts in the lecture per one student comment. Students likethe rewind feature to view the video when they do not understand the topic. The flipped1. The teaching methods in this course are effective:The eva l ua ti ons through the vi deo rea l l y hel p to rei nforce concepts covered i n the l ecture.I l i ked the wa y tha t the l ectures focus ed on jus t one or two poi nts a nd thoroughl y expl a i ned them. I a l s ol i ked tha t i f there wa s a topi c tha t I di d not unders ta nd i mmedi a tel y I coul d rewi nd the vi deo a nd vi ew thema teri a l a ga i n.The tea chi ng methods were a s effecti ve a s they coul d be wi
usingPowerPoint help reinforce the concepts in video mini-lectures and is consistent with paststudies7,8,9.1. The teaching methods in this course are effective:The eva l ua ti ons through the vi deo rea l l y hel p to rei nforce concepts covered i n the l ecture.I l i ked the wa y tha t the l ectures focus ed on jus t one or two poi nts a nd thoroughl y expl a i ned them. I a l s ol i ked tha t i f there wa s a topi c tha t I di d not unders ta nd i mmedi a tel y I coul d rewi nd the vi deo a nd vi ew thema teri a l a ga i n.The tea chi ng methods were a s effecti ve a s they coul d be wi th out a fa ce to fa ce.I enjoy the qui z s tyl e for the extra credi t a s wel l2. Interactive video with embedded knowledge checks enhance engagement for the student
(Exam (Final exam, intervention) improvement 1, improvement1, control) control) intervention) Data Set 1A: X = 75.4 X = 77.8 X = 6.0 X = 6.6 Control vs. All intervention, participants s = 12.9 s = 12.8 s = 10.9 s = 10.1 Prof. X N = 30 N = 27 N = 30 N = 27 (Fall 2015) X = 67.5 X = 69.8 X = 8.8 X = 8.6 Q1
. In order to answer the question, “dDo web-based programming environments increase learner content gains during and after initialinstruction?” this study focused on a subset of the pre/post assessment questions related to thefundamental CS theory. Table 5.3.1 contains some of the questions from the actual assessment. Itis important to note that question seven, regarding the illustration of sequential operation, onlycontained graphical illustrations while all the remaining questions were related to real codestatements in one of three programming languages: C++, Python or Logo. Table 5.3.1 Assessment question and corresponding computer science concept(s). Q Session (Lang) Location Assessment Question (Summary
one to what we need in the current project. We then make thenecessary changes to tailor the (old) code to our needs. We believe that this step will greatlyimprove our students’ performance and their test results.References[1] S. Brown and Z. Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill.[2] A. B. Marcovitz, Introduction to Logic Design, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill.[3] R. S. Sandige, M. L. Sandige, Fundamentals of Digital and Computer Design with VHDL, McGraw Hill.[4] F. Vahid, Digital Design with RTL Design, VHDL, and Verilog, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons.[5] J. F. Wakerly, Digital Design, Principles and Practices, 4th editon, Prentice Hall.[6] J. Pang 2015. “Active Learning in the
education facultymembers, industry practitioner(s), context experts, instructional specialists, and graduate and/orundergraduate teaching assistants. X-teams use an iterative design thinking process andreflection to explore pedagogical strategies. X-teams are also serving as change agents for therest of the department through communities of practice referred to as Y-circles.Y-circles, comprised of X-team members, faculty, staff, and undergraduate and graduate studentsin the department, are contributing to an organizational culture that fosters and sustainsinnovations in engineering education through an agile framework that blends severaldocumented change theories, including collaborative transformation, crucial conversations, andessential tension
in the following way: 1. High level understanding (e.g., experimenting with Jenga-like tower: before, during and after its collapse) 2. Bounded Input Bounded Output (e.g., hearing screeching noise from speakers using an animation and an experiment; story-telling: adjusting water temperature while taking a shower) 3. Qualitative understanding of pole location and effects on stability (e.g., in class building and flying a paper airplane with varying locations of its center of mass) 4. Connection to the s-plane (e.g., visually relating poles locations to paper and actual airplanes) 5. Connection to open loop and closed loop (e.g., performing in class broom balancing acts and imitating a slow reaction of a
