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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 138 in total
Conference Session
Engineering Management Applications
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig G. Downing, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
Managers, and Campus Recruiters charged withsourcing and acquiring baccalaureate-level technical talent and the potential role of EngineeringTechnologists in meeting this need.IntroductionDuring the 2010/2011 academic year, the author participated in a collaborative project betweenRose-Hulman Institute of Technology and Ivy Tech Community College, Terre Haute campus.The opportunity sought to provide engineering and technology students with project experiencefocused on a new product development process that is truly reflective of the 21st centuryworkplace. A primary goal of the project was to provide students with an educational experiencethat mirrored their potential work environment in terms of technical rigor, managerialresponsibility, and
Conference Session
Curriculum and the Classroom
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sandra L. Furterer, University of Dayton
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
incorporated the following instructional strategies for the course.  Information providing: Lectures and a course website that provides course materials. Lectures are kept to a minimum, as the student is expected to review the research articles, PowerPoint slides lecture notes, and book material prior to the class session.  Inquiry-oriented reflection-based active learning exercises: Discussions questions are used throughout the class session to discuss the topics covered. The students work in pairs or teams to discuss the material and reflection questions, and then present their ideas to the class.  Cooperative: The students create their own course module consisting of review of a research article
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ali Hilal-Alnaqbi , United Arab Emirates University; Sangarappillai Sivaloganathan, United Arab Emirates University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
courses in the MEM, chosen case studiesand their analyses and presentations and engagement in a team project. Out of thesethe first two were assessed on a formative basis. The team project and submitted caseanalysis were assessed on a summative basis. A table showing sample projects ispresented. Feedback obtained from a sample of the two past student cohorts indicatesthe effectiveness of the method.1 Introduction Capstones are integrative learning experiences near the end of a curriculum thatenhance student learning through reflection, application, and synthesis of previouslygained knowledge and skills throughout the program [1]. These gained knowledgeand skills allow the students to make valuable connections between theory they havelearnt and
Conference Session
Frontiers in Engineering Management
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Loendorf, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
difficult by not disclosing their real needsand wants and the perception of value can vary greatly from one customer to another.An organization’s greatest strength might well be its ability to rapidly transform new ideas,technologies, and processes into improved or totally new products. Time compression has threecritical aspects: “(1) shortened product life cycles; (2) shortened development times; and (3) …decreasing payback periods” (Narayanan21, 2001, p. 48). The product must also be designed tomeet or exceed the customers’ expectations in terms of application, performance, features, cost,safety, and dependability (Chang5, 2005). These characteristics reflect a dilemma betweenreducing cycle time for the organization and improving the product for
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 1: Programs, Pedagogies, and Practices
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charlee Millett, Montana State University; William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University; Sandra Wilson Kuntz, Montana State University; Durward K. Sobek, Montana State University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Worth, et al. (2012).During this phase, the NHEI team met daily with their faculty mentor to debrief the progressmade, identify any new problems, brainstorm solutions and plan the following day’s activities.The phase concludes at the end of the fourth week with a formal report and reflection meeting todebrief metacognitive learning from the experience and prepare for future events.Phase III – Moving Toward Independent ResearchAt five weeks of duration the third phase of the internship is the longest component of theprogram and was designed to grow each student’s ability to assume a greater level of autonomyin improvement efforts within their team. During this phase student teams moved to differentpartner locations for two – three weeks at each
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division 4: Teaching and Learning in Engineering Management
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Yi-hsiang Isaac Chang, Illinois State University; Dave Yearwood, University of North Dakota
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
activities thatrealistically reflect practices in the field? Successful plans are easily differentiated from deficientplans when input from subject matter experts is considered. Therefore, determining the scope ofthe project, creating a work breakdown structure, and identifying the critical path particularlywith input from subject matter experts is crucial to facilitating learning-by-doing for real orpseudo projects in the planning stages. In this paper we present an innovative project-based learning approach for teachingproject management. By incorporating the design thinking strategy in the curriculum, studentteams identify and define problems (or needs) by empathizing with the users, proposing designalternatives, and creating quick-and
