Paper ID #29146WIP: Exploring Pedagogical Alternatives for Incorporating Simulations inan Introductory Power Electronics CourseMr. Mohamed Khaled Elshazly, University of Toronto Mohamed Elshazly is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). He is currently engaged in developing support simulations for teaching introductory power electronics to undergraduate ECE students, as well as providing techni- cal support. Mohamed’s main research interests are numerical simulations and computational materials science, focusing on quantum mechanical
[8] as well as courses utilizing active learning rather than a lecture-based approach have beenshown to predict GPA among engineering students [9]. In a further effort to close this divide, a multidisciplinary Scholarships for Science,Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) National Science Foundation (NSF)program was undertaken to recruit, retain, and develop leadership skills in underrepresentedstudents majoring in electrical, computer, and software engineering (ECSE) at a largeMidwestern university (computer science majors were not housed in this department). It washypothesized that the program would result in higher academic performance among programparticipants than in their non-participating peers, as indicated by their
appropriate realistic constraints, including consideration of health, safety, etc., to the engineering problem for the capstone design. Measure: Evaluated in final CPEN 3850 report • Competency: Students demonstrate ability to generate effective solution(s) to the capstone design problem formulated in CPEN 3850, including identified constraints. Measure: Evaluated in final CPEN 4850 report [1]Thus, in order to determine whether students can both identify and apply appropriate standardsand constraints, and apply these in an engineering design, it was decided that it was necessary toevaluate students continuously working on a project; therefore, measuring in sequentialsemesters was specified. Other required
. Guskey, and L. A. Jung, “Response-to-intervention and mastery learning: tracing roots and seekingcommon ground,” The Clearing House, vol. 84, no. 6, pp. 249-255, 2011[3] – M. W. Bonner, “Grading rigor in counselor education: a specifications grading framework,” EducationalResearch Quarterly, vol. 39, no. 4, pp 21-42, 2016[4] – G. G. Shaker, and S. K. Nathan, “Teaching about celebrity and philanthropy: a case study of backward coursedesign,” The Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, vol. 8, nr. 4, pp 403-421, 2018[5] – J. Ring, “Specifications Grading in the Flipped Organic Classroom,” Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 94,no. 12, pp 2005-2006, 2017[6] – L. Pope, H. B. Parker, and S. Ultsch, “Assessment of specifications grading in an
thathave collaborated with educational institutions to make curriculum more responsive to workforceneeds. The technology trends listed above are further enabled by industries such as thesemiconductor [3] and wireless [4], both of which are facing acute shortage of new talent. Hence,in addition to employer-specific training, it is imperative that engineering programs update theircurricula and pedagogy to include experiential learning experiences that would better preparegraduates to meet industry expectations. Building the workforce of tomorrow is the sharedresponsibility of industry and higher education establishments.As part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the American Society for EngineeringEducation (ASEE)’s joint initiative called
keying. The data streams then are transmittedsimultaneously over the sub-carriers at a low symbol rate. The total data rate is maintained to besimilar to the conventional single-carrier modulation schemes in the same bandwidth 21. At thereceiver side, reverse operations of the transmitter are performed. The RF signal is first down-converted to baseband for processing. Then, the signal is low pass filtered, converted to digitalsignal using an analog-to-digital (A/D) converter, and down sampled. The serial stream ofsampled time signal is converted into parallel streams by the serial-to-parallel (S/P) converterand the cyclic prefix is discarded from the received composite signal. The Fast FourierTransform (FFT) is used to transform the time domain