spectral irradiance. Figure 4: Solar and white LED spectral distribution7. Student Feedback and Assessment MethodThe following survey questions were given to students and the results are shown below eachquestion. A five-point Likert scale was used (1: Strongly Disagree, 2: Disagree, 3: Neutral, 4:Agree, 5: Strongly Agree). Students were asked to assess how well the outcomes were met. Thetotal number of students who completed the survey was 21. Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lab, students should be able to: 1) Understand that a solar panel can produce an output voltage and current (or energy) when facing a light source. 1: S. D. 2: D 3: N 4: A 5: S. A. Avg. Avg
, andstudent-centered flipped classroom and collaborative teaching and learning environments. Whilethe evolution of GLASS is an ongoing process, its designers are continually conceptualizingways in which its full potential can be tapped for the betterment of STEM programs. Portablefiles in Quiz Transfer Interface (.qti) format are available from the authors to instructors whowish to use GLASS or adapt the approach to their courses.References1. C. P. Talley and S. Scherer, "The enhanced flipped classroom: Increasing academic performance with student-recorded lectures and practice testing in a" flipped" STEM course," The Journal of Negro Education, 2013. 82(3): p. 339-347.2. R. F. DeMara, N. Khoshavi, S. Pyle, J. Edison, R. Hartshorne, B. Chen
of all groups’ signals. In addition, each group isprovided a microphone, which acts as a receiver and allows each group to decode the uniqueinformation intended for them. The lab is given during the first week of the course, well beforethe theoretical concepts of multiuser communications have been covered in lecture, and promptsstudents to derive their own mechanism for sharing a single transmitter among several users. Avisual representation of the multiuser system model is shown in Fig. 1. 0,1,0,... team #1’s team #1’s 0,1,0,... team #1’s bits mic #1 transmitter receiver
that established the ”Center of Excellence in Signal Integrity” at Penn State Harrisburg. He was a co-author for the Best Poster Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, for the paper ”Transmitter Pre-emphasis and Adaptive Receiver Equalization for Duobinary Signaling in Backplane Channels”. In addition, of Best Paper Award at the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems 96, Seoul, Korea, for the paper ”Basis Matrix Representation of Morphological Filters with N-Dimensional Structuring Elements”.Dr. Sedig Salem Agili, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg Sedig S. Agili received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from
necessary as sometimes we are interested inless information. The Routh Table allows us to quickly find out if there are roots in the right hand side of the s-plane and, if there are, how many. This indicates stability or instability of the closed loop system.The following steps show how to obtain the Routh Table for our specific example. 50 1+ 2 =0 𝑠(1 + 𝑠⁄20) The equation can be rewritten as: 2 𝑠(1 + 𝑠⁄20) + 50 = 0 1 1 𝑠3
) q[n] DCC s[n] RFFE A/D (N) q(t) q[n] s[n] t n nFigure 2: Illustration of the software defined radio receiver and its operation in converting an in-tercepted analog passband signal r(t) to a digital baseband signal s[n]. The analog-to-digital con-verter (A/D) identified in the illustration is emphasized at the beginning of the course to highlightthe importance of the translation between the analog and digital domains.Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet-of-Things (IoT).In
Paper ID #18647ECE Teaching and Learning: Challenges in Teaching Digital Signal Process-ingDr. S. Hossein Mousavinezhad, Idaho State University is the principal investigator of the National Science Foundation’s research grant, National Wireless Re- search Collaboration Symposium 2014; he has published a book (with Dr. Hu of University of North Dakota) on mobile computing in 2013. Professor Mousavinezhad is an active member of IEEE and ASEE having chaired sessions in national and regional conferences. He has been an ABET Program Evaluator for Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering as well as Engineering Education
instructionalmethods to maintain students’ interest in the topic(s) beyond the 15 minutes.Inductive teaching and active learning have been acknowledged as efficient instructionalstrategies that increase undergraduate student performance as well as their interests in science,technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines [7]. Inductive teaching usesexperiments, case studies, and real-word problems as challenges to stimulate students’ interestsin the course material and encourage the students to approach to higher level of learning domain[5]. Active learning is defined as instructional methods that engage students in the learningprocess through interactive learning activities in class [8]. Hake [9] compared the results ofconceptual understanding