Conference Session
EMD 2: Issues in Engineering Management Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Elizabeth Hart, University of Dayton; Andrea Mott, University of Dayton; Sandra L. Furterer, University of Dayton
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
STEM faculty; and 4) professional advice and career paths. The initial mentoringprogram design was developed through two Lean Six Sigma projects, where they collected voiceof the customer (mentors and mentees) data, and designed the program. The program waspiloted in Fall 2019, spearheaded by the Women Engineering Program in the School ofEngineering, the director and a student graduate assistant. The success of the pilot program wasassessed in three ways: 1) number of mentor/mentee pairs starting the program, compared to theinitial number interested; 2) retention of women in engineering and science during the programperiods; and 3) through mentor and mentee reflections. In the initial voice of customer datacollection, we identified 14 possible
Conference Session
IE and EM Program Innovation
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kam Jugdev, Athabasca University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
participants 17, 20, 22 • Lifestyle conveniences 14, 16 Page 12.552.4 • Access to information and faculty 17, 14, 20 3 • Collaborative and interactive learning environment 17, 16Distance education is a learning-centered experience that allows participants to developargumentation skills, increase their written communication and complex problem-solving skills,participate in reflective deliberation, and develop higher levels of learning and critical thinking22 . The social environment changes in distance education. Some
Conference Session
Frontiers in Engineering Management
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Czuchry, East Tennessee State University; Michael Parker, Bristol Tennessee Essential Services; Robert Bridges, B&W Y-12 Technical Services, LLC
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
a total systems perspective. Extrapolating tomanagerial implications one might conclude that Systems Engineering and EngineeringManagement disciplines could make a significant contribution in resolving the “sustainability”debate in higher education.IntroductionThe purpose of this applied research is to: 1) Explore the emerging emphasis on the triple bottomline as organizations strive to survive in this turbulent decade; 2) Use relevant literature and theauthors’ practical experience to suggest a conceptual framework that could guide organizationsthrough a revolutionary process that involves disruptive or discontinuous changes to processesand business models; 3) Reflect implications of these sustainability transformation onEngineering
Conference Session
EMD Program Design
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Francisco Gamboa Valderrama, Universidad Nacional Experimental del Tachira; Bianey Ruiz, University of Tachira; Dilia Alcalde, Universidad Nacional Experimental del Tachira
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
classroom.Engineering faculty have found that using group work in their courses they achieve two mainobjectives: a) Students performance is better in comparison when students work individually;and b) students have the opportunity to face group work experience allowing them to learn howto work in group.However, faculty is often faced with problems when they assess group performance because it isdifficult to do assessments that reflect the actual performance of each member through the groupexperience without loosing the positive effect of working with groups. Usually assessment isreduced to an average of the group performance and to one evaluation at the end of the task.These types of assessments do not address and may even cause social loafing and/or inequity
Conference Session
Engineering Management Program Design
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Abel, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Engineering Management wasdoing and chose to have their Self-Studies reflect much of the format and data used bythe Engineering Management Program. Although similarities between programs can benoted for 2003, it should be stated that several of Stevens’ programs also had individualdata displays and analyses of their own as well. Lastly, for 2009, additional data displayswill be included to satisfy the requirement of documenting Continuous Improvement.Summary of Successful Endeavors for showing Continuous ImprovementIn the ABET Self Study, the new Criterion 4 requires demonstration of ContinuousImprovement. Specifically ABET is looking for information used in programimprovement and actions taken to improve the program. The following displays are
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 2: Curriculum and the Classroom
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew J. Czuchry, East Tennessee State University; James H. Lampley, East Tennessee State University; Addison Scott Karnes, East Tennessee State University; Leendert Menist Craig, East Tennessee State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
experience. Some professions may callthe experience hands-on learning or real-world projects, and “learning-by-doing” is a phraseoften heard in the trades or in technical education.Regardless of the name, the goal is the same - allow students to gain experience in solvingproblems. Experiential learning may include all these activities and more. There must be a finalcomponent, a self-evaluation by students about what went wrong and what went right in theirexperiential learning project. This reflective process is what elevates a hands-on experience toexperiential learning. * * * *Authors’ NoteHow does this article relate to Engineering Management Education? A special thanks goes outto the reviewers
