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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 133 in total
Conference Session
Improving course effectiveness
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan L. Murray, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Julie Phelps, Missouri S&T, Educational Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
management, and engineering education. Prior to her academic position, she spent seven years working in industry including two years at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.Mrs. Julie Phelps, Missouri S&T, Educational Technology Julie Phelps has a B.S. in Education from The University of Missouri, Columbia and a M.A. in Informa- tion & Learning Technology from The University of Colorado - Denver. She has 17 years of teaching experience and has facilitated professional development for K-12 teachers for 10 years. Since 2010, she has been applying her experiences with teaching, technology, and professional development into higher education as an instructional designer. At Missouri S&T, she assists faculty in course
Conference Session
Assessment and Accreditation in Engineering Management
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David S. Cochran, Southern Methodist University and Meijo University; Makoto Kawada, Meijo University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
AC 2012-4481: EDUCATION APPROACH IN JAPAN FOR MANAGEMENTAND ENGINEERING OF SYSTEMSProf. David S. Cochran, Southern Methodist University and Meijo University David Cochran is a professor of industrial and systems engineering management. He is Founder and Prin- cipal of System Design, LLC, Visiting Professor with the School of Business, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan and faculty of systems engineering, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Cochran devel- oped the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD) to determine the underlying design of the Toyota Production System (and ”lean”) from a systems engineering viewpoint and was Founder and Director of the Production System Design Laboratory in the
Conference Session
Engineering Management Applications
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
S. Jimmy Gandhi, Stevens Institute of Technology; Alex Gorod, Visiting Fellow, University of Adelaide
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
AC 2012-4001: THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING SYSTEMICRISK IN ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT EDUCATIONDr. S. Jimmy Gandhi, Stevens Institute of Technology S. Jimmy Gandhi is a faculty member in The School of Systems and Enterprises (SSE) at Stevens Institute of Technology, as well as at Baruch College, which is part of the City University of New York (CUNY). His research interests are in the field of risk management, engineering education and globalization. He got a Ph.D. in engineering management from Stevens Institute of Technology, a master’s in engineering management from California State University, Northridge, and a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology. He is currently co
Conference Session
Improving IE Course Content
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Scott Sink, Ohio State University; Joseph M. Cerrato, Ohio State University; John A. Merrill, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
AC 2012-5146: A METRIC-BASED, HANDS-ON QUALITY AND PRODUC-TIVITY IMPROVEMENT SIMULATION INVOLVING LEAN AND SIGMACONCEPTS FOR FIRST-YEAR ENGINEERING LAB STUDENTSDr. Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Yosef Allam is an Assistant Professor in the Freshman Engineering Department at Embry-Riddle Aero- nautical University. He graduated from the Ohio State University with B.S. and M.S. degrees in industrial and systems engineering and a Ph.D. in engineering education. Allam’s interests are in spatial visualiza- tion, the use of learning management systems for large-sample educational research studies, curriculum development, and fulfilling the needs of an integrated, multi-disciplinary first
Conference Session
Pedagogical Advancements in Engineering Management
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
S. Jimmy Gandhi, Stevens Institute of Technology; Brian Sauser, Stevens Institute of Technology; Brian E. White, Complexity Are Us - Systems Engineering Strategies; Alex Gorod, Visiting Fellow, University of Adelaide; Vernon Ireland, University of Adelaide
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
AC 2012-4002: APPLICATION OF CASE STUDIES TO ENGINEERINGMANAGEMENT AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING EDUCATIONDr. S. Jimmy Gandhi, Stevens Institute of Technology S. Jimmy Gandhi is a faculty member in the School of Systems and Enterprises (SSE) at Stevens In- stitute of Technology and also at Baruch College, which is a part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system. His research interests are in the field of risk management, engineering education, and globalization. He got a Ph.D. in engineering management from Stevens Institute of Technology, a mas- ter’s in engineering management from California State University, Northridge, and a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology. He is
Conference Session
Innovative IE Curricula