Engineers (IEE) Marconi Premium, 2005 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) MTT-S Microwave Prize, 2005 UMass Dartmouth Scholar of the Year Award, 2012 Colorado State University System Board of Governors Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2012 IEEE Region 5 Outstanding Engineering Educator Award, 2014 Carnegie Founda- tion for the Advancement of Teaching Colorado Professor of the Year Award, 2015 American Society for c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Paper ID #18616 Engineering Education ECE Distinguished Educator Award, 2015 IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award
theinitial pre-surveys of students enrolled in the 11 of the 13 HBCUs where research was completed atthe beginning of the fall 2015 and spring 2016 semesters and the final post-surveys assessing theirunderstanding of the project and electrical engineering concepts at the end of fall 2015 and spring2016 semesters. The goal of the N S F - f u n d e d project was to increase the number ofhighly qualified and prepared engineering students, particularly African American engineers, aswell as to ensure electrical engineering students and graduates have a better understanding oftechnology and its role in STEM education and the policy associated with it. Another key goal ofthe project was to promote wide spread dissemination and usage of portable hands-on
, evaluating, and selecting credible evidence or relevant examples; ● organizing ideas and information consistent with the purpose; ● demonstrating a nuanced understanding of audience(s) and word choice; ● adhering to acceptable mechanical, structural, and format style guidelines appropriate to the discipline and purpose; and ● using effective visual representations to enhance, focus, and amplify written communication and text.SLO 2 measures the voluntary student engagement in the process of writing through the use ofthe following practices and articulating the impacts of engaging in this process: ● Researching ● Drafting ● Reflecting ● Collaborating ● Revising ● EditingAs each program joins as a WEP, the QEP
designed and carried out inthe future.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant EEC-1519438. Anyopinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and are not those of the NationalScience Foundation.References1. Chen, T., Maciejewski, A. A., Notaros, B. M., Pezeshki, A., & Reese, M. D. “Mastering the Core Competencies of Electrical Engineering through Knowledge Integration”. American Society for Engineering Education. 2016 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, LA.2. Maciejewski, A. A., Chen, T. W., Byrne, Z. S., de Miranda, M. A., Sample McMeeking, L. B., Notaros, B. M., Pezeshki, A., Roy S., Leland, A. M., Reese, M. D., Rosales, A. H., Siller, T. J., Toftness, R. F
Paper ID #19149Capstone - Rules of EngagementDr. Afroditi Vennie Filippas, Virginia Commonwealth University Dr. Filippas received her B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece. After earn- ing her M. S. and Ph. D. from the University of Texas at Austin, she completed post-doctoral research with the Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications in Athens, Greece. Post-academically, she worked for Ansoft Corporation as a research scientist spearheading the development of the next genera- tion code for Ansoft DesignerTM. Dr. Filippas joined Virginia Commonwealth University as an Assistant
used to rank eachcandidate in which a low GPA would not automatically disqualify an applicant as long as therewere other positive aspects within the application. Positive aspects included: extracurricularactivities that demonstrate ability to work on a team, personal statement demonstrates a passionfor a particular area of research that matches the planned REU projects, no prior researchexperience, home institution lacks research opportunities, high GPA in particular course(s),and/or exceptional recommendation letter(s). At least six quality applicants from the target poolwere selected. The remaining four slots would go to the highest ranked applicant in either targetor non-target pool.The only factor that could automatically disqualify an
