fixtures withT8/T5 lamp(s) and electronic ballasts.Reduction in connected Watts $0.40 per Watt reducedMaximum incentive is $150 per installed fixture. Page 24.448.7Practical ProjectA 29,000 square foot warehouse near Chicago is selected for this project. The warehouse is usedfor packaging and storing food. Clients for this company vist the warehouse on regular basis tocheck the quality of the packaged food and electric power and lighting is a key factor. Thewarehouse had a variety of ineffeciet, noisy and sometimes non-functional light fixtures such as12 foot T12, Mercury Vaspor 400W, Metal Halite 400W, and 4 foot T12. These light
algae aquaculture systems with pumps, control, andsolar cells (Figures 4 through 8). The system is made out of clear acrylic plastic sheet (3 to 5mm thick). The sheet is cut with a Universal Laser Systems 40W CO2 laser using AutoCAD orSolidWorks source files. The acrylic is bonded with acrylic cement (Weldon 4052), but ingeneral, all adhesives and materials should be checked for toxicity to algae.The channel height (normal to incident sunlight) is about 1 cm. The widths of the channelsranges from 4 to 8 cm, and can be up to 1-2 m long. Flow rates range from 1 to 10 ml/s, whichcorresponds to a Reynolds Number of about 20 to 500, and a flow velocity of 1 cm/s, indicatinglaminar flow. Syringe pumps are gentle to the algae, and peristaltic pumps
: Full Report for 2009, EPA, pg 15 2. EPA Federal Register, Aug 30, 1988, Vol. 53, No. 168 3. National Solid Wastes Management Association Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facts 2010 4. Whittier Daily News, 19 September 2012 5. NYC Environmental Justice Alliance, accessed 19Dec12 6. European Environmental Agency, modified 29 Nov 12, accessed 19Dec12 7. “Waste gasification vs. conventional Waste-to-Energy: A comparative evaluation of two commercial technologies,” Consonni, S., Vigano, F, Waste Management 31 (2012) 653-666 8. “Modeling and Control of a Waste-to-Energy Plant: Waste-Bed Temperature Regulation,” Bardi, S., Astolfi, A, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, (December 2010) pp. 27-37 9. MUNICIPAL
above, and will allow continuous monitoring of the Hadoop Page 23.1181.13cloud computers at a relatively low cost. 12AcknowledgementStudents participated in this study were supported by a grant from the University of the Districtof Columbia STEM Center (NSF/HBCU-UP / HRD-0928444), Washington, D.C. 20008 andfrom a grant from the National Science Foundation Targeted Infusion Project Renewable EnergyGrant (NSF/HBCU-UP/ HRD-1036293).References:[1] P3 International Corporation, Innovation Electronics Solution, 2011.[2] Tweet-A-Watt/Kill-A-Watt from Adafruit Industries, 2009.[3] S. Lakeou, E. Ososanya, B
w (4)Where: Aw is the total swept area of the WTGs and effw is the efficiency of the WTGs andthe converters shown in Figure 1.b) Photo-Voltaic (PV) Arrays: The output power, PS (kW) a PV array of area ‘As’when subject to irradiance H (kW/m2) is given by PS = H ⋅ AS ⋅ eff s (5)Where: effs is the efficiency of the array and the corresponding converters shown inFigure 1.c) Fuel Cells: A fuel cell generates electricity directly through electrochemical reactions Page 12.31.5and is more efficient than a heat engine because it eliminates mechanical or
created that consider architectural, operating systems, compiler, andhardware issues in power-aware systems. Associated with each module, are (a) backgroundinformation at the appropriate level, (b) list of references for further study, (c) description of theproblem(s) to be studied, and (d) relevant software.There are six topics over which these modules range: architecture, voltage scaling, operatingsystems and middleware, compilers, VLSI, and wireless networks. A brief description of somerepresentative module is provided below.Architecture • Static and Dynamic Power: This module explains the two types of power consumption in Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) circuits. Techniques to mitigate the two are covered
course. In addition, most of the available scholarly work on EngineeringThermodynamics course focus on incorporating new teaching methods such as using videomedia [6], implementing experiential learning model [7], and developing MATLAB Functions[8] for improvement of student learning in the course. For instance, A. Karimi and R. Manteufelconducted and experiment by implementing Flipped Classroom Concept in their teaching of theThermodynamics course [9]. As another example, A. Smith and S. Brauer presented an alternateapproach to convey the conceptual content of the Thermodynamics course. They played anonline quiz game, called Kahoot!, to reinforce the content covered in the reading assignments[10].Author of the current paper believes in
currently interns for thecompletion of the project in various aspects of installation. In addition, after the project iscompleted, an important future work is the thorough analysis of the solar PV system’soperational characteristics in terms of actual savings and carbon foot print reduction through theeducational component available to the campus community.Bibliography1. National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s PVWatts Calculator: Frank Andorka, “Increasing Your Array-To-Inverter Ratio Improves Solar Economics,” Solar Power World, June 24, 2013. Available at to-inverter-ratio-to-improve-solar-system-performance/3. U. S. Energy