Conference Session
EMD Curriculum Design
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Dixon, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
without project management and servicelearning experience, and into an engineering program in its development stage.IntroductionWith growing pressures within the university setting to feature the engaged approach of workingwith adjacent communities, emphasis on town-gown collaboration is being touted as a retentionenabler1. One technique for melding these interests is the extension of case study type problembased learning2. In this approach students are encouraged to develop a team approach toproblem resolution in order to promote an appreciation for diversity, communication skills andself-esteem through collaborative problem solving. This approach builds on traditional basicssuch as research related reading, reflective report oriented writing as
Conference Session
Engineering Management Program Management
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Abel, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
1990’sin order to stream line the majority of its’ data collection and display the majority of itsdata in one easily accessible location. However, how each department chose to mold thisdata into the requirements of ABET’s Self Study differed from program to program. Inthe 2003 accreditation cycle, however, many Stevens’ programs liked what EngineeringManagement was doing and chose to have their Self-Studies reflect much of the formatand data used by the Engineering Management Program. Although similarities betweenprograms can be noted for 2003, it should be stated that several of Stevens’ programs alsohad individual data displays and analyses of their own as well.As mentioned above, much of the data was collected through a university-wide
Conference Session
EMD Curriculum Design
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stuart Kellogg, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
developmental models. The first centers on the requirement to better engage anincreasingly diverse learning community and the second is to develop better thinking skills. It isin the second area that a preponderance of research evidence suggests that universities fallwoefully short. On a 7 point reflective judgment scale1, students enter a university around level3.5 and matriculate with an average score of 3.8 - well below the theoretical optimum offered bybrain research and that level desired by industry.To address these concerns, the Industrial Engineering program at SDSM&T has embarked on along-term effort to reshape the existing curricular components by building developmentallyappropriate integrative threads throughout the undergraduate
Conference Session
Engineering Management In The Classroom
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nora Honken, University of Louisville
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Expert_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Instruction Teach the Teach how to decide Teach other things to consider Encourage individual to Encourage individual to draw on personal skill/theory/ principle when to use the when applying theory, content reflect on personal experiences applying the skill/theory/principle, skill/theory/principle driven example, mistakes that experiences and observed both their successes and failures and encourage have been made and experiences of others self-confidence to use intuition to solve
Conference Session
Technology and Equipment to Improve IE Instruction
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas H. Timmer, University of Texas, Pan American; Miguel Gonzalez, University of Texas, Pan American; Connie M. Borror, Arizona State University, West; Douglas C. Montgomery, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
the University of Texas – Pan American (UTPA)in MANE 4311 – Quality Control during the Fall 2011 semester. Sixteen students were enrolledin the course and eleven students completed the (voluntary) demographic information survey.Assessment results are provided in Tables 1-3.Table 1 contains the student demographic information. Participation in the demographic surveywas voluntary and only eleven students completed and submitted a demographic survey. Thedemographics are reflective of the UTPA student demographics. All students in this course wereHispanic. 55.6% of students reported a family income of $60,000 or less. An interesting statisticis that only 9.1% of the students responding had English as a first language. During the studyperiod
Conference Session
Innovative IE Course Content
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Connie Gomez, Galveston College; Heidi A. Taboada, University of Texas, El Paso; Jose F. Espiritu, University of Texas, El Paso
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
, consider, and discuss society’s norms, society’s needs, and society’s Page 23.1251.11expectations of engineering solutions and technology. The ability to think beyond thetechnological design is crucial to developing engineers that are also leaders and promoters ofsustainable policy.AcknowledgementsThis project is funded by a grant received by the United States Department of Agriculture underthe Hispanic-Serving Institutions Education Grants Program. The findings and the viewsexpressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of theUnited States Department of Agriculture.References 1. ABET Criteria