and the Eccles et al. Model of Achievement-Related Choices. In Handbook of competence and motivation, eds. A.J. Elliot and C.S. Dweck. New York: The Guilford Press.Echo Ridge (2017). Dyse – Dynamic Spectrum Environment Emulator, http://www.echoridgenet.com/products/dyse.Evans, J. S. B. T. (2003). In two minds: Dual-process accounts of reasoning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7(10), 454-459. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2003.08.012Evans, Jonathan St. B. T. (2009). How many dual-process theories do we need? one, two, or many? (). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199230167.003.0002Gee, J. P. (2003). What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy (1st ed.). New York
. (2012). Upside down and inside out: Flip your classroom to improve studentlearning. Learning & Leading with Technology, 39(8), 12-17.[4] Herreid, C. F., & Schiller, N. A. (2013). Case studies and the flipped classroom. Journal ofCollege Science Teaching, 42(5), 62-66.[5] Strayer, J. F. (2007). The effects of the classroom flip on the learning environment: Acomparison of learning activity in a traditional classroom and a flip classroom that used anintelligent tutoring system (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University).[6] Mason, G. S., Shuman, T. R., & Cook, K. E. (2013). Comparing the effectiveness of aninverted classroom to a traditional classroom in an upper-division engineering course. IEEETransactions on Education, 56(4
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Time (s) -5 x 10 Fig. 6. MATLAB simulation of a square pulse (Amplitude=2V, Pulse width= 0.1 µs). 2.5 2 Voltage (V) 1.5 1 0.5 0 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Time (s) -5
aerospaceGraphic organizers are described in [56] by Felder and Brent who provide an example on page viof [56]. Graphic organizers “preview material to be covered in class and/or summarize what wascovered and put it in a broader context.”56In the case of this two-course sequence, the VLSI Graphic Organizer gave students the bigpicture of the circuit design process in the context of authentic industrial and aerospaceproblems. The use of a graphic organizer is expected to be helpful because approximately 80%of engineering students are visual learners [27, Table 1].2) Learning objectivesFor each homework assignment, laboratory exercise, and exam, students are provided with atable mapping each problem to the appropriate course learning objective(s). This
to the question “List the part(s) of today’s program you enjoyed most,” were more varied,but many fell into two general categories: • Nearly half of the responses (37/75, 49%) included some element of the overall experience that was enjoyable, such as learning something new, interacting with the University students, and the satisfaction of getting the circuit to function correctly. • A large portion of responses (30/75, 40%) included specific portions of the project that were enjoyable, such as learning how to wire circuits or learning about how computers work.There were relatively fewer responses to the question “List two ways to improve today’s program.” • A majority of the responses (40/67, 60%) indicated that no
asked if the students would recommend the course to their friends (not shownin the figure), 100% said yes (with response choices of yes or no). Figure 6. Average Responses to Survey Monkey survey questions.In the open-ended questions of the survey, students reported their top three reasons for taking thecourse were: 1. To experience the American (and other) culture(s) and a different education method 2. To improve their practical / hands on skills 3. To learn more about robotics specifically.To that effect, they also reported the top three ways to improve the class would be to: 1. Have students from multiple different countries in the class 2. Either slow down significantly or spend less time on the tougher
. Kim , M.F. Chouikha, D. Newman, K. Gullie, A.A. Eldek, S. S. Devgan, A.R. Osareh, J. Attia, S. Zein-Sabatto, and D. L. Geddis, “Experimental Centric Pedagogy in Circuits and Electronics Courses at 13 Universities,” Proc. of ASEE 123rd Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016.
-government-is-pouring-money-into-the-internet-of- things-2016-54. Ashton, K., 2016, “Beginning the Internet of Things”, Web blog post, medium.com, 18 Mar. 2016.5. Rose, K., Eldridge, S., Chapin, L., The Internet of Things: An Overview. Understanding the Issues and Challenges of a More Connected World, Internet Society, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015.6. http://www.iotcenter.wisc.edu/7. http://www.umassd.edu/engineering/ece/research/keyresearchareas/computerengineering/iotr esearch/8. https://www.cmu.edu/integrated-innovation/research/iot/index.html9. Seymour, E., Hunter, A., Laursen, S. L., Deantoni, T., 2004, Establishing the Benefits of Research Experiences for Undergraduates in the Sciences: First Findings from a Three-Year