solution. When testing CAIRwith the student group, future work could study how students approach self-assessment usingCAIR. Along with the outcomes-based performance analysis, it would be beneficial to examinehow CAIR influences student problem-solving strategies over time.References[1] A. Carberry, M. Siniawski, S. A. Atwood, and H. A. Diefes-Dux, “Best practices for using standards-based grading in engineering courses,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2016.[2] R. L. Olds, B. M., Moskal, B. M., & Miller, “Assessment in engineering education: Evolution, approaches and future collaborations,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 13–25, 2005.[3] R. Stiggins, “From formative assessment to
5 0.20* Number of hours spent on SS homework in an average week 7.40 -0.28** Instructional quantity Self-reported attendance 63.8% -0.02 Home env. Highest educational status of parent(s)/gaurdian(s) Bachelors 0.21* Classroom env. 5-point scale on if the learning environment was comfortable 4 0.09 Peer group 5-point scale on if peers helped with their understanding 3 and 4 -0.12*significant at p< 0.10, **significant at p< 0.01,Table 2: Correlation between factors in the MoEP [15] and the SSCI post-test score
, Power system Author 6 Mechanical Engr. student Liquid cooling systemTable 3: Team CrayowulfFor SBCs, the team chose the Nvidia Jetson TX-2 because each board has a six-core 2-GHzARMv8 64-bit CPU complex, a 1.3-GHz 256-core GPU, and 8 GB of memory. The TX-2’s GPUprovides vector-like SIMD processing, and the vast majority of the current top ten supercomputersin the world are powered by GPUs [20].In October, the team got to work, with Author 6 researching liquid cooling systems and how onemight be designed for the Nvidia Jetson TX-2 SBCs, Author 5 researching post-quantumencryption algorithms and how they might be implemented on a cluster, Author 3 researching thehardware to be purchased, as well as Beowulf cluster system
, CPS1192 Computer Science II, and CPS 2271 DataStructures, in which Computer Science I and II are C/C++ programming courses.A fast-paced and practical term project is assigned to the students after the 2nd interim exam,which is approximately one month before the end of the semester. Each student is requestedto design and implement an image classifier using CNN. The student is expected to usetransfer learning to customize one or more pre-trained neural networks for new classes.The new network(s) should be able to distinguish at least two new classes that are notincluded in the pre-trained networks. Heavy coding is not required for this project, but eachstudent needs to learn how to collect his (her) own database, install deep learning librariesand
allowable DC gain value the controller is allowed to take. However, there isa downside to this change as this additional block reduces the effective loop gain by 1/𝐾max, since the loopequation is now: 𝐶(𝑠)𝑃(𝑠) 𝐿(s) = 𝑠𝐾max (3)To prevent a reduction in loop-gain, we introduce a constant gain of 𝐾max in the feedback loop (as shownin Figure 8) and the loop equation is now in the same form as the original system in Figure 3. While theaddition of extra gain in the feedback path solves the problem with reduction of loop-gain, it results inreduction in the steady
Paper ID #28319Microprocessor Design LearningMr. Dominic Zucchini, Missouri University of Science and Technology Dominic Zucchini is senior in at the S&T Cooperative Engineering program in Springfield. He is studying for his degree major in Electrical Engineering and minor in Computer Engineering. He has taken all courses in computer engineering available in the cooperative program and is now exploring curriculum outside of the classroom through research projects such as the WIMPAVR. His research interests include embedded system programming and ASIC design.Mr. Justin Chau, Missouri University of Science and Technology
they prioritize their competing career goals? What are some actions that the candidate(s) can take to negotiate for a better offer? 4 Please share your experience or suggestions on how to achieve work-life balance. What are some strategies to achieve equal partnership at home when you are in a dual- career relationship? How should one entice, encourage, or even “train” a partner to become an equal partner at home? From your personal experience, can you offer any tips on starting/expanding a family in regard to the tenure clock? 5 In general, what is the climate that one may expect to experience from colleagues when in a dual-career relationship? More often than not, the partner hire is perceived by colleagues as
