-peak.Eileen Milligan, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAlexander Rokosz, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyElizabeth Schanne, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDr. Reza S. Rahaman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr. Rahaman returned to MIT in 2018 after a 29 year career in the Consumer Packaged Goods, Pharmaceuticals, and Agricultural Chemical Industries to lead the four School of Engineering Technical Leadership and Communication (TLC) Programs – the Gordon-MIT Program in Engineering Leadership (GEL), the Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program (UPOP), the Graduate Engineering Leadership Program (GradEL), and the School of Engineering Communication Lab. Immediately prior to MIT, Reza was the Vice
. Through real-world engineering applications, Dr. Bairaktarovaˆa C™s experiential learning research spans from engineering to psychology to learning ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Assessment Instruments for Engineering Ethics Education: A Review and Opportunities AbstractAssessment plays an important role in education, and there is no exception in engineering ethicseducation. However, although there have been efforts to evaluate students’ learning inengineering ethics classrooms, relatively limited efforts have been made to utilize valid andreliable assessment instruments to evaluate students’ achievement of learning objectives inengineering ethics
(Instructor 1: M = 4.79, SD = 1.64; Instructor2: M = 6.12, SD = 1.30). On average for both sections, students’ lowest ratings were for thebenefits that videos would have had during their sophomore year (M = 5.22, SD = 1.77).Figure 1 shows the distribution of student ratings for each question in the survey. Distributionsfor Questions 1, 2, and 4 were negatively skewed as students rated these aspects highly. For bothsections, distributions were similar for Question 1, “Helped in being knowledgeable aboutcurrent ethical issues in computing” and Question 4, “Picking your own ethics topics.” Instructor2’s section gave higher ratings to the importance of analyzing ethical implications of capstoneprojects. The two sections were somewhat opposite in rating
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andsocial identity development is Turner et al.’s [14] Self-Categorization Theory. This theoryexplicitly notes that, depending on a situation’s relative value to a person, one or both identitytypes will influence the person’s behavior. This is also the reigning difference between Tajfel’s[14] Social Identity Theory and Turner’s [18] Self-Categorization Theory; where the former“suggests a continuum of interpersonal versus intergroup behavior,” the latter “pronounces thatboth—social and personal identity processes—may be at work simultaneously” [15]. Self-Categorization notes that personal identity is the self-descriptions pertaining to one’s personalattributes and social identity is the self-descriptions pertaining to one’s membership of a
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widely used approach in qualitative research, was used in this study toidentify, analyze, and report patterns within data [26]. As described by Braun and Clarke [26],“[a] theme captures something important about the data in relation to the research question andrepresents some level of patterned response or meaning within the data set” (p. 82).Data coding: ATLAS.ti was the platform used for this study to generate, and organize the codes.After verbatim transcription, the data was systematically coded. In particular, we identified partsof the texts where participants referred to particular events and stories related to ethics andequity. Then, we developed codes for each identified story to capture the main issue(s) that wereraised. This was done by
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skewing interview data.Participants Twenty-five participants were selected who are currently-practicing or recently-practicing professional engineers in the United States. Twenty of the participants were men(80%), whereas five participants were women (20%), which is consistent with gender diversityin the engineering profession (Pew Research Center, 2021). The study included eighteen Whiteparticipants (72%), three Asian participants (12%), two Hispanic participants (8%), and twoBlack participants (8%), which is consistent with racial diversity in the engineering profession(Pew Research Center, 2021). The sample included age groups from participants in their 20’sthrough participants in their 80’s. However, the average age of participants was
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experience. As AI tools become more sophisticated, instructors mayhave to share their teaching loads with AI tools and in some cases, AI tools may perform betterthan human teachers. Future AI tools may use effective innovations in teaching that are hard forhumans to replicate. Humans adapted to changes adequately in the past; rapid changes in AI willcontinue to pose challenges that can be serious.References[1]. S. D’Agostino, “Machines Can Craft Essays. How Should Writing Be Taught Now?” Inside Higher Ed, Oct 26, 2022 [Online] Available: Inside Higher Ed, https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2022/10/26/machines-can-craft-essays-how-should- writing-be-taught-now. [Accessed Dec 6. 2022].[2]. S. Marche “The College Essay is Dead,” The
survey. However, existing researchsuggests that demographics items should be placed at the end of surveys due to their potential tocause stereotype threat for marginalized students [28]. For this reason, the demographics itemswere moved to be placed at the end of the survey.Survey AdministrationIn Spring 2023, the survey was administered to aerospace engineering undergraduate students atthe University of Colorado Boulder and the University of Michigan. Students were surveyed intwo classes where we were implementing macroethics lessons–a sophomore aerospace vehicledesign course at the University of Colorado Boulder and a senior space system design course atthe University of Michigan. Prior to the planned macroethics lesson(s), students enrolled