, and farther from their day-to-day needs. Eventhough each individual house may have increased insulation, better windows, and high efficiencyheating and cooling systems, the total energy use goes up because of the larger size, greaternumber of electrical gadgets, and farther travel distances. More generally, this tendency forincreases in efficiency to lead to greater energy use is called the Jevons Paradox.2 These trendsare illustrated in Fig. 1. House size increased slowly through the 1980’s and then more rapidly inthe 1990’s and 2000’s. Because housing codes and building practices generally improved theefficiency of houses with time, the energy use per square foot steadily declined. From the 1970’sto the 1980’s, total household energy use
through photosynthesis by future biomass crops.In 2011, it was discovered that bioenergy was used as an energy source more than oil in Sweden.The Swedish Energy Agency found that 31.7% of the energy used was generated from biomasswhile 30.8% of the energy originated from oil. One of the principal reasons for this increase inbioenergy is the fact that biomass is the primary energy source in the district heating sector, asector that demands more than half of the overall heat demand in residential areas. 7 Figure 5shows the different sources of energy in Sweden in 2011 (Sweden Energy Use 2010, May 10). Figure 5: Source of Energy in Sweden 2011References 1. Abolhosseini, S., Heshmati, A., & Altmann, J. (2014, April). A
Paper ID #15181Improving a Flipped Electromechanical Energy Conversion CourseThomas E. McDermott, University of Pittsburgh Thomas E. McDermott is an Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, with over 30 years of industrial experience in consulting and software development. His research interests include electric power distribution systems, renewable energy, power electronics, electromagnetics, and circuit simulation. Tom is a registered professional engineer in Pennsylvania and an IEEE Fellow. He has a B. S. and M. Eng. in Electric Power from Rensselaer, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Virginia
power quality issues caused by a large-size DC to ACinverter connecting the DG modules to the AC grid. This curriculum implementation provides aninnovative opportunity for future engineering technology students to gain necessary up-to-datecompetencies in a smart grid environment.IntroductionThe need for a knowledgeable workforce in fast innovating next generation power griddevelopment and implementation is essential. As the baby boomers employed in the electricalpower systems fields have started to retire, there is an urgent need to recruit and graduate anincreasing number of well-educated and well-trained next generation professionals from bothAssociate degree and Bachelor ’s degree programs. The fast pace of innovations in electrical
=110_cong_bills&docid=f:h6enr.txt.pdf; Or, at M. Kezunovic, V. Vittal, S. Melitopoulos and T. Mount, “The big picture”, IEEE Power Energy Mag. Vol. 10(4), 2012, pp. 22-34.4. O. Zinaman, M. Miller, A. Adil, D. Arent et al., “Power Systems of the Future”, The Electricity Journal, Vol. 28(2), 2015, pp. 113-126. G. T. Heydt, S. S. Venkata, G. A. Gross, and P. W. Sauer, “Promoting the Power Engineering Profession through the IEEE Power Engineering Society”, IEEE Power Engineering Review, January 2000, pp. 17-21.5. P. Sauer, E. O’Neill, A. Pahwa, B. Malahowski, Y. Makarov, G. Rodriguez, R. Brush, J. Estey, I. Barras, “Model power engineering curriculum for the 21st century”, IEEE
advanced cycles; air-conditioning processes of humid air; ReheatRankine cycle including means to improve its efficiency; Otto and Diesel cycles; Brayton withintercooling, reheating and regeneration; property diagrams, p-v, T-v, T-p, T-s, h-s, p-h, andPsychrometric chart . The course schedule is shown in Table 1 and is divided into ten weeks;each quarter typically contains ten weeks. Each week has 200 minutes of lectures, contents ofwhich are shown in the second column. Seven labs are offered, in weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10.Labs 1-4 require only 60 minutes per team; labs 5 and 6 require 90 minutes; Lab 7 is a two-and-ahalf hour tour of HVAC systems used to air-condition medical research laboratories at FredHutchinson Cancer Research Center
. M. Feliachi and G. Develey, “Magneto-thermal behavior finite element analysis for ferromagnetic materials in induction heating devices,” IEEE Trans. Indust. Applicat. Syst., vol. 27, pp. 5235–5237, Nov. 1997.7. F. Dughiero, M. Forzan, and S. Lupi, “Solution of coupled electromagnetic and thermal problems in induction heating applications,” Inst. Elect. Eng. Comput. Electromagn., no. 420, pp. 301–305, 1996.8. I.-G. Kwak and S.-Y. Hahn, “Design sensitivity of transient electro thermal problems for the specific temperature distribution,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 36, pp. 1148–1152, July 2000.9. Zhang Jinlong; Chen Houjin, "Integrating RTOS into SHARC DSP to implement parallel processing," Signal Processing, 2004
