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˜ na (La Coru˜ na)’ ’´s-Hertogenbosch’ ’Aachen’ ’A Coru˜ na (La Coru˜ na)’ ’Aalborg’ ’Aachen’ ’Aba’ ’Aalborg’ ’Abadan’ ... ... Table 2: Differences in sorting results between SQL’s ORDER BY and Python’s sorted()4.3 Providing high-quality feedbackUnderstanding why a probing test fails is important. However, even more crucial is informingstudents how they can
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. The circuit below represents an AC circuit in steady-state in the phasor domain (for the complex numbers, you may assume units are V, A, Ω, etc. as appropriate). The current source 𝑖𝑆 is an AC source with 𝜔 = 5 rad/s. Each box represents the impedance of a single circuit element (a resistor, capacitor or inductor). Find the average power 𝑃𝑠 supplied by the voltage source. Figure 1. Example of a holistic problem design. Table 1. Grading rubric for the holistic problem example. Holistic problem design -0.5 Calculation error -0.5 Sign error power supplied/received -0.5 Answer with complex power instead of
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G. Tcheslavski, J, Yoo, S. SayilAbstract Laboratory experience is among the key components in engineering education. It ishighly instrumental and plays a significant role in students’ knowledge building, application, anddistribution. Learning in laboratories is interactive and often collaborative. On the other hand,students, who learn engineering through online mechanisms, may face challenges with labs,which were frequently documented during the recent pandemic. To address such challenges,innovative online lab learning modules were developed, and learning strategies wereimplemented in five courses in electrical engineering, Circuits I, Electronics I, Electronics II,Signals and Systems, and Embedded System, through which students gain
ECSE Department Head from 2001 to 2008 and served on the board of the ECE Department Heads Association (ECEDHA) from 2003 to 2008. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE.Dr. Mohamed F. Chouikha, Prairie View A&M University Dr. Mohamed Chouikha is a professor and chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Howard University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Coloradoˆa C”Boulder. Dr. Chouikhaˆa C™s research inteDr. John C. Kelly Jr., North Carolina A&T State University Dr. John C. Kelly, Jr. is interim chair and associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina A and T State University. He received his
)/dt 5 h[n] = s[n] -s delta[n] = [n-1] u[n]-u[n-1
anadditional expectation or burden. Participation rate has been relatively high since the launch ofthis module (77.5%, 78.7%, 54.2%, and 78.6%, respectively, from Fall 2020 to Spring 2022). Inthe future, we plan to continue making improvements to the modules, create surveys to collectmore student feedback, and conduct a follow-up study of student performance in subsequentcourses to analyze the impact of these extended learning opportunities.References[1] S. J. Matthews, J. C. Adams, R. Brown, and E. Shoop, “Incorporating parallel computing inthe undergraduate computer science curriculum,” in Proceedings of the 51st ACM TechnicalSymposium on Computer Science Education, 2020.[2] Z. Zhu, U.K. Bhowmik, Y. Wang, Z. Cheng, and Y. W. Chen, “Having it all
mathematics.” Educational Studies in Mathematics, vol. 113, no. 1, p. 475–498, 2023. [9] H. L. Erickson, L. A. Lanning, and R. French, Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction for the Thinking Classroom, Second Edition. Corwin, 2017.[10] C. B. Dean, E. R. Hubbell, H. Pitler, and B. Stone, Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement, 2nd Edition. ASCD, 2012.[11] B. Daley, C. Shaw, T. Balistrieri, K. Glasenapp, and L. Piacentine, “Concept maps: a strategy to teach and evaluate critical thinking,” Journal of Nursing Education, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 42–47, Jan. 1999.[12] C. M. Harris and S. Zha, “Concept mapping: a critical thinking technique,” Education, vol. 134, no. 2, pp. 207–211
, economic, environmental, and societal contexts Unsatisfactory (1) Developing (2) Satisfactory (3) Exemplary (4) (4.1) Identify Student is not able Student can identify Student can identify Student can identify ethical dilemma(s) to identify ethical basic and obvious major ethical issues several and complex or issue(s) within issues (dilemmas) ethical issues (dilemmas) in a issues (dilemmas) in an engineering in cases in a given (dilemmas) in a given scenario and a given scenario and context. scenario. given scenario but clearly
., Goetz, T., Frenzel, A. C., Barchfeld, P., & Perry, R. P. (2011). Measuringemotions in students’ learning and performance: The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire(AEQ). Contemporary Educational Psychology, 36(1), 36-48.[2] Dweck, C. S. (2000). Self-theories: Their role in motivation, personality, and development.Psychology Press.[3] Elliot, A. J., & McGregor, H. A. (2001). A 2× 2 achievement goal framework. Journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology, 80(3), 501-519.[4] Wigfield, A., & Eccles, J. S. (2000). Expectancy–value theory of achievement motivation.Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25(1), 68-81.[5] Hidi, S., & Renninger, K. A. (2006). The four-phase model of interest development.Educational Psychologist, 41(2), 111-127