instructor-centric teaching performances.The remainder of this subsection is organized paragraph-wise according to the context ofteaching methods. Each paragraph contains a synthesis of studies concerning one context-area:out-of-class activities, in-class activities, projects/labs, or lectures.Three of the four studies focus on out-of-class methods [5], [10], [11], while two concernin-class methods [12], [8] ([8] applies both in- and out-of-class). [5] and [9] both study the effectof online homework on student learning. [9]’s WeBWorK framework is a simple, open-sourceonline homework platform which translates typical circuits problems into a digital context,randomizing values in problems to prevent cheating. The authors conclude that WeBWorK “is
. Kastner, T. Levin, T. Nguyen, and C. Irvine, “Moats and drawbridges: An isolation primitive for reconfigurable hardware based systems,” in 2007 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP ’07), May 2007. [2] A. Carpenter, “A hardware security curriculum and its use for evaluation of student understanding of ece concepts,” in 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2018. [3] A. Carpenter and R. Hansen, “Supervising undergraduate cybersecurity projects,” in 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2019. [4] S. Bratus, A. Shubina, and M. Locasto, “Teaching the principles of the hacker curriculum to undergraduates,” in Proceedings of the 41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ser. SIGCSE ’10, 2010
Science.Dr. Susan Niki Ritchey, Texas A&M University Dr. S. Niki Ritchey is an Associate Professor of Practice at Texas A&M University. She earned BS and MS degrees in Nuclear Engineering at Texas A&M University and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University. She worked as a Research Engineering for Heat Transfer Research, Inc. conducting experimental research on condensation in heat exchangers. She currently teaches students how to program using Python in the first year engineering program. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Work in Progress: A Project-Based Learning Alternative for First Year Engineering StudentsAbstractSome
active classrooms,” in 123rd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2016.[5] T. F. Nelson Laird, R. Shoup, G. D. Kuh, and M. J. Schwarz, “The effects of discipline on deep approaches to student learning and college outcomes,” Res. High. Educ., vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 469– 494, 2008.[6] E. P. Douglas, “Student construction of knowledge in an active learning classroom,” ASEE Annu. Conf. Expo., 2011.[7] D. L. Evans et al., “Tools for assessing conceptual understanding in the engineering sciences,” Front. Educ. Conf., p. 7803, 2002.[8] T. Pinarbaşi, N. Canpolat, S. Bayrakçeken, and Ö. Geban, “An investigation of effectiveness of conceptual change text-oriented instruction on students’ understanding of solution
actuators and programthe car in order to accomplish the following tasks upon execution of the program: 1. The desired speed of the car is taken from the user in m/s unit. Once the user enters the speed, the car starts moving. 2. The car follows a 2.5cm-wide black line on a white surface. 3. If there is an obstacle on the way, the car stops, goes around the obstacle, and continues its path.In addition to these features, students should be able to control the car manually from their phoneor their computer. Figure 1: Osoyoo Robot CarIII. A. HardwareThe main components in our robot car project are as follows: i. Line follower sensors ii. Ultrasonic sensor iii. Camera iv. DC motors v
preparinggraduates for new challenges.REFERENCES[1] Chu, P.P., "Integrating Computer Engineering Labs with a ‘Sound Theme’ ", Proceedings 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 2016.[2] Sheppard, S., et al., Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field. Jossey-Bass, 2009.[3] Sheppard, S., et al., Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field. Jossey-Bass, 2009, Book Highlights,; see Figures 1 and 2 on pages 9-10.[4] Foist, R.B., Xu X., Gage, T., Truitt, S., and Schmidt, M., “A First-Year Electronics Lab Project—Design of Basic Voltmeter plus Soldering Tutorial”, Proceedings 2018 First Year Engineering Conference, June 2018.[5
, and Robert J. Beichner. Students’ understanding of direct current resistive electrical circuits. American Journal of Physics 72, no. 1 2004, 98-115.Finn, B. & Tauber, S. K. (2015). When Confidence Is Not a Signal of Knowing: How Students’ Experiences and Beliefs About Processing Fluency Can Lead to Miscalibrated Confidence. Educational Psychology Review, 27, 567–586.Fiorella, L., R. E. Mayer. "Eight ways to promote generative learning." Educational Psychology Review 28, no. 4 (2016): 717-741.Holton, Douglas L., Amit Verma and Gautam Biswas. Assessing student difficulties in understanding the behavior of AC and DC circuits. 2008.Limón, M.J. and instruction, On the cognitive conflict as an
