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students’ creativity ingenerating ideas within the context of design problems, an assessment more directlyfocused on the idea generation phase of the design process would be more suitable forour research. We plan to use a set of idea generation problems which have been usedsuccessfully in the past to measure outcomes related to creativity in idea generation.In future work, student ideation artifacts and projects will also be examined through thelens of the MPCA(18). Even though the metric requires raters and does not exhibit highreliability, the fact that the metric is broken down by function may allow us to better tracethe source(s) of a high or low creativity score than could be determined from a single,simple rating.A variety of research tools
their thinking. As students review each other‟s screencasts, their own thinking and metacognition will be re-evaluated from another learner‟s perspective who is not necessarily a teacher or a textbookauthor. Learning from peers is more authentic and more sustainable than learning from atextbook or from a teacher17. In addition, receiving peers‟ comments on their own screencastadds to these metacognitive items that will eventually help improve their CAD knowledge andskills. In this National Science Foundation (NSF) project, two mechanical engineering faculty andtwo learning scientists have collaborated to implement a student-centered instructional strategy,namely peer-generated screencast strategy in teaching CAD in the undergraduate
Interval Plot of REF/SEN/VIS/, REF/SEN/VIS/, ... 95% CI for the Mean 32 30 28 Data 26 24 22 20 L O EQ L O EQ L O EQ /G /S /G /S
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, fuel cells, plastics, and engineering education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 A New Way to Help Students Improve 3-D VisualizationAbstractThere is ample evidence that instruction in spatial visualization skills is effective in improvingoutcomes for engineering students. Research conducted since the early 1990’s has proven thatspatial visualization practice and training leads to better grades in engineering graphics and inmost other engineering coursework. Other studies demonstrate that improved 3D visualizationskills improve retention and graduation rates in general and, in particular, the retention andgraduation rates of underrepresented groups in the field of engineering.The
sense1. Later, Spearman in 1905 developed his two-factor theory of intelligence. Hedivided intelligence into general intelligence ‘G’ and several group specific factors ‘S’. Simonand Binet developed the first spatial ability test around the same time Spearman proposed histheory. It was known as the “Scales of Intelligence”2.Spatial ability research started gaining importance at the onset of World War I in 1918, when theUnited States Army conducted large scale testing procedures in order to enroll militarypersonnel. These tests were called as Examination Alpha and Examination Beta1. ExaminationAlpha was administered to literate personnel and consisted primarily of verbal material.Examination Beta was the battery of tests that included non
two groups.References 1. Engage Engineering. Spatial Visualization Skills (SVS): Learn More [Online]. Available: http://www.engageengineering.org/spatial/whyitworks/learnmore#4. [Accessed 1- Feb- 2016]. 2. S. Sorby and A.F. Wysocki, Developing Spatial Thinking. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2012. 3. S.P. Walton, M. Urban-Lurain, A. Idema, T.J. Hinds, and D. Briedis, “Spatial Visualization Skills Intervention for First Year Engineering Students: Everyone’s a Winner!” in 122nd American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, WA, 2015. 4. N.L. Veurink, et al. “Enhancing Visualization Skills-Improving Options aNd Success (EnViSIONS) of Engineering
joining SDL he worked for EDS as the Western US Regional Lead Application Engineer and prior to EDS he worked for 3D Systems, promoting rapid prototyping and rapid tooling technologies visiting 100’s of leading design and manufacturing companies around the world. He holds 3 patents developing the product from concept to market, selling the patent rights to independent investors. John enjoys writing and has published multiple articles in BYU Studies. In an earlier life he played full time as a circuit guitarist in Australia. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Creativity Enhancement via Engineering Graphics: Conceptual Design Blending
technologiesand provide ample reason to reexamine the opportunities for self-directed learning.! !Candy (2004) suggested that self-directed learning “provides a more direct route intounderstanding the actual dynamics of and relationship(s) between learning andtechnologies.” Technology can constrain the direction and focus, allowing for a user toquickly find and record relevant information, yet it also can be a distracting environmentthat leads to inefficiency or reduces motivation. Technology affords incredible access forlearners to connect with others, explore topics of interest, and participate in opportunitiesotherwise unavailable to them. In addition, technology provides vast amounts of resources,both information and people, to serve as materials for
continue to be used in some sections of the CAD class andcompared with the full flipped classroom. The authors will review the videos with fresh eyes andenhance them as appropriate. The goal is to retain the ease of tutorial creation without affectingexercise and exam performance.The authors will create more uniform grading criteria between instructors to evaluate andcompare the results from the video-only cohort and the flipped cohort.References[1] Litzinger T. A., Lattuca L. R., Hadgraft R. G. Newstetter W. C. Engineering Education and the Development of Expertise. Journal of Engineering Education January 2011; 100: 123-150.[2] Albanese M. A., Mitchell S. Problem-Based learning: A Review of Literature on its Outcomes and Implementation
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Graphics Curriculum: Past, Present, Future. Proceedings of the NSF Symposium on Modernization of the Engineering Design Graphics Curriculum, Austin, TX, August 1990, pp. 43-52.2 Hestenes, D., Wells, M., & Swackhamer, G., (1985). The Initial Knowledge State of College Physics Students. The Physics Teacher Vol. 30, (March 1992), pp. 141-158.3 Evans, D. L., Gray, G. L., Krause, S., Martin, J., Midkiff, C., Notaros, B. M., Pavelich, M., Rancour, D., & Reed-Rhodes, T., Progress on concept inventory tools. In 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, (Nov. 2003), Boulder, CO, pp. T4G1-T4G8.4 J. Pellegrino, N. Chudowsky and R. Glaser, Knowing What Students Know: The Science and
the need for student accountabilitymeasures to be part of the flipped classroom design. Students and faculty are used to that modelof instruction and there is evidence that a more behaviorist approach to the online content is acomponent of the flipped classroom model.4 More research and development of the flippedclassroom model is needed to determine the most effective methods and theoretical framework(s)from which to best design and implement the flipped classroom instructional model in highereducation.Conclusion It is clear that the flipped classroom instructional model is being used in engineeringgraphics education at the university level. The extent of its use and how the model isoperationalized across the field is not clear. This
parts 7. Save the parts in external files 8. Open each part external file and create the part feature(s) 9. Create appropriate mates between partsMASTER MODEL METHODThe core idea behind the master model method [8, 9] is to create all the assembly parts in one part file (master or parent part) and thenspin them off (split them) into multiple child parts. As a result, the master model method creates a parent/child relationship moreeffectively in 3D modeling. For example, when the CAD designer makes changes in the parent part, the changes are automaticallyapplied to the child part. In general, it enables the designer to make changes in assembly easily. For more complex assembly it alsoallows user to understand all the clearance
., & Camba, J. D. (2014), A Review of the Design Intent Concept in the Context of CAD Model Quality Metrics, Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. https://peer.asee.org/199925. Kirstukas, S. (2013). A Preliminary Scheme for Automated Grading and Instantaneous Feedback of 3D Solid Models, Proceedings of the Midyear Conference of the Engineering Design Graphics Division of ASEE, pp. 53- 58.6. Baxter, D., & Guerci, M. (2003). Automating an Introductory Computer Aided Design Course to Improve Student Evaluation, Paper presented at 2003 Annual Conference, Nashville, Tennessee. https://peer.asee.org/11479