subject. The next subject offering will address this latter point bymore heavily guiding students through a short design cycle iteration early in semester. Studentswill then be able to use this design cycle as a model on which to base their subsequent designiterations.References [1] J. E. Mills and D. F. Treagust, “Engineering education: is problem-based or project-based learning the answer?” Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, n.2003-3, 20 Dec. 2003. [2] E. Crawley, J. Malmqvist, S. Ostlund, D. Brodeur, and K. Edstrom, Rethinking Engineering Education, the CDIO Approach. Springer, 2014. [3] T. F. Collins, R. Getz, D. Pu, and A. M. Wyglinski, Software-Defined Radio for Engineers. Artech House, 2018. https
improve the preparation of thestudents for doing future QC research.AcknowledgmentsWe wish to thank Peter Kutt, students Maggie Sullivan, Kevin Wang, Mike Murphy, and KyleGeary, and support from the Loyola Hauber Fellowship fund.References1. S. Laursen, A.-B. Hunter, E. Seymour, H. Thiry, and G. Melton, Undergraduate Research in the Sciences: Engaging Students in Real Science, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010.2. D. Lopatto, “Undergraduate Research as a High-Impact Student Experience,” Association of American Colleges and Universities, Spring 2010, vol. 12, no. 2.3. J. Parker, “Undergraduate research, learning gain and equity: the impact of final year research projects,” Higher Education Pedagogies, vol. 3, no. 1, pp.145-157, 2018.4. K
exercise.The recommendation for instructors is for future deployments to consider the deployment offollow up quizzes immediately following the reflection quizzes to further assess results.ReferencesDickerson, S & Clark, R . 2021. Use of SPICE Circuit Simulation to Guide Written Reflections.IEEE Transactions on Education .Benson, D & Zhu, H . 2015. Student Reflection, Self-Assessment, and Categorization of Errorson Exam Questions as a Tool to Guide Self-Repair and Profile Student Strengths andWeaknesses in a Course. In: Proceedings of American Society of Engineering Education AnnualConference.
, “Adapting Scrum Project Management to ECE Courses,”presented at the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, Florida, Jun. 2019. Accessed: Oct.10, 2019. [Online]. Available: https://peer.asee.org/32395[6] R. B. Bass, B. Pejcinovic, and J. Grant, “Applying Scrum project management in ECE curriculum,” in2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Oct. 2016, pp. 1–5. doi: 10.1109/FIE.2016.7757568.[7] S. Reynolds, A. Caldwell, T. Procko, and O. Ochoa, “Scrum in the Classroom: An ImplementationGuide,” in 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Oct. 2023, pp. 01–08. doi:10.1109/FIE58773.2023.10343213.[8] M. W. Ohland et al., “The Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness: Developmentof a Behaviorally Anchored
/hybrid delivery to increase student learning intoday’s enhanced learning environment. Virginia Tech is designated by the National ScienceFoundation as a minority serving institution.Starting in Fall 2023, 13 activities were introduced to improve the Signals and Systems course inthe Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The 13 initiatives introducedare: (1) Tracking attendance for assigned points starting on the first day of class; (2) mapping eachexam problem and each quiz question to the corresponding course Learning Objective(s) [3]; (3)introducing a series of mini-Guest Speakers to talk with the students about how they use theconcepts of signals and systems in their careers and jobs; (4) introducing Prize Day with a
, California, USA.Prof. Dominic J. Dal Bello, Allan Hancock College Dom Dal Bello is Professor of Engineering at Allan Hancock College (AHC), a California community college between UC Santa Barbara and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. At AHC, he is Department Chair of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty Advisor of MESA (the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Program), and Principal/Co-Principal Investigator of several National Science Foundation projects (S-STEM, LSAMP, IUSE). In ASEE, he is chair of the Two-Year College Division, and Vice-Chair/Community Colleges of the Pacific Southwest Section. He received the Outstanding Teaching Award for the ASEE/PSW Section in 2022. ©American Society for
Education Director until his retirement in 2018. He was RPI ECSE Department Head from 2001 to 2008 and served on the board of the ECE Department Heads Association (ECEDHA) from 2003 to 2008. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE.Dr. Mohamed F. Chouikha, Prairie View A&M University Dr. Mohamed Chouikha is a professor and chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Howard University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Coloradoˆa C”Boulder. Dr. Chouikhaˆa C™s research inteProf. Miguel Velez-Reyes, University of Texas at El Paso Dr. Miguel Velez-Reyes is the George W. Edwards/El Paso Electric Distinguished Professor in Engineering and Chair of the Electrical
] T. Estrada and S. Atwood, “Factors that Affect Student Frustration Level in Introductory Laboratory Experiences,” en, in 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceed- ings, San Antonio, Texas: ASEE Conferences, Jun. 2012, pp. 25.629.1–25.629.7. DOI: 10. 18260/1-2--21386. [8] E. Burkholder, A. M. Price, M. Flynn, and C. E. Wieman, “Assessing problem-solving in sci- ence and engineering programs,” in 2019 Physics Education Research Conference Proceed- ings, Provo, UT: American Association of Physics Teachers, Jan. 2020. DOI: 10.1119/ perc.2019.pr.Burkholder. [9] S. Fitzgerald, R. McCauley, B. Hanks, L. Murphy, B. Simon, and C. Zander, “Debugging From the Student Perspective,” en, IEEE Transactions on