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Minha R. Ha, York University; Aleksander Czekanski , CEEA-ACEG
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
organizational aspects.The term ‘polarity’ reflects the way certain organizational aspects are commonly perceived asirreconcilable as co-existent. When the resources required to conduct various organizationalfunctions are finite, one can imagine how difficult it would be to negotiate priorities whenorganizational actors or units have a hard time seeing the value of organizational aspects otherthan the ones they are advocating for. The tendency to reduce the complexity of organizationallife into what is explained only by one or few of the organizational aspects, cannot but result in a‘paradox’ - the organizational elements are logical when considered independently, but seemcontradictory when juxtaposed [2]. In other words, without understanding their
Conference Session
Instructional Design
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Naveen Seth, New Community College at CUNY; Donald P. O'Keefe, Farmingdale State College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
measures. b. Ethical and professional responsibilitiesIssues such as ethics in engineering businesses are best addressed through context; otherwise thesubject essentially receives lip service. The conflict between quality product/process and costeffectiveness should be illustrated through examples of where this issue arose and was/was not Page 25.800.3addressed, e.g., costs of oil spills, externalities in production processes, social vs. out of pocketcosts. Ethics is becoming increasingly important in engineering and business courses and is afocus of ABET5 (2011) accreditation as reflected in the associate-level Criterion 3Ah andbachelor-level
Conference Session
EMD Curriculum Design
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rashmi Jain, Stevens Institute of Technology; Ozgur Erol, Stevens Institute of Technology; Anithashree Chandrasekaran, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
authors who pioneered in publishing on the BPR related topics orthe practitioners who have applied BPR programs revisited the subject and evaluated the claimswhich appeared in the earlier publications12, 13, 14. This second generation literature discussed thepros and cons of BPR concepts, provided insights for success and failure factors and mostimportantly revealed the unrealistic expectations and misconceptions from the concept admittingwhat was missing in the earlier literature. For example, Michael Hammer’s confession appears ina Wall Street article late in 1996 stating that he reflected his engineering background but failed toappreciate the human dimensions of the reengineering programs15. Even why the criticism of thetopic was on the rise
Conference Session
EM in a Global Environment
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
William Loendorf, Eastern Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Education, 2006 Engineering Management in a Competitive Global EnvironmentAbstractThe world around us is changing. The beginning of the twenty-first century is a period of rapidtransition in which the pace of this transformation continues to accelerate. New organizations,technologies, and products are materializing at an escalating rate. Those organizations unable tokeep up and successfully compete will quickly fade away. The shifting dynamics of trade andbusiness continually reflects the increasingly competitive nature of the global marketplace.Organizations along with their managers must adopt and adapt new methods in order to survivewith these sweeping transitions. Together these changes have created an entirely new paradigmfor global
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 1: Programs, Pedagogies, and Practices
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ulises Daniel Techera, University of Colorado, Boulder; Christy Bozic, University of Colorado, Boulder; Seth Murray, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
greatly contributed to the globalizationof markets, education, and societies which give place to a massive flow of information and therapid creation of new knowledge. This generates new careers and occupations that requirecontinuous learning and specialization (Candy, Creber, & O'leary, 1994).Several researchers agree that engagement, interaction, reflection, analysis, and discussion fosterautonomous learning (Barr & Tagg, 1995; Little, 1996; Weimer, 2002). Kuh et al. (2009) defineengagement in education as the individual effort to participate in educational activities inside oroutside the classroom. The level of engagement of a student will depend on two main factors: (1)the time and energy invested by the student participating in
Conference Session
Course Tools and Practices
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ekaterina Koromyslova, South Dakota State University; Carrie Steinlicht, South Dakota State University; Teresa J.K. Hall, South Dakota State University; Albena Yuliyanova Yordanova, South Dakota State Univeristy ; Byron G. Garry, South Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
; Profes- sional Diploma in Architecture (1991). Currently teaching at South Dakota State University, Construction Management Program (2010-present). Area of interests: Sustainable Building Design and Construction Materials. Professional experience: Architecture in the U.S.A., and Bulgaria, the E.U.Prof. Byron G. Garry, South Dakota State University BYRON GARRY is Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Coordinator in the Department of Construction & Operations Management in the Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering at South Dakota State University. He has been a member of ASEE since 1998. As SDSU ASEE Campus Rep., his goal is to help fellow College of Engineering faculty to be reflective teachers