feedback. The authorswould also like to thank the staff of Department of the Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience (EECS) at the University of Michigan for their help in organizing the Electrify summercamp; special thanks to Silvia Dykstra for providing the pie charts in Figure-5 and 6.References[1] J. Rogelj, D. Shindell, K. Jiang, S. Fifita, P. Forster, V. Ginzburg, C. Handa, H. Kheshgi, S. Kobayashi, E. Kriegler et al., “Mitigation pathways compatible with 1.5 c in the context of sustainable development,” 2018.[2] “Global ev outlook 2019: Scaling-up the transition to electric mobility,” IEA 2019, May 2019.[3] A. Daga, J. M. Miller, B. R. Long, R. Kacergis, P. Schrafel, and J. Wolgemuth, “Electric fuel pumps for wireless power
interactiveevaluation approaches will be discussed.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under award EEC-1623125. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.IntroductionResearchers and faculty have long acknowledged the challenges with undergraduate STEMteaching. As such, many engineering departments are striving to shed antiquated policies andrevolutionize department structures to enhance departmental climates, improve undergraduateeducation, heighten student retention, and increase student recruitment (particularly forunderrepresented students). However, attempts to improve curricula are often
those who elected not to take it (blue). It is not surprisingthat students who scored in the 90’s were not interested in the mastery exercise or the second-chance exam. The majority of students who chose to take the second-chance exam consists ofthose who scored at and below 80% (C, D, and F grades) and, especially, those in the long tail onthis first-chance assessment. While the mean grade on the first-chance exam 2 for all 404students was 70.9%, the mean grade (standard deviation = 23.9) of those who later elected totake second-chance exam 2 (N=208) was only 62.2% (standard deviation = 18.9) which is nearlya full letter grade lower than the class average. Even more significantly, this mean grade of thosewho elected later to take second-chance
MATH 204 (Elementary Linear Algebra) EE111 (Circuit Analysis I) Textbook “Electric Circuits”, Nilsson J.W., Riedel S., Prentice Hall # of Credits 4 Schedules 10 weeks with 3 hours of lecture and 2 hours of lab per weekTable 3: Course Information of EE210 Circuit Analysis II Desire Learning Outcomes of EE210 Circuit Analysis II 1. Analyze RL, RC, and RLC switching circuits with DC sources 2. Understand and competent in analyzing simple AC circuits using complex numbers, reactance, impedance, and phasors. 3. Understand the concepts involved with power in AC circuits. 4. Be able to design and analyze AC RLC circuits. 5. Understand the concepts of frequency response
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determine if theapplied approach in circuits is a broadly beneficial practice or only a stylistic preference of thisparticular instructor.References [1] S.A. Zekavat, K. Hungwe, and S. Sorby. An optimized approach for teaching the interdisciplinary course electrical engineering for non majors. In ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR, 2005. [2] Hooman Rashtian and Jun Ouyang. A New Application-Oriented Electronic Circuits Course for non-Electrical Engineering Students Using Arduino and NI VirtualBench. In ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Columbus, OH, 2017. doi: 10.18260/1-2–27490. [3] Kenneth Van Treuren. Encouraging Students to See the Role of Service Courses in Their Major. In ASEE Annual Conference and
shows that the first error in the sourceis highlighted after compilation error occurs. This will help students fix the compilation errorsone at a time. Fig. 1b shows the simulation results where s=1, f=i[1]=1. This is important forstudents to identify logical errors as the simulation is fast and doesn’t need the hardware board.Fig. 1c shows the DE2 board interface. Eighteen switches and four key presses are used as inputscontrolled by mouse clicks on a computer. Eighteen led red lights, eight led green lights and, eight7-segment displays are used as outputs. Anyone can access the board as a viewer. When there aremultiple users using the board as controllers, since there is only one hardware board there is awaitlist. The active controller is set
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