. New York: Random House. [6] R. Felder and R. Brent. 2005. Understanding student differences. Journal of Engineering Education 94, 1 (2005), 57–72. [7] Catherine Good, Aneeta Rattan, and Carol S Dweck. 2012. Why do women opt out? Sense of belonging and women’s representation in mathematics. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 102, 4 (2012), 700–717. [8] Brett D Jones, Marie C Paretti, Serge F Hein, and Tamara W Knott. 2010. An analy- sis of motivation constructs with first-year engineering students: Relationships among expectancies, values, achievement, and career plans. J. Eng. Educ. 99, 4 (Oct. 2010), 319–336. [9] You-Kyung Lee, Emily Freer, Kristy A Robinson, Tony Perez, Amalia K Lira, Daina Briedis, S Patrick Walton, and Lisa
creation zone more quickly. References[1] D. Rothstein and L. Santana, Make just One Change: Teach Students to Ask their OwnQuestions. 2011Available: http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=ED524346.[2] B. Ferri et al, "Use of a MOOC platform to blend a linear circuits course for non-majors," inJun 15, 2014, pp. 24.1304.1.[3] B. Benson and F. Depiero, "Teaching Introduction to Electronic Circuits in a Studio Format,"2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, . DOI: 10.18260/1-2--28919.[4] S. Northrup and J. Burke, "A hybrid approach to a flipped classroom for an introductorycircuits course for all engineering majors," in Jun 14, 2015, Available:https://search.proquest.com/docview
correction capacitor bank and a three-phase load. The wind turbinemodel uses a lookup table to compute the turbine output torque as a function of its speed (Figure4).The simulation is run at a wind speed of 10 m/s. This example illustrates the startup and thesteady-state operation of the wind turbine/induction generator system. The speed of rotation ofthe induction machine is above 1 pu indicating operation in generator mode (Figure 5). Figures6 and 7 show that the output power is 200 kW and the output three-phase voltages areapproximately 450 Vpeak. Students can vary the wind speed, the power factor correctioncapacitor value and the load. Figure 4: Wind-turbine driven induction generator model Figure 5
Feedback to analyze similar automated assessments in Mathematics and Physics courses. We could repeat their methodology for our courses in Electrical Engineering. [6]V. References[1] M. W. B. M. D. M. C. L. a. M. K. N. S. A. Ambrose, How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching., San Francisco, CA: Joseey-Bass, 2010.[2] R. M. Felder and R. Brent, "Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide," San Francisco, Jossey- Bass, 2016, pp. 84 - 86.[3] Y. Adibi, M. Atkins, N. Sambamurthy and M. Sarraf, NI Engineering Signals & Systems (2e) - Interactive Addition, zyBooks, 2021.[4] A. Malespina and C. Singh, "Gender differences in test anxiety and self-efficacy: why instructors should emphasize
suggestions in implementing the project and ECE department forsupporting the project.References:[1] G. Liu, "Case Study of Student Grade Distribution Shifts in Online Engineering FundamentalCourse," 2022 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference, March, 2022.[2] M. H. S. Fino, “Challenges in Teaching Electrical Circuit Analysis to Millennials,” 3rdInternational Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE), 2018.[3] J. Thilmany, "Autonomous Vehicle Industry Races to Fill Big Engineering Talent Gap,"2018. [Online] Available:https://www.asme.org/topics-resources/content/autonomous-vehicle-industry-races-fill-big-talent[Accessed Feb. 12, 2023].[4] B. Maheswaran, "Assessment and Analysis of a New Learning Approach Teaching
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redesigning the PCBAs' visuals, particularly thesilkscreen, to more effectively guide students in probing and component identification.References[1] S. AbuShanab, M. Winzker and R. Brück, "Teaching low-power design with an FPGA- based hands-on and remote lab," 2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Tallinn, Estonia, 2015, pp. 132-140.[2] Cadence Design Systems. (2023). The role of CAD in design: Synthesizing ECAD and MCAD. Cadence Blog. https://resources.pcb.cadence.com/blog/2023-the-role-of-cad-in- design-synthesizing-ecad-and-mcad[3] Candor Industries. (2018). Breadboard vs PCB. Candor Industries Blog. https://www.candorind.com/blog/breadboard-vs-pcb/[4] Altium. (2020). The Advantages
this will also result in increased student engagement and motivation topursue their studies. Students in the follow-on course found it a useful way to introducemicrocontrollers and microcontroller programming. We plan to expand the programmingcomponent further and to explore ways to integrate it more with the follow-on courses.References[1] J. O. Campbell, J. R. Bourne, P. J. Mosterman, and A. J. Brodersen, “The Effectiveness ofLearning Simulations for Electronic Laboratories,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 91,no. 1, pp. 81–87, 2002, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2002.tb00675.x.[2] M. D. Koretsky, D. Amatore, C. Barnes, and S. Kimura, “Enhancement of Student Learningin Experimental Design Using a Virtual Laboratory,” IEEE Transactions on