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Masud Salimian, Morgan State University; Yaseen Mahmud, Morgan State University; Avis L. Ransom, Morgan State University School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
become more competitive in the internationalmarket resulting in the obvious domestic benefits. Another is the impact on the environment.Even a small increase in overall efficiency of U.S. commercial and industrial buildings wouldreduce the U.S.’s carbon footprint significantly.Currently, the U.S. workforce is not adequately trained in the area of energy efficiency. TheDepartment of Energy recognizes this fact and is attempting to remedy this with programs suchas the Energy Efficient Buildings Hub and the continued support and recent expansion ofIndustrial Assessment Centers 2. However at the present time, those providing "energyefficiency" services are typically either too technical in their approach such as researchers andprofessors; or possess
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kellie Grasman, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
University of Missouri System and earned a Faculty Achievement Award for teaching. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Curriculum Element: Economic Analysis Group Project Utilizing VoiceThreadObjectives:The curriculum element discussed may be implemented in an undergraduate or graduate levelengineering economics course. With sufficient instructor and/or TA support, the project may beimplemented with any class size. The primary objective of this project is to provide students theopportunity to 1) evaluate project(s) using a systematic economic analysis technique, 2) supporttheir recommended alternative with data, and 3
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Louis Reifschneider, Illinois State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
then submit first select Solar data Figure 5. Parameter selection screen for desired location.5. The next screen will display the data, see Figure 6. Only one row of the data is needed for the analysis: the "tilt 39" row which represents the radiation for a panel tilted at the geographic latitude for this location. However, to keep track of the header information, select the range of data shown in Figure 6 using a mouse. Copy the highlighted field and then paste into a M/S Excel worksheet. When performing the pasting it is important to "paste special/unicode text" to create a nice set of column delimited data as shown in Figure 7. Page 22.1245.6
Conference Session
Using a Real-Options Analysis Tutorial in Teaching Undergraduate Students
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John A. White Jr., University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
values. In addition, discrete compounding or continuous compounding can be used. Finally, the BSM equations or the BS option table can be used. Shown below are solutions for all combinations of the alternatives, except using the BS option table. a) T = 24, discrete compounding, with rf = (1.04)1/12 -1 = 0.003274 and F = sqrt[(0.30)2/12)] = 8.6603%. S = $55.00, X = $58.50, d1 = {ln(55/58.50) + [ln(1.003274) + (0.086603)2/2](24)}/ [0.086603sqrt(24)] = 0.25161, d2 = 0.25161 - 0.086603sqrt(24) = -0.17266, N(d1) = 0.59933, N(d2) = 0.43146, and C = 55(0.59933) - 58.50(0.43146)/(1.04)2 = $9.63 b) T = 24, continuous compounding, with rf = ln(1.04)/12 = 0.0032684 and F = sqrt[(0.30)2/12) = 8.6603%. S = $55.00, X = $58.50, d1 = {ln(55
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kate D. Abel, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Science)
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
those who are simply prohibited from the use ofcomputers in the classroom.IntroductionInternet usage in the educational arena has grown enormously over the past three decades.Back in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, burgeoning Intranets were popping up oncollege campuses. Internet accessibility outside of the classroom and in dormitories, etc.soon followed. Today, access to WiFi is something college campuses must have as theyare “graded on” it in many cases: the more Internet availability and better student access,the better the grades.2,3 Given the expansion of Internet accessibility and usage ofelectronic wireless devices, the natural progression is the use of such technology in theenhancement of education over those same decades.In the
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Tech Session 2, IE-ing the Classroom
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nadiye O. Erdil, University of New Haven
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
class, did not have any work experience.These numbers are important to show why it is essential to design the class with a focus onpractical applications, and structure the assignments with this focus, which we will discuss inmore detail below. Table 1 Learning Outcomes Covered by Each Assignment/Activity Targeted Learning Assignment/Activity Description Outcome(s) Case studies, quantitative problems, conceptual short Homework
Conference Session
Effective Tools for Teaching Engineering Economy
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Ryan, Iowa State University; John Jackman, Iowa State University; Rahul Marathe, Iowa State University; Pavlo Antonenko, Iowa State University; Piyamart Kumsaikaew, Iowa State University; Dale Niederhauser, Iowa State University; Craig Ogilvie, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
