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Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education II
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alyssa Magleby, University of Utah; Cynthia Furse, University of Utah
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Electrical and Computer
, Inc., a spin off company commercializing devices to locate intermittent faults on live wires. Dr. Furse is a Fellow of the IEEE. Page 13.832.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2008 LAB REPORT WRITING (AND TEACHING!) MADE EASYAbstractThis paper reports on a project to improve students’ ability to write better lab reports and assistteaching assistants (TAs) in grading reports in a consistent manner. A lab report teaching systemwas developed that includes lab report templates, teaching assistant instructions, grading rubrics,examples, peer review materials and instructions, and recommendations for quickly
Conference Session
ECE Pedagogy and Assessment II
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Suk Kim Chin, Australian Catholic University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
students to finish in one semester. To solve the problem of slow start with poorplanning, the project is divided into six tasks; the first two are to initiate students individuallyinto the project, as teams are to be formed only during the fourth week of semester. Theremaining tasks are for when teams are formed. It is expected that by the time the teams areformed, each student is already familiar with the project and this is shown via continuous onlinediscussions as well as written reports. Students who contribute more towards the project,evidenced by online discussions as well as CATME student peer evaluation results, are givenbonus marks. It is anticipated that this framework can change the high achievers’ perception ofteamwork; in normal
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Baker, Texas Tech University; Brian Nutter, Texas Tech University; Mohammed Saed, Texas Tech University
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Electrical and Computer
the program in general and of each team’s progress, severalfactors were determined to be significant. The presence of a strong peer role model andan active industry mentor influenced the level of involvement of each team member andthe progress each team made toward achieving their project goals.Introduction This paper describes a program in the Electrical and Computer Engineering(ECE) Department at Texas Tech University that provides research and designopportunities for freshmen and pre-freshmen engineering students. The goal of theprogram was to increase recruitment and retention of students in ECE by exposing themto engineering through paid internships that focused on projects with social or communitysignificance. The program was
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wookwon Lee, Gannon University; Fong Mak, Gannon University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
presentation forpeople emphasis, to list a 90few. Peer-evaluation itself 1 Understand ethics 80was considered a good 2 Develop design-for-testing conceptstool to encourage students 70 3 Skills for mgmt. of engr. design projectfor a better presentation % Participants 60 4 Skills for effective tech. writing & oral pres.and class participation. 50 40Student EvaluationResults of Course 30Outcomes
Conference Session
ECE Pedagogy and Assessment I
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Golanbari, University of the Pacific; Rick Garlikov, Garlikov.Com
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Electrical and Computer
self-directed and independent, yet collaborative, learners who possess animproved ability to speak, write and listen and the mental discipline needed to applysound judgment and problem-solving skills to novel problems.Motivation for Using the Socratic Questioning and Some Specific Techniques forImplementing the Socratic MethodTeaching occurs not just through imparting information but also through arousingintellectual passions and enthusiastically presenting an example of thought in action. Allknowledge, like all education, is ultimately driven by the questions asked. Asengineering educators, one of our tasks is to pose the right questions, and help students tolearn to ask the right questions and to learn to formulate reasoned answers. These
Conference Session
Design in the ECE Curriculum
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jin-Hwan Lee, University of Cincinnati; Ali Asgar Bhagat, University of Cincinnati; Karen Davis, University of Cincinnati; Ian Papautsky, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
in an active laboratory experience.5 Both senior projectswere designed to give undergraduate students an opportunity to introduce and experience amultidisciplinary research project, which is common to the fields of MEMS and BioMEMS. Page 13.1042.3Furthermore, team projects provided an opportunity for peer learning, teaching, and tutoring aswell as expository instruction from faculty members.II. Typical project structureA typical senior project in BioMEMS consists of three quarters, and an additional fourth quarteras an advanced optional research during the following summer. Throughout the course of theirprojects, senior students are required to
Conference Session
Embedded System Design
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alex Doboli, State University of New York-Stony Brook; Eddie Currie, Resonance Publications, Inc.; Patrick Kane, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation; Dave Van Ess, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
prepared by the engineering staff at Cypress Semiconductor Inc. This book is also available at For an evaluation copy please contact • Several student design projects were defined and completed, including embedded controllers, encryption systems1, temperature log systems, monitoring systems, and telephone log systems. • As a byproduct, this effort identified interesting research in the area of design methodologies for reconfigurable Σ∆ ADC design. Papers have been published in peer- reviewed conference proceedings.The main goal of the course material is to teach students the fundamental, theoretical conceptsand practical skills required in designing and building
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education II
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Aleksandr Panchul, UTSA; David Akopian, UTSA
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
% send email on their phones, exchanging some 200 email messages eachweek. 66% email peers about classes; 44% email for studying. In contrast, only 43% email onPCs, exchanging an average of only 2 messages per week. Only 20% had used a PDA. 71% ofthe subjects preferred receiving educational materials on mobile phones rather than PCs. 93%felt that its valuable to use phones for teaching. In the UK it is estimated that 81% of 11-15 yearolds and 96% of 16-24 year olds have a mobile phone [7]. Similar projects have been establishedin Europe as well. An example of a pan-European research and development study with partnersin Italy, Sweden and the UK is the "m-learning" project [8]. Its aim is to use portabletechnologies to provide literacy and