students.IntroductionAccording to the National Science Board (NSB)’s Science and Engineering Indicators 2004,enrollment in undergraduate engineering and science programs in the United States has been indecline since the 1980s1. Clearly, there is a continued need for increased enrollment andretention in science and engineering. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics(STEM) have become increasingly central to our economic competitiveness and growth. Long–term strategies to maintain and increase living standards and promote opportunity will requireunprecedented coordinated efforts among public, private, and non-profit entities to promoteinnovation and to prepare an adequate supply of qualified STEM workers2.The MSETI - AREA project utilizes an undergraduate
-Contact-Pickups/dp/B0076ON66S, accessed February 2017.3 Amtel Corp., “Atmega 328 Data Sheets,”, accessed February 2017.4 Digi International Inc., “Zigbee S2C Data Sheet,”, accessedFebruary 2017.5 Expert Power Store, “EXP1270-12-Volt-7-Amp-Rechargeable-Battery,”, accessed February 2017.6 Mindworks Community, “Interdisciplinary Senior Design,”, accessed February 2017.7 S. Beyerlein, D. Gerbus, E. Odom, “applying Theory of
Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) under Award No. P200A180031.Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or theU.S. Department of Education.The authors would like to thank Dr. James Freihaut for his advice during the development of thepresented Excel tool.References[1] V. Jones and J. H. Jo, “Ubiquitous learning environment: An adaptive teaching system using ubiquitous technology,” in Beyond the comfort zone: Proceedings of the 21st ASCILITE Conference, 2004, vol. 468, p. 474, [Online]. Available:[2] T. L
operate at higher efficiency during the duration of theraces. Based on the desired speed of the bike in race track, shaft rpm of pump and motor wasdetermined as function of time. Table 1 shows the bike speed, corresponding track length, shaftrpm and its duration. The data is used to calculate a Speed Factor (S) at each pump and motorspeed as fraction of total race time. ti Si … (1) TWhere, Si = Speed Factor ti = Duration of a specific speed T= Completion time of race.For each wheel velocity, the corresponding shaft speed is calculated based on wheel rpm andgear ratio. In the
andinterconnection information, and calculations for incentive (rebate) request. Two examples ofthese summary designs can be seen in Figures 4 and 5. The estimated size of the system isimportant for many reasons which are related to subsequent feasibility issues: 1) Choosing the Page 12.460.6Figure 4: Initial design for New Public Works Building Figure 5: Initial design for Civic Center Page 12.460.7matching inverter(s) and wiring strategy, 2) application process for the New Jersey Clean EnergyProgram (NJCEP), and 3) calculation of long-term economic benefits.Wiring designThe transmission path
vehicle markets and missions,” SAE paper 1999-01-2946, 1999.4. Walters, J., Husted, H. and Rajashekara, K.,“Comparative study of hybrid powertrain strategies,” SAE paper 2001-01-2501, 2001.5. Hirose, K., Abe, S. and Killmann, G., “Overview of current and future hybrid technology,” SAE paper 2002-33- 0016, 2002.6. “Hybrid and diesel vehicles expected to represent 11 percent of market share in next seven years,” JD Power and associates,, June 28, 2005.7. JD Power and associates,, June 2003.8. Denton, K., Goldman, J., Hays, B. and Haytt, C., “2000 University of Maryland FutureTruck design description,” SAE paper 2001-01-0681, 2001.9. Conley, J., Caly, B., Waters, R., Toth
Engineering from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria. Her research interests in- clude alternative energy systems, sustainable infrastructure, and transportation systems management.Dr. Suzanna Long, Missouri University of Science & Technology Dr. Suzanna Long is an assistant professor of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering at Missouri S&T and holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Engineering Management, B.S. in Physics and in History (University of Missouri-Rolla) and an M.A. in History (University of Missouri-St. Louis). Her research focuses on sustainable infrastructure systems, including sustainability in global supply chains and trans- portation systems. She is a recognized expert in sociotechnical systems.Dr. Ean
prototyping purposes. To ensure the structuralintegrity of the model as a whole, given the large weight of the ductwork, it was determined thatthe chimney would be supported with a wooden sub-frame. To support the chimney from lateralloads, guide wires were also used. Calculations were established to find the size of cablingneeded to support the structure based on estimated weight and average wind. Safetyconsiderations were double checked with the campus Safety Office prior to and duringconstruction.Turbine Design:The only moving parts of the Solar Chimney are the turbine assembly and power generationunit. In the prototype chimney an average air velocity of approximately 2 m/s was created in thechimney. The low wind velocity complicated the turbine