of the parameter(s) on which to conduct the sensitivity analysiscan be considered as an indirect measure because the most relevant information is that whichprovides the best prediction of the most critical parameter (i.e., the parameter that will have thegreatest impact on the decision criterion). The online environment also tracks the informationresources visited by the student teams and the time of visitation. Data collected from a largeengineering economy course are used to evaluate the effectiveness of these assessment methods.IntroductionMaking good engineering decisions is a critical skill for every engineering discipline. Thecomplexity of decision making is tied to multiple criteria which can often be in conflict. Largevolumes of
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 3
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Billy Gray, Tarleton State University; Daren Davis, Tarleton State University; Erick C Jones P.E., University of Texas, Arlington
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
economic analysis after it has been implemented. As many of ourpartners implement and utilize the capstone projects, it is important for our students tounderstand how the projects are evaluated so that they can conduct a better analysis of theprojects in the beginning. As we continue to look at our courses and implement projects, we willcontinue to bring more examples into the course.References1. Anwar, S., & Ford, P. (2001). Use of a case study approach to teach engineering technology students. International journal of electrical engineering education, 38(1), 1-10.2. Dixon, G., & Wilck, J. (2014). Integrating Economic Analysis into Capstone Course. 121st ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Indianapolis: American Society
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Engineering Economy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Billy Gray, Tarleton State University; Gloria Margarita Fragoso-Diaz, Tarleton State University ; Erick Jones, University of Texas, Arlington
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
andstandard deviation in the grades to see if the test grades have changed with the introduction ofthe videos.Results Page 24.1253.4The first step was to evaluate the classes without videos (S12 and F12) against each other todetermine if there was a significant difference between the two classes. Then the two classestaught with the videos (S13 and F13) were evaluated to determine if those classes weresignificantly different. Table 1 shows the test averages and their corresponding standarddeviations. Table 1 Summary of Test Averages and Standard Deviations (s) Test 1 Test 1 Test 2
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 2
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Omar Ashour, The Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College; Faisal Aqlan, Penn State Behrend; Paul C. Lynch, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
retake the quiz The grade should be greater than Second attempt or equal 80% (B), If not, the 0.80*grade student should retake the quiz Third attempt N/A 0.65*gradeEach mastery quiz involves 10-14 multiple choice questions. The quizzes are administeredonline using a learning management system – Canvas in this case. The students are given a 48-hour window to take each quiz but once the student starts the quiz, s/he will have a limited timeto finish it (between 1 and 1.5hours). The quizzes are not administered in a classroom and theycan be taken anywhere, anytime within the 48-hour
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah Ann Pedraza, Texas Tech University; Mario G. Beruvides P.E., Texas Tech University
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
605 .58 598 .48 Regents English IV Boys 429 .47 430 .43 406 .36 Girls 229 .58 229 .58 224 .42 Total 658 .47 659 .53 630 .43 Rank in H. S. Class* Boys 253 .47 264 .43 226 .34 Girls 157 .60 157 .62 145 .56
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ted Eschenbach P.E., TGE Consulting; Neal A Lewis, University of Bridgeport
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
(2014)10The longer Park (2016) was published since Park (2013)7, so the shorter book will not beincluded. Other titles in engineering economy have lower market shares than the included books.Note that reference #s are included here, but due to the large number of repetitive labels andreferences, the texts are simply referred to by author and edition.We have chosen to focus on the content of formal examples that are presented as part of eachchapter rather than homework problems for two reasons. First, it is much clearer which approachor approaches are being used. Second, since several texts have total problem sets ranging fromnearly a 1000 to over 1500, using problems as a basis would be overwhelming.In analyzing the examples, the first step was
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ona Egbue, University of South Carolina, Upstate
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
results of this studyprovide insight into innovative teaching methods that can be applied to engineering economicscourses and other courses in STEM as well as associated challenges.References.Ankeny, C. J., & Krause, S. J. (2014). Flipped Biomedical Engineering Classroom using Pencasts and Muddiest Point Web-enabled Tools. Proceedings of The ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 15 - 18, 2014. Indianapolis IN.Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(23), 8410-8415.Benson, L. C., Orr, M. K
