Paper ID #11456Badging Your Way to Information LiteracyMr. Michael Fosmire, Purdue University, West Lafayette Michael Fosmire is Professor of Library Science and Head, Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technol- ogy Division of the Purdue University Libraries.Prof. Amy S. Van Epps, Purdue University, West Lafayette Amy S. Van Epps is an associate professor of Library Science and Engineering Librarian at Purdue Uni- versity. She has extensive experience providing instruction for engineering and technology students, including Purdue’s first-year engineering program. Her research interests include finding effective meth Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of En- gineering at Arizona State University. He teaches context-centered electrical engineering and embedded systems design courses, and studies the use of context in both K-12 and undergraduate engineering design education. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Education (2010) and M.S./B.S. in Electrical and Com- puter Engineering from Purdue University. Dr. Jordan is PI on several NSF-funded projects related to design, including an NSF Early CAREER Award entitled ”CAREER: Engineering Design Across Navajo Culture, Community, and Society” and
(s) of studyand completed in the final year of the undergraduate degree. The three projects may becompleted off-campus at global projects centers, which accounts for WPI being recognized in theU.S.A. for sending more engineering undergraduates abroad than any other school. Moststudents who choose to go away do so for the IQP project, and complete projects sponsoredmainly by governmental and non-governmental organizations, and advised by WPI faculty on-site at the project centers.WPI has a population of 4100 undergraduates, 32% of whom are female. Students come from 47states and 71 countries. Seventy-one percent of students major in a choice of more than tenengineering majors, including the U.S.A.’s first undergraduate major in robotics
Libraries Vol. 31, No. 1, 2012, pp. 124-132.[6] Robbins, S., D. Engel, and C. Kulp," How unique are our users? Comparing responses regarding the information-seeking habits of engineering faculty", College & Research Libraries Vol. 72, No. 6, 2011, pp. 515-532.[7] Association of College and Research Libraries, "Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education", Chicago, Illinois: American Library Association, 2000. Page 26.881.9APPENDIX A: INFORMATION CONTEXT WORKSHEET 1. Literature Review Title __________________________________________ Authors(s
engineering faculty attitudes and practices. Journal of Library Administration, 51(5-6), 432-454.4. Laakso, M., & Bjork, B.-C. (2012). Anatomy of open access publishing: A study of longitudinal development and internal structure. BMC Medicine, 10(1), 124. Retrieved from 7015/10/1245. Bhat, M. H. (2009). Open access publishing in Indian premier research institutions. Information Research, 14(3). Retrieved from Dallmeier-Tiessen, S., Goerner, B., Darby, R., Hyppoelae, J., Igo-Kemenes, P., Kahn, D., Lambert, S., Lengenfelder, A., Leonard, C., Mele, S., Polydoratou, P., Ross, D., Ruiz-Perez, S., Schimmer, R., Swaisland, M
: [3] National Science Foundation. (n.d.). Data Management for Engineering Directorate Proposals and Awards . Retrieved from [4] Gabridge, T. (2009). The Last Mile: Liaison Roles in Curating Science and Engineering Research Data. Research Library Issues , 265(August), 15–21. Retrieved from [5] Steinhart, G., Chen, E., Arguillas, F., Dietrich, D., & Kramer, S. (2012). Prepared to Plan? A Snapshot of Researcher Readiness to Address Data Management Planning Requirements
Page 26.1445.86. If you do not have a librarian on-site, is there a catalog or database of research material owned by the firm to assist in locating the materials? ___Yes ___No7. What type of information is most often needed in your firm? (Check all that apply) ___Regulations (OSHA, EPA, or state rules) ___ Standards ___Laws ___Patents or other technical data ___Journal articles ___Company information Other _______________________________________8. What database(s) does your firm subscribe to? (Circle all that apply) Dialog LexisNexis STN Knovel Engineering Village/Compendex Other________________________________________________9. Do you believe
Page 26.1154.2conference proceedings at four large academic engineering libraries in Canada to determinewhere researchers are publishing, with the goal of better aligning library holdings with researchoutput.The WoS database (including the Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science (CPCI-S) --1990-present) was used to extract articles and conference proceedings published by researchersat each institution between 2008 and 2013. WoS was selected because it captures affiliationinformation for each participating author, something that many other engineering databases suchas ASCE or IEEE do not provide, and it is a database to which each of the four institutionssubscribes. Subject areas covered in the study consist of civil and mechanical
work as an ME working at DOE Labs (Sandia/PNNL) over thelast 11 years. Never needed to use my PE stamp, etc.Pedagogy ImplicationsPrior to the study emphasis was placed on the identification and retrieval of standards.Influenced from industry responses and student work the curriculum has shifted to emphasize abroader understanding of standards and standardization. When presenting information tostudents emphasis is put on the understanding of why standards exist, how they are created andpotential avenues for finding or locating relevant standards outside of academia.Students in the course directly work with industry sponsors and are instructed by the facultymember to seek advice from their industry contact regarding the appropriate standard(s
-level 3Dprinting sessions for returning students and/or expanding the program to other middle schools inthe local area.References 1. Gonzalez, S. and D. Bennett. (Fall 2014). Planning a 3D Printing Service in an Academic Library. Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship. 78. DOI:10.5062/F4M043CC 2. Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2009). P21 Framework Definitions. Retrieved from 3. Johnson, M., M.J. Clapp, S.R. Ewing, and A.G. Buhler. (2011). Building a Participatory Culture: Collaborating with Student Organizations for 21st Century Library Instruction. Collaborative Librarianship. 3(1), 2-15
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/table_1_2012.htm[2] S. Lipka, “Texas A&M: Patents to Count for Tenure,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, 52(40), June 9, 2006,p. A12.[3] G. Blumenstyk, “U. of Maryland to Count Patents and Commercialization in Tenure Reviews,” The Chronicle ofHigher Education, June 13, 2012,[4] B. Mueller, “Administrators Call for Rewarding Professors’ Patents with Tenure,” The Chronicle of HigherEducation, April 28, 2014,[5] Organisation for Economic Development and Co-operation, Turning Science into Business: Patenting andLicensing at Public Research Organizations. Paris: OECD, 2003, p. 31.[6] Association of University Technology Managers
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.” Proceedings, 2010 ASEE Annual Conference.6. Mendoza-Garcia, J.A., Ngambeki, I.B., Behbehani, L.J., Evangelou, D., Rao, P.S.C., Cox, M.F. “Defining the Knowledge and Skills that Enable Engineers to Participate in Public Policy.” Proceedings, 2012 ASEE Annual Conference.7. Tull, K., and Jones, S. “A Sophomore-Level Engineering and Public Policy Course Required for B.A. Engineering Majors at Lafayette College.” Proceedings, 2006 ASEE Annual Conference.8. Ngambeki, I.B., Depew, D.R., Dark, M.J., and Chong, R.C. “Approaches to Integrating Policy into Engineering Education.” Proceedings, 2013 ASEE Annual Conference.9. Denny, F.I., and Robinson, R.L. “The Engineer’s Role in Public Policy.” Proceedings, 2003 ASEE Annual
of Fuel Cell Science & Technology b) Popular Mechanics c) Wall St. Journal d) Smithsonian Magazine 2. Why is it important to provide proper citations in your papers? a) To avoid plagiarism b) To give the author(s) proper credit for their work c) To prove that your work has a solid, scholarly basis d) All of the above 3. If looking for research on solar energy panels, which search statement would give the most focused results? a) solar energy AND panels b) solar energy panels c) "solar energy panels" d) All options would work equally well 4. When is it appropriate to use Google Scholar to search for research papers or books