. S Magnet dropped from this position ∆t N Magnet position at S voltage maximum N To digital R oscilloscope ∆y S Magnet position at N voltage minimum 10ms/div Figure 4. Shaker flashlight generator test setup and resulting waveformThe students studied the voltage waveform and, with a little help, concluded that the peak andvalley must occur when the magnet is at specific locations within the coil. If these locationscould be
modeling capability, productdatabases, validation, and economic analysis. All software tools provide effectivemodeling and simulation capabilities suitable for class room use.Bibliography[1] Department of Energy, “Annual Energy Outlook 2009,” 2009.[2] Fay, J. A., and Golomb, D. S., “Energy and Environment,” Oxford University Press, 2002.[3] Kutz, M., “Environmentally Conscious Alternative Energy Production,” John Wiley & Sons, 2007.[4] Hodge, B. K., “Alternative Energy Systems and Applications,” John Wiley & Sons, 2010.[5] Aung, K., “Design Exercises and Projects for Energy Engineering,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEEAnnual Meeting & Exposition, Portland, Oregon, June 2005.[6] Gilman, P., Blair, N., Mehos, M., Christensen, C., Janzou, S
overarching goals: engage students inlearning and facilitate the transition to college life. In the College of Engineering, we seek toprovide a small class experience that provides them with a meaningful and interestingintroduction into some aspect of engineering practice. Class size is limited to 20 students andnearly all FYS’s are taught by regular faculty members. There are over sixty different seminartopics in engineering; for more information consult the web site at www.engr.psu.edy/fys.The Solar Racers FYS evolved from projects used in a three-credit technical elective on solarenergy taught by the author at Penn State Harrisburg since the 1980’s. It was modeled on thesuccessful middle school initiative, the Junior Solar Sprint 3. Significant
technical and social content.This need for energy education is the fundamental motivation for the energy awareness efforts atBaylor University. According to the National Energy Policy7, the U. S. must have between 1,300and 1,900 new electricity generation plants in place to meet the projected 45% increase inelectrical demand by the year 2020. Economic and political policies often reflect the unspokenassumption that the United States will be able to continually increase its reliance on naturalresources and more importantly, energy resources. On May 2, 2007, a local newspaper editor Page 13.491.2took time to remind the public of the energy history
28 mph (12.5 m/s) and astart-up wind speed of 7 mph (2.7 m/s). The aluminum body houses an accurate heading anglesensor (in-house modification) and a generator with charge regulator that produces 12 VDC forcharging batteries. A cup-type wind anemometer, wind direction vane, and a shielded thermistorare also mounted on the mast. Outputs from the DC generator and all sensors are routed to a dataacquisition panel located in a laboratory classroom. The panel displays DC voltage, DC current,wind speed, and temperature with outputs for load connection and analog outputs for computerdata logging of all sensor outputs. Students record data during a 2-3 day windy period and thenreduce the data to yield a power curve that is compared with that of the
averagepassenger car. Furthermore, an electric vehicle using average electricity is almost 30% cleanerover its life cycle compared to even the most efficient internal combustion engine vehicle on themarket [6]. Fig. 2. Lifecycle emissions of electric and conventional vehicles in Europe in 2015 [6]. To understand the impact of EV charging on stability and control of the power grid, thetechnology of the vehicle and charging infrastructure needs to be understood. The functional blockdiagram of a series hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is presented in Fig. 3, where M s, Ma, Jtotrespectively, denote the load torque (Nm), active torque (Nm), and total inertia (kgm2). The maincomponents of the system are the electric motor, which drives the wheels (it can
theinstructor(s), which may include: Power Supply for a Fuel Cell System; Power ConditioningUnits for PV Water Pumping; PV Maximum-Power-Point-Tracking Controller; Design a Soft-Starter for a WT Induction Generator; and Control and Power Electronics of a Small WindPower for Battery Charging, etc. In our view, power electronics and renewable energy are twoimportant topics for today power and energy engineering students. In many cases, the two topicsare inextricably intertwined [31-36]. As the renewable energy sector grows, the needs forengineers qualified to design such systems grows as well. In order to train such engineers, thecourses are needed to highlight the unique engineering challenges presented by renewable energysystems. A key element of our