students’ learning in communication and team building.Although extra efforts will be required from the faculty in project selection and coursecoordination, such interdisciplinary collaboration should be encouraged as it can bringsignificant impact to students’ learning experience.Bibliography1. Bachnak, R., Verma, S., and Coppinger, T., “Restructuring the Capstone Course Leads to Successful Projects,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Section 1647, June 2005.2. Burbank, K., Holcomb, J., Cooper-Duffy, K., and Prohn, JK., “A Wheelchair Navigation System as a Collaborative Senior Project,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Section 1347, June 2005.3. Chen, I.-M., Xing, S., Tay
Page 11.184.3was offered as an online course; hence all aspects of the case study including all that pertains tothis article were completed via online instruction. The purpose of this course was to providestudents with a background in industrial quality, focusing on techniques that yield better productsand processes. The key topics covered are managing for quality, models for continuousimprovement, describing processes, statistical process control and quality function deployment.The adapted B & S case study would serve as a platform to measure the effectiveness of this casestudy in delivering instruction on how to use quality deployment function in industrial practice.The quality function deployment process has made inroads as one of the
analysis.Ed Moran, Western Washington University RF and Instrumentation technician from San Jose area, supporting Western Washington Univ.’s Electron- ics Engineering Technology Dept.Jeremy Ruhland, Western Washington University Jeremy Ruhland is an electrical engineering technology student from Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA. Eir interests include electromechanics, robotics, communications and embedded sys- tems. Ey is also head electrical engineer of the WWU Marine Technology Club, which builds underwater remotely operated vehicles for the MATE ROV competition. Page 24.88.1
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Processing Industries. Williams holds an M. S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Purdue University and is certified as a Vibration Analyst Category III from the Vibration Institute.Joseph Kmec, Purdue University Joseph F. Kmec is currently Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering Technology at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. His teaching areas of concentration are energy-based and include Applied Thermodynamics, Internal Combustion Engines, Motorsports, and Power Plant Systems. His recent activities involving student projects include engine simulation, power plant performance analysis, and nuclear technology. He may be reached at:
been entered in the required cells, students enter thereference values of the sound velocity in water in the designated cells. Percentage errors willautomatically be calculated for values of sound velocity in water obtained by the studentsexperimentally. Through Transmission: Two Transducers Frequency Ref. Velocity Velocity m/s % Error Velocity m/s % Error Velocity m/s % Error Average Average in MHz m/sec 50 mm 50 mm 100 mm 100 mm 150 mm 150 mm Velocity m/sec % Error 2.25 3.5 5 Averages Figure 9. Spreadsheet for calculations of errors of the experimental data. 5. SummaryThe Excel macros as an assisting tool for
textbook. Often staticsinstructors will intentionally encourage their students to refer to it for additional assistance.Some instructors have chosen to replace the course textbook outright with OLI’s interactivestatics content. One well executed approach by S. A. Sorby and C. R. Vilmann at MichiganTechnological University3, fully replaced the lectures with OLI resources and a weekly, one-hourquestion and answer classroom session. Papadopoulos and Roman4 have explored its potentialuse with bilingual students. OLI has proven to be a versatile learning resource for developingstatics instruction.After concluding that OLI incorporated excellent learning research and interactive features, weselected its Engineering Statics course for use within the
Figure 4 Mean Values for Distance & On-ground Marketing and Management Courses Mean Values: Distance versus On-Ground Education for Math + Engr Technology 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 Teamwork Creativity 1.50 Communication Critical Thinking 1.00 nd nd s ce
Ψ L ? 2ρ ∂ 852 / f s 770 Hz 4 5 6 z sin Ψ L H L ( z) ? z 2 / 2 z cos Ψ L − 1 DTMF Tones 852 Hz 7 8 9 φ (n) − y7 ( n ) 7
in the realm of expertise of the engineering faculty at Penn StateBehrend to understand how to effectively accommodate disabled individuals. In the past, facultywere informed at the beginning of the semester of any accommodations a student required, withaccompanying official forms from Disability Services detailing what the accommodations wereand how they would be implemented. However, the response from IT was that the EEAAP mustbe developed by individual faculty teaching the course(s) that use the technology in question, notDisability Services.Communications with the IT Accessibility TeamThe response from the IT Accessibility Team that the EEAAP was the responsibility ofindividual faculty, not Disability Services, resulted in multitudes of
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professional development project described in this paper. Sandia is a multi-programlaboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company for the United StatesDepartment of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.References1. Shigley, J. E., Mischke, C. R., and Budynas, R. G., Mechanical Engineering Design, 7th Ed., McGraw Hill, 2004.2. Bachnak, R., Verma, S., and Coppinger, T., “Restructuring the Capstone Course Leads to Successful Projects,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Section 1647, June 2005.3. Burbank, K., Holcomb, J., Cooper-Duffy, K., and Prohn, JK., “A Wheelchair Navigation System as a Collaborative Senior Project,” Proceedings of the