Conference Session
Curriculum and the Classroom
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sangarappillai Sivaloganathan, United Arab Emirates University; Salah Burhan Al Omari P.E., United Arab Emirates University; Aysha Al Ameri P.E., United Arab Emirates University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
method, University of Albany [6] quotesfrom Rudyard Kipling’s poetry, which reads “I keep six honest serving men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When; And How and Where and Who”University of Albany has given a four-step methodology for the case study method,which is paraphrased as follows: a. Preparing a Case for Class Discussion - A case assignment requires conscientious preparation before class. One definitely cannot contribute or get much out of hearing the class discussing a case that he hasn’t read and prepared. Preparation includes studying the case, reflecting on the situations presented, and developing
Conference Session
Programs and Pedagogies
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Piyush Taneja; Elnaz Safapour, University of Texas at Arlington; Sharareh Kermanshachi, University of Texas at Arlington
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
) termed the learneras a thinker and creator of knowledge rather than as a passive individual who is dependent onothers’ knowledge. The importance of self-directed learning has been put in three contexts:(1) self-directed learning in the workplace, (2) self-directed learning for personaleffectiveness and satisfaction, and (3) self-directed learning in formal learning settings. It wasobserved that with the application of the self-directed learning approach, students learnsuccessfully and enjoy a feeling of satisfaction with both the course and the teachingapproach44. Brookfield45 (2008) provided a critical reflection of self-directed learning, statingits inadequate theoretical base.Social MediaLearning and teaching platforms are no longer limited
Conference Session
Emerging EM Areas
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carmen Zafft, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Stephanie Adams, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
leadership required when leading a teamdesigned to lead themselves as well as identifying an appropriate theoretical framework ofeffective leadership in self-managed teams [6], [38]. A response to this need is the use of theCompeting Values Framework (CVF) [6], [40]. The Competing Values Framework is useful in understanding shared leadership withinSMTs. The framework is designed to reflect the complex and paradoxical roles played out by Page 11.228.4organizational leaders [32]. It is made up of four leadership profiles (also known as quadrants)that influence organizational effectiveness. This framework provides an understanding of how aSMT is
Conference Session
Enhancing Engineering Management
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ana Valeria Quevedo, Universidad de Piura; Dante Arturo Guerrero, Universidad de Piura; Martin Palma, Universidad de Piura; Susana Vegas, Universidad de Piura
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
] [9].A succinct definition would be: PBL is a method of teaching and learning in which students, Page 23.715.3working in teams during a specified period of time, complete a project to solve a problemthrough the planning, design and implementation of a series of activities, through thedevelopment and application of previously acquired knowledge and the effective use ofresources. This results in experiential and reflective learning based on research for solvingcomplex problems with open solutions, generating new knowledge and developing new skills.Students are expected to assume greater responsibility for their own learning, and implement
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Education and K-12
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reid Bailey, University of Virginia; Joanne Bechta Dugan, University of Virginia; Alexandra Coso Strong, Georgia Institute of Technology; Matthew E. McFarland, University of Virginia
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
Boix-Mansilla model iscaptured in four dimensions: 1. Purpose: students must understand the reason why multiple disciplines are necessary to solve a given problem 2. Disciplinary Grounding: students must have fundamental knowledge from all of the disciplines needed 3. Integration: students must know how to integrate the different worldviews, approaches, and tools used by the different disciplines 4. Critical Awareness: students must be able to reflect on the appropriateness and utility of taking an interdisciplinary approach for a given problem.Students apply for the LEP at East Central State University at the end of their first year and, ifaccepted, are in the program from their sophomore through senior years
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joan B. Schuman, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
approaches for improvement with these numbers wouldbe for me to share examples of badge usage in industry and demonstrate how students could usethe badges in job searches.Lessons Learned to dateAfter one semester of badge awards, a list of lessons learned is as follows: 1. When using Canvas LMS, badges are automatically awarded through Modules, so some set up was required. 2. Badge design should reflect accepted university logos and have approval through the marketing department. 3. If multiple badges will be awarded from one institution or class, creating a common framework with accepted logos on the design would more efficient. 4. Measurable criteria for receiving