Conference Session
Engineering Economics Teaching Tools
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ted Eschenbach P.E., University of Alaska Anchorage; Neal A Lewis, University of Bridgeport
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
beyond thesimple price indices. Note that both price and total return versions of the Dow Jones and the S&P500 indices are available. Only total return versions should be used. We note that the S&P 500and the Russell 1000 are generally regarded as better measures than the Dow Jones, as theyinclude more firms and they weight them by their capitalization or float, rather than simplyaveraging the stock market prices of 30 firms as does the Dow Jones with a divisor calculated tomaintain historical continuity.A Realistic and Valuable Bond and Stock PortfolioWe want to build a portfolio that is a combination of assets in order to manage the risk and returnof the entire portfolio. In general, we want to maximize the return while minimizing the
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erick Jones, University of Texas, Arlington; Billy Gray, Tarleton State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
a combine or tractor, and is similar to payingstudent loans.This paper discusses a proposed study on the effects of engineering economics and student loandebt. The paper proposes topic areas in engineering economy and shows how these topic areaswere used in an initial study on PhD students. The research shows that not all PhD students havethe expected financial understanding even though they were pursuing PhD’s in engineering. It isbelieved that the study on undergraduate students will yield more benefit and help tackle themounting student loan debt in the US.References[1] M. Kantrowitz, Who graduates with excessive student loan debt. 2015 [Online]. Available: [accessed 4 July 2016].[2] S. L
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Division Technical Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lizabeth T Schlemer, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
price model was developed when I worked for Unocal Corporation in the1980’s. It is based on theories developed in finance and engineering economy that are similar tothe “discounted cashflow” method of stock evaluation (Rahgozar, 2008, Becchetti et all, 2004,Rawley et al 2006). When at Unocal, my colleagues and I in the strategic planning departmentbuilt a model to forecast the stock price of Unocal during the take over fight with T. BoonePickens (McCoy, 1985). We used the model to predict the change in the stock price asinformation was relayed to the investment community. It was very accurate and was extremelyhelpful in the take over defense.The point of this project, as it was in the case of Unocal’s stock price model, is not to develop amodel
Conference Session
Engineering Economy Course Strategy Panel Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael B. O'Connor P.E., New York University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit district’s 1990’s expansions in the East Bay and SFO Airport at three billion to the New Starts program for the Federal Transit Administration with over a hundred projects and $85 billion in construction value. At the latter, he also acted as source selection board chairman and program COTR for $200 plus million in task order con- tracts for engineering services. Working for the third-largest transit agency in the United States, the Los Angeles County MTA, Michael managed bus vehicle engineering for $1 billion in new acquisitions and post-delivery maintenance support for 2300 vehicles with some of the most complex technology (natural gas engines and embedded systems) in the US transit
Conference Session
The Evolution of Engineering Economy
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gerald Thuesen, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
originalmembers of this group, and 14 of them eventually became President of the Society. Dueswere $3.50 per year and one could become a Life Member for $50 in 1910.Early members had to be proposed by two members who knew the candidate and then theproposed member had to be elected by the Council (S.P.E.E.'s governing body) by atleast three-quarters support. Members of the Council had 3 year terms with one-third ofthe Council being retired each year. By 1910 there were 121 colleges teachingengineering and 938 members of S.P.E.E. consisting of 767 teachers and 171practitioners1.The Journal of Engineering Education began in 1910 and much of the information forthis paper was obtained from this source. Since this journal was the S.P.E.E.'s means
Conference Session
Advances in Engineering Economy Pedagogy
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Jablonowski, University of Texas, Austin
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
National Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, LA, March 31- April 2.7. Kaiser, M., Pulsipher, A. 2007. Generalized Functional Models for Drilling Cost Estimation. SPE Drilling and Completion, June: 67-73.8. Kitchel, B., Moore, S., Banks, W., Borland, B. 1997. Probabilistic Drilling-Cost Estimating. SPE Computer Applications, August: 121-125. Page 15.716.109. Murtha, J. 1997. Monte Carlo Simulation: Its Status and Future. JPT, April: 361-373.10. Noerager, J., White, J., Floetra, A., Dawson, R. 1987. Drilling Time Predictions From Statistical Analysis. Paper 16164 presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling
Conference Session
Innovative IE Course Content
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Connie Gomez, Galveston College; Heidi A. Taboada, University of Texas, El Paso; Jose F. Espiritu, University of Texas, El Paso
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
University of Hertfordshire, (b) LEED Building site with sample features, (c) PFNC Design for an $8,000 home using shipping containers for low income families in Mexico, and (d) Thinnest house in the world designed by Polish architect J. SzczensyStudents are then asked to consider the typical home designed in the 1950’s, such as the one inFigure 4. During this time, home designs have one bathroom for the use of the entire family.When this is placed in contrast to the number of bedrooms and baths in their Dream Home,students are asked, “Why do they need so many bathrooms?” given that people today are notdifferent physically from those in the 1950’s. Students quickly realize that the needs of theindividual have not
Conference Session
Methods, Cases, and Directions
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pil-Won On, University of Missouri, Columbia; Luis Occena, University of Missouri
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
(1), 26-39. 3. Rugarcia, A., Felder, R. M., Woods, D. R., & Stice, J. E. (2000). The Future of Engineering Education: I. A Vision for a New Century. Chem. Engr. Education, 34(1), 16-25. Page 25.787.74. Wang, S. C. (2009). In K. Jusoff, S. S. Mahmoud, & R. Sivakumar (Eds.) University Instructor Perceptions of the Benefit of Technology Use in E-Learning. International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (pp. 580-585). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society. Page 25.787.8
Conference Session
Frontiers in Engineering Economy
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Hartman, University of Florida; Jennifer Smith, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
is also to be collected with respect to instructor time for delivery;instructor experience; student experience; and student interaction in groups. Results will bepresented at the conference.Bibliography1. Grassman, S., “Teaching Engineering Economics via Distance Education,” Proceedings of the ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, 2002.2. Ibrahim, W. and R. Morsi, “Online Engineering Education: A Comprehensive Review,” Proceedings of theASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2005.3. Kolowich, S., “Going for Distance,” Inside Higher Education,, August 31, 2009.4. Kolowich, S., “Learning from Online,” Inside Higher Education,, December 7, 2009.5. Thiagarajan, G. and C. Jacobs, “Teaching
Conference Session
Methods, Cases, and Directions
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bidhan C. Roy, University of Wisconsin, Platteville; Osama M. Jadaan, University of Mount Union; Mitchell Dean Cornelius, University of Wisconsin, Platteville
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
s) as described in its income statement is as follows3 –Year 3/2008 3/2009 3/2010 3/2011Total Revenue $20,528 $23,372 $28,147 $31,197Cost of Sales $6272 $6250 $7923 $9372Research & $1487 $1218 $1121 $1269DevelopmentSelling, General, & $2158 $2177 $2414 $2474AdministrativeExpensesIncome Taxes $3892 $4644 $5917 $6330 (a) Based on the above data, calculate the present worth of the company. Use an interest rate of 4% per annum. NOTE: We
Conference Session
Pedagogical Advancements in Engineering Management
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mysore Narayanan, Miami University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
invaluable input. The author also thanks Dr. Paul Anderson, Director, Roger andJoyce Howe Center for Writing Excellence for his valuable guidance and encouragement Page 25.225.13References:Armstrong, Thomas. (1994). Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom. Alexandria, VA: Association forSupervision and Curriculum Development.Barrows, Howard S. (2000). Problem-Based Learning Applied to Medical Education. Springfield, IL: SIUSchool of Medicine.Barrows, H. S. (1996). “Problem-based learning in medicine and beyond: A brief overview.” In L.Wilkerson & W.H. Gijselaers (Eds.), Bringing problem-based learning to higher education: Theory and practice (pp. 3
Conference Session
Innovative IE Course Content
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Ann Layton, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Thomas Reed Willemain, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
age where largeamounts of data are being collected with a growing need for those that can make “data-drivendecisions” [3]. McKinsey Global Institute, a business and economic research firm, claims thatwith the growth of digital data, the United States is going to need an additional 140,000 to190,000 analysts and more than 1.5 million managers capable of performing data analysis [4].Additional calls have been made for more statisticians in the federal system, working in placessuch as the Bureau of Labor Statistics or the United States Census Bureau [5].These pleas are not new, however; even in the early 1980’s authors were writing about the needto make the field of statistics as a separate discipline [6] and recognizing the growing need