the data matrix lies from the center of the galvo workspace; thelow setting is directly in the center and the high setting is 20 mm to the right of center. Finally,LED intensity is a setting on the camera that reads the barcode with 130 being on the low end ofthe recommended range and 160 on the upper end.The following machine parameters remained constant throughout this DOE: • Coupon Type: Black anodized aluminum at .47 mm thick • Barcode Size: 1mm x 1mm • Barcode Text: OXFORD LASERS • Laser Beam: 266 nm • Foreground on barcode camera: White • Beam movement: Galvo • Pen style: 1 (100 mm/s) • Hatches used: 1 (Horizontal) and 2 (Vertical) • Distance from center movement: X axis only • Fluorescent lights inside laser: On
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by groupwork: establishing job assignments, a communication plan, a time line, etc. And finally, studentsestablish a pattern of individual and group work in the context of realistic and productiveproblem-solving. This approach, according to Felder, “lead[s] to increased motivation to learn,greater retention of knowledge, deeper understanding, and more positive attitudes toward thesubject being taught.”10 Students are engaged in critical thinking. This is not a new idea inpedagogical practice. In 1956, Benjamin Bloom developed a classification of levels ofintellectual behavior important in learning. He identified six levels within the cognitive domain,from the simple recall or recognition of facts, at the lowest level, through increasingly
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our students can seek and otherreasons. This paper presents the process adopted by the ECET program faculty to use the pastATMAE accreditation practices to present ABET accreditation. A hallmark of our program hasbeen the mandatory two-semester long co-op experiences and an optional third-semester co-opexperience, which has served as an important tool along with our in-class course instruction andlaboratory experience for the success of our students. Our program educational objectives reviewand student outcomes assessment of ABET’s Engineering Technology AccreditationCommission general ‘a to k’ criteria and Electrical/Electronic(s) Engineering Technology, andComputer Engineering Technology program specific criteria use four direct and
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, magnetometer and gyroscope and putting them on a single die with ahigh speed ARM Cortex-M0 based processor) with BeagleBone Black (BBB) to collect 3Dorientation rotational data. BN0055 communicates with BBB via I2C bus. The BBB based subjectdesigned system further communicates with a remote server Python module (hosted by Adafruit)in controlling a 3D model on a webpage.The BNO055 can output the following sensor data1: Absolute Orientation (Euler Vector, 100Hz) Three axis orientation data based on a 360° sphere Absolute Orientation (Quaterion, 100Hz) Four point quaternion output for more accurate data manipulation Angular Velocity Vector (100Hz) Three axis of 'rotation speed' in rad/s Acceleration Vector
, Associate of Applied Science in Civil Drafting, at South Texas CollegeIn regards to the aforementioned academic programs, up to 16 SCH will be transferred to UTBas a block, possibly in addition to core completion, toward the BS in Engineering Technology(ET) for students earning a STC AAS degree in Architectural Drafting (AD), Design andTechnical Graphics (DTG), or Civil Drafting (CD). The following courses will be credited atUTB toward the BS in ET: ENGT 1110 Introduction to ET, ENGT 1310 Design Graphics I,COSC 1301 Introduction to Computing, ENGT 1320 Design Graphics II, ENGT 1321 BasicArchitectural CAD, ENGT 2350 Residential Architectural CAD.Successful completion of articulated program(s) in the AAS AD, AAS
a multi-domain 9collaboration , as shown in Figure 1. Page 24.706.4 Figure 1: Mechatronic Design Approach9In 1983, Japan's Toyohashi University offered one of the first courses in MechatronicsEngineering10. By the mid 1980's, many universities in Europe began offering Mechatronicscourses as well11. The United Kingdon first offered a Mechatronic course at postgraduate level,and by 1988 offered a coure at undergraduate level as well12. Over the past 30 years, universitiesacross the globe are incorporating Mechatronics courses into their undergraduate and graduateengineering curriculums2 including Associate
of sustainability, based on the above responses, is presented in this paper.The framework introduces students to the various conceptual tools that they will use to understand theenvironmental consequences of different inputs that go into manufacturing. Then these identified concepts areproperly distributed within the various courses on manufacturing science, manufacturing operations, andmanufacturing design. The framework is deliberately kept open so that schools that are so interested canfurther adjust the structure to develop a curriculum that is better suited to their available resources. Page 24.731.15References:[1] Kara, S
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as uniform as possible and to provide the best pedagogicalpractices to this integration into education both within the traditional classroom and DL.One of the main focuses of this research was to generate a sound and robust reference list toestablish credibility to the research. The articles were individually evaluated and subjected to avalidity analysis composed of the following criteria (a) the credibility of the author(s) andinstitution(s) where the research was performed along with a robustness and methodology thatconforms to best practices, (b) whether the publisher of the article employs the peer review Page 14.1251.3process, (c
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