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Displaying all 8 results
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Engineering Economy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Billy Gray, Tarleton State University; Gloria Margarita Fragoso-Diaz, Tarleton State University ; Erick Jones, University of Texas, Arlington
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Engineering Economy
andstandard deviation in the grades to see if the test grades have changed with the introduction ofthe videos.Results Page 24.1253.4The first step was to evaluate the classes without videos (S12 and F12) against each other todetermine if there was a significant difference between the two classes. Then the two classestaught with the videos (S13 and F13) were evaluated to determine if those classes weresignificantly different. Table 1 shows the test averages and their corresponding standarddeviations. Table 1 Summary of Test Averages and Standard Deviations (s) Test 1 Test 1 Test 2
Conference Session
Integrating Engineering Economy into Curricula
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heath J. LeBlanc, Ohio Northern University; Bryan O'Neil Boulanger, Ohio Northern University
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Engineering Economy
marketplaceindustries. Orange Inc. was experiencing rapid growth, which caused the online marketplace toexperience a decline in availability. Therefore, Orange Inc. released an RFP for a design-build ofa 50,000-node data center to handle the company’s expanding server needs. The RFP wasreleased to interested “companies” (groups from the CE project management course) whoresponded to the request with a bid submission. ECE students were tasked with developingserver specifications for the data center RFP and acting as Orange Inc. liaisons to the CE“companies” preparing bid proposals. A total of six bids (one from each of the CE “companies”)were submitted to Orange Inc.’s Chief Financial Officer (the ECE instructor) and ChiefDevelopment Officer (the CE instructor
Conference Session
Integrating Engineering Economy into Curricula
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christina Jauregui Barboza, Stevens Institute of Technology (SSE)
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Engineering Economy
.b Crystal Ball Fit Case Instruction, EM620 course material, Stevens Institute of Technology, (2011).17. Merino, Donald M., “Fall 2011 – Part 3.c Cost Estimation Report Instruction”, EM620 course material, Stevens Institute of Technology, (2011).18. Merino, Donald N,PhD., P.E., & Gandhi, S. J. (2012). SOME OBSERVATIONS FROM THE SPECIAL ISSUE EDITORS ON GREEN ECONOMICS. Engineering Management Journal, 24(4), 1-2. Retrieved from Rana, Vishwajeet. (2011). The Energy Economics of Financial Structuring for Renewable Energy Projects. (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest. (3467236).20. Tverberg
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Engineering Economy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gillian M. Nicholls, University of Alabama, Huntsville; Neal A Lewis, University of Bridgeport; Ted Eschenbach P.E., University of Alaska Anchorage
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Engineering Economy
: Energizing andemploying America for a brighter economic future, National Academies Press2 Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2013). Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit - Q4 2013, FederalReserve Bank of New York: 313 Wittrock, M. C. (1974). "Learning as a Generative Process." Educational Psychologist 11(2): 87.4 Wittrock, M. C. (1974). "A Generative Model of Mathematics Learning." Journal for Research in MathematicsEducation(4): 181.5 Bruner, J. S. and R. Watson (1983). Child's talk : learning to use language / Jerome Bruner, with the assistance ofRita Watson, New York : W.W. Norton, c1983. 1st ed.6 Lee, H. W., K. Y. Lim and B. L. Grabowski (2008). Generative Learning: Principles and Implications for MakingMeaning. Handbook of Research on
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Engineering Economy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Weihang Zhu, Lamar University; Alberto Marquez P.E., Lamar University; Julia H. Yoo, Lamar University
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Engineering Economy
App store and Google Play. We will continue to pursueformative assessment and improvement during the NSF grant period.Reference 1. Ryan, S., Jackman, J., Peters, F., Olafsson, S.: The engineering learning portal for problem solving: experience in a large Engineering Economics class. The Engineering Economist 49, 1-19 (2004) 2. Elizandro, D., Matson, J.: Taking a moment to teach Engineering Economics. The Engineering Economist 52, 97-116 (2007) 3. Sandberg, J., Barnard, Y.: Deep learning is difficult. Instructional Science 25, 15-36 Page 24.3.124. Dahm, K., Newell, J.: Baseball Stadium Design: Teaching
Conference Session
Integrating Engineering Economy into Curricula
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Dixon, East Carolina University; Joseph Wilck IV, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
Approach for Engineering Curriculum Integration in Capstone Design Courses,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 14(3), 197-203, 1998.6. Ana Vila-Parrish, Dianne Raubenheimer, “Integrating Project Management & Lean-Six Sigma Methodologies in an Industrial Engineering Capstone Course,” Proceedings of the 2012 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.7. John Lamancusa, Jens Jorgensen, Jose Zayas-Castro, Julie Ratner, “THE LEARNING FACTORY – A new approach to integrating design and manufacturing into engineering curricula,” Proceedings of the 1995 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.8. R.S. Sawhney, S. Maleki, J.H. Wilck, P
Conference Session
Integrating Engineering Economy into Curricula
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Wilck IV, East Carolina University; Paul C. Lynch, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA; Paul J. Kauffmann P.E., East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
: Student Survey Questions for Engineering Economics Course. Relevant Survey Questions 1. Which of the following economics courses did you take or are you currently taking? - Microeconomics - Macroeconomics 2. If you took one or both of the courses listed in the prior question, which of the following courses do you feel was more valuable for you? (Circle Only One) - Economics Course(s) - Engineering Economics Course 3. Do you feel as though every student (non-engineering and engineering) should take a course like engineering economics? (Circle Only One) - Yes - No 4. Do you feel as though a course like engineering economics would be a good course to offer as a General Education course available to all
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching Engineering Economy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul J. Kauffmann P.E., East Carolina University; Joseph Wilck IV, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
overall sitehits and time spent on the site with the final grade. Results are shown in Figures 8 and 9. Figure8 relates total site time in hours to final grade and showed a positive relationship (R2 = 0.1717) infigure 8 similar to Figure 6 (R2 = 0.182), final grade and number of chapter s with videosaccessed. Figure 9 relates final grade and the overall number of site log-ins and provided thebest relationship we found (R2 = 0.3123). In general, this may indicate that the level of overalluse of the various tools of the Blackboard site as represented by the total hits or log-ins docontribute to the final grade. The learning tools the course provided were sufficient to learn the materials (videos, respondus