- Conference Session
- Trends in Energy Conversion and Conservation
- Collection
- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Radian Belu, Wayne State University; Alexandru Belu, Wayne State University
- Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
powersystems, record experimental data, display the results and write formal laboratory reports todocument the project.7. Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in written, oral and visual forms (as provenin tests and labs), which effectively convey ideas and concepts to peers and faculty, usingproper technical terminology.8. Give the students an appreciation the current state of power electronics and theirapplications and a realization that there is considerably more to be learned about this subject. Table 1 – AET 5500/5600 – Course Syllabus: Hour Topic Syllabus 6 Introduction, Basic Concepts of Instructional Objectives. Power Engineering Matlab Primer, Review of
- Conference Session
- Energy Resources, Efficiency, and Conservation
- Collection
- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Sarma Pisupati, Pennsylvania State University; Wendy Mahen, PennSylvania State University; Mark Deluca, Pennsylvania State University; Martin Gutowski, Pennsylvania State University
- Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
(Renkl, Stark, Gruber & Mandl, 1998). Some worked examples were in a text format,sometimes with an accompanying image (Figure 5). These worked out examples have aninfinite problem generator (using javascript) so that students can try on their own. If thestudents are not able to answer correctly, it will provide an explanation of the problemsolution and give the students another problem to solve.More complex worked examples were animated using software and tablet called“Belshazzar” (Miller, 2003) which enabled the instructor to write out the solutions toproblems while explaining them. Worked examples that utilize aural explanations resultin higher learning outcomes than those that use text (Atkinson, 2002). A screenshot of anexample of
- Conference Session
- Energy Resources, Efficiency, and Conservation
- Collection
- 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
William Riddell, Rowan University; Peter Mark Jansson; Kevin Dahm, Rowan University; Harriett Benavidez, Rowan University; Julie Haynes, Rowan University; Dan Schowalter, Rowan University
- Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
peers, and staff from RowanUniversity Facilities. The purpose of the second presentation is to describe theoperational and design recommendations their team made, justify the recommendations,and describe the economic benefits of the recommendations. Design teams also submitwritten reports, which reinforce lessons from the previous semester. The ultimate goal ofthe presentation and final report is to convince Rowan University Facilities to followthrough with the teams recommendations. Each team member is expected to participatein developing both design presentation, and to actively speak in at least one of the designpresentations. Communication faculty often watch these presentations as well. Each ofthe design presentations has aspects of