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Conference Session
Engineering Design Graphics Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremy V. Ernst, Virginia Tech; Shelley Glimcher, North Carolina State University; Daniel P. Kelly, North Carolina State University; Aaron C. Clark, North Carolina State University
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Engineering Design Graphics
respect to their everyday lives. This idea wasreinforced with the integration of reflection questions interspersed within the everyday usessection where students are encouraged to elaborate on their personal experiences with a specificconcept. Examining the topic of orthographic projection, the idea of using a glass box to containa fragile sample for viewing in a museum environment like the bird nest in Figure 2, wouldlikely be familiar to most students making it a relevant example to incorporate into the PBLM.Figure 2: Everyday uses example: bird nest for observation.A corresponding reflection question inquires about places the student may have seen somethingsimilar, such as sports memorabilia. This real-world example helps put into perspective
Conference Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Rudy Ottway, Murray State University
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Engineering Design Graphics
ofdesign for manufacturability and assembly methods, and promotes teamwork. Challengesassociated with 3D printing desktop catapults include time and material for 3D printing. It iscritical for the instructor to work closely with students to challenge design decisions and providefeedback concerning manufacturability, assembly, and catapult performance. To assist inlearning project management, it is recommended to create a timeline that highlights criticalmilestones. After completing the catapult project students were asked to provide reflection statementsregarding aspects that were easy, difficult, and what they learned about design. Below are a fewsample student comments. 1. What was the easiest part of the catapult design project?“Giving
Conference Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dean Nieusma, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; James W. Malazita, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Lydia Rebekka Krauss, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Andrea M. Ukleja; Timothy Andrews, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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Engineering Design Graphics
specifications into material andgeometric forms. Table 1 shows the complete module list.Table 1: CAD+Design Modules Module1 ThinkOutsidetheBox 1.5hours Module2 FailFast–CommandHunt 1hour Module3 Early-StageDivergence 2-3hours Module4 PivotingandPlussing 1hour Module5 User-CenteredDesign 2hours Module6 Research-DrivenIdeation 3hoursModules 2 through 6 all center around a unique “design problem” that requires students to learnand experiment with command and strategic-level CAD affordances. These affordances are then“epistemically contextualized” through written reflections, group discussion, and collaborative,real-time design iteration. For example, Module 3, “Early Stage Divergence,” featurescomputationally aided
Conference Session
EDGD: Assessment & Student Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott R. Bartholomew, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Greg J. Strimel, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Esteban Garcia; Emily Yoshikawa, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Liwei Zhang
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Engineering Design Graphics
traditional scoring approaches?Graphic Design Project Assessment Many students are new to the idea that design is a continuous process of iteration and thatimplementing design projects in problem-based learning scenarios requires students to gothrough a process of reflection, critique and revision (Larmer, Boss, & Mergendoller, 2015). Inthis research we specifically introduced students to the concept of re-iteration using ACJ as atool for peer and self-assessment. We wanted to investigate if ACJ would allow students toexperience this continuum formatively through ranking their own, and their peers’, designs.After each ACJ-session, and the accompanying receipt of peer-feedback, students had anadditional week to revise their designs before
Conference Session
EDGD: Assessment & Student Learning
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan Delson, University of California, San Diego; Lelli Van Den Einde, University of California, San Diego
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Design Graphics
"categoryforlowgraduationratesduetolowSVskills,tooutsideofthiscategory.Inadditiontothepre-andpost-PSVT:Rtests,theapprecordeddataofeachstudent’ssketchattempt. A metric that reflects students’ SV ability is how often a student’s first sketchattemptiscorrect,whichisindicatedbythe“PercentCorrectFirstTry(nCFT).”AnotherSVabilitymetricistheaveragenumberofattempts,sincehigherabilitystudentsshouldbeabletocompleteassignmentsinfewerattempts.AthirdSVabilitymetricistheaveragenumberofattemptsinthetestassignmentsattheendofeachlesson,indicatedby“AvgNumAppTestAttempts.”The persistence metric identified in the2014study isthe PercentTriedAgainWithoutPeekingnormalizedbytheNumberWrongontheFirstTry.Thenormalizationisnecessary,sinceifastudentgetsanassignmentcorrectthefirsttime