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should improve student outcomesrelative to the expected student default behavior with the original assignment of taking the firstlink(s) from a generic internet search of an ethical theory. This priming may also benefit studentsin subsequent FRCI courses or Core 350 if they have not yet reached those courses.ResultsAn assessment rubric for evaluating the student learning outcomes was previously developed bythe department as part of the launching of the engineering degree for ABET accreditation. Twoperformance indicators re assessed for this assignment, and the corresponding rating descriptionsare shown in Table 2. Performance Aggregate Rating Indicators Weak Developing
the virtue(s) in the context of the course or specific course activities. The degreeof exposure for each virtue and in each course varied. It is beyond the scope of this paper todescribe in detail the modules of each course. Relevant publications are cited for the modulesthat have been published [37] – [40]. Please note that the terms character virtues and characterstrengths are used interchangeably in this paper.Table 2: WFU Engineering Required Courses and targeted character virtues/strengths.Course Name Virtues TargetedEGR 111 - Intro to Engineering Design Overview of virtuesEGR 112 – Intro to Engineering TeamworkExperimentationEGR 211 – Materials and Mechanics N/AEGR
. Corporate lawyer Bernard Reillyemailed his colleagues, “The s**t is about to hit the fan in WV. The lawyer for the farmer finallyrealizes the surfactant [C8] issue…. F**k him” [20].Bilott doggedly worked his way through the boxes, sorting, organizing, and generally trying tobring order to the chaos. In addition to routine office correspondence, the stash included sensitivedata relating to the secret testing of employees for PFOA presence, as well as private internalcommuniqués. Bilott found the documents to be extremely disturbing and provided him with awealth of evidence to support not only the Tennant case but potential suits to follow.Two examples illustrate how DuPont collected its data. In 1962, DuPont gave volunteer workersPFOA-laced
Access.Hafferty, F.W., & Gaufberg, E.H. (2017) The hidden curriculum. In A Practical Guide forMedical Teachers, 5th ed., Elsevier Health Sciences, 35-41.Johnson, S. M., & Birkeland, S. E. (2003). Pursuing a “sense of success”: New teachersexplain their career decisions. American educational research journal, 40(3), 581-617.Lucas, K. B., & Roth, W. M. (1996). The nature of scientific knowledge and student learning:Two longitudinal case studies. Research in Science Education, 26, 103-127.Polmear, M., Bielefeldt, A., Knight, D., Swan, C., & Canney, N. (2019, June 1). HiddenCurriculum Perspective on the Importance of Ethics and Societal Impacts in EngineeringEducation. https://doi.org/10.18260/1-2--32887Martin, A. M., & Hand, B. (2009
emphasis on community well-being, support ethical and comprehensiveapproaches to the development of AI. AI ethics initiatives can guarantee that technological 110advancements benefit all members of society by incorporating indigenous standpoint theory,which prioritizes the protection and inclusion of indigenous communities. Acknowledgingindigenous viewpoints enhances the conversation about AI ethics and promotes a more just andaccountable method of technological advancement.References[1] D. O. Eke, K. Wakunuma, and S. Akintoye, "Responsible AI in Africa: challenges and opportunities," 2023.[2] O. R. Olaopa and O. A. Ayodele, "Building on the strengths of African indigenous knowledge
stakeholders, (b) rigorous inclusion of moral philosophy to avoid anti-regulationtactics such as “ethics washing,” (c) standardized reporting to maintain quality control andaccountability, (d) standardized curricula for accreditation and quality assurance, and (e) theinternalization of institutional self-governance. Mitcham and Engelhardt (2019) mention severalof these factors, and additionally suggest evaluating the relation between RCR and engineeringethics education and EAC programs.While the holistic ethics intervention framework centers on engineering ethics education at thecourse level, Martin et al.'s (2021) multi-level framework delves into how faculty, serving asdecision-makers in engineering education, perceive and establish connections
their own senses ofresponsibility but also by their institutional or programmatic mechanisms for accountability. 13References[1] Sin, C. (2013). Student-centered learning and disciplinary enculturation: An explorationthrough physics. Educational Studies, 41(4), 351-368.https://doi.org/10.1080/03055698.2015.1007925[2] Hoang, T. V. Y., Ma, L. P. F., & Moore, S. (2020). Academic socialisation into scholarlypublishing: Perceptions and experiences of Vietnamese doctoral students in Australia.[Dissertation][3] Ahmadi, P., Samad, A. A., Baki, R., & Noordin, N. (2011). Disciplinary enculturation ofdoctoral students through non-formal education
think aboutethical decision-making. To connect these important approaches from the Philosophy of Tech-nology to Engineering, we propose embracing a playful approach to engineering education,specifically the queer art of failure, to expand the strategies and tools available for engineeringeducators in conveying complicated practice of teaching ethics to engineering students.III. T EACHING E NGINEERING E THICS : T HE S TATE OF THE C RAFTPresently, the incentives that American engineering programs currently have to teach ethicsis to meet hard requirements, such as those set out by ABET Accreditation [3], which areaccreditation bodies within the educational system that judge engineering curricula across allinstitutions and verify that they are